Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 523: Chapter 512B – The Woman with the Myriad Poison Body

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Chapter 512B – The Woman with the Myriad Poison Body

The lush verdant crown of the ancient tree monster began to wither away. Countless leaves fell like an endless rain. The broken ‘umbilical cord’ squirmed around as if it wanted to insert itself into the demon blood crystal, but what a pity, it couldn’t change its fate.

In the house within the ancient tree monster, the silent Sage let out a long sigh. The Great Emperor’s patience and power had also surpassed his expectations. Unfortunately, his luck was simply far too poor and all his plans had been overturned. All that he had struggled for throughout countless years had been destroyed by a junior who didn’t have much fame.

From the start, the Sage never thought of truly helping the Monster Race Great Emperor revive. A Monster Race Great Emperor that had been contaminated with demonic energy was no longer purely a part of the monster race.

However, as he witnessed this final result, he still felt sorrow. Luckily, the monster race was fated to obtain everything in the end. The Great Emperor hadn’t died in vain. The junior that killed him would be buried with him as a form of revenge, and perhaps he might be able to find peace in death.

Lifting a hand, boundless strength gushed out from the house that the Sage was in. It was like an invisible hand violently gripping and locking tightly onto the ancient tree monster’s throat.

“The thing you spit out, how can you take it back? You have already died, so why remain attached to this world and refuse to leave?”

Blue Cloud’s lips curved up, her smile incomparably beautiful. She had originally prepared to escape, but she never imagined the end result would be far better than she could ever have hoped for. There was the formidable Great Emperor and also the outstanding peerless proud son of the demonic path. To obtain everything they possessed was truly the most wonderful and exquisite experience in the world.

The lotus flower mark between her eyes shimmered. Blue Cloud took a light step forward and her white dress fluttered about her like pure white clouds as she floated towards where the ancient tree monster was.

She flew over Qin Yu and looked down at this severely wounded fellow. Thinking a little, she landed and said, “This big sister should really thank you.”

Within her voice, iciness and enticing charm mixed together perfectly. Her burning eyes swept over Qin Yu, “If it were another time, I wouldn’t mind giving you the world’s best pleasures. But what a pity, those people from the Demonic Path will soon arrive, so I don’t have much time to play with you.”

Blue Cloud gently smiled. “Rest assured, in order to express my gratitude towards you, my actions will be fast. You won’t feel any pain at all before you are freed.”

Before her voice fell, a black vine emerged from around her feet. It twined around Qin Yu and pierced into his skin, drilling into his flesh and blood.

Blue Cloud’s smile became even more beautiful.

Too many lessons and stories had taught us not to talk too much. Otherwise, if time passed and some accident occurred, one wouldn’t even have the chance to cry.

So when it came to killing someone, it was always best to be quick and clean. Miss Blue had always been someone concerned with profit first, so she never made such a ridiculous mistake.

As someone that possessed the Myriad Poison Body, she was a woman whose destiny was destruction. As she walked through the world, she would deliver death to all life.

So when it came to killing others, it was far too easy.

Blue Cloud batted her eyes. As she looked at the faint trace of black energy around Qin Yu’s face, she sighed inwardly with regret, “It really is a pity. Such a handsome and strong young man…well, let’s not meet again.”

Qin Yu lowered his head as if silently withstanding the pain of poison flooding through his body. After a moment of stunned silence, a strange light filled his eyes.

She wanted to poison him to death?

Qin Yu knew all along that Blue Cloud was secretly hiding on the edges of the battlefield, waiting for the chance to make her move and obtain all the benefits she wanted without any effort. From the start, he also had the same idea in mind, but changes always occurred faster than a person could plan ahead. The ancient tree monster had forced him to appear, and after that he fell into a brutal melee.

So even if he desperately risked his life to kill the Monster Race Great Emperor, while he was inevitably excited, he didn’t feel much joy at all. This was because he knew that the demon blood crystal wouldn’t be his.

He had completed the preparations to escape into the Saint Son Token. He would be able to do so with just a single thought. However, he never expected that this Blue Cloud who seemed as pure as a white lotus but was in reality as sinister as a snake, actually possessed the Myriad Poison Body.

More importantly, this little witch was trying to poison him to death.

This caused Qin Yu to feel as if a giant meat pie had fallen down from the skies, ruthlessly crashing into him. It was…similar to…probably…maybe…he was about to make a fortune!

Blue Cloud smiled. “You won’t feel any pain now. Rather, you will feel carefree and euphoric. This sort of wonderful feeling will become increasingly intense until it submerges your entire consciousness. Then, as if sleeping, you will close your eyes and everything will be over by then.” Her voice was gentle. “See? This big sister always speaks the truth. You won’t feel any pain at all.”

Qin Yu’s lips twitched.

No…I can’t…I can’t laugh…I have to endure it…I must keep up the act and pretend as if I’m feeling incomparable pain. I need this little girl to continue pouring poison into my body.

It still wasn’t enough.

He lowered his head without a word and his body shook; this was the consequence of barely holding in his laughter. But as this sight fell into Blue Cloud’s eyes, it actually seemed normal.

It was just that this body’s body was incredibly strong. She had already poured a great deal of poison into him yet he hadn’t fallen.

But this was a good thing. The stronger his body was, the more strength it would contain.

Once his body and soul melted away, she would inject his remains into the demon blood crystal. Then, she could let go of her hand and enjoy a delicious full meal.

As she thought of it, she couldn’t help but drool!

Mm? How come he hasn’t started melting yet?

Blue Cloud frowned. She suddenly felt that something wasn’t right. But before she could react, Qin Yu who was struggling to contain himself suddenly looked up at her and smiled.

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Blue Cloud’s heart shivered and she suddenly felt a great terror as if her life and death had escaped her grasp. Without thinking further, she tried to step back and flee. But before she could take a single step, she was fiercely pulled close. Her eyes widened. At some unknown time, those black vines that spread around her feet had also twisted themselves around her body.

Moreover, there was a faint dark blue color on the surface of the black vines. Because it was extremely dark in this hole, if one didn’t look carefully one simply wouldn’t discover it.

And what caused a cold chill to shoot up her back was that she had unexpectedly lost control of the vines. They were like shackles, binding her to Qin Yu.

“Just who are you!” Blue Cloud shouted in a low voice.

On Qi Yu’s face, the black gas produced by the invasion of poison rapidly receded. “The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the sparrow behind. If I have to describe myself, I should say I am an unqualified bird catcher.”

Blue Cloud blinked her eyes. “What do you mean?”

Qin Yu smirked. “The meaning is that I was originally prepared to escape, but since you sent yourself right to my door, I suppose I have no other choice but to accept the gift.”

Blue Cloud bit her lips. “Can you let me go?”

Qin Yu shook his head. “I can’t.” He suddenly said, “Those people suddenly demonizing, was that your work?”

Blue Cloud was startled. She immediately chuckled and nodded warmly. “That’s right, it was this big sister who gave them some pills containing demonic energy, to help them restore their strength as fast as possible.”

Her pupils started turning ash white, and her smile became even more charming. “Hey little brother, did anyone ever tell you that when killing others, you shouldn’t talk too much? Otherwise, you might end up suffering some unlucky end.”

The black vines that twisted around the two people suddenly turned ash white. Thus, those dark blue lines became clearer.

Qin Yu could clearly feel the poison being poured through the vines becoming increasingly toxic and terrifying. The scope of damage was now not just limited to the body, but aimed more at the soul.

But to Qin Yu, a single sentence could explain his feelings – ultimately useless.

Blue Cloud, who believed that victory was in her hands, suddenly froze. This was because she discovered that Qin Yu’s complexion hadn’t changed at all.

This was impossible!

From the moment the Myriad Poison Body was born, it was meant for destruction. Just by walking through the world, she naturally absorbed all poison materials. Even if she didn’t cultivate she would only grow stronger and stronger. Moreover, from a young age, Blue Cloud had been chosen by the Sage to become the next Guardian of her people. She was given countless benefits and some of the world’s rarest poisons.

These dangerous poisons all melded into her body. After fusing, transforming, and evolving, they gradually became her life’s poison. This was the most terrifying aspect of the Myriad Poison Body. One’s body could raise and produce the world’s most terrifying poisons. Even a Calamity Immortal level existence wouldn’t dare to easily touch it.

Often just a single drop would cause life to scatter like dying embers, enough to cause an entire great city to become a land of the dead. Blue Cloud’s life poison was particularly fierce. The Sage had once said that even if a Calamity Immortal almighty being was touched by it, there would be nothing they could do against it and could only forcefully resist it with their cultivation. In the end, it would invade their soul and exterminate their will.

Of course, the premise behind this was that she could send this poison into the body of a Calamity Immortal, and this was clearly incredibly difficult.

At this time, what Blue Cloud poured into Qin Yu was her life’s poison. Moreover, to guarantee success, she poured in a massive amount. It was already a heavy loss to her.

But what did she see now? Qin Yu was completely fine, as if nothing was wrong with him. This poison that was enough to kill countless people seemed to have vanished without a trace.

Blue Cloud began to panic. This was her greatest trump card. If she couldn’t kill Qin Yu, then the consequences…she didn’t dare to think of them, nor was she willing to think of them!

“Die! Just die!”

She screeched, not caring about any losses she suffered. Her life’s poison wildly surged through the vines. A faint layer of ash gray began to appear on the ground and rapidly spread outwards, as if it were a layer of frost in the fall.

This was the escape of the poison’s aura. Even though it was only a tiny and weak part, it was enough to turn this area into a barren land that wouldn’t have any plant life for the next 10,000 years.

Within Qin Yu’s calm eyes, there was a trace of pity. He could imagine just how angry and unwilling Blue Cloud was right now.

She originally should have been the final winner of all this. But her plans had been capsized and now she had ended up suffering this fate.

If anyone else were in her place, they would not be able to accept it. But Qin Yu’s heart didn’t waver, because he knew this had always been a dog-eat-dog world.

If he didn’t kill Blue Cloud, he would die.

Her life’s poison poured out like a dam that had been burst, passing through the vine at an incredible speed. Blue Cloud’s face gradually paled and the fear in her expression deepened.

She no longer wanted some extravagant demand like poisoning Qin Yu to death. She tried to restrain the poison in her body so that it wouldn’t pass out from her anymore.

Myriad Poison Body….poison was her life. Once the poison in her body was exhausted, all that remained was death.

Qin Yu lightly said, “Don’t you think it’s too late to stop now?”

He looked up, an ice cold light in his eyes.

Bang –

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