Reincarnated And Became My Little Sister!!?

Chapter 2: 2. Become an Ideal Sister!!

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Yo! Kazuto Tomoe is here! But that was past, now I'm Misaki Tomoe which is my little sister! It was hard to believe that I turned into her, you know. Isn't it strange to see your past form in front of you while having to be his sister?

"Misaki, look at this! I'm good at basketball." 

I'm now 5 years old, and I'm revealing myself—no, I mean my brother playing basket ball. Honestly, it's amateur. The way he dribbles the ball is indeed suitable for his age because he is new to playing it. 

"Wow! Onii-chan is great!" 

But it was impossible to say such a painful thing.

If I'm not mistaken, I used to have a hobby of playing basketball and had time to show it off in front of my sister. But what she said was "Stop embarrassing me with that crappy game of yours! That looks pathetic." That's what she said. 

I was instantly depressed and never touched the ball again after that. If I tell him that now, then it will happen again. 

By the way, that basketball was a birthday present from dad, and when he looked at it,  he got excited and took me straight to the park to play. 

"Is it true!?" 

My other self—no, I mean my brother looks cheerful when I say that. Mou.. It's quite difficult to address my self ex. After all, he is me. Alright, from now on let's just call him big brother or Kazuto. That would be easier. 

"Ummu, you're so cool when you play ball!" 

I can't believe I have to cheer up myself. But this is for his future! So that all the sad past events didn't happen again, then I'll be his ideal sister! I swear on my own name! 

"Then your brother now will continue to play ball until I can be next to you!"

"Umm? Yes, of course!" 

I don't know what that means, but let's keep encouraging him! Come on Kazuto! I'm sure you can! Fight!! Ah, the ball hit his face. I think it hurts. 

The difference between Misaki's and me is 2 years, so Kazuto now is 7 years old while I am 5 years old. 


Kring.... Kringing.... Kringing.... 

"Hoam... Morning." 

Waking up in the early morning where the dew still looks like mist coming down from the mountains gives me a fresh feeling. Yes, it's still 05:30 in the morning. I'm used to getting up at this hour. The Japanese are hard workers because they work early, you know. 

"Misaki-chan, morning." 

"Ohh, Obaa-san. Good morning." 

To start my morning activities, I always jogging around the residential area for 30 minutes. That way I can greet neighbors and people at the same time, it's really nice to be able to talk to them (My expression problem only applies to people my age or people who are not close to me). 

"Obaa-san always full with spirit huh." 

Every morning I always meet a grandmother who sweep the yard quietly. People around used to call her Himiko Obaa-san (Himiko's grandmother). Even though she was very old and stooped, but that did not dampen her enthusiasm in carrying out activities. I'm very respectful of that.

"Of course, as long as this body is healthy I won't leave my job. Misaki-chan too, goes jogging every morning. I'm glad to see young people like you doing such a healthy routine." 

"Haha, I'm doing this too for the sake of my fitness." 

I replied with respect. I wonder how my old age will go. If possible, I want to be a mighty grandma. No, I don't mean grannies who have muscles like bodybuilders. What I mean is about grandmother who doesn't know her age and always goes about her activities. But for now let's just enjoy my youth, it's still quite a while before I grow old. 

"Alright then, I'll continue my jogging. Bye Obaa-san, I'm leaving!" 

"Yes, be careful on the road." 

With that brief introduction, we parted ways. Every morning this kind of conversation was common between us. It's been 7 years and now I'm 12 years old. Many unexpected things happened during that time. I thought that after reincarnating into the past I would have better knowledge than everyone else. But it turned out to be wrong. I only have an edge on what I know. For example cooking or all the things I learned during school time. Come on, isn't there a god who wants to give me some cheat? 

After I finished jogging I immediately went to the bathroom and washed my face, after that, I put on my uniform and cooked.

"To Kazuto without the peppers. And... done." 

Somehow in the past or now, the things I do are still the same. I mean I'm still cooking. Shouldn't Kazuto be helping me? Well, at least we have a peaceful life as I expected. The incident in the past where Misaki always cursed and enslaved her brother didn't happen. Thanks to me being reincarnated as his little sister. But the problem is Kazuto. 

"Onii-chan, wake up. Time for breakfast." 

"Mmmh, wait until 5 years." 

Somehow he became lazier than I used to be. 

"Shouldn't it be 5 minutes!? 5 years is too long!" 

Get up and stop living like a turtle! 

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"Hahahaha alright, alright. But where's the good morning kiss?" 

I replied to him by pinching his cheek. 

"Ow, ow! That hurts!" 

"If you want to get a good morning kiss from me, at least try to stay up alone and help me cook." 

The future is always changing, and I'm afraid that Kazuto will become a person who has a different nature from me in the past. So I'm trying my best to make his characteristic didn't change too much. 

And.....I can't do that because it's too late.

"Really? Yahoo! Then excuse me, I'll get ready to go to school."



He suddenly became excited, and without realizing I had been taken out of his room when he closed the door. 

"What just happened?" 

Could he be taking it seriously? Kazuto's nature is always random in front of me, I can't predict it exactly his mind. He's totally different from the old me. Ahh, could it be because now we're really close as brothers and not like the past where Misaki enslaved him? Well, whatever is fine. I've never been as expressive as he was in the past. Seeing him like that brings me pleasure. I honestly envy him because I still have trouble meeting new people. 

After that, Kazuto came and sat down before we started breakfast. Like I said before it was just the two of us who stayed while mom and dad worked overseas. They can only come during holidays. It's a pity because I've always wanted to see harmonious relations in this family. 

"It's without the peppers, right?" 

He asked while looking at his breakfast. 

"Nii-chan can't be picky about food."

I used to be a bit picky in the old-time, but because my friend kept pushing it into my mouth I finally got used to eating it. Now it's my turn to do it. 


"Hahh, I didn't put peppers in your food. So eat it." 

Why do I sound like a mother coaxing her child? Oh, he ate it. And it's full of passion, what's really up with his personality.

He immediately became impassioned upon hearing it. Hey you're not a kid so don't be so picky. 

"Okay, let's go." 

"Wait outside, I'll lock the door." 

After breakfast, we went out and locked the door, and walk to school. 

"How was your school? Is someone bothering you?" 

It's already one week after the new school year, and I'm a 1st-year middle school student, so it's only natural that Kazuto worried about me. Did he think I was going to be bullied or something? 

"I'm fine, after all, if there's a problem I can call Onii-chan in 3rd grade, right?" 

He just laughed dryly at my statement. What is wrong? If I look better, the current Kazuto is much more masculine than the old me. His face has a glowing feeling when smiling followed by bright eyes, a black mane that goes straight to his ears and bangs which makes him even cuter and handsome, and the thin muscles on his chest and arms under his uniform make him look even more manly. I didn't have that appearance before. Even when I reached high school. Was it because he had been exercising more since he was a child while I only did it when I was in high school? (of course that was the reason). 

"Is something wrong, Misaki?"

Kazuto asked me because I kept staring at him. 

"Nothing, just Onii-chan's tie needs fixing." 

I said while fixing his tie without permission. It stunned him for a moment before taking his eyes off me. Come on, don't feel ashamed because your carelessness was discovered by your own sister.

"...... Thank you." 

"It's your sister's job~" 

By the way, Misaki's appearance before and now is also much different. She used to have a lot of pimples on her face and had his ears pierced. She also kept her hair short all the way to her shoulders. But now my face is cleaner, without piercing because I don't like to wear jewelry like girls, as an ex-boy I don't like that. But I want to shorten my hair, it has reached my back and makes it difficult for me to move. But my mother ordered me not to cut it because she thought I was too tomboyish because I didn't like to act like a girl, for example wearing skirts or clothes that looked cute. 

Come on, I'm an ex-man! Just wearing a uniform with a skirt is already making me suffer! Don't you know what it's like for me to be a woman!? 

"Misaki-chan! Kazuto! Good morning!"

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