Reincarnated As The Kingdoms #1 Fugitive

Chapter 1: 1 – Waking Up In Shackles

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Reincarnation! Hell yeah!

After waking up in a pure white space after his death, Mark Talko (32M)  quickly recognizes his surroundings and doesn't take long at all to formulate that he is, hopefully, about to be reincarnated.

Aha! Now we're talking!

Mark almost jumps in delight as he sees what he assumes to be a goddess approaching him. Even with never meeting one in his life, the demeanor and energy being emitted is enough for even a normal human to understand.

Mark cannot hold his excitement anymore, "Am I gonna get reincarnated?!"

The goddess sighs, "Yes, you will b-"

"OH FUCK YEAH!" Without even letting the goddess finish, Mark let's out an excited yelp. 

"But," The goddess interrupts him, "I am not too sure you will be happy with the details of your reincarnation."

"What?! Why's that???"

"Well, Mark," The goddess looks deep into his eyes, "You weren't exactly the best behaved human." She pauses to let Mark process what he heard, "Quite frankly, if it were up to me,  you wouldn't even be reincarnated at all, but due to the law of the gods, you were killed before intended, and therefore reincarnation must ensue."

Mark shakes his head and shrugs, "It doesn't matter how bad it is, reincarnation is reincarnation and I'm about to be living the high life with a harem! Woooooh!"

The goddess stares at him blankly, "Erm. Alright, well I was just letting you know so that you won't be too mad at me when you get transported. But just saying, there is a bit of a mess you need to clean up."

"Whatever, this is the best thing that has ever happened to me."

In a blast of white light, Mark's eyes are closed and he is thrust into a new world.


Mark hears yelling before his eyes are even opened, "He is a monster, immediate execution MUST proceed!"

He opens his eyes to see a man sitting in a throne just in front of him. Mark realizes he is on his knees, he tries to get up only to feel two swords brushing against his neck, holding him down.

He hears the same voice and can barely glance back to see what appears to be a nobleman of sorts, "This kind of genocide is unheard of in our kingdom! We must swiftly take care of him."

Well fuck. I see what the goddess means now.

It appears Mark is being tried in front of the King. The King has cold eyes, the kind you only get from years upon years of difficult struggles, Mark knows those eyes from his mom.

The King looks down into Mark's eyes, "I agree. He is a villain beyond our comprehension and must be dealt with immediately. Bring out the executioner!"

Wait, Wait, Wait! I'm got reincarnated only to be slaughtered immediately? That's not fair!

I agree. Mark hears the goddess' voice in his head.

Suddenly, a gryphon the size of a lion, but with wings on both sides, crashes into the hall. It flies past everyone as they are left in awe at the mystical and majestic creature in front of them.

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Only the King acts, "Quickly! It's going after the prisoner! Get him out of here!"

The king's words reach the guards ears a second too late. The gryphon quickly scoops up Mark before hoisting him up on the gryphons back just a second before they both crash through a window in the roof and into the open sky.

This is my gift to you. He hears the goddess say once again as the castle and kingdom begins to get smaller and smaller.

"WOOOOOO!!!" Mark yells into the open air as his hair flies back with the wind, feeling freedom, "Let's get this adventure started!!!"

Mark looks down at the gryphon and strokes the feathers on its head, "Thanks man."

The gryphon looks back for a second, and Mark can see the happiness in it's eyes.

Mark then looks at himself and realizes he isn't 32 anymore, but instead, a young 25 year old!


After flying for a little bit and getting confidently away from the city he just left, Mark spots what appears to be a small little village.

Perfect, let's hope news of my crime hasn't travelled this far yet.

He signals for his gryphon to set down by patting it's head and they land in a small clearing just East of the village. Mark hops off the gryphon, which, after careful consideration of fantasy names, has started referring to him as Lupa. "You just wait here for a bit Lupa, I'm going to go check out this place."

Mark starts heading west, in search of the village. With basically no path to work with, he tries to what he saw from the skies to calculate a path. 

Yeah, I'm lost.

Just as he is about to turn around and return to Lupa, he hears a voice, "Almost!" It sounds female, around 23, a tad younger than his new body. 

He pushes through some bushes and trees until he approaches the voice, still hiding behind a tree and leaves, he spots an Elf girl fishing.

Elves! Yes! I knew that goddess wouldn't slack on the fantasy aspect!

He sees the girl throw her fishing rod into the pond, wait for a bit, then get a big tug, signaling a fish. She starts pulling on her rod, but the fish is overpowering here. Suddenly, the girl mutters an enchantment and a red hand appears out of nowhere and powerfully pulls the fish out of the pond. 

Was that a magic spell? Or perhaps some kind of summoning technique?

"Good catch!" Mark hears as a second Elf girl, same age, walks into the clearing and admires the fish.

Mark watches quietly as the two girls talk.

This is getting boring. He hears the goddess say.

No! Please n- Before he can finish his though, Mark is thrust into the clearing, right in front of the girls.

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