Reincarnated And Became My Little Sister!!?

Chapter 24: 21. Trap For A Cute Person

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After having a hug that almost made Misaki pass out, they entered the living room. Sakura and Shinomiya saw a man sitting on the sofa comfortably reading the newspaper. To be honest, newspapers are quite outdated because information technology such as the internet has spread widely and news can be received quickly. However, the man didn't seem to mind it and seemed to be enjoying the thrill of reading.

"Honey, stop reading that paper and see who are comes."

Call Misaki's mother after seeing her husband too focused on reading.

Immediately he noticed the two of them after hearing the call.

"Ohh, are you Misaki's friends? Sorry, I didn't realize you were here. I am Misaki's father, thank you for being friends with her."

A typical laugh came out of him as he introduced himself. Shinomiya who thought that he was a strict father type from his sharp eyes turned out to be a gentle person.

They also introduced themselves to him.

"Think of it as your own home, don't be shy."

"Thank you, I won't hesitate!"

"Sakura, please keep your voice lower. That's rude."

Shinomiya said. Veins could be seen on her hands and forehead.

She wanted to hit Sakura soo hard on the head because her voice was so high. She felt ashamed that her friend did not know manners.

"Hahaha, it's fine. This house usually feels lonely, but this is the first time Misaki has brought friends and it's quite lively to see an energetic kid like you."

Misaki's father didn't seem to mind at all, and Sakura grinned as she glanced at Shinomiya.

This child....

So she just sighed as a sign of surrender.

And they are invited to sit down afterwards.

"By the way, how is Misaki in your class? As her parents, we want to know how her life is there."

"Yes, although we often hear about her daily life from Kazuto, but hearing it from you seems better because she is in the same class as you."

Misaki's parents said.

"Saki-chan is a popular girl! She often receives love letters in her locker and in her desk column. Ohh, she is also very loved in our class like family, and also her intelligence makes the teachers and other children feel amazed, at first we met...."

Sakura started to talk excitedly. The way she told it was like she was telling a story to children which made Misaki's parents couldn't help but get carried away.

There were times when Misaki's expression was embarrassed when praised, and sometimes she made a tense face because her story was too exaggerated.

"Hahaha, that's our daugther. She's an amazing kid indeed."

After Sakura finished telling the story, Misaki's parents laughed happily. They were quite happy to hear that their daugther was growing up and having friends. Their worries about her being alone in class didn't seem necessary.

"I'm not a popular person, besides that I'm also not very beautiful. In fact Sakura-chan and Shino-Chan look prettier than me."

Misaki denied.

"What do you mean, the whole school even knows your name! Isn't that right Shino-Chan?"

"Yeah, there's no use denying Saki-chan's popularity and beauty at school."

Shinomiya said calmly but firmly.

"By the way how was your homework, is it done?"

Misaki tried to change the topic.

"Shino-Chan, didn't Saki-chan get another love letter from someone yesterday too?"

Sakura asked to defend it.

"If I'm not mistaken yesterday..."

"Ahh, I'll bring a snack."

And Misaki chose to run away because she couldn't get off the topic.

Shinomiya, Sakura, and Misaki's parents couldn't help but laugh at the sight of her running away towards the kitchen.

Now only the four of them were sitting in the living room.

Silence fell for a moment before Misaki's father spoke.

"Sakura and Shinomiya, right? Once again I thank you for being friends with her."

He said in a deep voice. A gloomy expression can be seen on his wrinkled face.

"No, we're just happy to be friends with her."

Shinomiya replied. Their atmosphere had somehow turned formal enough that he had to speak.

Now it was her mother's turn to speak with a sad face.

"To be honest, we are quite worried about Misaki's future. As a child, she was shunned by kids her age... No, I have to correct my words. She can't make friends due to her poor communication skills and her fear of strangers, you know it?"

They nodded in response.

Misaki had told them about it before, so they already knew about it.

With a sigh he continued.

"Besides, she is a frail child."


Sakura asked with a confused face.

While making a sour face, she explained.

"She's a child who gets scared so easily. I must say that apart from strangers, she also has a phobia of dark places and the sound of lightning. It even happened since she was a baby, so we don't know the reason why she was scared.

Even after we took her to a psychiatrist, it didn't help much, and it continues until this day."

"We as parents feel guilty because we rarely come home due to our work. We are failed as a parents."

She said in a somber tone. A sad expression could be seen from the two of them. As a mother and father, who doesn't worry about leaving their child behind when they have such a problem? But a smile shone as her eyes met them.

"However, we became happy from hearing she has a new friend, and we became worried again. What kind person is Misaki friends with?"

"But I don't need the answer, because now I know what kind of children you are."

She looked at them with a warm gaze.

"You two are good kids."

She said with a smile full of love.

"And it's my turn to say thank you for being friends with Misaki."

Her words were full of gratitude as she said them, which made Shinomiya smile awkwardly from hearing it so many times, and what surprised her too was Misaki's phobia and her gloomy past.

This is not something the children can hear. She thought.

Telling this kind of thing was also a sign that they were highly trusted, so Shinomiya didn't want to reject it.

There was a moment of silence again, because it seemed that the conversation was heading for something a little heavy.

"Don't worry, I will continue to be friends with Misaki even if we are on separate planets!"

Sakura spoke in a firm voice, but because of her childish face and the words she used made her resolution sound funny, both Misaki's parents laughed.

And with those words, the atmosphere became lighter. Indeed, Sakura's energetic personality could come in handy in these kinds of situations.

"This makes me want to ask, why did you bring such a big suitcase here?"

It was a question she had always wanted to ask ever since seeing them take that.

Sakura smirked at her at the question, then made a gesture to bring her ear closer. Misaki's mother approached with a confused face before arriving and hearing her whisper.


No one heard what she was whispering, but Shinomiya already knew what it was because Sakura had told her before.

Misaki's mother's eyes lit up after Sakura finished whispering. It seemed that she didn't reject what Sakura said, and instead got excited which made Shinomiya sigh.

It seems that Misaki's mother is also a nosy person to her child. thought Shinomiya as she sighed once more.

On the other hand, her husband also sighed with a face as if to say 'again'. It seemed that she did often trouble to Misaki in one way or another.

"Fufu, it would be adorable to see my daugther in that costume. Seeing her making an embarrassed face intrigues me. Please take a picture later and send it to me okay."

"With pleasure!"

They are officially cooperate now.

Misaki's mother's eyes glanced at Shinomiya after that. She seemed to want to say something.

"Shinomiya, from what I can see in you, you are a person who seems calm and more mature than the other children. I can rest easy if Misaki becomes friends with you, so please take care of her."

Ignoring how easily she being irritated with Sakura, it was true that she could think more mature than other kids in her age. And she quite understands her worries.

"Saki-chan is a smart person, and if there's anything I can do for her, then I'll gladly do it."

The sentence revealed that she agreed. After all she is her friend, and also interested in her life.

"What's with this warm atmosphere, why are you guys having fun without me."

And the person we've been talking about, came back with a cake and a biscuit in her hand. Misaki came with a smile while carrying a tray of cakes. It was the cake she made yesterday, and it had been refrigerated.

"Ahh, cake! I want the chocolate one!"

Sakura looked very excited when she saw the sweet food in front of her. Saliva would even drip from his mouth if he left it open.

"There's only chocolate flavor here, so there's no need to scramble."

Misaki said as she put the tray on the table.

"Whatever Misaki makes is always delicious, that time even when I brought the leftover cake home, Onee-san ate it all without leftovers and even wanted more."

Shinomiya grumbled. Even though she had deliberately kept it for tonight as dessert, but when she opened the refrigerator, all that was left was the plate and crumbs of dough. How could she not be upset about it?

Misaki smirked at that.

"If you want I can make you every week."

"Really!? Then I want-"

"No need Saki-chan, it will be too much trouble for you."

Shinomiya managed to interrupt Sakura before she could finish her sentence. This clearly made Sakura dissatisfied and puffed out her cheeks, but because of Shinomiya's intense gaze she didn't say anything. It's not a good thing to bother other people for your own pleasure.

"There's no need to be shy, I love baking after all. It doesn't bother me at all."

Misaki will even feel happy if they like the cake. So the offer was finally accepted by them even though Shinomiya felt quite reluctant because it would be troublesome for him.

"Then excuse us, there's something we need to do. Have fun!"

Misaki's mother and father went upstairs after that. They seem to want to leave room for them not to be too distracted while playing.

The pleasant conversation continued along with the delicious cake.

Instead of letting her friends continue to sit in the living room, Misaki took them around her house.

Starting from showing her backyard which is planted with many flowers and ornamental plants.

"Woah! Everything looks so pretty!"

"Did you take care of all this?"

"Not really, I took turns taking care of it with Onii-chan. To be honest, Mama— I mean my mother was the one who planted them all, she really like it because she came from a remote area. But now, since she's quite busy at work, we're the ones taking her place."

They switched after that, and continued to the 2nd floor after Misaki finished taking them downstairs.

"On the right side most of the rooms are used by my mother and father as study rooms, so don't go in there. Ohh, by the way the first room near the stairs is Onii-chan's room, while the second one is mine."

"Ahh, I just realized this, but where is your brother? I didn't see him whereabouts at all."

Shinomiya asked while looking around.

"He is currently playing a game at Endou's house. It seems that he also intends to stay the night there because Endou asked him to complete a game that requires 2 people."

Obviously Misaki.

Actually it was just an excuse so that Misaki could have fun with her friends without any distractions, and she didn't know this. But, it was a truth that he was invited to play by Endou.

"But, if he doesn't play the game mentioned at the very least he's being played by Endou in the game, and will be tortured Onii-chan."

Misaki said bluntly.


Meanwhile in a room filled with RGB colored light.


Endou suddenly sneezed.

"What is it?"

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Kazuto asked while holding the game stick.

"Hiss, it's nothing. Looks like someone missed me."

"You? Missed? Yeah, I think it could be the grim reaper missing you."

Kazuto joked.

"Haha, that's not a funny joke at all!"

Kazuto just shrugged his shoulders as he returned his focus to the game.

'I'll pay you back in the game' Endou said to himself as he thought of a plan to bully him in the game. Until he found out, that was a bad idea.

Looks like someone needs a new tombstone here.


"Then why are we heading for the third room?"

asked Shinomiya in confusion. 'Aren't we going to your room?' clearly visible on her face.

Misaki smirked at the thought of how they would react after she opened this door.

"Just watch and you'll know."

Sakura and Shinomiya became even more curious after she said that.

She opened the door and invited them in.



Sakura and Shinomiya were speechless after looking inside the room.

A collection of shelves filled with books piled up in front of them, along with a seat in the shape of a cute furry doll.

Shelves that even touch the ceiling of the roof, can contain tens to hundreds of books there. Manga, novels, scientific theories, to conspiracies, and books that use foreign language are neatly arranged on the shelves.

"Saki-chan, did you read all these books?"

Shinomiya asked with an amazed face. She knew Misaki had a hobby of reading, but her guess was not up to this point.

"Umm, yes. That's how it is."

Misaki answered simply.

Don't answer 'Yes, it is' with such an innocent face! Shinomiya exclaimed in her heart.

No wonder she is very smart, she reads a lot of books. Even lecture material books from various majors are also neatly stored on the bookshelf. She thought as she picked up one of the books.

It made Shinomiya gape. Did Misaki really read all this?

"Our school library doesn't even have this many books. Ahh, this Manga! I can finally read the sequel!"

Sakura said as she picked up one of the manga and read it, then as if absorbed into it, she started to forget her surroundings.

"May I know how many books are in this room?"


Misaki thought for a while before answering.

"I stopped counting after hitting 7 thousand."

"That was 4 years ago, so maybe 2 or 3 more times than that, maybe?"

She thought doubtfully.



She was surprised when suddenly her shoulder was grabbed by Shinomiya. Upon seeing her face, Shinomiya's eyes stared straight at her seriously. Misaki could only be silent after being stared at like that and waited for her to speak.

"Could it be that you're actually a humanoid creature?"


"What kind of joke is that!!?"

Ignoring the jokes that Shinomiya rarely made, no, it seemed that she seriously thought that Misaki was a humanoid being. They stay in the room (library)? and reading interesting books like manga and novels, especially Misaki bought all the series volumes to the end, which made them not worry about not having the full reading.

Misaki had read all the books stored in this room, so she intended to bring them some more snacks, but time passed faster than she expected, seeing that it was almost dinner time. So she canceled her plans and just put down a bowl of sweets, and rushed into the kitchen to make dinner.

But when she got there, her mother had already prepared dinner.

"Are you having fun with your friends?"

Her mother asked with a gentle smile when she sensed Misaki's presence.

"Yes. They are currently reading the book above."

Misaki replied as she took a kitchen knife to help her mother. But she was immediately stopped by her.

"Stop right there. Don't help me, and just play with your friends."

She said as he told him to put the kitchen knife back.

"But... I want to help Mama..."

It would be very strange for her not to cook.

"Gosh, my dear daughter. Your friends have come to play with you, so you as a wanted person by them should stay with them for fun, understand?"

"Uhh... Alright."

Misaki reluctantly left the kitchen after hearing her mother's words.

Arriving at the top again, she found her friends waiting for her to join in playing a board game. They had only read a book for a while, and were starting to get a little bored because of their intention of coming here to play with Misaki.

Misaki herself happily join in, until she finds out that she's actually fallen into a dangerous trap.

"Sakura-chan, did you bring everything yourself? You don't have to, I have it in my room too."

"Hehe, it's fine. Ohh, by the way the loser or the game score is at least satisfactory according to the game played will be punished."

Say her with a suspicious smile.

"And the punishment is, she must wear whatever item is stored in this suitcase, which contains a costume other than the clothes I have."

Since when did she bring that suitcase here? Misaki asked herself while tilting her head.

"Wait, so you brought that suitcase here just for this game?"

Misaki asked dumbfounded.

"Of course! This is going to be a lot of fun! Ah, by the way, it's the one with the highest score that can tell the loser to choose an outfit."

Sakura looked very enthusiastic right now which made Misaki feel even more suspicious.

"So let's start the game!"

But she didn't have time to think about it as Sakura started the game and followed the plot. But before that, Sakura glanced at Shinomiya once and nodded, to which she gave a tired sigh before nodding. Misaki didn't pay attention to this because she was still thinking about her suspicions on Sakura.

The first game they played was snakes and ladders, and Misaki had lost the first round. Somehow the dice she threw always had low numbers while Sakura and Shinomiya put out big numbers.

"Gosh! Saki-chan looks so cute in those cat ears!"

And the things she wears as punishment are cat tails and ears.

"P-Please don't look at me like that!"

Misaki's face was red with embarrassment, so embarrassed that she covered her face with hands which made her look even more adorable and made her wanted to be hugged by both of them.

All of the things Misaki is most embarrassing as a man's soul is wearing cat ears. This was perhaps the most soul-destroying of all things. And now she had to wear it as punishment, which obviously made her very ashamed.

But the game continued after that. This time the game is replaced with monopoly, so that every play doesn't become boring with that one. With this Misaki hoped to win it this time, because she often played it with Endou and Kazuto, and she always ended up in the Monopolist position. So she's pretty confident.

"Ahaha, Saki-chan is broke."


But her confidence had to collapse when all her assets and buildings had to be sold due to debt, so dhe was the first bankrupt. And Sakura is back to winning the game again as Monopolist.

Luckily, her only punishment was wearing a winter school uniform. She was relieved, though she didn't know why she was told to wear it.

Finished monopoly, the game switches to uno. Misaki this time will not be careless, even though this game also only requires luck in getting cards and strategies in using them.


"Kuhh... I lost again...."

Misaki knelt down in despair for her third defeat.

"Stop giving up Saki-chan, and put on this robe."

Said Shinomiya as the winner while handing over a robe that seemed to be from cosplay. It wasn't too terrible for her, so she put it on without complaint.

"What's this cloak?"

Misaki asked.

Where did she get this from? She thought.

"That's a robe suit from the anime Mahou Soujo that's currently popular, and it always airs on Sunday mornings! Has Saki-chan never watched it?"

Obviously Sakura.

"I never saw it."

The fourth game starts after that. And of course, with the cheating and cooperation of the SakuraxShinomiya duo that Misaki doesn't know about, she suffers another defeat. And she was given a difficult choice.

"Come on Saki-chan! Pose like I said."

Sakura said with a wide grin.

Misaki didn't want to do it, but if that was the case then she would be told to wear a maid uniform with a gharter belt. She clearly refused, and was forced to pose at Sakura's command.

"N-Nyaa~ like this?"

Misaki looks very shy while posing like a cute cat.

"Yes, yes! Like that! Shino-Chan, take a picture!"

"All right, all right."

Moreover, she will be photographed. But as long as it's not a maid outfit it's fine.

The game continues, and to keep Misaki from getting suspicious, they deliberately relent. As punishment, Sakura wears clothes that resemble a bear costume.

Meanwhile, Shinomiya was wearing more normal clothes than the other 2.

"No! Anything but that one!"

And Misaki suffered her defeat again.

Now she was told to put on the maid outfit she had previously refused and compensate for her punishment.

"Hehe, come on Saki-chan... Don't be like that...."

But Sakura was mercilessly coming towards her slowly like a zombie with the maid outfit in her hands while having sparkling eyes and an evil grin.

Misaki was cornered as the wall touched her back.

She thought her life would end, but a life saver came just in time.

"Kids, it's time for dinner!"

Her mother called them from downstairs.

"Ahh, I really want to see Saki-chan wear this uniform."

Sakura said as she lowered her shoulders in disappointment. She knew playtime was up.

While on the other hand, Misaki heaved a sigh of relief.

"Phew, I have thank to mom for saving me. I guess next time I'll give her a recipe to make the food she makes delicious."

She muttered.

She had no idea that she was a member of the plotters and the reason why she had to wear such a shameful cosplay.




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