Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1859: Middle-aged Man Mister Zhou

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Chapter 1571: Middle-aged Man Mister Zhou

“His Majesty is fishing.”

The Old Ye Family’s Old Family Head said in a calm voice. He was wearing a large plain robe as he sat on a wooden chair, sipping tea.

It was not that the Old Family Head was not qualified to join the Main Court Meeting.

Many years ago, when he put down his armor and returned to the capital, he received His Majesty’s decree – the old general is late in years and does not need to attend court meetings if there is nothing to do.

By late in years, it really meant late in years. The Old Family Head had assisted three generations of kings and was a true official for three dynasties.

There were many that looked forward to him washing his hands of things and kicking the bucket. It would give everyone else a lot more breathing room.

However, the Old Family Head remained alive. Although he was now slightly listless, as long as he was alive, he would be the backbone of the Old Ye Family and a general who no one dared to offend.

In front of him stood a poor guy with a missing hand and leg. Back then, when the border army and the Barbarian Clan were at war, he woke up after the battle and found himself like this.

He did not make any fuss, and after recovering, he followed the Old Family Head back to the capital once he retired from the army.

For all these years since, he had been hiding in the Old Ye Family’s manor and not many people had come across him. But all of the Old Family Head’s direct descendants knew that the Old Family Head had an extremely brilliant advisor who was missing limbs. Over the years, the Old Family Head would discuss any important things with him.

He was a rare person who could influence the Old Family Head.

The two of them sat facing each other. One hand and one leg, along with a small portion of his body, had been cleanly cut off. It gave an impression that it must have been extremely difficult for him to have survived. But he did not seem to pity himself. His eyes sparkled slightly.

“Ye Bohu is a smart man. If not, he would not have managed to gain anything over the years. He will be able to see the situation with His Majesty going fishing. Even if he does anything, he would not be able to affect the Later Ye Family.”

The Old Family Head placed down his tea cup and smiled, “You are right. But this time, the one who His Majesty wants is not Ye Bohu. So even if Ye Bohu is stupid enough to fall for it, His Majesty will also have to loosen a part of the net. After all, more haste and less speed. This has to be done slowly. It will not be perfect, but the losses have to be cut at least.”

The advisor said slowly, “What His Majesty wants is a reason so that even after the storm passes, he can still do something to the Later Ye Family.”

He paused before frowning, “But other than this, I feel like he has another motivation. After all, His Majesty has always been magnificent at laying out plans. If it was just to find a sore spot to continue to deal with the Later Ye Family, it would be too petty.”

The Old Family Head looked out at the darkness outside that the lamp was not able to chase away, “If the Later Ye Family does not do anything, there will not be many that dare to kill General Jinwu’s men in the capital.”

The eyes of the advisor lit up, “Huicui Pavilion!” He looked up, “His Majesty has no reason to fall out with them. So the only way is to take a chance to make a deal. For example…getting someone else to do the dirty work.”

The Old Family Head smiled and nodded. Although he had lost an arm and a leg and become disabled, Yuan Kui was still an extremely brilliant person in his eyes.

His Majesty’s plan had brilliant foresight. But in reality, the storm in the capital was just the prelude to the thunder and lightning that was coming.


The world did not lack smart people.

But when there were schemes, everything would get swept away, leaving one with no choice.

Ye Bohu could tell that His Majesty was fishing, but even so, he could not do anything but abide by it.

Otherwise, would the king really let them go if they were submissive and did not do anything? Of course not.

So even though he knew it, he had to proceed.

Ye Bohu had always respected the king. Today, in the dark night, his respect was even greater. He was wearing the attire of a first-class marquis, along with the dragon pattern of a marshal of the Imperial Army. He looked extremely powerful and impressive.

“Marshal, it is time to go.”

Ye Bohu turned and moved. He looked calm and determined.

His chances of winning against His Majesty were not high, but he had to try. What if he was pleasantly surprised?

For example, if General Jinwu Ning Qin were to die in the dark night before the Main Court Meeting.

When the time came, His Majesty, the old turtle from the Old Ye Family, as well as those rotting trees from the Imperial Clan that were afraid to die, would have an exciting performance.


The carriage was enhanced by a formation to ensure a smooth ride. Inside the carriage, it was silent. As today’s bait, Qin Yu would be lying if he said that he was not in the slightest bit angry.

But although he was annoyed, he did his best to cooperate. After all, whether he looked at the Later Ye Family from a personal or overall perspective, he had to get rid of them.

The entire journey was quiet, but Qin Yu knew that the massacre had already begun amidst this silence.

The ten iron guards from the Old Ye Family were very strong. They managed to find the assassins and kill them without giving them any chance to go near the carriage.

The two Old Four Claws sat beside the carriage driver. Their heads were drooping as if they were tired from getting up so early.

Roughly estimating the time, the carriage had covered about half the distance between the mansion and the palace. In a few more moments, the carriage would reach the Imperial Palace. When that happened, the assassination today would become a joke.

The Imperial Palace was the homeground of the West Desolate King. No one would dare to challenge him there. Anyone who dared to try anything would most definitely die. There would be no chance of success.

The nation’s luck gathered there and it was an extremely strong and domineering place!

So if they wanted to kill Qin Yu, they had to do it before the carriage reach the palace.

With the red string wrapped around his fingers, the white jade released a slight coldness. This caused Qin Yu’s senses to enhance and become clearer than they had been. A very strong instinct grew within him.

The opponent had now made their real move.

All of a sudden, there was a grunt from the darkness as if something heavy had fallen.

Qin Yu turned to look. It was the first time someone had defeated one of the iron guards from the Old Ye Family. Although he was not able to clearly see what was going on, the image of a burly figure falling to the ground appeared in his mind.

Beneath the face mask, the anger and indignance that filled the eyes slowly faded to bleakness.

Looking down at the white jade, Qin Yu guessed that it was because of this jade – but this was not the extent of its powers.

If the mysterious being from space time made a move, it would not be so simple.

Beside the carriage driver, the two Old Four Claws opened their eyes at the same time.

Amidst their dim eyes, it was like lightning struck, revealing everything in front of them.

“Focus on driving; don’t care about anything else.” One of the Old Four Claws said softly. He sounded both gloomy and smooth, like a venomous snake ready to strike.

The carriage driver tried his best to nod as he gulped. He paled even more.

There was another grunt followed by the sound of something round rolling on the floor. ‘Gululu’, a head rolled in front of the carriage.

Pak –

The head exploded. Red and white fluid burst out. Every drop shot out like an arrow being released.

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The Old Four Claw chuckled under his breath as he reached out. The air twisted to form an invisible shield.

Bang bang bang –

The sound of things hitting the shield could be heard. The splashes caused ripples but did not penetrate through the shield.

“Don’t fall into a daze. Hurry up. We cannot delay the marquis’ arrival into the palace.”

The Old Four Claw looked up into the depths of the darkness. His eyes seemed to be sneering. You guys weren’t even born when we were already scheming and fighting.

The tactic of luring an enemy away from his territory would not work.

The iron guards from the Old Ye Family were sent by the Old Family Head. Even if they all die, it is the Old Ye Family’s business. It has nothing to do with us.

In the darkness, there was a skinny figure holding up a headless body. It exchanged glances with the Old Four Claw from a distance. He frowned and threw the iron guard’s corpse to the side. He turned and left, disappearing into the darkness.

The Old Four Claw raised a brow. He did not expect him to leave like that.

When the head exploded, it released energy through the red and white fluid. However, it was just the remnant energy from when he killed the iron guard. Its power showed how strong the assassin was.

When they exchanged glances, the Old Four Claw thought that a fight would ensue…he frowned. He did not relax but instead looked even more tense.

“Hehe, interesting. Today is very interesting.” The other Old Four Claw chuckled as he licked his lips. There was an intense heat in his eyes.

“Hmph! Be careful. I don’t want to collect your corpse.” The Old Four Claw who took action first said blandly.

“No need. If I die, just leave me to the wild. I have done too many shameful things in my lifetime. I should let the heavens take their anger out on me. Perhaps I will be able to reincarnate.”


The two Old Four Claws fell silent. They sat up straight but the frown lines on their faces were much fewer than before. Their powerful aura remained hidden, but when it was released, it would surge up into the heavens like a volcano erupting!

At this moment, they were nearing the palace and they could sense a frightening aura in the air.

It filled the air, making it hard to breathe. It felt like even moving was difficult.

There was someone strong. Someone very strong!

A long purple robe could be seen in the darkness. The figure had wide shoulders resembling mountains and his sleeves flowed like rivers. He was like the rising sun and could not be looked at directly.

The two Old Four Claws narrowed their eyes at the same time as they looked at the middle-aged guest who was approaching them.

The bothersome iron guards from the Old Ye Family were now in the muddy darkness. Some were dead, some were captured. But all of them were now useless.

There was no way for them to block the middle-aged man.

This was also a part of the scheme.

“Mister Zhou. I never thought it would be you today.” The Old Four Claw who had commented that today was interesting now looked solemn.

The middle-aged guest waved his sleeve. He looked extremely calm, “Since the both of you recognize me, are you going to leave or do you want to die?”

With a piercing laugh, one of the Old Four Claws hit the carriage and his body flew out, “I have admired you for a long time. How can I leave!”

The space was torn apart and there was a piercing sound. The temperature in the air dropped drastically. As the Old Four Claw punched, an ice dragon appeared. The ice dragon had armor covering its body. It was bright yellow in color and the imperial dragon energy could be felt.

The dragon energy became more and more lifelike. With a roar, it opened its mouth and swallowed.

The middle-aged guest appeared calm as he looked at the ice dragon flying towards him. He reached out a finger to touch.

A half-transparent mountain illusion suddenly appeared in front of the ice dragon which was speeding through the air.

Although it was an illusion, the power it emitted was immense. Though the ice dragon was powerful, it was impossible to dream of hitting the mountain. It was the equivalent of trying to break a stone using an egg.

The dragon’s cries were interrupted by a loud explosion sound. The mountain’s illusion was not even shaken, but the dragon’s body started to crumble into multiple pieces.

The Old Four Claw in mid-air suddenly made a strange sound as he retracted his body and fell to the ground like a huge stone.

‘Bom’, with a loud crashing sound, a horrifying pit formed in the ground. Numerous cracks appeared around the pit and extended like spider webs in all directions.

The middle-aged guest frowned slightly as he jumped into the air.

In the next moment, the ground that he was standing on cracked. The ice dragon, which had been grinded to powder, appeared in front of the mountain illusion and flew into the sky.

Its mouth was opened wide as if it was about to tear the middle-aged guest into pieces.

But this felt like an insurmountable moat. Waving his sleeve, the air twisted and formed a huge net, surrounding the ice dragon.

The space started to collapse inwards and shrunk. Angry roars could be heard as they slowly turned into miserable cries.

Eventually, the ice dragon that was caught in the air turned into a white pearl and fell silent.

Pfft –

The Old Four Claw spat out a mouthful of fresh blood. His face was pale as he wiped his mouth and chuckled, “Mister Zhou, you are indeed powerful.”

The middle-aged guest said, “I am here to kill someone today and don’t have time to waste. If you don’t move, don’t blame me for disrespecting the king.”

The Old Four Claw laughed, “Mister Zhou, this does not make sense. His Majesty has always treated you well ever since you entered the capital…”

The middle-aged guest stepped forward, not giving them a chance to delay. The capital of the West Desolate was where the nation’s luck was gathered. Even with his cultivation, he would be helpless.

Since he had made his move, he had to kill Marquis Chongwu in the shortest time possible.

Boom –

There was a loud sound as the Old Four Claw was thrown back. Blood spurted out of his nose and mouth. However, his clothes, with the python engraving on them, were completely fine.

When the blood from the Old Four Claw touched the python on his robe, its eyes lit up. It felt like it was being awakened.

“Guard the carriage.” The other Old Four Claw growled as he flew up into the sky. He was stopped by the Old Four Claw who was coming down. The descending Old Four Claw sneered, “You can die and feed your body to the wild. But until we finish what His Majesty assigned us, we cannot die.”

‘Peh’, the injured Old Four Claw spat out blood and smiled sinisterly, “I am fine. I am not dead yet.”

He looked up at the middle-aged man; his eyes were filled with viciousness, “The people from the palace are pitiful. After living a trashy life, it is somewhat of an honor to die with someone like Mister Zhou.”

The middle-aged Mister Zhou was expressionless. He did not seem to be moved nor did he look scared by the two Old Four Claws joining hands. He continued to walk forward. His footsteps were steady and quiet, as if they could level anything.

One step, two steps, three steps…

The two Old Four Claws seemed to be withstanding an immense pressure and were pushing back with all their might. A fierce light flashed in their eyes. This time, not only did blood spurt out from their noses, mouths, eyes and ears, their skin started to crack.

Deep red blood dripped from the cracks and slowly dyed their python robes.

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