Reincarnated as a Vampire Princess

Chapter 14: Chapter 13

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“Now to start, the first thing you need to understand about magic is that it can be extremely dangerous.” I nodded to my mother’s words. I had at least some experience with the dangers of magic after all. “What we did yesterday was merely testing if your mana core is viable and able to channel mana normally. This is the first step for every person willing to learn magic, and for some it takes years for them to learn to channel mana.”

“Is there a reason my mana core is silver?” This question had been on my mind. “Good question! Let's just say it is inherited. My core is of the same color. Your grandfather’s was also silver. Many people don’t see a color at all. They interact with it in a different way. There is a lot of debate amongst scholars about all of these topics, but for the moment let's change gears. It is more important to start from the basics.”

“Mana flows through every living being, and is even residual in the air around us. The simplest way to cast a spell is through your own core, and the mana that resides within.” As she finished my mother produced a small flickering flame on the tip of her finger. “This is magic. Transforming the mana into something else is what we consider magic, but there is heavy debate as to whether or not this would be considered a spell.” 

It seemed that the scholars of this world debated heavily about every concept, even the basics. The flame on her finger disappeared. “Your own safety is the most important thing. The more complex a spell gets, the more things like ratios start to matter. If you channel too much or too little mana into something, you could cause harm to yourself.” She reproduced the flickering flame at her finger.

“For simplicity's sake we will consider this a spell.” I nodded as she continued. “Watch what happens when I put more mana in.” Slowly the flickering flame came more and more alive. It didn’t grow much, but I could feel it becoming hotter. The dim flame started to glow brighter. “Now we will observe the inverse.” As she said that the flame started to dim, and the heat started to dissipate before it went back to the flickering flame. “The less mana I use the harder it is for the flame to stay lit.”

The flame flickered at longer intervals before disappearing altogether. “Always keep in mind the amount of mana you are using. For me it is more of a feeling than anything. Some people would quantify these things with numbers, but the best way is to dive headfirst in!” Yumi nodded her head in agreement with my mothers words. It was like she had already forgotten her lecture on safety. I started giggling, this was exactly like her.

“Fufufu, now we get to the fun part!” She patted my head. “Do you think you can do exactly as you did yesterday?” I nodded my head. “Good, then you may begin.” 

I did as I remembered and focused on my mana core. Then I pulled on it until the mana blanketed over me. “Now I want you to focus on keeping it up.” I nodded, it seemed easy enough. When I looked up at her she grinned and then as she poked my cheek the blanket of mana dispersed immediately. “Hey! How did you do that!?” 

“Fufufu, this is simple. I merely poked you with some of my mana. My my, don’t make that pouty face. Just bring it up again!” I did as she said, but as soon as the mana surrounded me again, she poked me causing it to dissipate. She laughed as I pouted again. “I will show you, mother!” I channeled even more mana from my core creating a thicker blanket around me. As I smirked at her she poked me again, and instantly the blanket of mana dispersed again. 

This process continued over and over. No matter how thick the blanket of mana would become she would always poke through it. “Fufufu, how about you try and isolate all of that mana to the point that I keep poking you at?” I did as she said. It was much harder than simply focusing on surrounding myself, but I managed to isolate the majority of the mana to the cheek she kept poking me in. At this point the mana was so thick in that one spot that I could actually begin to make out a clear surface. I smiled at the amazing phenomenon happening right before me. That was until she simply poked my other cheek, and all the mana dissipated. “Hey, No fair!”

“Fufufu, if you focus too much on one thing. You might miss something else.” When I looked up at her she was now floating upside down. My eyes widened and my mouth fell open. When did she do that? 

Yumi started to giggle from behind my mother as well. “Hehe, the little princess looks so cute when she is surprised!” My mother nodded her head along to Yumi’s words as my cheeks became hot. 

“Fufufu, there is no need to be embarrassed, my little En.” As she righted herself she hugged me. “You are doing really well! Even better than me when I was your age. Now how about you watch my finger, and then do the same thing?”

I did as she asked, and her finger approached my cheek at a snail's pace. By the time it was about to reach I had already created the visible mana. This time her finger got stuck on the wall of mana, and wouldn’t move forward. “Good job! This is what we call a barrier, so in essence you have successfully casted your first spell!” Yumi was clapping from behind her. I beamed as I realized what I had just done. I was so happy! I actually casted a spell! I started jumping up and down with joy before my mother poked my belly and the mana dissipated.

“Fufufu, I love an excited En, but this is just the beginning. What you casted is a mana barrier with nothing added. It is good versus all magic, but that is all. If you want to block something specific. It is better to make the barrier more specific. Also you still need to be able to increase the speed of activation, and that is what we shall focus on in the future. For now, it is time for dinner.” I realized it had gotten later as the sun was starting to set on the horizon. 

Throughout the dinner I excitedly told my father everything that happened. He congratulated me, and told me that he was proud of me. After the dinner ended my mother became busy with something, so I painted as Yumi watched me until bedtime. When bedtime came I was so tired that I fell asleep instantly despite how excited I was for my future as a mage.

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