Reign of the Wallenstein

Chapter 34: Chapter 34

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Tione nudged Joey's shoulder, "Joey, are you alright?"

"Huh? Ah, I'm fine." 

"Do you know her?"

"Her? Are you talking about that girl with pink hair?"

She nodded while trying really hard to hide her pout and displeasure while Joey looked like he was a bit lost at what to say. "Well, I don't know her name, but I saw her once in the neighborhood. Maybe... she was a new neighbor."

Tione's sense of danger immediately perked up at the mention of a neighbor. But she can't exactly show her displeasure openly considering she's not even going out with Joey.

"Why don't we continue the chats upstairs while having lunch?" Feeling the tension, Momo saved the day.

"Ohh! That's a good idea, I like that!" Tiona perked up at the mention of lunch.

"You girls can go ahead, I still have something to do here."

"Huh, what? Where are you going?"

"Then we'll with for you."

Joey glanced at the washroom sign on the wall, "I don't think that's a good idea..."

The others gave him stink eyes as they went to the rooftop. He laughed and went inside the washroom. He had too many drinks today. After Joey did his business, he went upstairs. He was looking forward to today's dishes. Yesterday he had salmon nigiri and garlic saikoro steak. The assembly of delicious dishes he never had before. Just thinking about them made his mouth water. "What about today's dishes? will it get better? damn, I can't wait!"

When he opened the door to the rooftop, he saw Momo, Jiro, and the twin. There was even a picnic table there! Joey wondered where in the hell they got such a thing. No, in the first place how can she move that thing past that door? Truly a mystery. 

"Could it be..." He glanced at Momo "Momo, did you create that picnic table with your Quirk?"

Momo looked at him with wide eyes, "How did you know?"

"This table was not here yesterday. So either it was a teacher or your quirk."

Momo glowed when he praised her. Joey caresses her hair, "It's amazing, Momo. With this, the girls don't need to sit on the floor."

"Hey! Why are you assuming we are the ones who get to sit on the floor." Tiona exclaimed from the bench.

Tione laughed, "I don't know about me and Jiro, but you're definitely sitting on the floor."

"What, why?!" a small crack formed on the table as Tiona slammed her fist on the surface."


"Nonsense, that's because you're provoking me!" While the twin started to bicker with each other, Joey and the rest started the lunch without them. But Joey suddenly felt that his phone was vibrating in his pants. He took one last mouthful of Karage from Momo's outstretched hand and excuses himself.

"Hello, Joey. This is me, Hatsume. I'm here for the thing you asked me to do."

"I see, other than Lidaten and Volcanic Thieves, do you spot other people leaving the forest?"

"Yup, I did in fact find a suspicious figure leaving the forest, and based on his action so far, there is a high chance that he was acting alone. But I'm in the dark when it comes to his identity."

"Did you lose him?"

"No, well yes, I did lose him. But he wore a long black robe with a hoodie and a mask, so I can't figure out his identity. Still, based on how fast he was, he should be a peak second-class or he had a speed-related quirk."

"Thanks for the information, it helped a lot. As a sign of my appreciation, I'll help with the funding of your latest research."

"Wow, really?!" She jumped in giddiness before coming back to reality, "But, is it okay? What about the sword princess, will she agree to this?"

Joey laughed, "Don't worry, it's my personal money, so she won't say anything about it."

"Wow, you're amazing, Joey! I love you mmuah!"

Joey laughed, "I thought you only love your babies."

He didn't take her words seriously. It's Hatsume he was talking about. Of course, It's not that kind of love.

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"While we are at it, can I ask you for another favor?" He asked.

"Of course. You can say what you need and I'll do my best to accomplish it." Hatsume cheerful voice could be heard from the phone.

"Well, thanks in advance. This time, It's no different from the first task. I want you to monitor the movement of Volcanic Thieves and the Lidaten Guild. Especially if they're having a secret meeting and the like.

"Huh, Joey... are you implying that the heroes guild Lidaten was having a deal with the villains?"

Joey hesitated for a moment about whether to tell her or not but hey, it's Hatsume, he doubt she was going to betray him as long as he kept her happy and well funded. "Indeed, my maid saw the guild master of Lidaten making a deal with the Volcanic Thieves."

"But right now, he's still assuming the role of Lidaten guild master..." Her voice trailed, "Are you saying he's playing both the role of hero and a villain?"

"Yeah, that should be the case."

"I see..."

"Well then, I'll leave you to your research. Thanks, Hatsume."

Joey ended the call and joined the girls, they continue their lunch on the rooftop. It's such simple things but he finds it so enjoyable.

When the school ended, Joey planned to take the girls out to May Queen, he had a promise to keep after all. But then Narvi reminded him of the appointment with the hospital. With a disappointed sigh, he bid Momo and the girls' goodbye. It turned out he can't just go into the hospital and blasted his Quirk at the patient willy-nilly. Well, it's possible if he used a sneaky route, but Narvi told him that it will most certainly end in tragedy since there are plenty of high levels heroes stationed in the hospital.

He was not the type that liked tragic endings so he decided against sneaking. They stopped at the receptionist and Narvi told her of their appointment with Dr. Sakamoto.

"Wait a moment, please." The woman said as she browsed through the computer on the desk. "Joey Wallenstein, quirk testing. Dr, Sakamoto is waiting for you in Testing Lab 6A."

"Thanks, let's go Narvi."

"...Young master, you're going the wrong way."

Joey halted his steps and coughed, "Not bad, you had a good sense of direction."

"Well, I don't think that was the case." She averted her eyes.

He gave her a puzzled look, she was acting weird but he said what was on his mind anyway, "It's not a good habit to undermine your own ability. You should have more confidence in yourself, Narvi."

She blinked at him, "I'm sorry for ruining the mood, young master. But our destination is written on that map over there."

Joey "..."

'Say that earlier!' 

If he's inside an anime, there might be steam coming out of his head. He groaned against his hands, feeling so embarrassed. She must be aiming for this. She reminds him a lot of Himiko. "Wait, could it be..." Thinking about Himiko, something suddenly clicked in his mind.

Joey's brows narrowed as he scrutinized the maid in front of him. She's without a doubt Narvi with that signature bobbed red hair and a slender body of hers. But why did he feel like she's similar to a certain maid with sharp teeth? Could it be she's Himiko in disguise? Joey wondered about that but he had no evidence to prove his gut feeling. Well, in the end, it was just his gut feeling, so maybe he's overthinking it.

When they reached the testing lab, he saw many strange and intimidating health devices that he only saw in movies. It cleared his mind from all of the wild thoughts he had. Then he saw that one pristine white device that put him inside the machine. It brings back his childhood memories when all of the orphans feared human experimentation devices. They would then hide beneath the bed when visitors came to the orphanage.

Joey shook off the goosebumps and approached the people in charge. A middle-aged man in a lab coat. His name is Dr. Sakamoto. After they were acquainted with each other, Dr. Sakamoto brought Joey and Narvi deeper into the lab and showed them a white metallic box the size of half grown-up man. The box was placed on top of the table and when Dr. Sakamoto put his hand on the surface of the box, the top immediately shifted like something made from a sci-fi movie and it just keeps going until the four sides were also revealed.

It was then that Joey saw six small animals the size of hamsters. After another good look, it turned out they were no hamsters but rats. All of the rats had white fur so he was a bit caught off guard, not to mention they looked so cute, totally different from the black uglies with the nasty smell that like to raze the orphanage furniture and beds.

"Ah, is this what I'm supposed to heal then?" Joey asked, but he saw no sign of injuries on the rats, they looked so healthy to him. A white rat with a long tail, in particular, caught his attention. He was overwhelmed by cuteness and tried to pet the white cutie but with a thud, his finger was blocked by an invisible wall.

"No, that's not right. Is this a glass?" Joey shifted from one side to another as he admired the glass box from every direction. "Rather than a box, it's more like a pet house. A beautiful pet house. Look! there are even miniature doors on the side! with this, some of the pets might be able to visit each other houses! It's a pet neighborhood! can you believe it? whoever designed it is a genius and I love it!"

Both the maid and the doctor chuckled in amusement when they saw Joey being so excited about the pet house, except this is a testing lab and it's not used as a more pet house right now.

Joey's expression faltered when Dr. Sakamoto told him they were going to experiment with the white rats. Under Joey's heavy gaze, the doctor made a small wound on one of the rats and asked him to heal it.

The smile on Joey's face faded. He healed the rat silently before taking off his white medical gloves and tossing them into the trash bin.

"Huh, Mr. Wallenstein? Where are you going?" Dr. Sakamoto called out to the departing boy, staring at his small back with confusion.

Joey gave the doctor a lazy yawn, "I'm bored, see you later doc."

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