Reincarnated as a beneficial bacteria (MHA)

Chapter 1: The birth of the protagonist’s first life

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1 Year 6 Months ago

I was in a belly with a bunch of my siblings so many colors' were here in my mother's womb I was the youngest pup all 6 of my siblings were very similar in color browns and whites but no blonds but I was a yellowish blond color any way I had 4 sisters and 2 brothers but then 3 months later...

1 Year 3 Months ago

I was the only one except my mother to be taken by these small humans where's my small human to pick me up and bring me to the rest of my family but just then outside I saw a tall lady human outside crying about something which I learned her name later was Penny but what I heard her say was very muffled through the glass I could see her though "I miss my son so much he always wanted a dog and ever since my husband died I've felt so alone" when I hear this I start barking at her I could feel her sadness and it hurt me so much I just wanted to break the glass in front of me and comfort her and give her kisses and then she said something else "Wow this puppy in the window is just like me all alone maybe I can adopt him he's so cute" and then I saw as she walked in through the door where all my siblings were once taken from me and I thought 'No is that tall lady going to take mother away from me I won't let her' and then I started circling around mother protectfully but then the lady picks me up and says "I'm going to take you home with me my name is Penny but you can call me Mama" 

3 months ago

I've been living with Mama for a year now and I was becoming more and more sluggish and I didn't know why so when Mama called me to go outside I just stayed still I couldn't move I felt so off and then I felt I could vomit and then I did it tasted like iron and wet but no food since I wasn't eating as much as I was 2 days ago I just didn't feel well but the color of the vomit was a horrid red and then I fell asleep and then I woke up in a vets office it was a man's voice "Ms.Poppymaker your dog is very very sick with a virus that is rare for dogs to get but at least he isn't suffering he could probably live another 3-5 months with some internal bleeding so do you want to put him down or keep him till his death" then after I heard the man speak I heard crying to my left it was Mama and she says broken-heartedly "A-a-are y-you s-ure there i-is no cur-cure for it Doctor sni-ffle and I was just getting over my sons death I want fo-for Sparky t-the fullest life he can live h-he's been such a good d-dog an-and I want the best for h-him" the Doctor responded "No there isn't a cure for this virus as young as your dog is it wouldn't work the meds would make him rabid I'm sorry"

2 days ago

I felt so tired more tired than usual I knew I was sick but I just acted fine I didn't want Mama sad so I went to her while she was asleep I felt so tired I knew I didn't have long so I went over and licked her awake Mama "yawn' what is it Sparky" I kissed her and fell into her lap vomiting blood all over her I was sorry but I couldn't move I thought one last thing while looking at her crying face 'Don't cry Mama I swear we'll be together in our next life if anyone is reading my mind please when Mama dies I want to reincarnated with her in some way' Penny's POV: Penny swore that she heard her little Sparky say "Don't cry Mama We'll meet again in some way  just live for me while I'm gone" so she did she lived for her dog Sparky for 30 years she researched all kinds of diseases and viruses and cured 3 of them one of them being the one that killed her Sparky but she died of cancer and she died thinking of Sparky oh how selfish she was keeping sparky all to herself but then she woke up to Sparkys slobbering face and a white orb she thought she was delirious because she was dying but then Sparky spoke "Hi Mama I'm Sparky but I bet you knew that I wished when you die we would reincarnate together and my wish was granted isn't that great we can have another life together" I was shocked and still didn't believe I was here with a talking dog then the white orb spoke "Yes you have died and yes your speaking to your precious little puppy you have a choice in reincarnating with your dog or living in the bliss of nothingness what do you chose" and then I spoke "I would be with my dog of course isn't that right Sparky" Sparky "yes yes Mama" then the white orb spoke again "ok then what do you want to reincarnate as" I said "human" and Sparky said "anything just put me as close as I can be to Mama I don't want to be separated when I'm born" looking as if he was going to cry then the white orb started glowing violently and said "ok it shall be that Penny Reincarnates as a human and Sparky shall reincarnate as a bacteria inside of Penny's reincarnated body" both me and Sparky said at the same time "WHATTT" and then I fell asleep.

Ok so in the next chapter Penny and Sparky are in different situations but in the same mother what will happen next... See you next time in Chapter 2 "Rebirth"

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