Reincarnated And Became My Little Sister!!?

Chapter 38: 35. A Strange Cat

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In the afternoon, at a park near Misaki's house.

"A cat?"

On her way home, Misaki heard a cat's cry, so she became curious and started looking for it.


After a short search, she finally found the cat hiding under the slide.

"Nyaa.. Nyaa.."

A gray cat, and white fur on the underside, with a black stripe pattern was lying on the ground. He looked like he was only 2 years old, and had wounds on his body. The wound was in the abdominal area close to the hind legs, and it was clearly bleeding. It seemed that the cat had fought another cat and was injured because of it.

"Are you all right? Does it hurt?"

Misaki asked as she slowly brought her hand to his head and stroked the cat gently. Misaki was a little hesitant to do so because she thought the cat would run away, but apparently the cat wasn't scared at all, and seemed calm. It was as if he knew Misaki will not hurt him. Usually, cats will be afraid and careful of strangers.

"Smart cat."

Misaki said as she continued to stroke him.

The fur felt so smooth that Misaki liked it.

She looked back at the cat's bleeding wound.

"That's a pity... All right, wait here, will you?"

Feeling unwilling to leave him like that, Misaki intends to treat him.


The cat seemed to understand what she was saying, as he nodded back.

Oh, he nodded.

Misaki reacted slightly surprised to that.

"He's so calm in front of me.."

Misaki muttered as she went to the convenience store nearby.

The cat seemed to be more intelligent than the others, which made her curious as to where he learned it from.

"Ara, Misaki-chan. What do you want to buy today?"

Ask the cashier. Misaki often shopped for her daily needs here because it was the closest shop to her house, and she knew the cashier well enough that they could greet each other normally.

"I want to buy some cold water, tissue, and salt, Katagiri-san. Also some bread and snack."

Misaki replied to the cashier named Katagiri, as she walked towards the items she bought. By the way, Katagiri is a woman and is 22 years old.

"Salt? Didn't you buy salt yesterday, Misaki-chan?"

Katagiri asked in confusion.

"I saw an injured stray cat in the park, and wanted to treat it."

Misaki explained while handing over the payment money.

"Ohh, poor cat. Misaki-chan is really nice to want to help it."

Said Katagiri with a smile.

Misaki blushed embarrassed to hear other people praising her.

"I-I... Just feel sorry for it. Alright Katagiri-san, here's the payment. See you later."

Then she took her shopping bag and ran away.

"Yes. Take good care of the cat then."

With Katagiri's introductory words, Misaki exited the convenience store. She headed straight for the garden, and approached the cat again.

"Sorry it took so long. I brought you some food. But before that I have to treat your wound, is that okay?"

The cat licked his wound before meowing at Misaki. It seemed that he agreed with Misaki's words.

"Excuse me then."

Misaki started to slowly clean the wound. She had read about how to treat a cat's wound. That's pretty easy.

The wound is simply cleaned with a solution of salt water, which is made from 1 teaspoon of salt, and 1 liter of cold water. Well, at least it's the first treatment if the wound isn't bad.

"Hold on, Mister Cat."

Misaki said as she continued to wash the wound. The cat seemed to be holding back the pain so he tried to calm it down.

"Hufft, it's done. It's fine now."

Misaki smiled in relief after finishing without any problems and stroked her head.

Misaki then fed him with the bread or snacks she bought. Actually she wanted to buy cat food for him, but there was no pet shop nearby. Even if it existed, she wasn't sure she would be able to communicate with her state.

After finishing eating, the cat stroked its head at Misaki as if to say thank you. Seeing his exasperated behavior made her really want to hug him.

The cat's behavior hypnotized Misaki.

"Very cute..."

She really wanted to hug him. But she was afraid that the wound would make the cat ache when she hugged him.


A familiar voice called out her from behind. Misaki turned around and saw Kazuto looking at her.

"Onii-chan? Shouldn't you be training at your club today?"

Misaki asked Kazuto.

"It's canceled for today. By the way, what were you doing in the park?"

"I found a cat injured."

Misaki then showed the cat to him.


The cat look like say hello when waving his hand.

"Strange cat."

He said with narrowed eyes at the first time he saw the cat. His flat gaze resembled that of a human, and he became uncomfortable about it.

"Isn't that right? This cat is quite intelligent, and seems very calm when he meets me."

Misaki also felt strange about it.

"So, Onii-chan."


Misaki suddenly looked at him with such a strong gaze that Kazuto had a questioning look.

"May I pet this cat?"

Her eyes were very sparkling and had a lot of hope from her voice.

She really wanted to keep a cat, even in her past life until now. But in the past, she couldn't do it because Misaki didn't allow it, but now she was the person herself, so she definitely could, moreover Kazuto would definitely agree to it. And now is the time to ask for it.

That's what Misaki thought. But Kazuto's words made her hopes dashed.


"E-Ehh!! Why? Doesn't Onii-chan like cats too?"

Misaki had a half-crying gaze as she stared at the cat, who was also looking at her in confusion.

"Haaa, I'm fine with leaving him at home. But we need our parents' permission for that. Also, raising animals isn't just about us playing with them, but we have to take responsibility for everything they do."

It was clear when he was petting the cat.

"I see... so in the end it couldn't... Sob..."

Misaki wiped her tears that had already come out. She had her hopes too high in the end.

Seeing her look sad and disappointed made Kazuto feel bad. He didn't like seeing his sister sad.

He finally say something with a sigh said.

"I never said we really shouldn't keep it, it just needs our parents' permission. So we can keep it if our parents agree."

"Really!? What are Onii-chan waiting for then, quickly call them!"

Misaki got excited again when she heard that. Her dead looking eyes lit up again as he looked at her. She ofcourse really wanted to keep the cat.

Kazuto had a sour face because of it. Did she just bait me with a fake expression?

"But I have bad news. Our mom and dad told me yesterday that they'll be out in the Himalayas, and won't be contacted for a week."

Misaki was surprised to hear that.

"What? Are they looking for a yeti or an immortal spring!? How could they go to such a place!"

Misaki is pouting now.

"We can only wait for now, so be patient."

"Haa, alright...."

"...But, what if this cat is lost or gone?"

Misaki asked. She was obviously worried because she couldn't take him inside the house.

"If that happens, then we can find or buy another cat."

Misaki hugged the cat and glared at Kazuto who heard his words.

"Onii-chan is really cold-hearted, I've decided to take care of this cat."

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Seeing that sharp gaze, Kazuto couldn't help but scratch his head. There was nothing wrong with what he said, tough he.

"Isn't that cat smart enough? How about telling him to stay here for that time, he might listen."

His reply was to change the subject. If it continues like this he will probably continue to be blamed.

"That's true."

Misaki said as her eyes widened.

And it worked.

"Master Cat, do you understand what I'm saying?"

The cat nodded as it spoke.

Kazuto slightly furrowed his brows seeing this. He did say to talk to the cat, but only as a distraction. However, he really didn't expect that Misaki would do it, and not enough with that, the cat replied as if he understood her words.

Is it just my feelings?

Kazuto shook his head thinking he was hallucinating, but when he looked at him again the two of them were actually conversing as if they understood each other.

Is she Snow White or something?

No. Misaki wasn't the problem here, but it was the cat that look soo humane.

Kazuto looked straight at the cat again and continued to watch it.

So far his behavior seemed normal, but he always felt there was something odd about it.

"Hah, whatever."

In the end, Kazuto gave up on caring and sat on the swing while watching Misaki play with the Cat.

As long as Misaki is happy and the cat isn't trying to hurt her, then he's fine. Although maybe the cat is the incarnation of the devil, yokai, or curse.

So he let it go for now.

For now.

After all, the animal looked strange in his eyes.

Misaki continued to play with the cat before finally go home.

"You look like you're having fun there."

"Hehe, the cat is indeed weird, but that also makes it funny."

Misaki was clearly happy from her cheerful voice.

For some reason Kazuto looked sullen when he heard that, and Misaki was aware of this.

"Heehh, could it be that Onii-chan is jealous because I'm the only one playing with him? Gosh, why didn't you say that earlier. The cat is very friendly, so Onii-chan can play with him too."

Misaki has a seductive grin while looking at him. 

"Who's jealous?"

He was jealous, but not because he couldn't play with the cat. But to Misaki who...

Wait, did I just get jealous? On a cat? Really, me? Feeling rivaled? Just because Misaki was playing with a cat?

"Cat..... Jealous... rivaled..."

Kazuto was hit by a mental attack due to a strange thing that filled his mind, so his face became blank.

"Erm... Onii-chan? You look like a lunatic, are you all right?"

Misaki got worried seeing Kazuto being weird.


Kazuto replied blankly.

"By the way, how are your ears? Are they all right?"

Kazuto stopped acting weird, then grabbed his right ear where there was a bite mark from Misaki when she was sick.

Misaki felt guilty when she heard from Kazuto that she bit him. What the heck, what did my alter ego do to make me do this? She asked himself.

"It doesn't hurt at all, but thanks to the scars that don't go away, a strange rumor has spread."

"Strange rumours?"

Misaki had a confused face.

"Yeah. People thought I had a girlfriend because of it, and a lot of my classmates and club members got excited, and asked who my girlfriend was and the extent of our relationship."

Kazuto said with a tired face.

It's only natural, rumors spread because of that, especially since Kazuto is a popular person. Misaki thought.

"Sorry it bothering you."

Misaki made an apologetic face.

"It's fine, after all the rumors died out as soon as I explained it. Well, even if it was a lie anyway."

He replied while stroking Misaki's head.

"What did you tell them?"

Misaki asked curiously as she pushed away Kazuto's arm.

"I said an adorable stray cat suddenly bit my ear."

He replied with a smirk as he looked at Misaki.

Misaki narrowed her eyes at that kind of answer.

"Honestly they won't believe it."

"Who knows?"

Kazuto shrugged his shoulders, still with that annoying-looking grin.

Obviously he wasn't telling the truth.

"But, isn't Onii-chan close to Horimiya-san? How about just going out with her, she looks very beautiful and suits you, you know. Moreover, I don't want Onii-chan to be single forever."

Misaki is still looking for a suitable partner for Kazuto. And so far, Horimiya was the most suitable person by Kazuto's side.

Hearing Misaki's words, made Kazuto frown, but he didn't show it in front of Misaki.

"It's better not to worry about such things for now, and just focus on school and study."

He said as he lightly flicked Misaki's head.

"Ouch! T-That's right, I guess. I don't think there's any rush."

Misaki stroked her forehead which was flicked, for making a good sound.

That's right, there's no need to rush to find Kazuto's partner. There might be a better person who came after Horimiya. But still including her as a candidate is also a good thing. Misaki thought.

But why did he suddenly have a bad mood? Were there any wrong words when I spoke earlier? She asked himself. She could tell, because the air around Kazuto was somehow heavy. Obviously he was in a bad mood, somehow.

"Why are you frowning all of a sudden? You're worrying your sister."

Misaki then hugged Kazuto's arm as she looked at him with a questioning look. As the 'ideal sister', she should know the problems her brother is facing.

"Is that obvious on my face?"

Kazuto asked while looking at her. 

"Come on, I'm your sister, YOUR SISTER. I can see everything clearly."

Misaki answered cheerfully.

Kazuto sighed at the strange answer.

"So what is it?"

Ask her again.

"It's nothing. It's just that I don't like matchmaking with other people, even if it's just a joke."

Kazuto answered while scratching his cheek. The reason he didn't like it because it was quite disturbing to his mind, especially since it was Misaki who said it. She seemed very enthusiastic about finding a partner for him, so it was enough to be dizzy just thinking about it.

"Is that so?"

Misaki was quite surprised. She never expected Kazuto to dislike that. Or is there some other reason why he doesn't like it.

"Could it be that Onii-chan had a crush on someone without my knowledge?"

She asked curiously.

Kazuto smiled bitterly at her words.

"I was right, right? I was right!? Now quickly tell me who it is, I want to meet her and see if she deserves you!"

Said her in an impatient voice. If it was true that Kazuto had a secret crush on someone without her knowledge, then she had to find out who it was. However, she would not approve of their relationship if the girl was not good enough in her eyes.

"Just think with your conscience, do I like someone or not? Aren't you my sister who can see everything clearly? Guess for yourself."


Kazuto flicked her head again, then left her with a mysterious smile.

"Hey Onii-chan, wait!"

She really wondered who Kazuto liked if that was true.






This is the last chapter for this month. Maybe I'll back in the middle of month for next time. You can read my latest chapter on Patreon. See you guys ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ

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