Reign of the Wallenstein

Chapter 19: Chapter 19

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Slapped by her sister, Tione's fine pair of titties bounced around her white shirt. Some of the buttons were left undone so they were close to bursting out from her shirt. Some of the boys even held their noses, a trace of red on their hands.

I was also caught off guard by the wild motion of Tione's boobs and splurted out the milk in my mouth, drenching Jiro’s face with sticky white fluids. The classroom immediately plunged into silence. Not only the boys, but the girls also turned their attention to me. It plunges the classroom into a weird silence.

“Hey, setting aside the boys, why are you girls also glaring at me? I didn’t do it on purpose, I swear!” Not even in my imagination, I would make this kind of mistake.

“Hmm, I don’t know about that...” Tiona gave me a suspicious look.

“Indeed, it looked like Joey was already enchanted by Tione’s cow tits, just like the rest of the boys.” Jiro also butted in as she wiped herself with a tissue she got from Momo.

"Uwu, even Jiro started calling me cow tits," Tione whined pitifully.

“Sorry about this, Jiro. I’m pretty sure Joey didn’t do that on purpose.” Momo consoled the drenched girl while covering for my blunder. Still, from her tone, I noticed that she was missing half of her conviction.

“I don’t mind, Momo.” Jiro smiled at Momo, “I’m just joking. I know Joey didn’t do that on purpose. Still, I kind of worried about you.”

"Worried? What do you mean?"

Seeing that Momo doesn’t seem to get it. Jiro elaborates further.

“It’s Joey we’re talking about. There are bound to be many enchantresses trying to steal him away from you...”

Tiona grinned, “She’s right Momo, especially this monster titties beside me. Be extra careful of her.”

“Why you little! Who are you calling titties monster?!” Tione pressed her twin down and put her into a choke. “Besides Joey is not… like that?”

Why the question mark?

“Ahaha Tione, it's futile! you won't convince anyone with that kind of attitude. We already see through Joey's true nature!"

You girls... can you stop talking as if I am not here?

I glanced at Momo and saw anxiety clouding her face.

“This won’t do.” 

I hold her hand, “Momo, I don’t know what might happen in the future, but there’s one thing that I can promise you."


"No matter what happens, I’ll always be on your side.”

“What is this?” The rest of the students are speechless. We’re in a class right now alright. Even if the teacher who oversees the class is gone to who knows where, isn’t it going too far for you to flirt inside the classroom where a lot of single guys exist?! There’s a line that you mustn’t cross no matter what!

They suddenly felt more annoyed at the sight of Joey, way more than before. Their soul roared in burning passion, tainted with jealousy.

'Don't believe him!'

'That was nonsense!'

'He's too suspicious!'

‘Don’t trust the words of a pretty boy!’

But Momo betrayed their hope and wishes, the pretty boy seems to have caught her in the palm of his hand.

"Joey... Me too, I love you."

Looking at Momo hugging my arm as she declared her affection made the boys grit their teeth in anger. 

One boy, in particular, is on another level compared to the rest. Even the glasses perched on his nose can't hide the resentment brewing in his eyes. I caught this small detail as I used the corners of my eyes for a casual sweep of the classroom. A habit I got after spending years struggling to survive on the battlefield. Is that jealousy? No, I don't think so.

This problem with a bespectacled boy might be simple on the surface. But I beg to differ. You won't know a person's true nature with a single glance. But you could pick small tricks and gimmicks rather quickly when your life is on the line.

You'll be amazed how a small detail might save your life when it matters. That's why I mentally marked the bespectacled boy on my Potential Troubles List. Though I hope he won't do anything that might require me to act personally. This is not only for my sake but for his as well. I would hate it for my first kill to be other than a monster.

After school ended, I parted with Momo and went home.

So to completely sniff out the embers of negativity away from my mind, I continue to train myself harder than before. Today I'm especially lucky since I can have a rare chance to spar with mom. With her being super busy.

After we had dinner together in the dining room, we went straight to the dojo.

I look around the other dojo but there's no sign of maids shedding their sweats training in the dojo. A pity. I kinda like the show but oh well. Can't be helped. Let's just focus on my spar. I kind of missed a spar with mom.

"Be careful honey." Ais raised her wooden sword slightly.

"Sure. I'm ready anytime."

"Here I come." Her voice barely leaves her lips but I'm already lost sight of the wooden sword.

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Forget blocking, I only managed to jerk my wooden sword a little bit before pain erupted from my side.


The force behind a simple strike was too big for me to handle, it send me stumbling to the side. I used the inertia to leap back, increasing our distance.

Ais didn't rush straight at me. She just looked at me, curiosity gleamed in her gaze.

She could feel her blow was being deflected at the last second, reducing half of the impact.

She knew Joey had been training his Quirk in secret, but she had no idea he could concentrate the majority of his forcefield into a single point of impact. Greatly maximizing its function. 

It sounds simple, but it was next to impossible to use against a foe beyond their class. Even though she go easy on him, a heavenly skill she mastered after she got married. it was still considered magnificent in her eyes.

With renewed vigor, Ais accelerated even further. Bashing her son black and blue. Seeing the way her son learns and improve himself amidst the battle made her blood boil with excitement.

She flashed to his side, her son's pupils didn't even register her movement. In his eyes, she might appear as though she vanished into thin air before appearing the next second at his side. Just like teleportation.

Ais swing the wooden sword again, expectation bubbling inside her. 'Will he deflect it again?' 

The sword moved too fast for her son's eyes to follow. There's no way for him to deflect something if he can't see it coming.

How can he deflect her attack, when he can't even see her movement? It should be impossible and yet...

The impossible happens!

Ais could feel her attack stay true to the target. It connected to his body. It's true without a doubt. She even saw her son gasp in pain.


Joey didn't fall.

And she knows why.

Somehow, along the way, Ais could feel Joey's forcefield activates right after she slammed her sword to his torso.

She observes the whole process intently.

From his bewildered eyes, she knew he didn't see it coming but the force field still activate anyway.

'This feeling, I was right...' Ais's golden eyes glistened with excitement. 'His body reacted before his mind could register what happen. His instinct potential is better than mine.'

For a moment, Ais has a feeling that her son's talent might be better than her husband's. The technique he deployed is beyond third-class heroes. He developed concentrated force fields. A technique that can be used by greatly weakening the other part of the force field protecting the user and focusing most of them on a single point or some part.

It's potent but risky! 

Only a select few madmen would do that. Those who awaken the full-body force field Quirk won't even dream of disabling the rest of their lifeguard just to boost their defensive capability. After all, they had no intention to fight enemies which is stronger than them. The very thought of challenging a superior entity never crosses their thought. 

This technique... A single mishap could end their life.

Hence only madmen and small numbers of battle junkies would do that.

Ais could name a few. But she doesn't feel the same vibe from her son. What she felt is... Confidence!

And she could guess why. 

Joey didn't only manage to synchronize his concentrated forcefield with his monstrous instinct. Which is a feat worthy of praise in itself. But he also improved the said concentrated forcefield from blocking the incoming impact into the one that deflects instead. 

This can be done by using his muscle memory to activate the concentrated forcefield just right before the impact happens. The closer the time gap between skill activation and the attacks, the higher the chance of activating the deflection.

The talent of her son is truly magnificent.

'What if I polish his instinct even more than this?' Such a thought can't help but crossed her mind.

He's still just a kid and still has a lot of potential to grow. Ais truly look forward to it.

Heroes could increase their stats by killing monsters from the dungeon, but it's not the same with instinct. You can either get it from your Quirk or by spending years in the dungeon, training your instinct by betting your life on the line. 

Only when one is hovering between life and death situations, would their instinct be able to shine! That's why it's rare for a child to have such great instinct. It's almost like he was born with superb instinct.

"Let me heighten his instinct further, way past the limit." Ais raised the corner of her lips, "Honey, mommy is going to get a bit serious! Here I come."

"Wait, what?!"

Joey spends the next 30 minutes being beaten by his mom without even being able to strike back even once. When the spar ended, his mood truly hit the rock bottom.

Thankfully his healing quirk is always on his side.

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