Reincarnated as a Dark elf

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Reincarnated

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“Huh?” LuXie looked left, right up and down to see that she was in an unfamiliar place covered in some strange green substance.

“Yucckkk,” LuXie almost gagged as she tried to wipe the green substance off, but it just seeped into her body.

“Where the hell am I?” 

LuXie asked herself as she looked up to see the tall trees above her head.

“Fuck, I don’t know where I am?!!” 

LuXie yelled, which caused many birds in the surrounding trees to fly away. LuXie then covered her mouth as she realized her voice sounded squeaky, almost like a younger child’s. She then looked down to see that her hands were smaller than before and she wasn’t wearing any clothes. 

LuXie shivered as she felt a cool breeze blow by, but- just then a thought came to her.

LuXie looked down at herself and noticed something strange. “Wait a minute, why are my boobs smaller?” LuXie asked herself, she was pouting, confused and annoyed at how her certain circumstances came to be.. 

“What the hell is this? Where’s my sexy body? I don’t know who the hell brought me here, but I’ll make you regret what you did to my sexy body, I swear it!!” LuXie yelled out to the sky, infuriated.

“Ah, whatever, right now I should probably just find something to wear.” LuXie said to herself as she looked for anything, but unfortunately she found no clothes anywhere near her.

"Fine, then I’ll just wear leaves like Adam and even in the bible." LuXie exclaimed snarkily to herself. She decided to start rummaging through bushes and luckily, her efforts were rewarded when she found some vines which she proceeded to wrap around herself.. LuXie then sat down in a butterfly position as she crossed her arms, deep in thought.

“I remember clearly that I died, and by how my sexy figure is seemingly non-existent, I can definitely tell that this isn’t my body.”

“Did I perhaps transmigrate?” LuXie thought to herself, silently laughing.

“I can’t believe I actually got killed by Liana.” LuXie scoffed as her mouth curved into a forced smile.

“I don’t like this one bit. My life was so damn perfect. I was seen as the perfect girl, but everything's ruined now just because I died!!”

She tapped her finger on her arm as an attempt to calm down but eventually, she couldn't contain herself anymore. “What kind of nonsense is this!?” LuXie roared in rage as she slammed her hand into a nearby tree.

“Ouch,” LuXie groaned in pain as she clutched her hand.

“I’ve also become physically weaker, things couldn’t get any worse!” 

As LuXie was about to complain more, she heard something from afar running in her direction. The sound was seemingly getting closer and closer, she didn’t know what was approaching but her instincts told her to hide. 

So she did, LuXie immediately attempted to climb the tree with all her might and to her surprise, climbing the tree felt natural. Before the being reached LuXie’s location, she had already reached a very high position, as she peered down to see what was running in her direction. Once she could lay eyes on the being, she felt her blood run cold, she started shivering. 

A huge green-looking worm sprouted from the ground as it revealed its rows of sharp teeth. LuXie stared at the being with mixed emotions. Disgust, fear, and for some reason excitement was mixed in as well. 

The monster was very tall, not tall enough to reach the top of the tree she was in, but it seemed 3 times bigger than a human at the least. It slithered around and under the tree, and LuXie held her breath, ceasing her movements so the monster didn’t hear or sense her.

‘This is too easy. Worms don't have eyes,’ LuXie thought, as she wasn’t really surprised about how she had avoided this dangerous situation easily.

The worm looked left and right as it realized its prey had escaped, which pissed off the monster. All of a sudden, two long snail-looking eyes appeared from the monster’s head and stared in LuXie’s direction. LuXie had a confused expression and could immediately tell that those were eyes due to the way the monster’s head was turned at her, this caused her to panic sense it meant one thing- the monster knew where she was.

“Raaaarrrr,” the monster roared as it slammed it's body onto the tree LuXie had climbed up to.

"Tch," LuXue clenched her teeth as she was looking for ways to avoid fighting this creature. 

'If I land on the ground that thing would definitely eat me up and with my current power I'm no match for that ugly motherfucker,' LuXie thought her eyes fixed on the furious monster which was still banging on the tree. 

“If you think I'm going to just let you eat me like that, then you're so wrong!” LuXie's eyes glowed with excitement as she broke of a branch from the tree. 

"Cacha!!" The tree started creaking, as it was about to collapse from the constant bombardment the wormy creature was unleashing on it. 

Unfortunately there were no trees near LuXie for her to be able to jump onto them. LuXie cursed her luck for being so bad. LuXie jumped off the tree and landed with a hard thud on the ground. Just then, she immediately bolted toward the opposite direction of the worm and started to run for her life. The worm immediately noticed what it's prey was doing and dived underground to catch-up to it. 

‘I never knew that worms could move so fast underground,’ LuXie grunted as she continued to run in random directions hoping to lose the worm, but the monster only got closer to her. 

In a mere second the worm launched upwards which caused LuXie to lose her balance. The worm immediately plunged it's rows of sharp teeth into LuXie’s arm, snapping it off with ease. 

“Arghhh shit!!” LuXie's eyes darted towards her left arm which was no longer there, replaced with torn up flesh and exposed bone. She then turned her face to see the monster chewing on her arm happily from a couple feet away. 

"Now's the time," LuXie's lips curled up into a smile as she dashed towards the monster, stabbing it in the abdomen with the piece of tree branch she had broken off earlier. 

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“Raaaarrrr!!” The monster screamed and wriggled in pain, but LuXie made sure to grib on the stick tightly, not letting it shake her off. Then she immediately raised to stab into the monster's back. She stabbed it again and again and again. 

Brown liquid oozed from the monster but that didn't matter to her. Right now she had to kill this monster, it had to pay for daring to take her arm.The monster was slowly losing the energy to resist LuXie's brutal attacks. 

She could see her attacks were having an effect so she didn’t miss her chance, raising the stick high to stab it once more Suddenly- a strange black cloud surrounded LuXie' arm which she noticed but didn't care, she was too focused on killing this creature. She finally stabbed the stick into the monster's throat before it slumped down dead. 

“Hah,” LuXie huffed heavily as she tried to catch her breath. She was smiling due to her victory but she was still feeling immense pain.

'Eat the heart of the monster,' a childish voice whispered to her but LuXie couldn't seem to find where that voice came from. LuXie thought it was her inner consciousness advising her so she decided to follow it. 

LuXie looked for a sharp stone around the area to use to cut open the monster. However when she tried it was very difficult, the monster had an almost hard shell around it’s chest area where she felt it’s heart would be. All of a sudden that back cloud that had appeared earlier surrounded her arm once more and she felt empowered. 

LuXie used her hand to slash the monster's body which was sliced with ease. Noticing her new skill LuCie wasted no time to cut the monster open till she reached its heart. “Ughh,” LuXie gulped as she frowned at the brownish heart which looked inedible. 

“I must do this to survive,” LuXie told herself as she devoured the heart. It strangely tasted good to her, so LuXie began to eat it wholeheartedly. “If the heart is this good, then the body might be also good,” LuXie said while licking her lips. She took one bite of it’s body, then another, and before she knew it she was devouring it.  

After a half a day of eating LuXie reached halfway to the monster's body but she couldn't eat anymore.

LuXie started to feel funny as she walked around the forest leaving the half eating worm behind. Everything looked like it was spinning, from the trees to many branches before LuXie and she laughed in amusement until she finally collapsed.


“Ugghh,” LuXie grunted as she could hear the sound of moving water. LuXie immediately got up her feet looking at her left arm, it was there again! It was like she never lost it. 

“How is this possible?” LuXie inquired as she looked at it in shock. 

“Could it have had something to do with the monster's heart?” LuXie pondered as she wasn't so sure about what happened. 

"Well whatever, I first need a bath."

LuXie picked up some nearby leaves and flowers and she removed the vines on her body. LuXie picked up the flowers, rubbing them around her body. She then submerged her whole body into the water and was in awe as she also saw that the fishes were different. Rainbow coloured fishes with bird wings swam past her and LuXie could see one fish wink at her before swimming away. 

After she finished her brief sightseeing journey underwater, she swam back to the surface. Now looking down she could see her reflection in the water. She immediately noticed that she had long pointy ears. . 

“So I reincarnated as a dark elf…” LuXie chuckled. 


“Damn this is so cool!” LuXie beamed with joy, she was glad she didn’t reincarnate as a basic human.

“Well it seems I’ve kept all my past life’s good features, even though I'm a kid. Honestly I think I look a little cuter than I did in my past life." LuXie smirked as she continued her bath before looking for some new vines to replace her old ones. 

"Okay so putting off how amazing I look for a second- I should probably build a stable place to live." 

She looked around the area, it was hard to see anything of note, so she decided to use her newfound climbing abilities to search from up high.

“Hmm, so it looks like there are now living creatures around for at least a couple kilometers. Wait- I’m actually surprised I can see from so far away. LuXie got down from the tree. 

“I guess I have enhanced hearing and eyesight. Makes it easier to avoid danger.”

LuXie started to look around on the ground and the surrounding trees in search of a weapon. “Ah, this looks good.” She picked up a nearby stick which felt stable and strong.. LuXie banged the stick on a nearby tree a couple times for good measure and it didn’t break. This caused her to smile proudly, as if she had achieved something truly great by finding that simple stick.  

Pushing her joy aside, she focused hard, thinking back on the dark cloud that saved her. Then on her hand- the dark cloud formed again with little to no effort. Grinning, she used it to slash the stick, making it flat and sharp. 

“If this is truly a fantasy world this would probably be mana or aura,” LuXie speculated, being completely fascinated by the dark cloud. 

“I'll just call it dark mana. The little downtime I used to read novels has provided me with valuable information,” LuXie stated cheerfully as she looked around for more sticks and stones. 

"I definitely can’t live above the ground though, since it would make it easier for monsters to discover me," LuXie contemplated.

"And living in the trees could attract flying monsters but living on the ground would be no better, I’d simply attract underground monsters like that dirty worm thing from before.…. Well, I chose underground I guess. I just need to get control of earth magic and I’ll reinforce my underground home," LuXie said with a smile on her face.

“I’ll just have to hope I have a talent for earth magic

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