Reincarnated As Asil Agriche In My Fifth Life

Chapter 2: 2. Fight for Asil Agriche

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Asil Pov

Even though I didn't wanted to admit I have became that pathetic child of Agriche , I have to .......what was going near all indicated to that .

And just like that with my denial to accept my new identity five five years have been passed and I have turned 5 year old .

Many things have changed within this 5 years . After I turn 1 and begun walking , I had a little sister with golden hair and red eyes , Roxana Agriche . I didn't know how to treat her so I just had neutral attitude towards her but as soon as she turned 2 years , she begun following me everywhere like a tale . It was getting frustrating but still I manage to escape from her .

And for some reason Lant Agriche became weird like went OOC . According to his character he shouldn't care about Asil , but for some reason he keeps on bugging me . As soon as I remembered he was one of the reason for Asil's death , I kept my guard on whenever he was near but mostly I avoided him . He should have taken hint that I don't like me but he still kept on approaching me .

How can I forgot those two Dion and Jeremy Agriche , who have sister complex towards Roxana . Well they glare at me everytime as if trying to dig holes into my soul . Since Roxana was my follower , they two too became my followers .

Seira will stare at me with helpless eyes but sometimes she will stare at my with complicated eyes . She will run to hug me whenever possible and treat me with delicacy as if I am her prize position . She will mumbled something like " Since you are my child , you will only give me warmth only " . I will stare at her with confusion . Whenever she tried to kiss me I will avoid her .

Maria Agriche too took interest in me .Since her beloved Sierra had her attention on me , it made sense . Also the beauty of my , made Maria more interested in me .

Griselda and Charlotte will always pool me into their games . I will end up with those two and my three followers . Since most of the games were family or house play or something , I will end up being in the husband role everytime . For the wife role , their will broke out war between the Griselda , Charlotte , Roxana , Dion and Jeremy . While they fight I just escape .

My bond with Fontaine was like bickering siblings and bestfriends , since most of the time I escape , I hide in his room . And I end up spending time with him , 2 twin siblings Lex and Rio and a little sister Remelia . 

Out of the uncountable siblings I had thanks to hyper active Lant Agriche , I bonded best with Fontaine , Lex , Rio and Remelia .

But there is a catch , whenever we 5 will be together , all other important characters will glare at us with anger , rage , etc . It literally gave us goosebumps , so we mostly hangout in secret .

Now too I have escaped from Lant , Sierra , Maria , Roxana , Griselda , Dion , Jeremy and Charlotte . But I didn't go to Fontaine but escaped to the huge garden which was like maize . I need to take breath from all this stressing situation .

I was in my thoughts when someone , I freaked out seeing them .

The lady was in lolita dress , her one of the eyes was gauged out and stitched and patched . Her skins had wounds and stitches all over . Even though wearing such beautiful purple lolita dress , she looked so terrifying .

Wasn't she Maria's toy or something ? 

Yeah she was .....

I calmed myself and paid my attention towards her .

She was looking somewhere , her eyes was glistening with tears and her face was tearstained . She didn't wiped her tears . She clenching onto her dress as she sat near the tree .

I feel bad for everytime I see her , even though I don't know anything about her . I only know that she became Maria's toy because of her beauty . Her parents sold her to Agriche and her children and husband and in-laws were killed .

I stood up and was about to walk towards her to comfort her but suddenly felt stinging pain in my head . I gripped onto my head but I felt only dizzy . I couldn't kept my eyes open , black dots begun appear and my ears were . I heard someone call for my name before I was engulfed into darkness .

End of Asil's Pov


Roxana Pov

I am so happy today because brother called my name for first name Roxana , not little sister but little sad too he also called Dion's and Jeremy's name too for first time rather than brothers .

In order to greet my brother Asil , I got up early and got ready and went in Brother Asil's room happily . But when I reached there , I saw Jeremy and Dion standing there , glaring at each other . I was annoyed but still went there . 

They glared at me but I didn't care , I opened the door . 

Everyone is trying to steal my brother Asil's attention but I won't let them do that because ....

My thoughts halted as I saw the slender yet ethereal man boy sleeping on the bed with white covers .

He was so beautiful , handsome that he looked like a fair . His Beauty can't be compared to anyone . 

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Suddenly I heard someone gasp in shock , I turn my head to see Jeremy gasp as his face turned red . I then looked at Dion whose eyes were wide open , he too turned red . I felt myself turning red too because of the beauty on bed .

We walked upto  Asil's bed and encircled him and begun observing him . We made sure not to make a sound or might wake him . 

Minutes passed by but we couldn't took our eyes of him . Suddenly Brother Asil's eyelashes fluttered , we go on alert . He suddenly opened his eyes and we were dumbfounded .

" ROXANA , DION AND JEREMY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ? IN MY BED ? ON TOP OF ME ? SO EARLY MORNING ? " he asked in his shock as we break out of trance .

" Brother we just came out to greet you " I said .

" Oh " Asil said , he looked slight uncomfortable . " Umm could you all get off from me , I will get ready before you greet me " he said . 

We three nodded and gave him space . He rushed to his bathroom . After a while he returned we expected to see him naked but he came back in all dress , it disappointed me a little .

I was about to greet him when Jeremy said he wanted greet him first and then Dion said he want to greet Asil first and just like that a fight broke out between us . Asil took advantage of this and escape from his room and when we found out about this he was already out of sight .

We ran outside to find him between sandwiched between Sierra and Lant . They are glaring at each other saying that " Asil belong to me " .

Before we could say anything a terrifying looking Maria with a fake smile rushed towards Asil and shielded him saying " Asil belong to me " .

Asil stood there confused and dumbfounded . He looked so cute that I want squish his cheeks.

But my attention suddenly diverted two new enteries Charlotte and Griselda who were also arguing with adults saying Asil belong to them .

Since everyone was claiming Asil as there , how can we stay back , we also jumped into argument about whom Asil belong to .

We were busy in our argument when a maid gasped , our attention divert to her direction . She got scared and got on her knees as we glared at her .

" What happened ? " Maria and Lant angrily questioned .

" lord master sneaked ...away...and.. .his.. hands.. touched..mine so..I.gasped ..... Please forgive me " She begun crying .


I was so angry that I want kill someone .

" What did you say ? ASIL TOUCHED YOU ? " Lant , Jeremy and Dion yelled in unison .

" So..sorry my was... Accidental " the maid choked on her tears .

" Dear don't cry , tears don't suit you . You see my darling Asil normally hates skinship with any of us . So since he touched you by ACCIDENT we can't let you live " Maria smiled but it eerie feelings .

" You shouldn't have come in our Asil's way , his hands shouldn't have touched you " Charlotte and Griselda yelled angrily .

" I sorry.... please.. forgive me " the maid begged and begged .

" No way I will allow you to live " Sierra said angrily with firm tone . It was not only mine but everyone's  first time to hear Sierra's agressive voice .

" You can't stay alive " I muttered angrily .

Before the maid could protest , Lant sliced her in two .

" No one touches my Asil ...NOW HEAR WITH YOUR EARS OPEN NEITHER ASIL NOR HIS STUFF GET TOUCHED ANY OF YOUR FILTHY HANDS ...if I found such thing happen it won't end good . Only we can touch him no one else " Lant yelled in anger as the servents shuddered .

For the first time I agreed with Lant not only me but others too agreed with him .

" He went in which direction ? " Dion asked .

" My lord , young master went in Garden Of Maze " a shivering maid answered .

Lant signalled his guards to get rid of the corpse and make sure that no evidence if found . He also made sure that Asil doesn't found about this because Asil hates when someone dies . He loathes murderers .

We went to the Garden . When we reached to certain point , I saw the figure of Asil , I was about to ran towards him when we saw him loosing balance .

" ASIL !!!!!!! " Dion , Jeremy and Lant yelled his name as we all run in his direction .

I hoped anyone of us could catch him but we were late , he collapsed onto the grass and loss his consciousness . He face was pale like a corpse and his body begun to cool .

We were terrified and shocked but soon we rushed him to his room . Lant carried him in princess carry while Dion and Jeremy ran to fetch the Family physician . Me , Maria , Sierra , Charlotte and Griselda followed Lant .

I was scared . I don't want to loose my Brother Asil . I prayed for his wellbeing in my heart .

Soon the physician came and diagnosed him and injected some medicines into him . He said to let Asil rest for a while .

But we just didn't want to leave Asil alone in such condition , fearing he might leave us .

None of us leave Asil's room and waited for Asil to open his eyes .

End Of Roxana Pov

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