Reincarnated And Became My Little Sister!!?

Chapter 46: 43. Kazuto Got Sick?!

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The storm finally passed the next day when noon arrived.

What people first see when they come out is chaos. Trash was strewn all over the place, tree branches were blocking the road, and several buildings were damaged by fallen trees right above them.

"Sorry Miss Misaki, looks like we have to turn around. It will take a long time if we wait for the workers to remove the fallen tree."

Raphael said apologetically.

"No. We're not in a rush either."

Misaki is currently on her way home accompanied by Raphael.

He should be able to get to his house in 20 minutes by road. However, with a road that is walled with fallen trees, he has to travel twice as far as usual.

"What is it Endou? You look tense today? Did something happen?"

And for some reason, Endou also came along. And he's been looking really awkward since this morning.

"N-No, it's nothing...."

Endou stuttered.

The morning when he woke up should be pleasant thanks to his deep sleep. But what he found when he woke up this morning was shock. That's because when he woke up, Misaki was somehow already in his arms!

What's more is he also hugged her so that they seemed to hug each other tightly as if they were a couple. Shocked by that, he ran out of his room with a red face, leaving Misaki there alone. It obviously made him very embarrassed, plus every time he met Raphael, he was always teased by him and now he somehow felt awkward around Misaki.

"Is there really nothing wrong?"

Misaki asked while tilting her head.

Could it be that he felt guilty for making me sleep on the floor? She wondered.

Last night she slept so well that she didn't wake up for dinner. And when she woke up, she was already in Endou's room and sleeping on the floor. Misaki felt a little disappointed that as a man Endou should have given her a more comfortable bed. But Misaki didn't really care about that.

They finally arrived at Misaki's house at 2 pm.

"Onii-chan, I'm home."

Misaki said as she opened the door.


But there was no answer from inside.



Instead of Kazuto, it was Natsu who came to greet her.

"Ohh, Natsu! I miss you even though I only haven't seen you in a day!"

Misaki took off her shoes and climbed onto the floor to hug Natsu.

Natsu didn't seem to like that action, but chose to remain silent. He was used to being hugged but still didn't like it.

Satisfied with hugging him, she him let go.

"Where's Onii-chan?"


"He's in his room? Is he still sleeping at this hour?"

Misaki had a questioning expression on her face. Even though it was already noon, he didn't usually lock himself in his room.

She finally went upstairs followed by Endou behind.


Misaki slowly opened the door.

Kazuto's room was much simpler than Misaki's. With walls painted white and gray decorated with several sports posters, and a study table containing neatly arranged books and pictures of him and Misaki with their parents when they were little. There was also a computer he used to play and study with, a wardrobe, and a few other little things.

But Misaki focused on the bed- no, but the person lying on the bed.

"Misaki.... Thankfully, I thought you disappeared into the storm last night...Cough cough!"

Kazuto speak in a weak voice and coughed as he tried to get up from his bed.

"Onii-chan, what happened to you!?"

Misaki immediately approached him when saw the condition of Kazuto who looked sick. His face looked very pale, and his body temperature was also very hot when Misaki pressed her arm to her forehead.

"Where were you during the storm? Cough!"

"Don't speak to much, you're sick! And don't try to move an inch from the bed, understand!!?"

Misaki snapped at him.

She clearly looked very worried seeing her expression so resolute, so Kazuto laughed a little.

"Now what's so funny?"

Misaki asked with a frown.

"No. It's nothing, ma'am."

"Don't start that joke again."

Seeing Misaki's fierce eyes, Kazuto gave up on teasing her.

"Dude, how did you get sick? I can't believe a gorilla like you could get sick like this."

Endou who had been watching him finally spoke to Kazuto. Although his words were more like sarcasm, he was actually worried too. As expected of a true friend.

"Uhukm...You know, if I wasn't sick then I would have thrown you a long time ago."

Kazuto replied with a smirk on his pale face.

Endou also smirked.

"But you're sick, so you can't do it, can you?"

"Unfortunately, you're right. But I can still hit you with my hands, you know."

"Hou... I really wonder how a sick person like you would hit me."

As if electric sparks shot out of their eyes as they looked at each other, Endou and Kazuto seemed to be preparing to do something useless again.

"Both of you, stop that. You'd better stop trying to make jokes before I get to the bloody scene here."

Misaki said with a vein in her hand.

He was clearly very annoyed that even after being sick, Kazuto still had an interest in doing something annoying, and Endou was even the same or worse here.

They made apologetic faces and backed off after that. They were really easy to control when they heard Misaki's words.

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"By the way, what did you do to make you sick?"

"Because I didn't see you at all at home and didn't hear any information from you, I immediately panicked, and started looking for...."

Kazuto started to tell what happened yesterday.

At that time, Kazuto could go home when the storm was coming. But when he's at home, Misaki isn't there at all. And the storm had started with a roar and a strong wind so that it made him anxious. Moreover, Misaki was afraid of lightning so Kazuto started his search in the middle of the storm until midnight. He hadn't thought about the option of calling Endou at all and finding out if he was there because he was too panicked. Even if he could remember, he wouldn't be able to reach him because the power lines were turned off, and his cell phone signal went off as well.

"I see.... But you know Onii-chan, what kind of idiot would be searching someone in the middle of a storm!?"

Misaki would certainly be angry after hearing that story. He could be hurt or even worse than that.

"...But... I also saw a kid your age walking leisurely in the storm while looking for you..."

"That was clearly just your hallucination! How can a child be left to roam alone in a storm!"

"Okay, cough.... I'm sorry...."

Seeing him in such a weak state could only make her lower her anger.

"Hmph! We'll talk about this later."

Misaki said with a snort. She was clearly angry with worry.

Kazuto just laughed weakly at her like that, which made Misaki puff out her cheeks a little from feeling that he wasn't being taken seriously.

"Uhh.... I guess I should go home now."

Endou said.

"Ehh, that fast?"

Misaki replied while looking at him.

"Yeah. I don't want to get caught in the storm of your bickering, and I also need to sort things out at home."

Misaki immediately made an apologetic face when remembering that Endou had not finished the work his father had given to him, because he disturbed him by falling asleep.

"Sorry for not being able to help you."

"It's all right. See you then, and I hope you get well soon my friend."

Endou said to Kazuto.

"If you want me to get better quickly at least let me hit you once."

"No thanks. I'd rather you stay sick then."

Endou ran away immediately after that, and was followed by Misaki who escorted him to the front door.

"See you later Misaki, take good care of your brother."

"Yeah, thanks for worrying about it. And also sorry for not being able to help you sort it out."

Once again Misaki made an apologetic face for not being able to complete her responsibilities.

"Haha, I told you it's fine."

Endou had a relaxed face because his father wouldn't scold him either for this matter.

"You can repay me later by traveling with me to Akiba again later, how about that?"

"No, thanks for your offer, but I have to decline."

Misaki answered flatly at his invitation.

"Wow, it breaks my heart to hear that direct answer."

Misaki laughed seeing his very disappointed face.

"You should have taken me in a more subtle way. Well, even then I wouldn't have come. You'd have to kidnap me if you wanted me to go with me."

"I will gladly follow your advice."

Endou answered seriously.

"Hey, I'm joking and don't take it seriously!"

Seeing him like that made Misaki take a step back.

"Hahaha, take it easy. I will kidnap you in the most subtle way."

Endou made a hand gesture as if to catch her while making a criminal face.

"If I go missing, then the first suspect to be named will be you."


They laughed together after a brief silence.

"Well, it's goodbye then."

"Yes, be careful on the road."

Endou only waved when his back was already turned. After that he got in the car and left.

Misaki stared at the car until the end and was out of sight.

Somehow he felt a little lonely because he had no friends to play with. But if Endou stayed here, then she wouldn't be able to focus on taking care of Kazuto.

Misaki immediately closed the door and headed for the kitchen to make Kazuto some food, as she put on an apron and tied her hair in a ponytail.

After that she started to take the rice and wash it, and heat the water.

"He must not have eaten since last night. Isn't that right, Natsu?"

he asked the cat who yawning on the floor.


Natsu just answered with that voice then started laying his body on the floor. He also want to eat as he seemed to be waiting for her to finish cooking.

"Really, Onii-chan. He wouldn't be able to live alone without me, he should feel lucky to have a sister like me."

Even though Misaki grumbled, she continued to smile faintly for no reason.

After washing it, she put the rice in the rice cooker, and slowly poured hot water into it.

While waiting for the rice to be cooked, she started taking the vegetables from the refrigerator and chopping them up.

"If he is looking for a wife in the future, then she should be as good as me in the household and be able to take good care of him if something like this happens."


"Yeah, yeah. I'll also make you some food later. Just wait a minute."

Accompanied by her cat, Misaki continued to process the ingredients in front of her.

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