Reincarnated as a Sheep – Path to Becoming the Strongest Demon Lord

Chapter 38: Chapter 38 – Slow Down!

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As the clouds subsided from the gust, the spear wielder’s figure was revealed. Despite being held at gunpoint by a spear, I couldn’t stop myself from staring. She had a tanned and mature look, with a blonde ponytail, and red eyes. Were red eyes really that common in this world? Her ears were slanted upwards, like an elves one I guess, but I haven’t seen any elves in this world yet. Oh, she also had a single red horn pointing upwards.

The signature trait symbolic of demons. Honestly, was being able to use magic so vital in this world? The only trait that was truly separating demons and demi-humans. Well, I know I wasn’t a demi-human, but being seen as a monster would be more dangerous to my wellbeing.




She snarled. I almost forgot I was in a near death situation. What do I tell her? That I’m a poor week demi-human or a mana beast? I had some of my clothes ripped so maybe I could play a victim card here? Maybe it’ll work if I force myself to cry?


Think of something sad… Oh! Clannad!




The girl lowered her spear – it worked? Her expression changed from one bearing malice to one looking irritated. Time to continue the act.


“I… got kidnapped from humans… when the area exploded, I ran away!”


Whose heart wouldn’t be moved by such a cute maiden’s words? I played my role perfectly! She looked deep in thought.


“Huh, why would the human’s ride across the cooworm farm in the forest? I thought the venom was poisonous for them… It’s not hard to see the barbarians kidnapping demi-humans though…”


It’s not like I couldn’t fight her, but it could be avoided by exploiting her prejudice against humans? Would it be too straightforward to ask her to travel with me?

Wait. Cooworm farm? They farm those toxic disgusting insects. For what? The taste is horrible! What could they possibly make?



I nodded slowly while maintaining my expression, as hers turned to one of disgust muttering ill words of the imaginary human’s who captured me. Before long, she saw the purple circle.


“You were bitten?”


“Y-yeah, while I was running away from the fire…”


“Follow me, I’ll get you treated immediately. Since you’re a demi-human it shouldn’t spread as fast on you,”


It’s already healing passively!

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“Thank you! Very much!”


I said, attempting to feel grateful. I guess the issue concerning my past is over for now. I thought demi’s would be treated worse, but it looks like Kinai’s situation is sorted neatly. She still had a tight grip on the spear, but it wasn’t pointed towards me at the very least. Without another word she held my wrist and began bolting off.

Please. Run. Slower. I didn’t apply any sort of physical strengthening and my stamina hasn’t been refreshed at all since escaping. Despite my internal cries, we travelled through the rest of the charred forest pretty quickly. After finally reaching our destination, she lightened her grip and I wheezed for air. I’m just going to optimistically assume that the bite was actually serious and she didn’t need to worry me – not that it would have worried me.



“We’re here!”


She announced as a village had appeared in the horizon. The architecture looked Eastern, consisting of wooden structures with tiled roofs and with some in square shapes elevated slightly from the ground. The wooden fence, much like the ones that the farmer had, were in place with what could be described more like watchmen then guards at the entrance, given they weren’t armed in anyway.


“I’m back, from analysing the fire. This is a survivor I found.”


She spoke to the two demons and explained my situation. This was quickly met with a nod and her hand was once again stuck on my wrist and instead of running through the woods, now I was running through the village. My cheeks flushed a bit. I wasn’t even fully clothed. I’m sorry anyone who has to see me like this! Unlike in the human town though, I guess they were used to seeing people like me given the lack of stares.


“This is my home, please excuse me while I find the cure!”


She said, before dashing indoors. The image of the elegant demon was completely ruined in my head now. Looking to my arm, it had shrunk a considerable amount since I was in the forest, so I’ll just pray that this headstrong beauty won’t notice it. Also, I was the one who burnt down your farm! Oh god, if they ever found out would I be tried and executed? I’m sure I wouldn’t go down that easily, but the possibility just played out in my head.


I was still waiting outside her house though. It was one of the square shaped ones with multiple floors and a bright red and white colour scheme. These all paled in comparison to the mansion I lived in, but in comparison to the smaller plain houses, maybe they were rich and better: they had crystals! After some noise and crashes, she came down. Empty handed?


“The medicine is indoors! Come in, make yourself at home!”


She tugged my arm this time and pulled me in.  My brain couldn’t keep up with this development. We haven’t even exchanged names yet! You almost carried me to the village and now I’m being let into your house? I was a total stranger!

Whatever, keeping to my timid tone, I said thanks and walked in. As she had taken of her shoes, I followed the trend. What I had left of shoes anyway.


The inside was much more modest than the eccentric outlook. The entrance was only a shoe rack and coat hanger and what seemed to be the living space consisted of pillows on the floor with a sitting table with some flowers as well as the supposed ‘cure’ a towel and also what looked like my ‘saviour’s mother.


I met her family before even finding out her name? This all happened too fast!


You can find story with these keywords: Reincarnated as a Sheep – Path to Becoming the Strongest Demon Lord, Read Reincarnated as a Sheep – Path to Becoming the Strongest Demon Lord, Reincarnated as a Sheep – Path to Becoming the Strongest Demon Lord novel, Reincarnated as a Sheep – Path to Becoming the Strongest Demon Lord book, Reincarnated as a Sheep – Path to Becoming the Strongest Demon Lord story, Reincarnated as a Sheep – Path to Becoming the Strongest Demon Lord full, Reincarnated as a Sheep – Path to Becoming the Strongest Demon Lord Latest Chapter

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