Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Chapter 15: Side story 2

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Why, why I have I become my childhood friends Maid.

“Why, why has this happened to me.”(Kaoru)

“Well according to the letter goddess Ziella gave me it's your punishment for insulting her sisters.”(Katya)

“Is there any way to undo it?”(Kaoru)

“IN the letter it says that if you find each of her sisters and apologies and they forgive you, you can be changed back.”(Katya)

“Does it tell us how to find them?”(Kaoru)

“It only says that they don’t often stay in one place and that we should be careful when talking to the goddess of the sky Xecra.”(Katya)

“Why should we be careful of only one of the goddesses?”(Kaoru)

“It doesn’t say. Maybe we can ask someone else later.”(Katya)

“We should do that. More importantly where are we?”(Kaoru)

“I’m not sure. We are now in a different world so we could be anywhere. From what I can of the architecture and the interior decoration it looks like it would be about 1700s Europe.”(Katya)

“How do you know that?”(Kaoru)

“I did some research in case something like this happened I also have some interest in history.”(Katya)

“I didn’t know that.”(Kaoru)

“However this is a different world and this place looks like it belongs to someone wealthy. The rest of the world could be in the middle ages while the wealthy have 1700s style buildings.”(Katya)

Looking at the room I can see that it belongs to someone wealthy. The floor is covered in a red carpet with gold embroidery. The walls are covered by portraits that have likely been painted by some of the best artists. Chandeliers are hanging from the ceiling made from the finest glass and furniture that looks to be made of pure gold. The ceiling is covered in beautiful plasterwork that is painted gold and silver. The most unusual part of the room is the height. The room is at least twenty feet tall, and the solid oak door is at least fifteen feet tall.

Katya walks over to one of the paintings and looks at the writing on the frame.

“Kaoru come here.”(Katya)

I was about to go over but before I can my body acts on its own. I am compelled to move over to her.

“Have a look at this writing. Can you read it?”(Katya)

Like before I am compelled to look at the writing.

“I can’t read it mistress.”(Kaoru)

We both just stand there taking in what I just said. Did I just say that?

“Mistress what’s happening to me?”(Kaoru)

I didn’t want to call her mistress. Why can’t I say her name?

“It's most likely your skill [obedient and loyal]. I think one of my skills said that your skill will activate for the first time when I give you your first order. Whatever magic that is doing this probably counted me telling you to come over as your first order.”(Katya)

I fall to my knees.

“Why did this happen to me? I just wanted to live a simple and peaceful life in Japan. Why did that goddess have to choose us and then turn me into a maid.”(Kaoru)

“well it's because you insulted her sisters but I have to agree it might have been a bit too much.”(Katya)

“I know what I said but I was thinking right then. I was panicking as I was forced to go to another world. Now I have become a maid to my best friend with a skill that means I can lose my free will anytime you wish.”(Kaoru)

Katya kneels and wraps her four arms around me.

“I’m sorry it is partly my fault that you ended up here it was my selfish desires that made me accept I didn’t think about how you would feel. If it helps I won't take away your free will I might ask you to do a few things depending on the situation but I would never take away your free will. You will stay your own person as much as is possible in this situation.”(Katya)

After this, I start crying. I cry for what feels like days, eventually, I stop and lean against Katya.

“Thank you, mistress.”(Kaoru)

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I still can't call her by name.

“When in private you can call me by name but when in public especially formal occasions its probably best if you do call me mistress. Is that alright at least for now.”(Katya)

“it is Katya.”(Kaoru)

We stay like this for a bit longer. Eventually, we both decide to find out more about our situation. However, as we stand up Katya moves her arm down my back but is stopped by something.

“What's this?”(Katya)

“I don’t know.”(Kaoru)

“Aren’t sylphs supposed to have wings like a fairy.”(Katya)

“Maybe they are invisible. I have the skill for it.”(Kaoru)

I focus on my wings becoming visible. It's weird focusing on something you can't see or feel and that might not even be there. A few minutes later my wings become visible. I move back over to the mirror to have a look at them. They look like the sort of fairy wings you see in many stories on earth. Like my hair they are dark blue and purple they are faintly transparent and have a slight glow. Katya walks over to me looking at my wings.

“Your wings are beautiful.”(Katya)

“Thank you . Does this mean I can fly?”(Kaoru)

“It probably does but this isn’t the place to try. Shall we explore this place a bit?”(Katya)


We walk over to the door and push it open. On the other side is a long corridor that goes to our left and right the design is similar to the room we were just in. We decide to go right down the corridor we pass by many doors however they are all locked. We eventually reach the end of the corridor with a closed door.

We push open the door on the other side is another corridor but on the other side are two guards. They are both men who look to be in their thirties. They both are wearing full sets of plate armour that I gold and silver. In the helmet are cutouts for their wolf-like ears and a hole for their tails. On their waists, they both have a sword and in their hands, they have a spear. When we walk through the door the guard on the right marches towards us. He stops in front of us and salutes.

“My lady’s I see that the summoning was successful.”(Guard)

I try not to look displeased when he refers to us as ladies as I have not gotten used to my new body and gender yet.

“Well it was mostly successful.”(Katya)

“What do you mean my lady.”(Guard)

“Well let's say my maid here wasn’t a maid or even female when we were summoned.”(Katya)

Upon hearing this the guard turns to the other guard.

“Go and inform his majesty.”(Guard)

The other guard salutes and then quick marches away.

“Will you please follow me my ladies.”(Guard)

The guard turns and marches away with us following behind.

“Mistress are you sure this is safe.”(Kaoru)

“We don’t have many other choices.”(Katya)

The guard stops outside a large golden door and knocks on it.


As the guard announces this the doors open revealing a large and magnificent throne room.

“Your majesty the summoned heroes have arrived to have an audience with you.”(Announcer)

We move forward with me slightly behind Katya. I am currently trying to pretend to be a real maid.

“Welcome to our nation summoned hero’s.”(King)

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