Reign of the Wallenstein

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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Looking at the system window floating in front of me, I can't help but let out my voice.

[Congratulation! You have successfully awakened a Quirk!]

[You have gained A-Rank Quirk, Aura Manipulation (A)]


[Warning! A foreign soul is detected!]

[Do you want to purge the foreign soul?]


My heart jumped in fright!

You've got to be kidding me! I pressed [No] right away. Afraid of any sudden development that might tilt against me.

Not good. Not good at all.

To think the system would recognize the fake in me. What should I do?

I glanced at Himiko from the corner of my eyes. It doesn't look like she saw my status. Thank goodness.

This is a bad move after all. I should read the rest later when I'm alone. Or rather, the sooner the better.

"Himiko, I forgot something in my room. Tell mother I'll be late for breakfast. Don't wait for me!"

"Ah, wait. Young master!"

I dashed away from the maid, ignoring her cry.

There's no time for a maid, this is an emergency!

This can't be left unattended for long. Who knows what will happen if I accidentally pressed Yes.


I slammed the door and locked it.

Finally, I come back to the safe zone, the bedroom of the original Joey, though it's my bedroom now. I looked around the place, it's huge for a bedroom. Bigger than 10 orphans bedrooms combined. And there is still a bathroom on the other side of the room. I went for the door and checked the bathroom.

Good, the coast is clear!

Mother is no longer here.

I closed the bathroom door again and went to the bed. I plopped my butt down on the edge and started to summon my status.

The thought barely leaves my mind when a virtual interface pops out of existence and floats In front of me.


Joey Wallenstein

Level: 1

Strength: I0

Endurance: I0

Dexterity: I0

Agility: I0

Magic: I0


Aura Manipulation (A)

The manifestation of one's soul. Aura can be used for a wide range of abilities. The specific abilities and strengths differ from individual to individual and depend on several factors, such as experience, training, and innate skill.


Since when you could quantify people's strengths and weaknesses in numbers? Since anime exist of course. And the way the status is displayed reminds me of Danmachi a lot. But I can spot some differences.

Is this because there are no Gods to grant people Falna that system appeared and filled their role?

So convenient, but who am I into argue?

That Quirk though, it's reminds me of a certain show. If I'm right, this will give me a headstart in understanding my Quirk. There will be a clear direction where I should go and what to train.

I opened my status window and a notification appeared in my vision.

[You have chosen to ignore the foreign soul]


With clear chime sounds, a new window popped out. This one is different, it is cloaked in red, the color of blood.

I know ominous when I saw one.

And this can't be good.

[System Restart...]


[New soul detected! Preparing an Awakening...]

[Connecting to the System Database]

[System Connected to the Database]

[Congratulations! You have successfully awakened a Quirk]

Huh, another awakening?

Is the system bugged?

Nah, unlikely.

Is it because I hijacked this body? 

Hm, It's plausible. 

Aura Manipulation must be the original Joey's Quirk. And this time I awakened my Quirk.

[Warning! You've already awakened a Quirk! Do you want to obtain another Quirk or upgrade the existing Quirk?]

Oh? Ohh! 

Getting another Quirk sounds awesome. A double quirk like Todoroki hot and cold will increase my versatility by a lot.

But upgrading my Quirk also had its advantage.

No matter how many Quirk I had, it would be pointless if I encountered a real powerhouse. By then it would be pointless how many Quirk I have.

It's better to have one powerful Quirk rather than plenty of weak sups.

Not to mention this Aura Manipulation doesn't have strong offensive power. It's more like a defensive Quirk. And gambling on my Quirk to be an offensive one is too risky. I'm not a fan of gambling. At least if there's a chance for me to lose. 

So there's only one choice to choose.

"Upgrade the existing Quirk."

There's no need to hesitate. A rifle is more powerful than a bunch of handguns. Not to mention if this upgrade could turn a rifle into a Sniper Rifle. They would be on a whole different level!


[Congratulation! Aura Manipulation (A) has been upgraded to Quintekinesis (S)]

Quintekinesis... it sounds unfamiliar, I never heard of this before.

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Nothing come to mind. 

Oh well, forget it. 

Let's check what it does.


Joey Wallenstein

Level: 1

Strength: I0

Endurance: I0

Dexterity: I0

Agility: I0

Magic: I0


Quintekinesis (S)

The manipulation of Life Force. Users can shape and manipulate Life Force, the fundamental force that allows life to exist, grow and flourish throughout the universe. 



What the hell is this Quirk supposed to do?

Shape and manipulate... If it's water or element then it's easy and good to understand. But life force? Is this even a thing? What can a life force even do?

I had no idea.

It self explanatory but I would like more description, an example would be great.


The room was silent as ever.

There's no response...


It looked like it won't respond to the unscripted command. 

At least it's obvious that this skill is related to the life force. And considering this Quirk was upgraded from Aura. It should be able to do what the Aura is capable of doing and more, right?

I hope so.

This Quirk capability... I can experiment later to find out about it. A little bit of exercise won't hurt anyone.

This Quintekinesis is an upgraded version of aura, so it should be able to do what aura is capable of doing. And considering aura is the manifestation of one's soul, my quirk should be able to do more than just manifest the Aura's capability like barrier and regeneration.

The upgrade made Quintekinesis entitled to shape and modify a life force. Aura is also considered as a life force then?

Hmm... What about mana?

Magical power?




The longer I go, the louder the thumping in my heart becomes.

According to the description, this Quirk allows me to shape Life Force according to my will. So does that mean I have the power to create another power?

One possibility after another come to my mind.

Could I shape my life force into a construct? 

If it's possible, I could have my own giant construct! 

I can't help but imagine a massive red giant construct shielding me from any harm with a magical mirror while smashing his giant sword all over the place. With its massive size, it would wreck everything in its path and send all hostile flying like bugs.

Whoa haha!

This is the power of imagination!

Just imagining it made my blood pumping!

What if- No, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

A baby must learn how to crawl before it learns to walk.

So first, I have to learn everything that Life Force can do. And what is the aura capability? Hmm, uhh, no good. I don't remember the status description.

Ah, well no matter. It should be more or less the same as the one from that show. Let's start with the basics. Now, gimme a force field.

I pooled my concentration on the task at hand, imagining some kind of energy to come into being.

Hmm, is there some kind of special energy inside of me? Let's see... Hmm... Hmm...

One minute later...

Five minutes later...

Ten minutes passed and yet there was nothing to feel. Is this a scam?

This must be a scam!

How can I not know how my Quirk works?!

Shit, I had no idea what to do.


My stomach growled in anger. It's been a while since I had eaten. Looks like the milk is not enough for me.

I should head to the dining room and meet up with my mother for the time being. I can think about my quirk later.

That should be what I'm supposed to do, but who am I kidding?

It's not the first time I starved myself for one reason or another. I can at least hold out for a few days without eating.

I then narrowed my eyes. I can't afford to be so defenseless. At least, I should be at a level where I can protect myself from any expert below Mother level.

I then glanced at my level on the status window... If the Danmachi leveling system is to be of any indicator, it doesn't look like it will be an easy journey.

Hmm... In Danmachi How should one go about increasing their stats?

Other than killing monsters for obvious reasons.

Did training count? Hmm, let's see... According to my memory, it's possible. But no one does this anymore since they found out the training barely increased the stats even after weeks of hardcore training.

I could do nothing but train all day for months, and the gain won't be bigger than a day in the dungeon.

Sigh, no wonder no one bothers with training their body anymore.

So I throw out the training idea from my mind and spent the whole day experimenting with my Quirk.

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