Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 2: Chapter 1.2

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A touch to her shoulder almost caused Kara to lash out, her single eye glowing red with heat, but she snapped out of her daze in time and twisted around, she saw the orange girl taking a few steps away from her, her hands held high to show no threat and her glowing green eyes wide with worry but also… understanding?

Seeing that she wasn't attacking Koriand'r approached her slowly and very obviously wrapped her arms around Kara hugging her, Kara released her flight and just started crying against the naked woman's orange skin for a minute, eventually Kara gathered her wits and pushed herself away from the girl, she knew they couldn't stay in place, the psions may have heavier weapons capable of hurting even a kryptonian or, worst case, they may be able to use the kryptonite they had to trap her if they had time.

Kara knew she still wasn't thinking right, her fear and anger at the psions but she just couldn't care about it at the moment.

Koriand'r tried to talk with her but Kara ignored her, unable to understand the strangely guttural sounds of tamaranian language. Frustrated, Koriand'r grabbed her and forced Kara to look into her eyes before asking a question so Kara shook her head

 "I don't understand" she said in english since she knew from the comics a few humans had made it into this sector and nobody was likely to know the kryptonian language here.

Koriand'r eyes shone brightly as she nodded in understanding before cupping Kara's face in her hands and kissing her, kara couldn't help but kiss her back opening her mouth and savoring her taste before snapping out of it and breaking the kiss, then she remembered the Tamaranean nonsensical ability to learn languages with a kiss and flushed red.

Kara Zor-El hadn't been homosexual when she lived with her parents but neither had Jace, she hadn't thought about the implications before, being more preoccupied with survival after all, but she found that she was quite attracted to Koriand'r body, thinking about it she imagined a male in the place of the girl and didn't mind it at all, shaking her head she left that little revelation for later and asked "Can you understand me now?"

"I can, warrior, have you overcome your grief?"

"Not really, but we have more important things to worry about" Kara said and walked to a mostly intact psion body before starting to steal some clothes "Kara Zor-El, nice to meet you"

"I am Koriand'r princess of tamaran" she greeted me before finding some clothes herself "Do you have a plan warrior Zor-El?"

"Call me Kara, your attack was probably what saved me, in my book that makes us friends"

"Joy! admiration! to have an entire book dedicated towards your friendships!" she said and her face lit up once again with a wide smile "Still I can not imagine how those Zarbnarf manage to subdue a warrior of your power friend Kara"

Kara sighed before slipping into a very loose set of pans, ripping out the missing leg and using it to tie around her waist so it kept the piece of cloth in place "I was in hibernation and recovering from a wound so they didn't have much trouble just keeping me from fully waking up, do you have any idea how to get away from here?"

"Do not despair, together we will certainly be able to claim one of the ships of escaping" koriand'r said and gave Kara a reassuring smile while helping her up.

Kara let herself be pulled to her feet before starting to float again her mastery of the skill growing by the second to the point that while it still required concentration to keep herself in place she could keep her body moving in a straight line without much effort now

"Come on princess let's finish this before they have time to lay any traps" they flew together, slowly picking up speed as Kara got more comfortable with her ability but didn't meet any other psions allowing her to start experimenting with her vision, trying to shift into x-ray vision to look through the walls before just bursting them.

Eventually they found the docking bay where they kept the smaller, individual ships but there were psion corpses and robots everywhere and two of the ships were still in flames while a third seemed to be missing "What the heck!"

"Friend Kara! My sister must have destroyed the ships of escape so they could not follow her" she said with a wide smile, happy that her murderous, traitorous sister had managed to escape "We were separated in an earlier fight I am glad she has managed to escape"

"I don't suppose you know a way to call her back for help?" Kara asked already knowing the answer but with hope that she was wrong, after all she didn't know in which DC universe she had ended up and in some of them Komand'r wasn't entirely bad

"I am afraid my sister is very… practical, she would not risk coming back even if I could contact her" she said with a sad smile "She would not risk it"

"Great… great" Kara suppressed her desire to curse or lash out at things around herself, she had to remember she wasn't a human anymore, lashing out was very bad now… especially for the environment around her "Fine if we can't take an escape vessel we're just gonna have to take this one instead"

Yeah, she quickly started warming up to the idea, she hadn't liked leaving behind whatever data the psions had gathered with their experiments on herself, kryptonian experimentation never ended well for anyone in the comics, but she was willing to do so to escape but now she had an excuse to end every single one of the bastard's lives.

Turning back towards the interior of the ship Kara finally managed to get her x-ray vision to work and started searching for the densest concentration of psions or the control room, she quickly found almost 40 psions armed to the teeth with alien rifles and surrounded by security robots readying themselves for a fight, she still took a minute or two to verify they weren't carrying any lead boxes or exposed kryptonite before releasing a hysterical laugh of relief "Ahahaha the fools still don't know what they are fighting Muwahahahahaha!"

"Muwahahahaha" came the exaggerated evil laugh from Koriand'r causing Kara to turn around and just look at her dumbfounded

"What was that?"

"I wished to partake in friend Kara's customs to show my support" she revealed with a smile that drained some of Kara's rage and fear away "You have a most intimidating battle cry!"

They just stood there staring at each other's eyes for a second before Kara shook her head "nevermind" then she accelerated in a straight line towards the psions ignoring every wall or floor in her way acting like a battering ram and opening a patch for Koriand'r to follow.

When they arrived it wasn't really a fight but a slaughter, with Kara's resistance blocking most shots Koriand'r was free to show just how capable a warrior she was, every one of her starbolts either sent a psion flying or pierced right through them when she hit exposed flesh, more than one psion was decapitated by her, them they reached melee range and all hell broke loose.

Even still wounded and recovering Kara was faster, stronger and more brutal than Koriand'r punching through psions or simply grabbing them and squeezing, throwing their bodies as makeshift weapons or just ripping arms off as she moved from target to target but Koriand'r had skill, she didn't fight like a human would didn't use footwork in fact she didn't even step in the ground even once, managing to steal a blade from one of Kara's kills she floated around the battlefield with catlike grace slashing and delivering precise punches and kicks, in the end she had defeated more enemies than Kara herself, substituting raw power for precision.

"Can you find out where the command room is?" Kara asked while wiping some blood off her face and spitting some that had gotten into her mouth, Koriand'r seemed a little sad at the amount of death they had caused but she was a warrior trained by warlords, she wasn't a stranger to the battlefield and it's horrors and had very little sympathy for psions.

"Certainly, it should not take very long" she approached one of the disabled survivors and started interrogating the monster, Kara had to continue thinking of them as monsters after what she had done, it wasn't very hard as the wounded male just spit in Koriand'r face and the girl dropped him to choose another.

Having recovered her breath Kara floated herself towards a third survivor and dragged his wounded body up by the arm leaving him dangling painfully "Where is the control room" she asked and then repeated herself in the languages she had studied while in krypton until the lizard answered.

"Stupid humanoid, we know what you are now, they will be ready for you!"

Kara squeezed the lizard's arm until she heard the bones crack "Thanks for the warning, where is the control room" the lizard hissed in pain and then attempted to spit at her but Kara just used her speed to whip his body around and smash him to a wall, then she sighed, despite all she suffered she didn't want to torture them, she knew she could do it, she hated the psions enough to break every single bone in one's body and smile at his pain but that's not who she wanted to become.

Knowing she would lose control of herself again if she interrogated another lizard she briefly watched Koriand'r ask another survivor if there were any other ships around the research station or where the command center was, then shook her head and concentrated on her x-ray vision to search the ship.

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Kara still didn't have full control of her powers, being unused to be under the light of a yellow sun so her vision couldn't see through the entire ship and was erratic on how many layers she could look through at every moment the ship was enormous easily the size of one of a small city but she couldn't find any other gathering of psions big enough to be significant.

"Friend Kara I have found the location of the room of control!" Koriand'r float towards her with eagerness as green light flashed in her hands, then she pulled out a Psion personal computer and opened a holographic map of the ship with a red dot in the center and another green one where they were.

Both young woman were about two kilometers away from the center of the ship and still near the hull, looking down at the floor Kara frowned and tried to take a look but it was still too far away.

"Alright great work" preparing herself once again Kara frowned as her back and shoulder had started to hurt from ramming so many walls and there were so many ahead of her she had lost count, then she thought better of it "shit alright Koriand'r can you plot us a new patch I don't think I have the stamina to reach it in a straight line"

From the comics Kara thought she should have been stronger than this but, then again, her cousin's power fluctuated wildly from just very strong to godlike and planet towing depending on which universe he was from and she wasn't really in the best condition, her body was thin and malnourished, she felt hungry, thirsty and every time she fought she had to catch her breath for longer so perhaps her missing lung had not healed completely.

Flying twice as fast as a running man turned out to be a hush and even brought a smile to Kara's lips despite the situation she found herself in, she followed Koriand'r as best she could going through wide corridors and elevator shafts, Koriand'r even took the time to smash some robots and psions running on the corridors.

Nearly twenty minutes later they were finally arriving when Koriand'r stopped in the middle of the corridor and Kara almost hit her mid flight before she managed to bleed out all her speed and had to return almost twenty meters to meet the princess.

"What?" she barked harshly out of mortification then she saw the hurt look on her companion's eyes and sighed "Sorry, I'm not used to looking like a fool while flying"

"I understand" Koriand'r turned towards her left and pointed "we are two corridors to the right of the center of command, I plan on breaking the walls to avoid any traps they may have on the doors"

"Right good idea, just hold on a minute" turning towards the wall Kara looked at the command center searching for any treats… she found many.

Despite their precautions the psions were watching them move through some kind of surveillance camera and had all turned towards the wall, every one of them also had a piece of kryptonite tied to their bodies and a piece the size of a large van was laying on the middle of the room, it must have been sold to the monsters together with her escape pod by the scavengers that first found her.

"Ah! Alright princess we're gonna have a change of plans here"

"Do you have a plan?" asked the orange beauty completely willing to follow her lead.

"Not really but I can see through the walls and the enemy is ready for us"

"That is most distressing, it will make the fighting much harder"

"it's worse than that" Kara confessed "They have a piece of kryptonite, a radioactive rock that's poisonous to me and they had been using it to weaken my body, I can't enter that room without losing all my power Koriand'r"

"Rage! Fury! How dare they use such repulsing means, do not worry psions are not warriors I will be more than enough to fight them" she gave Kara a quick pat to the back and readied herself

"I'll give you ranged support but I really can't enter there Koriand'r, I can't be captured again, I just can't"

"I understand friend Kara I will not blame you" then she lifted her glowing green hands and released two of the largest starbolt yet blasting both walls separating them from the target.

Kara watched as Koriand'r flew into the room over a hail of blaster fire, she rammed one of the security robots through an electronic table before starting to send starbolts everywhere on the room, finally snapping out of her daze Kara cursed herself for just watching like a stupid bystander and channeled energy to her eye before releasing a controlled wave of heat, without losing control of the power it took her a full second to burn through each wall and pierce a psion holding a huge energy cannon burning a hole through his chest, then she slowly moved her head and burned a line through the room.

The heat ray was slow enough that some psions managed to dodge it but were forced to stop shooting at her companion to do so, Seeing it was useful she continued to aim towards them killing another two and destroying five robots but mostly making them pause in their shooting and aiming at the ones with the largest guns.

Koriand'r herself wasn't just watching, as the main attacker she moved like a tiger through the enemies taking cover behind the psions themselves and returning fire with quick starbolts while growling with anger, she moved with purpose fully showing her super strength and warrior training but she wasn't a kryptonian and every time the hail of shoots hit her it cost causing her to release grunts of pain, then one of the large cannons hit her in the chest sending her body flying and almost blasting her through another wall.

Psions may be many things but they weren't stupid and capitalized on the hit despite Kara's best efforts to cut them down, she even increased the power to her attract starting to feel the strain as her eye started to water until she fully lost control of her heat ray releasing one last wide blast of heat that melted another large hole through four walls but left her screaming in pain and cradling her remaining eye with both hands.

Koriand'r managed to roll aside before flying up and blasting her enemies again then diving towards one who had been flanking her and punching him in the chest to steal his cover, forcing her eye open Kara looked at her companion and saw the cannon had left a huge burn all over her chest and left arm, there were also dozens of smaller burns all over her body and her clothes were turned to rags, one of her fingers of her left hand was missing where someone had hit her with a solid projectile and she was bleeding.

"Fuck… no just fucking no!" Kara cursed as she flew towards the room but she didn't even cross the wall before feeling the kryptonite affecting her, weakening her, making her retreat as flashed of her time locked inside the escape pod and later under psion's knives flashed through her mind, she started to hyperventilate.

Koriand'r managed to take out another cannon and destroy some important control causing red lights to start flashing all over the ship. The sudden loud noise surprised the hell out of Kara but she managed to refocus on the fight to see her partner crying out from a hit to her face.

Tumbling down to the ground screaming in pain she was pinned down under fire for the second time and the survivors rained down blaster fire and projectiles towards her as she curled up and tried to protect herself by hiding behind tables

"Just how many of the damn lizards are there!" Kara screamed in frustration and then grabbed at the wall ripping a wide sheet of metal away from it, putting the piece of metal in front of herself she held it tightly and accelerated as fast as she could bursting through the walls and smashing the gathered psions around her partner crushing at least a dozen of them and scattering the others, then a bolt of energy caught her in the shoulder blowing a hole right through it and she screamed from the burnt.

Kara howled in pain and fell to all three's feeling the kryptonite affecting her causing her incredible pain as her veins bulged up under her skin and she was forced to throw up from pain, Kara tried to drag herself under the metal sheet but she wasn't strong enough to even lift it once again and got another hit on the leg.

Then Koriand'r exploded into action, extremely hurt and missing some hair she still managed to blast everything in sight before grabbing a metal support beam who had been cracked and ripping it out to use as a projectile crushing another four psions and finally breaking their moral, the few remaining lizards were left running for their lives as Koriand'r was breathing hard from exhaustion, then Kara released a low whimper of pain and the princess refocused.

"You came!" she screamed in happiness before noticing the bulging veins all over Kara's body "what is wrong friend Kara, how can I help!"

"The… argh… the rock" Koriand'r looked around and saw the glowing green piece of kryptonite laying covered in debris at the center of the room, then she gathered Kara's body in her arms and flew out of the utterly destroyed command center.

Kara felt the pain starting to go away as soon as they got out of the room leaving behind only the burning feeling in her leg and shoulder from the shoots she had taken, she looked at Koriand'r face and smiled a true smile, they had won, they had won control of the ship and probably killed any psion with the power to take it back, releasing a breath of relief Kara passed out.

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