Reincarnated and Well Loved by The Gods

Chapter 1: 1

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"...can I just not be reincarnated?"

The one in front of me snaps their mouth closed and looks around, even though there's nothing to look at, anyway. What are they supposed to look at? Everything is white! I can't even tell where it ends or where it begins! Seems like Heaven is a pretty damn boring place.

Heaven isn't boring. You're still just a human soul. A mortal. You're just at the border.

"Can you read my mind?"



"Okay, let me get this straight. What you're saying is that I died, right?"


"And now my soul is in… the border of Heaven?"

That's correct.

"But I can't enter Heaven because I'm still supposed to be reincarnated?"

That's right.

"But why?!"

The one in front of me sighs. By the way, it — or they, I don't know how to classify these… things? — introduced itself a while ago. The name is Evie, an Archangel that's apparently in-charge of Security and Guidance. Whatever that means. How many Archangels are there? Does that mean there are types of Angels in Heaven? Are there Archdemons? How many types of Demons? Is Hell real?

You're thinking of pretty dangerous things, Mortal.

"Stop reading my mind and answer me, Evie!"

There's not much to say! The God of Creation doesn't deem you a soul that has to go back to the Universe yet, and that means you need to be reincarnated until you are.

"What does that mean? What Universe?"

Evie puts on its thinking face and hums. I can't really explain it. Maybe some other Archangels can explain it better. But that's the gist.

"Call some other Archangels, then."

Are you kidding? Souls like you are rare! I won't share even if I have to fight!

I am confused.

"Why do you mean —"

Stop asking questions. You're still going to be reincarnated, anyway.

That's true. But I'm still pissed off.

Tell you what, because of the kind of soul you are, I can give you privileges. Evie pauses for a second and then nods. Yeah, I think I can give you privileges. I don't think the God of Creation can scold me for this. But I can only give you three privileges, alright! And no monetary gain! I can't make you rich!

…That still gives me a few options.

Okay. This Archangel is right. Even if I do ask multiple questions, I won't really get it even if it was explained to me. I can't die and I can't enter Heaven yet, so I have no choice but to live. Again. I sigh. One life was enough… I lived well enough.


Fine, whatever. Privileges. First of all, I need to know where I'm gonna be thrown into.

Well, that depends. What kind of life do you want to live? Do you want to be a Hero? Or a Saintess? Or —

"I want a peaceful life. Like a farmer. As a matter of fact, I want to be a hermit."

…Okay. Well, I need to find a perfect vessel for that right now. There's not a lot of that kind of life in my Human Realms at this moment. Most humans liked being a Hero, so…

"I don't really like a fast paced life. Even in my previous world, I liked staying inside the house."

Those were the days… if I remember correctly, I was twenty five when I died. I stayed in the company I worked for since I was twenty, all because the salary was good and I had two days off. I just stay in my apartment… read books… watch videos… take me back…

Oh, I found one!

…I guess not.

This vessel is named Lumiere. She has been an orphan since she was young and she's currently eighteen. She's in possession of a small piece of land on the border of the forest. If you want this, I need to tell you, monsters exist in this world. Dungeons, you know? And the vessel is near it, is that okay?

Why would I want that?

You don't? Okay. The next available vessel is a Hero of a —

"I'll take the first one."

Good choice.

"Wait, you mean vessel? Does that mean they had souls before?"

Well, yes, and no. Vessels are bodies that did have souls before but died a long time ago. Usually, they are rare souls like you are so we preserve their bodies so another rare soul can enter it, like you do.

"I still don't get those things."

And you don't need to. Not right now, anyway.

Yeah… also, it's none of my business. I need to worry about myself. "What other privileges do you have for me?"

This is not part of the privileges. So, you can still have three. I can give you Skills, Attributes… anything, as long as it is not monetary gain.

"I need an unlimited supply of food and materials. Like, when I think of something, it just comes out, you know? What do you call it in video games? Yeah, that's right! Item Box or Inventory, right?"


That fast?!

Like I said, as long as it is not money.

"I also want to be able to heal myself when I need to. I want to be free of diseases and stuff like that. I don't like pain or anything."


And lastly…

"I need to protect myself but I don't want to do it. Give me a bunch of cute familiars that can protect me."

Why do I have a feeling this is what you want all along?

In my previous life, I had two dogs and a cat. I was single and alone but I was never lonely. Before I died, I told my best friend to take care of my children if I ever passed away. Hopefully, she remembered our promise and adopted them.

"You're just overthinking it."

Evie narrows their eyes. I might have.

I nod, supporting the idea.

I have blessed your soul the things you asked for. All we need to do is to send you to your vessel. Ah, that's right. Your first familiar is in your home. Take care of her.

"What? Really? What is it?"

It's a surprise! Okay, now! Evie grabs me by the hand and pushes me forward. I'm seeing what seems to be a cliff at the end of this path.

"Wait just a second! I thought it was just white around this place! What is that?"

Stop asking questions! Evie, with the strength of an Archangel, pushes me off, head first. And go!

"YOU DAMN ARCHANGEL!" I scream. I wonder if they heard me.


I open my eyes and see an unfamiliar ceiling. To be fair, the ceiling seems to be made out of wood. I sit up, abruptly, and look around. Everything is made out of wood, and the space is small. Just enough for one person. A bed, a kitchen, a toilet. No second floor. I stand up and immediately run towards the window and open it. Fresh air, and a small piece of land with vegetables in front.

Holy shit.

This is really another world.

I'm too focused on what I was looking at that I don't see or feel the big creature behind me, until it starts making noises. I turn my head around and —

Black and white fur.

And huge.

A panda.

"Is it familiar?"

The panda tilts her head and blinks.

I feel my blood rushing to my head. Oh, no. She's cute. I rush towards the panda and hug her. "Soft! Very soft! Wooo!"

The panda just hugs me back in confusion. I look up and find her looking at me.

"I'll name you Mei!"

[Familiar #1 has been named.]

[Details are being updated.]


[Status Window:

Name: Lumiere

Age: Eighteen years old

Race: Human

Status: Alive

Strength: 0/100 (not in use)

Mana Capacity: 0/100 (not in use)

Health: 0/100 (not in use)

Active Skill: None

Passive Skill: Healing LVL. 1

Unique Skill: Beast Tamer LVL. 1*

*Current Familiar(s)

#1: Mei - Panda (Holy Beast)]

…What is up with that strength? If I use that in full, can that actually kill a man? No, no, wait… a country? I shiver. I don't want to know what that thing can do.

Mana Capacity? Of course, Mana surely exists in this world. But why do I need that kind of Capacity? How will I use it? Whatever, I'll think of that later on.

Health… ah, yes. I did ask for this. But if Evie was going to give me the other two, why does this still need to be a privilege then? I'm going to complain to them later on, that angel bastard.

Healing…? Hmm… I guess it means I can heal other living things? I guess? It has a level though, so maybe the more I use it, the more it levels up. I have no plans of meeting humanity, so I don't care.

I hug Mei once again and pull myself away and start stretching. Now I know a few things about myself, I need to know a few things about this world. I walk out of the house and Mei follows me, like a dog. It's weird seeing a panda walk on two legs but… it's cute. Ah, maybe reincarnation wouldn't be so bad.

When I check, I realise that on the back of my house, there are no trees but a road. From what Evie had told me, I am in the border of the forest so the other border… is probably civilization. On the front is the land, and the forest. It looks very eerie.

Mei is on guard, too.

"Monsters? I mean, I was told about this but… it is very worrying. I have Mei, the wonderful, fluffy panda but I don't want you to fight if I can help it."

I should probably use that.

"Item Box?" I declare.

And a screen with boxes is in front of me and a [Search] engine on top. I tap it and a keyboard comes up too.

Protective barrier, I type and a few items come up.

"Oh, look at that." I murmur to myself. I chose the one that looks a lot like stones. From the description, it says, it will 'sizzle' anything that is lower than Rank C Monsters and it's also perfect because it looks like a stone!

In the numerous boxes in my Item Box, the stones came in the first box. I grab it and it surprises me how easy that was. I might forgive Evie for their scamming.

I put the stones in every corner of my land and try the effectiveness of the stone by throwing a leaf. It does sizzle. Into nothing.

"Scary. But reassuring!"

I enter my house once again and look at the drawers and shelves in the kitchen. There's not a lot of things. Pot, kettle, spoons, aplates,a knife, a few fruits and meat. The meat looks like it's about to go bad so I put it aside. In the bedside, there are only a few clothes. Two dresses and two farming uniforms. And a bag filled with coins. Twenty bronze, ten silver and three gold coins. I don't know the currency of this world but I put it in my Item Box. This is the only thing I can't get from it, okay? What if I needed the money?

There's also a sword in the inner cabinet but I can probably swing it a few times before it falls apart. I take it out, anyway, just in case.

Looking at the window, I can see the sun is about to set. I should eat dinner and feed Mei, as well.

What do pandas eat? Don't they eat bamboo shoots or something? But Mei is a Holy Beast, so it can probably eat anything.

I take out a few items from the [Item Box]. A lamp (that turns on with mana), meat, and seasonings.

I touch the lamp, and imagine mana (in this case, a blue-ish color liquid) flowing in my veins and coming directly in my hands.

[Mana Capacity: 2/100 (in use)]

Oh, nice!

The lamp lights up and I pull my hand away. "That's so cool." I put the lamp near me, and started checking the meat. A half kilo of meat is enough for me. I can probably even have that until tomorrow afternoon, but I have a panda as a companion and she looks big.

Alright, let's start cooking.

First, I wash the meat. By the way, there's a well beside the house and that's where I get my clean water. I cut it into cubes. Around halfway, I start feeling tired and the [Strength: 5/100 (in use)] lights up on my screen. After I'm done, I put away the meat and start getting some veggies in my land.

There are a lot.

I breathe in the fresh air and feel myself healing. This is the life that I always wanted to have. I need to get some novels, too. Can I get a TV? Is there electricity here?

Suddenly, I feel a head bumping in my back. When I turn around, it's Mei looking at me with doe eyes. "What is it? Are you hungry? I'll get some veggies now to start cooking."

The Panda shakes her head and grabs the basket from me and then she starts walking towards the farm and grabs the vegetables one by one.

"Ah! You don't need to take a lot!" I exclaim. What a cute panda. She wanted to do it? I need to feed her a lot as a reward!

When we fill up the entire basket, I go back to the kitchen and start cleaning the veggies, cutting it for it to fit the pot. Speaking of pot, I clean it too, and start heating it up. It looks old, but the burner that the old owner has can be turned on by putting mana as well but the capacity is low, only around two.

Hmm, I see now why Evie gave me a big Mana Capacity. A lot of things in this world can only be used if you can use mana. Maybe I won't complain much when I talk to Evie later on. Which reminds me… how do I talk to that Archangel? Do I just wait for them to contact me? That damn Angel…

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I boil the meat until it's half cooked and add some seasoning. When it's boiling, I also throw the vegetables. I taste the soup and add a little salt for it to fit my taste. And then done. I grab a small bowl for myself and a big bowl for Mei. I put the bowls on the table but Mei grabs her and puts them on the floor.

"No, wait. That's the floor!" I immediately grab a cloth and put it under the bowl. "I really need to clean this place."

Mei nods at me and starts eating. I look at her for a bit and she seems to like it. I smile while I dig into my own plate.

Hoo… rice would be great right now. But it's too late to cook.

I clean the plates and everything I use. I feel a bit dirty, but the toilet only has the toilet. How does the original owner take a bath? I suddenly have the idea that she doesn't and shivers. Fine, I need to do something about that but for tonight, maybe wiping wouldn't be so bad. When I finish, I find Mei on the bed, folding herself to make herself small. I lay down next to her and she envelopes me with a hug.

This… this is why I want a familiar. Ahh, I'm healing. This is healing.

And I fall asleep, just like that.


Unbeknown to Lumiere, Mei is awake. She holds up one of her paws and mana gathers around it. She throws it somewhere inside the forest and an undeniable groan of an orc dying. Mei is on alert for a few seconds, and then goes back to bed when she feels nothing.

Mei needs to protect her new master. Of course, it is because she is a familiar and a tamed beast. But also, the food is amazing. She doesn't need to eat but the taste… her new master is better than the old master. Her old master only feeds her tasteless fruits.

(Evie suddenly sneezes somewhere.

What the… are you getting a cold? You've been sneezing non stop today. Wait, can Archangels get a cold?

I don't think it's a cold… Evie glares on the ground. I feel like someone is talking bad about me.)


There's no helping it, I need to go to town.

For three days, all I did was sleep, clean the house, farm, cook, read books, and watch TV. There is a TV, and can be operated by mana, and the shows and movies from my world can be watched but it made me miss my first life so… I just don't use it. Anyway, I liked this slow paced life, I love it, even but… not knowing a lot of things is dangerous. I'm in a different world now, with different currency and different culture and just different things altogether. I know I said I don't want to get in contact with humanity and civilization but if there's a chance that I have to… I need to protect myself, that isn't just brute strength.

Also, it looks like the previous Lumiere would go to town or at least somewhere with people. She has money. The only thing I can think of is that she's selling her vegetables.

So, I pack some veggies in a big bag I saw in her cabinet, and wrap the sword around my waist. I need to get a better weapon, so I need to go to the weapon store after I sell these veggies. Maybe I need to go to a pub, too? If there are dungeons and monsters, adventurers exist here. And maybe guilds, I guess…?

Fuck, I should've done this sooner.

I carry the bag and automatically [Strength: 3/100 (in use)] lights up on a screen. I see Mei looking at me, with doe eyes again when I'm about to leave.

"You can't come with me, you're way too big. You'll gather attention. So stay here and guard the house. I'll bring some good food later."

I don't know if it's just my eyes but isn't Mei becoming smaller and smaller and… now, she's the size of a puppy.

"You can do that? Wow! You look adorable, Mei!" I pick her up and she starts rubbing her cheek against mine. "Oh, okay, okay… you really want to come with me, huh? I guess you can come now. You look like a tiny dog." I carry Mei in my arms and lock the door. I also check the stones. Still works.

"Hopefully, no monsters or thieves will try anything. I don't want to clean a dead body." I shiver thinking about it.

I walk, and just follow the road. Because there's no other people aside from me, I take out an umbrella in my Item Box. It's not that hot, I think it has something to do with my Strength and Healing status, but I still sweat. And mentally, I feel like it should be hot.

Finally, I see a town. Or I see the walls, more accurately. I take out the bag of money I got from the real owner of this body and approach the gates.

The guard there gives me a look. "Identification?"

"I don't have one." I answer.

He points towards a window. I'm guessing I need to pay. When I get to the window, a middle aged woman smiles at me.

"Lumiere! It's good to see you! It's been so long!"

…Ah, shit.

"Hi." I reply. "Yes, it's been so long. I have a few veggies I need to sell."

"I see! Oh, what is that in your arms?"

"My pet. She's a dog. I call her Mei."

"You got busy, huh? Just pay the usual and go inside."

How much is the usual?

"Carol, the payment has increased." The guard beside the window reminds her.

Her name is Carol. Oh, thank you, Guard.

"That's right. I forgot. Sorry, Lumiere, but you need to pay twenty bronze or four silver."

Hmm? So, one silver is five bronze? I'm getting information just by being here. I take out the bag of money and give her twenty bronze.

"You can enter now." Carol says.

"Thank you."

"You should really join the Merchant Guild, little lady. You'll be paying a lot more if you don't." The guard advises.

I smile before entering.

When I enter, there's a big sign that says WELCOME TO OMAGO TOWN. That's a weird name. I walk around and there are all kinds of shops. Clothes, food, even weapon stores… looking at my money, I don't think this will be enough to buy a common sword.

Crap. Should've asked where to sell my veggies.

I walk around more, and slowly, I realise, that I really am no longer in my world. The modern one. And suddenly, I feel lonely.

I was an orphan. I grew up with my grandmother who died when I turned fifteen. After that, I had to live on my own but when I was seventeen, I met my best friend who gave me a dog. It was a simple life, with the right amount of tragedy but I was happy, contented.

And now I'm here. Starting from scratch.

"Hey, little girl!" A voice exclaims.

I look on the side and find a grandmother in a stall. "Yes?"

"Come here."

I approached her. She gives me a bag of fruits. "Ah, yes?"

"You looked like you were about to cry. Life is hard, you little girl, but it will get better. Eat some fruits and don't do anything stupid."

…I can't help but laugh. "Thank you, granny. Um, granny. I have some vegetables with me. Can I give you some, as thanks for the fruits?"

The grandmother shrugs.

I put down Mei who curls herself on my feet and then I put down my bag. I take a few vegetables. Cabbages, carrots, and radishes. They all look fresh. "Here you go, granny."

"You… what is this?" Granny asks, her face looks a little shocked. "These vegetables… aren't they a little too lively?"

I giggle internally. I guess injecting mana into the soil is effective.

"Are you sure you want to give it to me? You could sell this."

"I still have a few of them in my bag. It's okay."

"Ayee, you damn it, girl. Fine, I'll accept these vegetables. But you will let me pay for the others. My son has a stall with his wife, these kinds of vegetables could be sold there."


"With pleasure, granny."

So, that's how I sell all of my vegetables. Granny also taught me that there are four types of money, and all of them are coins.

Copper, which is the lowest. Ten copper is one bronze. Five bronze is one silver. And ten silver is one gold. With all of my vegetables, Granny paid me five silver. In this day and age, five silver can support a family for a week. And since I'm single, it can last me a long time.

"If you ever have more vegetables, give it to me, alright."

I nod, and wave goodbye to Granny.

Since there are only fruits in my bag, I put Mei inside and carry it. There are all sorts of food here, and I want to try them all.

I stop in one stall and an old, bald man tells me, "We have Orc Meat here. Grilled to perfection."

Orc…? Ah, those pig looking creatures that walk on two legs?

"How much is it, Mister?"

"Five copper for one stick."

I buy two and pay. I feed Mei and she lets out good noises inside the bag. I pat it as I continue walking.

The house has a lot of stuff that I need to use and I also have the Item Box so… sightseeing is just nice. Oh, look, there's a pretty thing over there.

After I buy a few things I will never need, I look for a pub. I'm kind of hungry and I want to see what kind of food this place has to offer. I go inside and the first thing I notice is the noise. Well, it's mostly adventurers drinking and stuff, so it is not surprising.

"How many?" One of the waitresses asks me.

"Just me."

"Is it fine for you to share a table? There are quite a lot of customers."

"It's fine."

"Okay, please follow me."

The waitress leads me to a table in the corner, with only two people sitting on it. They're wearing scary looking armors, they're adventurers, then.

"Hey, Paul, is it okay for this young lady to sit with y'all?"

"No problem! Hello, young lady, name's Paul. I'm with my nephew. Aye, say hello to the pretty lady, Bert."

Bert awkwardly nods at me.

"My goodness." Paul complains.

"It's alright." Honestly, I'm more comfortable with Bert's reaction. Paul is too… extroverted for me. I sit across from them and say, "Thank you for letting me sit with you guys."

"Like I told Sandra, it's no problem. You're gonna eat, yeah? You should buy their special. It's good."

I smile. Well, okay. Recommendations are special.

When Sandra comes back, I ask her for the special and one apple juice. I pay for it in front and she happily skips as she walks away.

"What do you do, little lady? A merchant?" Paul asks.

I nod. "You can say that. I sell vegetables."

"You don't have a stall? We'll visit you!"

"I don't have one." I answer honestly. "I wanted to register in a guild but I'm not too sure." I act like I think it's a little pitiful. This is the right time to get some information. "What do you think, Mr. Paul?"

Paul chews his food and swallows. "Well, to be fair, we are from the Adventurer's Guild. A lot of rules are left to be desired, for sure, but it's still safest if you join a guild. For example, you don't need to pay an entrance fee if you enter a small town like this, and it will lessen if you go to a bigger town. Stuff like that."

That's true. Entering here did cost me a few bronze. That would be bad if I do a lot of that in the long run. Money is the only thing I'm missing in the Item Box after all.

"Considering you sell stuff… How about registering in the Merchant's Guild? I'm sure there are ranks for that kind of stuff, like adventurers do. By the way, it is not really illegal… but selling things without a Merchant's Guild Card is frowned upon. If you get caught, they might let you off with a warning but merchants bring all kinds of trouble so be careful."

Paul and Bert finish their food, and wave me goodbye after our conversation. I eat mine as well, and think that I really need to register in the guild now. I hurry eating, well, Mei and I hurry eating and walk out of the pub.

Registering costs money, I hope the money I have would suffice.


The Merchant's Guild is a big building. Not like the building in my world, but big enough for me to marvel. I enter, and there are quite a few people inside already that no one really bats an eye when they see me. I approach the counter and a woman with long, black hair and pretty face welcomes me.

"Hello, my name is Gilberta. Welcome to Merchant's Guild. How can I help you?"

"Hi, I would like to register as a merchant. But I don't have a stall or anything like that."

"That's fine. There are levels for being a merchant. You would be Level Iron. Level Iron is a merchant who will sell a few items to another merchant and there is Level Bronze that sells their items in a stall or a store. Level Silver if they're a merchant that has a lot of stores. And Level Gold will be a merchant with a company or companies. This, too, has a level. Level Gold (small), is a merchant with one company. Level Gold (Medium) is a merchant with more than one company and Level Gold (Large) if the merchant basically has a corporation."

Very detailed. I like. "I would like to register in Level Iron."

"That's great. Please write your information in this paper and I will give you your card. Ah, also, because you're only in the lowest level of being a merchant, you will only have to pay for the card. It's five silver."

I pay and get my card in just a few minutes. The card is simple; it has my name, my level as a merchant and some other useless stuff on how this card was given by this town's Merchant Guild.

Either way, I'm satisfied. "Thank you." I tell the receptionist.

"It's alright. Have a nice day."

I walk out the guild while sliding the card in my bag. There's nothing else for me here so I should probably go home.

But then I see a plant with a pretty flower and I'm sold.

I walk around, visiting a few shops that catch my eyes. I've thought about it, that house of mine needs more color than just brown. I'm a lady and I have a cute panda as my first familiar. The home better be the image of that, too.

"How much is this vase, Shopkeeper?"

"Oh, you like that? That's a wonderful vase. It will keep your flowers fresh even after a few months."

"Really?" I'm curious. "How?"

"Because it's made by the Saintess in the Temple. She uses Holy Mana."

Holy Mana?

What's the difference between that and regular mana? Also Saintess? Of course, that exists here so I'm not surprised. But in stories, don't they usually get exploited by the church?

…I feel like something is about to go wrong.

"I'll buy it." I announce.

Well, it's none of my business.


(Lumiere has yet to know that it is, actually, about to be her business.)

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