Reign of the Wallenstein

Chapter 23: Chapter 23

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I'm in a pinch right now. What should I do? My mind worked furiously, trying to find a way out of this situation. I guess it won't do for me to just casually come out from below the table. No amount of excuse would be enough to explain why I play hide and seek in the teacher's office.

It was then that saw a phone on the wall. Something suddenly clicked inside my head. I took out my phone and opened the chat. I navigated to my maid and begin tapping my phone in a hunt for help. I must have broken through my limit as it took less than five seconds to send the sos. But the science teacher already walked toward the fainted teacher's room!

She stopped outside the window and called her colleague which ended in vain as no response could be heard.

"Is he sleeping? This won't do, he should have a class soon."

She then walked to the door and tried to open it when the school phone suddenly rang.


"Phew, that was close." I wiped my sweat. "Thankfully my maid reacted fast so I managed to get away safely."

Now all that is left is to check the surveillance camera. I walked toward the third floor quietly while avoiding the students carrying books and papers. A few of the faculty also become an obstacle. So, I played a few tricks to keep them from seeing me. It's better not to leave evidence behind when you're doing something you can't tell someone.

Thankfully most of the students and the faculty are either in the class, labs, or office right now so it's not that hard to sneak up into the third floor. I had never been here before so it took some wandering on my part to find the surveillance room. It is the last room south of the stairs.

I undid the lock with the key I acquires from the teacher's office and walk inside. Closing the door behind me. For safety reasons, I also locked the door. After confirming the safety of the room, I deactivate the [Vision of Life] and rubbed my eyes. They feel somewhat numb if I activated them for hours. It feels as though I was reading an ebook novel from my phone the whole day. A bit frustrating, but it can't be helped. It's a miracle that I have gotten this far without even delving into the dungeon.

I sat on one of the chairs and sighed as I take in the surrounding. Even though it's called a surveillance room, it's nothing that grand. I guess my expectation was too big. There are only two simple PC, a couple of couches, a brown table, a double fridge, and some miscellaneous items.

Seigakuin Junior High is one of the prestigious schools in Tokyo, this fact made me misunderstand. In the end, this is just an ordinary school and not a hero academy. This much is normal.

But even so, since the spawn disaster six years ago, the gap between ordinary schools and hero academy started to lessen, especially in some areas, albeit just a little bit. 

To increase the heroes' combat power, the Association added combat classes to the Junior High curriculum. They taught the students how to wield a weapon against the monsters. Just the basic, but enough not to stab anything that they shouldn't stab.

I guess they're looking into the future. After all, there's no guarantee that there will be no more spawn disasters. So, If they didn't do something about this threat, they might be looking at massive casualties soon. That is something the Association wants to avoid.

"Though I think they just didn't want the taxes to drop any further than this." I laughed in amusement as I was reminded of the last year's commotion caused by the increased taxes on magic stones.

I turned my attention to the PC in front of me and started searching for the surveillance camera on the third floor.

It's inefficient to search the students leaving my class just to find the culprit because most of them leave the classroom during the lunch break. So, It's better to find a student that went into the teacher's office.

And sure enough, in just five minutes of watching the feed, I spotted a student from my class going into the teacher's office.

My instinct was right! This bastard with glasses finally caused me a problem. I have a feeling this will happen, but not this soon. Although this guy didn't do anything wrong or break school rules, he still did something unhonorable.

A snitch!

There's no need to say more. No one likes a snitch, but I can see this studious guy doing this kind of thing. To him, school rules are ranked higher than his reputation and honor. Especially so when it concerns someone he disliked.

I leaned my cheek on my hand as I watched the playback of the CCTV camera in the third-floor hallway. It shows a familiar figure of my classmate, Tenya Ida as he walked toward the teacher's office.

I can't help but chuckle in amusement.

This development is within my expectation, but I still don't know why he wants to oppose me that much. From the show, he pegs me as a rules-loving dude, a bit harsh but not that bad enough to snitch on his classmate. 

Hmm, maybe making out in the classroom is too much after all?

I would never have thought that one day, I would be at odds with the main cast of MHA. 

Heh, it can't be helped then. What is done is done.

I tapped my fingers on the table.

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"Now then, what should I do with this guy..."


"Johnny, follow that car."

"...Yes? Ah, yes, young master." The driver nodded after a brief confusion. 'Who the hell is Johnny anyway?'

The maid only glanced at me before typing something on her phone. No doubt reporting my unusual activity to her superior, the head maid.

I didn't bother to care because I don't really care either. My mind is focused on Tenya and how to deal with him. Even after the class ended, I still had no solution to this problem. I can't exactly kill the guy after all. It's a bit of pity to remove such an interesting cast from the board. Heh, looks like I was attached to the cast of mha more than I thought.

But even after we leave the school, I still haven't decided on what to do with the rascal. Twenty minutes later the traffic started to lessen as we leave the Commercial District. 

"Hey, Jonny, slow down the car."

"Y-yes young master." 

'Like I said who's Jonny?' The driver mumbled.

It's not like I forget or don't know his name. I just called him that because I felt like it. There's no way I would let an unknown stay under the Wallenstein mansion. What if they're assassins?

That's why I am constantly on guard around them until I was very sure of their loyalty. Though I'm pretty sure Himiko and mom already did a background check on them.

But that is not the reason to lower my guard around them. That's why I remember all their names and habits. You can learn many things just from observing people's habits. If you're discerning enough, you might find something unexpected in your target. Just like I did.

Among my maids, there are two that I find suspicious. But I don't have proof yet, that's why I'm not moving to remove the complication. I made sure to tell my suspicion to Himiko though, just in case.

This observation might sound meaningless but could save a life when it comes down to it. Source: me.

My thought can't help but halted when a sudden screeching noise reached my ears which was followed by a crash.



It was faint, but I'm pretty sure there was a sniper. Looking at the angle of the wheel when it burst, there's no other explanation than a sniper. They're sniping the wheel. I saw the rascal's car swivel to the side and crashed into a tree. The beeping that followed scares the small animals into fleeing deeper into the forest.

Some of the cars speed away in fright, while the others stop in place because of fear. It become a mess as the cars behind crashed against other cars in front of them, turning it into a chain car accident.

But Jonny is not a bad driver himself as he managed to avoid the crashing by steering the car to the side of the road after some freakish maneuvers. 

Could it be he's the God of Racing? I have my suspicion. But enough joking. I have things to do. What is their goal? Considering their move, killing might not be their motive. A kidnapping? It's possible. I need more data.

I come out of the car and dashed toward Tenya's car. I made sure to take a detour and move through the trees with dense foliage. Who would want some additional holes to appear in their body? Certainly not me.

While on the run, I tried to find the location of the sniper. We are a good bit distance from the residential district but some high-rise apartments could be seen from here. One of them should be where the sniper did his shot. But It's too far for me to do something to him.

When I reached the car, it was empty with no people inside. I observed the terrain for a moment and immediately went deeper into the forest. After a few moments of dashing, I leaped from branch to branch while looking for a human trace.

Tanya must have escaped to the forest once he saw the attack. It's the only way to escape from the sniper's eyes. But there's no way they would send only a sniper when they're not planning to kill Tenya. There should be another group waiting in the forest, ready to ambush him. I'm assuming it was Tenya they're pursuing since the car come to drive him home from school.

But I will find out soon enough.

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