Reincarnated And Became My Little Sister!!?

Chapter 15: 13. Nostalgic Place

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3 days have passed since then. And Misaki really kept her promise to dump Kazuto.

Whenever Kazuto tried talk to her, she would just give him a cold face and not speak to him, and if at school she would try as far as possible to stay away from him. It all made Kazuto sigh and could only wait for Misaki to forgive him.

But Misaki wasn't that cold. She at least still took care of Kazuto and made him food and breakfast for school. If she was really angry, then she wouldn't notice him even if he's in front of her face. During that time she also had to try to get used to the dresses and skirts, and some of the other clothes she had just bought. Honestly, she felt really uncomfortable about it all, but she had to try.

Her feelings got a little complicated when she finally got used to it. Her male soul wept inwardly.

"Come on, Saki-chan! Let's have lunch on the balcony!"

Hearing Sakura's invitation to lunch in above made Misaki's brows furrow.

"...No, I'll eat at the library. If you want, you can go there yourself."

Misaki replied with knitted brows.

His two friends glanced at each other a moment after that. For the past few days Misaki has refused their invitation. Of course they knew the reason Misaki didn't want to go there.

"Still having a cold war with your brother?"

Asked Shinomiya calmly. Had she known yesterday that Misaki really hates wearing dresses and skirts, then she would have stopped her actions right there. She didn't think that it would affect Misaki and his brother's relationship.

"No, I'm the only one mad at him. But you can take it in that way."

Misaki replied as she walked towards the library. The two of them followed naturally at the side. There was no way they would let their friend eat alone. They were just trying to mend her relationship with her brother, that's all. So every lunch time, they kept persuading him to eat upstairs.

"So you don't hate your brother at all?"

Shinomiya asked once again.

"Of course, no. I just hate his act by forcing me to continue wearing those clothes. That's why I punished him in this way."

Misaki replied after thinking for a moment.

"I somehow can't take that as a punishment..."

Said Shinomiya in a low voice.

"But Saki-chan, you looks so cute when wearing those clothes!"

Sakura was still trying to encourage Misaki to wear the clothes she had bought yesterday. According to her, it would be in waste if her cuteness was not shown. Moreover, Misaki wearing a school uniform is already very good, especially in her casual clothes.

"Hahaha, I'll try my best."

Misaki smiled wryly as she replied.

"Anyway, that means you'll made up with your brother later, right?"

"As long as he sincerely apologizes, then I will forgive him."

As her former self trying to be the 'ideal little sister', there was no way she would hate him to death. But she didn't give Kazuto a chance to apologize this time.

While continuing to talk, they finally arrived at the library.

Ahh, what a nostalgic sight. Think Misaki as she opened the library door.

The smell of dusty old books, rotting drawers, and cobwebs in the corners of the walls. The gloomy feeling of no one having ever entered was palpable here. This was indeed the atmosphere when she had entered the library for the first time in her past. It is quite rare for students to come in and read books here. Maybe because of the atmosphere of this place or they are too lazy to read. And the school for some reason has stopped taking care of this library.

Seeing this place does make Misaki feel nostalgic, because in the past she always had lunch here or read a book. The silence of this place brought a calm mine within her.

"...Saki-chan, are you sure you want to eat here?"

Sakura became a little scared when she sensed the gloomy atmosphere of this room.

"Yeah, since we're here it can't be helped."

Misaki said with a wry smile.

The reason she chose to have lunch here was because she somehow felt a lot of glances towards her while eating in the cafeteria, and it made her feel uncomfortable while eating for the past 2 days.

"You guys wait here a moment, Sakura-chan please hold my bag, please."

Misaki said as she handed her bag to Sakura before going inside and closing the door.

She kept walking until she arrived in front of a locker containing cleaning tools like she was familiar with this place.

Then after that, she took the vacuum cleaner and opened the window to let fresh air in, then started to quickly clean the area around the table and chairs, as well as the window. For now she intended only to clear the place they would be sitting in to at least be more comfortable to eat.

"When school will finish I'll fix this place up later."

She said as she wiped the sweat off her forehead.

In less than 5 minutes, the spot she cleaned had sparkled, and there wasn't the slightest stain there. As someone who cleans the house himself, this kind of thing is a common thing.

"Saki-chan, what exactly are you doing in..."

The door was opened by Sakura as she spoke, but her sentence was cut short when she saw that the place that was quite dusty before had now become clean.

Shinomiya too, who saw it was stunned for a moment.

"Saki-chan, you cleaned this all up..... so fast?"

"I can't clean everything right now, but this is enough to give us comfort while eating, right?"

Misaki replied while dusting around her clothes.

"You should have called us for help."

Sakura said while making a pouting face.

"Sakura is right, you should have called us to help too. It doesn't feel good to let a friend clean up this place on their own."

Added Shinomiya.


Misaki felt a slight warmth upon hearing that. Shinomiya was right, now she wasn't alone anymore. Her past habit of always doing everything herself was still carried over here, until she forgot about her surroundings.

"Sorry, next time I'll ask for help if there's such a thing. But for now let's sit down and eat first."

Misaki said when she told them to sit on the chair she had cleaned.

"But it's surprising to see this place change in an instant. Saki-chan is really great!"

Praise Sakura when she opened her lunch box. On the other hand, Shinomiya nodded silently in agreement. She tried to touch the table with her finger, but there wasn't a speck of dirt there.

"Cleaning a place this small isn't a problem. My house is much more troublesome than this."

Misaki replied casually.

Sakura and Shinomiya glanced at each other and shared understanding with a sigh at Misaki's abnormal ability.

With this and that, they began to eat lunch together, then returned to class when the bell rang.


"Saki-chan, where are you going. Aren't you going home?"

Asked Shinomiya. The bell for the end of today's lesson has rung. However, Misaki went in the opposite direction from the school gate."Ohh, I want to go to the library again. I'm going to finish cleaning that place. Do you want to help?"

Misaki asked while scratching her head. She didn't want to involve Sakura and Shinomiya in this, but since they were asking, she was forced to answer.

"Sure, why not. I told you we're friends, didn't I? After all, with the three of us together, it would have been quicker."

Shinomiya answered with a smile.

"Yeah, let's clean up the place together!"

Add Sakura with her enthusiasm voice.

Hearing their answers made Misaki happy.

"Okay, but don't blame me if you get dirty, okay?"

With that sentence, they went to the library.

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When they got there, they divided the tasks. Shinomiya is in the sweeping section, Sakura is tidying the bookshelf, while Misaki is taking care of the trash and other useless things to throw away. She purposely took a heavier job so that there was not too much trouble for both of them. After all, his soul as a man would not allow that.

"I'm going to throw this outside for a bit. Do you want some drinks?"

Misaki asked while at the door.

"Orange juice."


They were so focused on their work that they didn't see Misaki doing such a burdensome job.

Hearing their orders, she nodded then walked out with sweat on her forehead.

She was pushing herself too hard when she carried the thick box that contain unreadable books. Her breathing sounds irregular and heavy as she walks.

She does run often to increase her stamina, but she never trains her hands to took up a heavy stuff.

Misaki continued walking down at the corridor that seem endless with sweat dripping out from her brow. For her lack of caution, however, she didn't see the floor in front of her who had just braided up, and she immediately slipped back out.


She subconsciously closed her eyes because she knew she would fall to the floor with painfully at the moment the old books would hit her face.

But the feeling of falling and experiencing the impact did not occur to her.

"Woah, Misaki. Lucky I was on time."

A familiar voice rang out when a pair of hands gripped her shoulders firmly to support her body.

"E-Endou, thank goodness you got behind me."

Misaki said as she looked back with a sigh of relief. If he wasn't there, perhaps the bad thing would have happened.

Endou immediately released his grip as Misaki was able to maintain her balance again.

"Well, it is indeed your luck to meet a hero like me."

He said while showing his shining teeth.

"Pfft, which hero has even lost to me in a game."

Misaki stifled a laugh when she remember how frustrated Endou had been at losing to her.

"Hey, at least appreciate this savior of yours!"

Endou said with a dissatisfied face.

"Hahaha, fine. But I was really grateful to you earlier. Without you, maybe it wouldn't just end in pain."

Misaki said with a sincere smile.

It made Endou pause for a moment because he never thought Misaki would have such an expression. But he immediately smiled when he took his handkerchief and wiped the sweat off from Misaki's face.

"You should bring what you can and not push yourself like this."

He said and took some books from the box. He actually intended to help by carrying the entire contents of the box, but he knew Misaki would protest because it was her responsibility.

"I want to finish quickly, that's all."

Misaki replied with a frown.

"Fine, fine, I get it. Where are you taking all these books, anyway."

"Dumpster, we're fixing the old library that's been like a creepy haunted house."

"Need help?"

"We need every hand if you ask."

Misaki kicked Endou's leg at the obvious question.


And Endou pretended to be in pain with a half-joking face.

"It's my initiative to clean up the place, and Sakura and Shinomiya are helping."

Only in front of Endou she could at least to be himself. Memories of her and his best friend doing all the fun things together made her feel quite comfortable around him. If only Endou knew what Misaki thought of him, maybe he would cry happily because he was always being made fun of by her and Kazuto.

"By the way, why aren't you with Onii-chan?"

Misaki asked when she didn't see Kazuto's presence.

"He's practicing basketball at his club."

Endou replied.

If she remembers, it was Wednesday and indeed his schedule was joining the club's activities.

"When are you going to made up with him, he even has blank eyes on his face while studying in class, you know. He looks pathetic."

Ask him when he looked at Misaki.

"Pfft, that's what he deserves for toying with his sister."

Misaki replied while laughing dryly. However, actually she was inwardly quite worried after hearing that.

Don't tell me he got depressed just because I dumped him for a while? Dude, you're so mentally weak! But.... If it gets worse I'm not sure what will happen...

Misaki's mind became confused whether to continue her sentence or forgive her. She became unsure.

"That's your business with him. However, your brother is doing this for your sake Misaki, so I hope you can forgive him."

Endou said with a serious face. Misaki felt reassured upon seeing that expression.

"Well, I'm cheering on him anyway because I'm quite curious how cute Misaki is in her dress!"

Yet it didn't last while making an absurd face.

"You pervert!"

Misaki kicked Endou's leg again, but this time it harder and he was sure it would hurt him.


Endou's absurd face immediately turned to pain after that.

Misaki laughed inwardly, but she was also grateful for Endou's words.

Even though Endou was a witty person, he was able to create a circle of friends with it. And that's what makes him her best friend in the past. However, aside from his witty nature, he can turn into a serious person when he wants to. He also often gives reasonable advice when needed.

"Thank you for being my friend until now..."

Misaki muttered, while subconsciously making a charming smile.

"Huh? Did you say something?"

Hearing Misaki's incoherent muttering made Endou ask.

"It's nothing, perverted Endou!"

Misaki replied as she kicked Endou's leg again.

"Ouch! Why are you kicking me when I didn't do anything wrong!!?"

"Shut up, perverted Endou!"

Misaki once again kicked him.


Without knowing what trouble he had caused to Misaki, Endou could only accept the kick with a sigh.

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