Reincarnated as a Cloak

Chapter 12: Chapter 8: Concerning Silk

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Night Time - Undead Encampment



I spring quickly onto the mouse, granting it no reprieve as I rapidly constricted it. 

Though nearly as soon as I trapped it, it begins struggling and thrashing about, clawing at nonexistent flesh. Appears its shock only lasted for a moment.

It begins desperately trying to escape as I try to keep it within, as I try to tighten my fabric against its attempts. 


While stuck with such an unruly pest, I try to feel within my soul for the source of my soul arts.

Though I nearly lost all my focus the next moment when the mouse tries to bite into my fabric. Though it does no damage it is still infuriating to feel.

If I wasn't annoyed with it before, I was annoyed now. Finding herself calling it a disgusting pest with passion.


"Stop struggling so much!" She then states mentally as the mouse continues panicking, unable to hear or care about her statement.

Such an annoyance, she thinks as she tightens hard suddenly, momentarily crushing it, leaving it without breath for a moment. 

Gathering the Soul Slot by mental hand as she begins slathering it on the mouse like syrup. She makes sure to coat the mouse rather than just slap the power on it.


Regaining breath before long, however, as it begins to struggle harder.

Though she needs not to hold her concentration any longer as well as she finishes covering it in her soul power.

Once thoroughly coated in it, she lets any instincts she has and panic guide the soul art's effect.


As soon as set free, the energy lashes itself at the mouse, almost akin to bindings. As the soul power almost visibly thickens.

As it immediately sinks onto the mouse's flesh, stopped by its skin. Though it still restricts its movements, as it is barely able to thrash now.

Though that does not end the fight, as she needs to somehow deal a finishing blow.


She grumbles as she ponders what to do about that conundrum. Trying to recall if there is something better than just constricting it like a stupid-

Realized almost right away she's been acting as a constrictor snake would. Though her body continues thankfully continues constricting while she reels from this.

For once this creeping realization dawns on her, and the previous annoyance worsens even as she begins acting out the motions a constrictor would do to a mouse.


Acting on that imagery even as she mentally writhes from recalling snakes. As she uses her body to crush the mouse, with as much strength as she hoped to muster. 

Relying on her body's so-called Toughness to make her certainly poor strength more intense. As she finds the mouse is unable to move from the force. 

Though in a surprise she doesn't see coming, the mouse quickly stops thrashing once a sickening crack rings out and stillness returns.


...Did it just-? Her thoughts come to a halt as she examines the situation for a moment.

She caught the mouse. She then used her last 'slot' was used to restrain it which ended up successful. Then she attempted to crush it, expecting to only tire or bruise it...

Ya, that just happened. That was... surprising didn't think I had anywhere near enough strength to do that...Whatever.


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Regardless success is a success. She affirms as she loosens and unravels, letting its remains drop to the floor.

Though she quickly moves away from the remains, folding herself flat on the ground. Shaking in panic as she processes something.

For she just realized now that she did that outside in the open than in the tent.


Even if none of the inhabitants were particularly sharp, any of them could and would have noticed that. She states as she chastises herself idly, as she slinks back closer to the tent.

If there is any consolidation of a miracle, I can consider that to be my lucky break no one noticed.

That and whatever these Soul Arts are supposed to do, it doesn't seem to be that risky to use for me.


As of now and then it has been lucky too that they haven't set off a particularly destructive effect.

Like what I had hoped for earlier, the destruction of a part of the crate wall.

Though now that I think on it deeper. If it had done as I wanted, that would have likely drawn way too much attention and hurt me.


At about then, I notice a strange icon in the corner of my vision, even when I turned the focus of my gaze elsewhere.

Though before I look further, I wait to see if any noticed and came. Making sure that no one had noticed her.

Waiting upwards of 10(?) Minutes to be sure no one is coming running.


Once it seems no one is coming for my cloth, I return to the icon.

Focusing on the strange symbols to see what was going on.

Though before I could presume they were hallucinations like I did with the status. The symbols expand and display themselves in front of my view.


{Soul Arts has Leveled Up!}

{Race has Leveled Up!}




Huh...Nice. Didn't expect that to be all it took to level Soul Arts. She comments to herself as she mentally becomes smug.

While admiring the gains she had obtained from her bout with the mouse and the pains. The weather decides it to be an excellent time to sour the mood with its antics.

As a rain shower begins to fall over the area, drops rapidly fall into the ground. As it continues to pour onto the town, puddles of water begin to form across the tent city.


Soaking anything not indoors with damp muddy water, which includes me however disappointingly. 

It doesn't feel painful but it begins feeling uncomfortable as I get so bloated when I soak up this... filthy water. It's such a sickening feeling as I quickly discover.

Well, it can't sour my mood further, though I think I'll continue the rest of the thoughts inside the tent, thank you very much.



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