Regressor Records

Chapter 3: A new home?

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I was brought to another room detached from the house I was in. The floor was wet and slippery. Just one wrong step and you could slip and fall. The girl carried me over to the room. My clothes were stripped off and were placed in a basket. I was forced to sit in a stool. 


The girl carried a small bucket in her hand before pouring its contents on me. The moment the freezing cold water touched my skin, I leapt out of my position. The girl let out a small laugh over my actions. I stared at her warily, focusing on the basket in her hand. She came over to my spot before placing her warm gentle hand on my forehead.


I couldn’t help but let out my guard over her actions. She took another basket full of cold water to my side. I slightly backed away from the basket. She took out the dry clothes from one of her pockets. She then soaks it in the water before wiping me with it. Her actions were really gentle.


I couldn’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia. I wonder what this familiar feeling is.


After finishing I was dressed in warm dry clothing. The clothes matched my size and were comfortable to wear. We walked out from the dressing room and into the large hall from before.

The only difference was that it was less crowded this time. The girl handed me over to the man who carried me previously. I will call him bear-san since it matched his large stature and menacing looks.


Bear-san carried me to another room. There I met countless people of different heights and builds. Some of them look way more menacing than the others. Out of fear, I hugged bear-san, refusing to let him go.


He let out a small chuckle at my actions. Were my actions that funny? He sat at a large round table surrounded by people. I sat on his lap since it was the most comfortable place to be. Being in his embrace made me feel a sense of comfort and safety.


“*@((#&$*&@!$ #*($”






Everyone started speaking gibberish incomprehensible words at each other. I wonder if they could understand each other. From the looks of it, they do seem like they understand each other. Some speak in a soft, calm tone while others speak in a loud, sharp voice.


Seeing the people bickering at each other was really amusing and boring at the same time. After minutes of observing, my eyelids gradually feel heavy. I tried my best to stay awake, but I couldn't. I slowly closed my eyes before dozing off on his lap.


Ryan POV:


“Leader, what should we do about the monster?” ask an old man covered in rough looking armor.


“It might be a problem if we let it loose. Should we subjugate it just in case?” another man proclaims.


“We don’t have any resources to subjugate it. It’s marching to your own death trying to subjugate that thing without any preparation.” another man argued.


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Hearing all this argument is really giving me a headache. He felt a slight heaviness on his chest. He took a glance at the child sleeping on his lap. His head leaned on my chest as his tiny hand grasped my clothes. The very same child that acted warily towards me earlier the day had finally warmed up to me.


“Finally, he is sleeping at long last” I muttered in a soft voice.


How could this kid sleep so well among these loud old men? I wondered. I guess he must be tired after all.


I stood up from my seat. These loud old men are gonna definitely disturb the child's sleep. A child around his age needs good sleep to grow after all. From the look of it, he seems a little light for his age. Maybe he is 6 or 7?


“The meeting is adjourned!” said Ryan in his sharp voice.


Some people tried to argue but Ryan's sharp gaze shut them up.  They silently nodded their heads at  Ryan's rather abrupt decision. They weren't even given a chance to argue. It was the captain's decision after all.

I walked out of the room while carrying the kid in my hand. I pay extra attention on carrying the kid. I wonder what his name is.


I turn left in the hallway when I encounter Elisa. 


“Good afternoon, captain!” she saluted in a standard military pose with a teasing voice.

She greeted me with another one of her weird antics. This isn’t the military yet she is extremely hell-bent on doing that pose everytime she greets me.


“Afternoon Elisa” I replied.


“Captain, where did you find the kid?” she asked.


“That scar on his back is definitely from a monster. It can be said to be a miracle for him to still be alive.”


I took a glance at Elisa. Her face was full of visible concern for the child. It was rather unusual for her to show this much concern towards someone. Perhaps seeing the child may have triggered her motherly instinct?


“I found him in the town where we usually went for restock. The town was razed to the ground. From the looks of it, a class 2 monster probably found the base. He was lying beside some dead corpses.”


I hold the child in my hand tight. I saw many deaths over the years and I had gradually gotten used to it. But this child, he is still young, it wouldn’t be weird if he is traumatized by the event. They should be living their lives with laughter and smiles on their face. Not fear or depression.


I hope that the child will have a great childhood. Even if it’s just a little bit. Since from today onwards, this will be his new home.

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