Reincarnated as the Duke Fishron in Monster Hunter

Chapter 1: 1. I’m not human anymore…

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Same author as on Webnovel


'Uuuuuuuuhhhhhh…wait aren't I supposed to be dead!?', Maxim thought befuddled, but mostly shocked, he died, no way he survived this.

Even if he was somehow taken to the hospital and somehow survived the transport and that they somehow kept him alive. 

Death would still be better for him and he wouldn't be so cognizant either if he was in a coma, or cognizant at all for that matter.

He died. That he was sure of it.

But now he is alive. He reincarnated or was reincarnated by something, not that it matters what did this. He is alive. He is freaking ALIVE!

'This is incredi-', he didn't finish his thoughts as he felt an intense wave of fatigue hit him before he blacked out.

He woke up sometime later. He moved. Immediately noticing a soft, smooth but hard roundish membrane enveloping him, near his belly he felt what was a sort of fleshy tube that connected him to a small pouch, that was itself connected to the placenta, in the uterus of his current mother.

The whole thing was tightly keeping him from moving freely.

'Is that an egg…?', He wondered. He moved again and felt two new members on his back twitch and touched the egg he was in. 

They felt at the same time completely alien to his mind and completely natural to his body. It was very disorienting.

'Huh. I'm not a human anymore.', He blankly realized. He then made those two members twitch again, the inhuman way the muscle, skin, tendons, and bones shifted was proving his earlier thought.

'I'm not human…', the realization hit Maxim again. This time harder, way too hard. His tumultuous emotions cause him to clench his inhumanly elongated jaws, his new sets of fangs made to reap and tear flesh asunder perfectly jutting themselves together inside.

He moved his tongue, which didn't feel human, inside his jaws, and to his astonishment, he felt multiple rows of sharp teeth behind the one at the front. He also felt two other teeth, way longer than the one inside. 

'Those seem like tusks… my tusks.', he thought, each new detail he discovered about his body hammered the fact that it was his new reality.

Those two tusks slightly poked through the space between his lips, going downward, and slightly curved inward similar to the ones a male walrus would.

Now that he was fully conscious of his body, every movement was noticed by him, from his back fin against the egg membrane to the twitch of his vertical tail fin that ended in the shape of three headed fork, the jerk of his three sets of wings or flippers, one set was on his back, the other just below the first, we're pectoral fin would be and the last just before the start of his tail.

And even to the small movement of what appeared to be small ears atop of his head.

Speaking of ears he could hear a slow but rhythmic beat of something, it made a *THUMP-THUMP* like sound, it was a heartbeat. 

Not his thoughts, his was faster and less powerful, it was unsettling to be able to hear your heartbeat like this.

'My new inhuman mother's heart…', Maxim deduced. This reminds him that he won't see, talk and interact with his family and the people he knows ever again… 

That's...normal, he reckoned. As harsh as it sounds. He died. At least he parted with them on good terms, without too much regret on that part.

However, he can not imagine the horror of his Mom, Dad, big sister, little brother, grandparents, and aunt when they discover how he died, or that he died in the first place for that matter. 

And the pain after… it will last for some time before they get back to their normal life, they will move on. As everyone should unless some special cases want to suffer for whatever motive or reason, it's their choice.

It's a part of life, even if his early death was impromptu and pretty gruesome as well as traumatizing. 

He vividly remembers the pressure around his back, the tearing of his skin and muscle, the way his spine was crushed and ripped apart, and the way his organs and blood spilled out of his body when he was torn in half.

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It was a long and agonizing way to die. At least it was not his brother or his sister that died like this, it was the elevator they used daily.

He will do the same. Moving on to his new life and doesn't dwell too much on what was lost. If he doesn't… it will ruin this new chance at life, though that is easier said than done. 


He reincarnated more likely than not in another world, is present in an egg, as what seemed to be a chimeric fish, and also is in his new inhuman mother's uterus. 

He will inevitably change, more than physically if it didn't already start to happen already. He was overall euphoric with the prospect of having a second shot at life.

Sure he isn't human anymore but it could have been worse, and he found his new body fascinating. It wasn't that bad on second thought.

Maybe he doesn't possess hands anymore but he at least was sapient and sentient while in his new body.

Something great in and of itself since it means whatever he is. Is perfectly capable of complex thought processes.

Maxim didn't know at the moment that he was an expectation and a new unique species altogether from his mother, however.

Not that his mother species weren't particularly 'dumb' in any way, shape, or form but they certainly paled in comparison to other animals like humans.

Anyway, he knew he was probably incredibly lucky to get reincarnated, and even more so to not end up as a sea cucumber, for example.

All in all, it was quite a scary but exciting future.

Maxim then felt his mind progressively slow down to a crawl before ultimately falling asleep.

He woke up sometime later with the powerful urge to get out of his egg prison and a sense of deep hunger permeated his body, his body contorted, tail touching his apparent snout. He immediately realized that he was going to hatch.

And he did just that, his body moved on instinct he never had before, and his small tusks pierced the eggcase, he then clumsily moved his head up and down and wiggled for five or so seconds before his whole body was out. 

He didn't have time to celebrate his hatching before his earlier hunger multiplied a hundredfold. 

The only thing on his mind at the moment was to eat, eat and eat more. Luckily the food was plentiful in this place.

And so unable to control his juvenile body and new overpowering instincts he feasted on the unfertilized eggs, fertilized eggs, and his hatching sibling. He was bigger, faster, stronger, smarter, and better.

He was the first, if he wasn't he would have likely had the same fate as his bacon-flavored siblings. Yes, they tasted like bacon and it was the damn best bacon he ever ate.

Maxim started swimming less and less clumsily as time went on and his littermates disappeared in his pit of a stomach.

He continued to feast for half an hour until there was nothing left but him, a bloated him, clarity started to come back to him.

'I-I ate every one of them … and they were…', his horrified thought stopped as he realized that he didn't excessively feel bad or guilty about what he just did.

He was having more of a twisted sense of pride that he was the last remaining. That he was superior to his siblings. And the taste, it was so, so good.

He knew some animals, like certain species of shark did the same, but now being one of these species… it was strange but good news since it means he probably won't be at the bottom of the food chain.

Then he started to feel sleepy, again, his tummy full thanks to his earlier cannibalistic frenzy.

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