Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1429: Chapter 1183A. Soldier Statue

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Chapter 1183A. Soldier Statue

When a wall is about to collapse, everyone gives it a push, and when a person is down, everyone gives him a kick. Although these people originally felt some dread, an ice cold look now began to appear in the depths of their eyes.

In the end, killing Qin Yu benefitted them all!

Feeling the ice cold gazes around him, Qin Yu bitterly smiled. He never thought that things would develop to this situation.

Even if he risked his life, he didn’t think he could face all these people head-on. While he would kill off a few of them, he wouldn’t be able to escape death in the end.

Old Turtle’s voice sounded out in his mind. Qin Yu’s eyes flashed and he suddenly took a step forward.

His movement left everyone surprised. Without knowing what Qin Yu’s intent was, they all paused.

“It looks like you have all decided to encircle me and kill me here? Then come at me!” His laughter vanished and he roared out loud, “I might not be able to kill all of you, but pulling several into the grave with me isn’t difficult!”

Killing intent overflowed from him.

Everyone could feel the palpable scent of blood from these words. Their complexions changed again.

Even Flare Wind and Soul Hook who stood in the front shrank their pupils as they raised their guard. No matter what background Qin Yu had, someone who reached his cultivation level had to have a certain degree of fate. Who knew what sort of cards he had in his hands?

From the surface it seemed he was at a disadvantage and there was no way he could escape an all-out assault from them. But if he found himself in a sure-death situation and decided to lay his life on the line, it was hard to say how many of them would be pulled down with him.

In particular, it was precisely because of their statements that the situation deteriorated and Qin Yu ended up in his present predicament…if someone asked who Qin Yu loathed the most, they had to be among the possible first choices.

Ruan Jing cursed inwardly. This group of idiots was actually frightened by Qin Yu using crude methods. If everyone worked together to kill him, how many methods would Qin Yu be able to use? Before he could fight back he would already be struck dead where he stood!

He took a deep breath. Just as he was about to wake these people up from their stupor, he saw Qin Yu lift a hand and point at him. Ruan Jing had personally witnessed the might of his Blue Finger and the spatial flow it detonated. Just as he coveted it, he also feared it in equal amounts.

His complexion changed and he stormed backwards. However, everything remained calm and nothing happened. Qin Yu had only pointed a finger at him.

Ruan Jing’s face paled.

Qin Yu lightly said, “I’ll remember you.”

Ruan Jing’s complexion changed. He shouted, “This is bad, he’s going to run away!”

His response was quick, but it was too late.

Qin Yu coldly sneered. When he spoke up, he had already rushed out. What was beyond everyone’s expectations was that he didn’t escape outwards, but carried Yun Shi and flew to the mountain in the sea.

Kacha –

A crack appeared on the surface of the mountain. Qin Yu and Yun Shi were immediately submerged!

Before, Qin Yu was concerned that if this really was a realm within a realm, he would have to reassess the danger level and be more careful.

But after confirming this, he was the first to enter the realm within a realm when it opened up.

Human affairs were constantly changing and it was impossible to predict what came next. After all, if he didn’t break in, he wouldn’t be far away from death.

The instant he flew into the crack, Qin Yu made countless assumptions of what would happen next, but he never expected the first blow to arrive so soon.

There was a humming in his head, as if he was wrapped in several layers of thick cloth and then pressed down on by a large boulder. This was a king of suppression that came at the level of the soul, forcing all his perception back into his body.

Before Qin Yu could adapt to this strange sensation, there was a light feeling as he landed on solid ground.

He arrived.

A moment later, Qin Yu was able to determine that he was now in a labyrinth.

That’s right, this was a labyrinth!

Right now, he stood at a crossroad of a passage. It branched into countless forks, each one headed in a different direction.

And Qin Yu had made similar choices several times before.

Every fork in the road appeared the same on the surface. Because his divine sense couldn’t leave his body, he could only rely on his intuition.

Or to be more direct, what he relied on was his luck!

Because what the eyes saw might not necessarily be correct. Moreover, these passages weren’t straight lines. They curved to the right and left, and he could only see a short distance into them.

Which direction should he take?

Qin Yu looked around and had no harvests. Since there was no way of choosing, he would just go where his intuition told him.

But this time, his intuition was wrong.

Not long after he entered the passage, he could hear a buzzing in his ears. His expression changed and without hesitation he exerted force on his feet, his speed skyrocketing as he raced forward.

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A moment later, in the place where Qin Yu had been, the inner walls of the passage cracked apart and mosquitoes with dark red eyes gushed out.

These indeed looked like mosquitoes, but their bodies were dozens of times larger. Each one was the size of an adult’s fist and the sharp needles on their mouths flashed with an icy cold light.

Their dark red eyes locked onto the speeding Qin Yu. The killing intent in their eyes almost condensed into essence.

Buzz –

The wings flickered, ringing in the air as they flew forwards as fast as lightning.

Qin Yu soon discovered that with his current speed, he couldn’t escape their pursuit at all. A cold light flashed in his eyes. With a heavy stomp, the passage shook. However, it was unknown what material it was made from, but the passage didn’t break from Qin Yu’s strike. Not even a single crack appeared.

But this didn’t mean that Qin Yu’s kick was useless. Instead, it made the power of this attack even greater.

The force that slammed into the passage bounced off and struck the other side passage, rebounding a second time, and then a third, and a fourth time…although the force weakened a bit every time it rebounded, the power was still considerable.

Shockwaves echoed through the passage, drawing in all the mosquitoes that chased from behind.

Facts proved that mosquitoes were still mosquitoes. Even if their bodies were dozens of times larger, they still remained small and weak. With loud bangs, many of the flying mosquitoes were shattered into masses of rotten flesh.

The smell of blood filled the air!

There was a flash of surprise in his eyes. The strength of these mosquitoes was far less than what Qin Yu imagined, but he felt a clear threat from them. Otherwise when he heard their buzzing sound, he wouldn’t have accelerated forward without hesitation.

If they were only at this level, what did it matter if there was ten times more? A few punches and he could destroy them all.

But soon, his complexion changed. Because the smell of blood was rapidly fading. Not just that, but the red color in the air was also disappearing, as if it was being quickly absorbed by something.

Then, there were dull popping sounds, like dull blades tearing through a thick leather drum.

There was nothing in this passage but the flying mosquitoes that were chasing after him. Then, this sound was of course the shockwaves that tore them apart.

But this sound, it wasn’t here before…in other words, in a short period of time, the bodily intensity of these mosquitoes had received a shocking enhancement.

As he thought of the vanishing scent of blood in the air, his pupils shrank. If what he thought was true, then things were troublesome.

And reality proved that Qin Yu’s hunch was correct; things were indeed troublesome. After the blood in the passage completely disappeared, while the number of mosquitoes dropped by more than half, the ones that survived underwent an enormous change.

Their bodies didn’t grow, but the brown shell that covered them, perhaps because of the amount of blood they absorbed, began to be covered with countless blood runes. Their red eyes were more nimble and intelligent than before, and the iciness in them grew stronger.

Their wings flashed quicker, leaving behind afterimages in their wake as they shot at Qin Yu. Fearing death…this emotion didn’t exist, as if they had no idea what fear was.

Although Qin Yu had determined that the more he killed the stronger the rest would become, his intuition told him that he couldn’t let them get close to him. His best choice was to find a way to get rid of them!

He punched out a fist. Then, without pause, he punched a second and third time.

Wild strength erupted like a volcano, sweeping through the entire passage and submerging the mosquitoes.

After doing this, Qin Yu didn’t stop nor did he even look to see what damage his punches caused. He turned and increased his speed to the fastest level as he raced away.

The thundering rumbles and buzzing of mosquitoes behind him soon vanished. But, Qin Yu didn’t dare to relax. After passing through three intersections and entering a channel where he didn’t even know which direction it went, only then did he really feel a bit more relieved.

It looked like his plan had succeeded. Otherwise if he was really entangled with those mosquitoes, who knew how terrifying they would eventually become!

He recalled their sharp proboscises and felt uncomfortable. He quickly shook his head to dispel the horrifying image that came to mind.

It was one thing to think about it, but what if it became true?

He arrived at another crossroads.

Qin Yu paused. He swept his eyes around and suddenly frowned.

The number of forks had decreased!

Despite coming this far, all the passages he crossed had been the same and he wasn’t able to separate them in any way.

But he was still calculating.

At the previous intersections there had been between nine and twelve forks. Although there were sometimes slightly more or fewer, they didn’t surpass this range.

But now, after counting three times and determining that he wasn’t seeing things, he saw there were seven passages.

Did this mean that he had somehow managed to stumble his way into the next level of the labyrinth? Did the reduced number of passages simply mean that his range of options was also reduced? Besides this, what other meaning could there be?

After hesitating a little, Qin Yu sighed. Besides a small number, everything else was the same.

That meant he could only rely on what he did before and hope he had good luck.

The experience of the mosquitoes taught Qin Yu that his luck was only average…ah, should he do the opposite?

If he chose the passage that he thought felt worst, perhaps it would be fine.

Finally, Qin Yu chose a passage that he felt was safe and without problems.

There was nothing he could do about it. He looked around a few times and thought that he really wasn’t in the mood to enter the passage he felt the worst about.

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