Reincarnated as a mana core

Chapter 23: Chapter 21

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“Primordial technology? Ahh you mean the tech from before the coming of mana! While it is interesting, it only serves as inspiration for new things now. The old tech becomes a bit wonky with mana around and you have to safeguard it with runes, but then why not use runes from the beginning?”

The engineer shakes his head and focuses on his work again.



The group of survivors soldiered on through the night. They weren’t fast by any means and could hear the fighting of monsters for a long time. Only two of the things had followed them further and got dispatched by Argul. Nobody wanted to take anything from the disfigured bodys. The people weren’t desperate enough to process their old friends.


At dawn the group took a break and let people sleep for a few hours. Afterwards they continued their journey. During the day Tony integrated himself in the group of teenagers while Harald tried to acquire metal tools somewhere. Arthur and the others stayed as a group.


Their speed slowed down a bit as they had to take breaks more often. Argul made sure to keep her ability to create water a secret. She did not want to become a walking water dispenser and there were enough streams of water around for people to drink from.


The group made camp in the early afternoon and organized hunting parties. Those not hunting gathered herbs and berries. After that Argul once again had a very meaty dinner. Seriously, she really wanted to have some vegetables again. They also desperately needed salt. The local herbs somewhat worked as a substitute for seasoning, but they were nothing compared to globalized varieties. The food was bland and Argul did not enjoy it.


During the night she worked on her dungeon again. Argul started growing the next floor and added two kinds of corals and fish to her sixth floor. One of her turtles created a spell to shoot water, but she had to desperately ignore it, as it was so bad it hurt.


The journey of the survivors continued in this manner for another 2 days. Spirits were, as one could guess, not high. The little squirrel-kin, Argul and Alyra being the exception and not containing their joy while playing with each other. They also played with the few other kids around, there were maybe five or six in the group. Fia had the decency to give the survivors time to mourn and Arthur was just himself, not talking a lot.


Argul was by no means unaware of the atmosphere. Okay, maaaaybe a little, but she wanted to give the kids some joy. She also caught a lot of stares, which made her reaaaally uncomfortable. Argul tried to be understanding. She had been male in her last life and she still was. It wasn’t like she didn’t stare at Fia sometimes, there were just things you couldn’t control. Argul had always resented not being in control of that and she still resented it. 


Back to the stare’s. She did not like them and always made sure to glare back when she catched one. Argul had no idea that there were a lot of people who misunderstood her glare as an invitation, not that there was anyone who had the balls to take it. She really hoped she wouldn’t have to witness some of them becoming a fox snack, the bloody kind of snack you would only be once. 

Argul wondered when the day would come that she got nice clothes as she turned to face Fia. Fia got red and turned away hurriedly, which made Argul squint in suspicion. Someone needed a tickle punishment! 


The beautiful laughter of Fia followed by wheezed begging brightened the campside. That earned the two beautiful women a lot of attention, which Argul did not notice for a while. The group had a lot of young people, young people who now got to see two beautiful women lying on top of each other. One tickling the other and the tickled begging for her to stop and begging for forgiveness. A lot of wild fantasies were born. Argul looked up and ohh boy she blushed the mightiest of all blushes. 

Alyra, having witnessed everything, began to laugh openly and got shot by a weakened magic missile. She did not stop, but people got the message and tried to act as if nothing had happened. Fia and Argul looked at each other, thinking about what just happened and somehow managed to blush even deeper.


Argul could only imagine all the times she would be ravaged in the fantasies of the boys, maybe even the girls? No, stop thinking about it. The last thing she needed was to get horny right now. Argul helped Fia get up and they both sat down behind Alyra, so that nobody could see them. Alyra smiled brilliantly at them and got shot again, only this time it had been Fia. Despite everything Fia and Argul fistbumped and Alyra rolled her eyes. Magic missiles didn’t hurt that much for her.


The whole thing had been watched by Mia, who at first had wanted to join the tickling and now was really confused. A few years later she would understand and she would also learn to understand that Argul would not learn from such events.


The next day at noon they reached their destination, which brightened the mood a lot. Trevor did what he did best and organized stuff. There were three hills. Argul would have called them mountains, but she wasn’t the one who decided how stuff was called, at least not outside her domain.


Argul could make no sense of how these hills came to be. She knew a lot of such nonsense like how hills and mountains and mountain ranges were formed. School did that to you and for some unexplainable reason she had been good at it. Anyways, she could not make sense of these hills. They didn’t look like the result of tectonic happenings or glacier movements. It was more like a kid thought that this would be a nice location for some hills. But then Argul had no idea of how their surroundings would look like on a world map, so she couldn’t be sure anyways.


The group had decided to build their new village at the lake, you had to be generous to call it lake, that was located at the foot of the middle hill. They all moved there and started to cut down the forest with the tools they had with them. Argul offered to help and as a result got handed an axe. She had no idea how to use it, but oh well what could possibly go wrong!

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Argul took a stance in front of her tree and took a swing. Her axe hit the tree at an awkward angle and she nearly lost hold of it. That swing had still cut through a tenth of the trunk. Argul took a swing again, correcting the way she stricted a bit, but still missed her first cut.


You have learned the skill Woodcutting

This skill will help you further your woodcutting techniques and you seem to seriously need it!


Argul obviously hadn’t been the first to start woodcutting, so she hadn’t created the skill. And the snarky messages were back, yaaay… She striked again and hit her first cut this time. Argul had gotten a bit deeper with this strike and would be about halfway through with the next one.


She watched somebody else hitting a tree for three or four swings. Argul was a lot faster, but she was doing it all wrong compared to the man she had watched. She corrected her stance and the way she striked again and took a swing. That time had again worked better than before, but there was still a lot of room for improvement for her. She had an eternity of time, so Argul got to it.


After two more strikes her first tree fell. Hers had not been the first to fall, but she was one of the last who started cutting and beautiful, so people stared. Argul looked at the tree, opened her mouth and closed it again. Then she did something that was embarrassing as hell, but she needed to let it out. “Tehee!”, she said while striking a pose.


Ohh hell, why had she done it again? Argul found the next tree and it got punished as she worked through her embarrassment on the tree. A group of four men came by to take the fallen tree, trying not to stare at the way Argul's assets jiggled while working. Thankfully she didn’t notice or she would be very aware of her body the whole time she worked. Argul tended to forget that she looked really beautiful and wasn’t the average guy from her last life. At least she had thought herself average, but she wasn’t someone you should trust in topics concerning looks.


While working Argul wondered about the formation of the hills again. Seriously, why did she even care! The age of mana and magic had started, making the creation of artificial hills a possibility and here she was wondering about the natural formation of three mounds of earth and rock.



Slowly the woodcutters cleared out an area to start building in. Other people collected the fallen trees and stored them in one place, where some of the people like Harald got to work.


The village had already been carefully planned by Trevor and now they only had to build it. Trevor already had people look for the possible location to have a quarry and maybe even a mine. They had already found some clay downriver to construct some basic smelters with once they also had stone.


After they finished most of the building they would send out fighters to search for possible survivors and scavenge what they could from their old town. They also needed to start growing plants again and maybe start to domesticate some of the wild animals. Trevor thought that getting slimes could be a boon for the village, as they made waste disposal easy, as long as it was organic. Though they would have to watch out for possible dangerous slime species, just looking at Aina and thinking the whole species would be the same would only lead to future problems.



Argul worked most of the day and then played a bit with Mia before dinner. After eating some meat again, she told Mia a bit of her last life, her life on earth. Mia noticed that Argul would always address herself as male in these stories, but didn’t ask for now as she didn’t want to interrupt her. This led to Mia falling asleep before she could ask and Argul smiling at her. 


Argul didn’t think of herself as the mother of Mia, more as her bigger sister or maybe aunt. The nice aunt, that was more like it. Argul had had siblings in her last life. She had no idea if they were still alive or anything and didn’t want to think about something that depressing.

She had had a normal relationship with her bigger brother, though Argul always thought as the bigger brother of her younger siblings she had failed. Never had she done anything with them, desperately trying to flee her life. In the end it had added to all the things burdening her.


Not wanting to think about her old life at the moment, Argul got ready for a night of floor building.

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