Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 109: 30 - Revenge (part 2)

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|The audacity of some people...|

Zoemi thought as his expression turned ice-cold at the sight of Sifra Ralia, the girl who accused him of raping her fully knowing what devastating outcome would her lie bring him.

"Miss Ralia. Do you need something from me?"

The black-haired boy approached the pitiful-looking blue-haired girl and asked in an unfriendly manner - which wasn't too unreasonable taking into consideration what she attempted to do to him.


At the sound of his deep voice Sifra turned around and once she confirmed that it was him - she kneeled in front of the scarred attendant without an ounce of hesitation...!

She even pressed her head to the floor!

"S-sir Zoemi... I-I am so, so sorry...!"

Sifra cried and her words resounded very loud and clear in the silence that her sudden action caused.

All eyes were literally glued to her.

"I am so sorry for falsely accusing you of attempting to violate me... for raping me... I was so stupid...! That should have never happened...!"

The blue-haired girl was bawling her eyes out and her tears and snot were creating a puddle on the floor beneath her.

"Falsely accusing...?"

Someone gasped in shock, looking between the standing boy and the prostrating girl.

"So he didn't do it?"

Asked someone else.

"Of course, he didn't! He's lady Espine's attendant! Do you think she would keep some criminal with her!"

Someone scoffed, shaking their head with annoyance.

"But you yourself said..."

...but they were called out immediately...

"No, I didn't! Shut up!"

They gasped and backed off to not expose themselves too much.

Just like that, the students started whispering to each other even more than before, a few of them were loud enough to reach Zoemi's ears.

|Even someone with a messed-up face can get some justice, huh? So there is a silver lining.|

The black-haired boy thought to himself while deciding to not walk past the crying girl and instead stop and listen to her.

Yet that was a somewhat double-edged sword.

He was focused on the girl so he couldn't see Mireiette and Horeo.

"Miriette! Calm down! Think about Zoemi!"

The first prince was trying his best to hold back his fiance from ripping the blue-haired girl to shreds, piece by piece, he even had to activate his enchants just to keep the dark-haired girl down!

"S-sir Zoemi, I am truly sorry, I am such a horrible person, my actions are inexcusable but... but could you please go and talk with teacher Perserios to not break off my engagement with her younger brother...? If she will really do that I won't be able to return home...! My father will disinherit me! Please, I bego for you yo help me!"

Sifra wailed out causing consternation amongst all of her classmates, whether they were on her side before or not.

"Wait... Am I getting it right? She falsely accused him of actually raping her, and now she wants him to help her out!? Is she serious?!"

"What a shameless woman..."

"Shameless doesn't even cut it...!"


When the blue-haired girl in shambles heard the whispers of her friends, she got raised her head in a hurry and shook it violently from left to right in denial.

"I-it wasn't my fault! It was Keriul and Senria! Keriul convinced me to tell a lie so that the ugly dar... so that sir Zoemi would get expelled, and Senria used her message spell to start the rumor! I didn't plan any of it! I am a victim in this situation too...!"

Sifra wailed in despair but after admitting her faults she lost all support...


Even the red-haired Grazio didn't look in her direction.

It was Aspakeony Academy, a place of learning for the children of the nobles where your opinion was way more important than your grades.

After all, after graduating, the students would inherit their parents' fortune or be given important jobs, and the opinions from the schooldays would stick to them forever.

So who those students were afraid of and hated more?

The scary-looking boy with an ugly scar who although wasn't too pleasant to look at was a very diligent student and the very picture of a perfect attendant who always puts his master in the first place...?

...or a girl who just straight-up admitted that she tried to slander him?

The answer was obvious from the very start!

The slanderer of course!

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The damned slanderer together with her accomplices!

Both the situation and the atmosphere in the classroom turned around one hundred and ninety degrees from how it was in the morning.

"I feel so filthy now! I actually believed what that gossip girl, Senria, said!"

One of the students was very close to spitting to the side from disgust.

"What does Keriul think she is? She wanted to get someone expelled!? Who the hell does she think she is!?"

Another one scoffed in disbelief, glaring at the seat of the absent red-haired girl.

"I never liked any of them! I knew they were up to no good!"

A different person called out.

"Yeah! What if they would succeed with framing Zoemi? Who would they slander next!?"

"Those bitches!"

...and was followed by a choir of angry voices in agreement.

If Sifra thought that the apology and pushing her fault on others would work in her favor – well... - she was wrong.

Dead wrong.

No one looked at her with warm feelings, instead, everyone was glaring at her with scorn and contempt.


With the exception of Miriette.

The dark-haired girl was smiling and nodding her head with a content expression.


Even Horeo was surprised when he saw that reaction.

"Miriette? What's going on?"

The gold-haired boy leaned towards the dark-haired girl and asked in concern.

"Oh, my prince!"

She covered her mouth and giggled so that others wouldn't notice.

"Can't you see? Nothing that I could do would even come close to what this imbecile did to herself!"

Miriette had to use all of her strong wills to stop herself from going continuing to laugh on top of her lungs.

The miserable scene of the slanderer digging her own grave would play out longer but then a teacher alarmed by the cries and murmurs came in to check up on what was happening inside...

...and it just so happened that this very teacher was...

"What is going on here, what's with those cries and...?"

Rokiana Grea Perserios raised her eyebrow and asked the students gathered at the back of the classroom and step further inside.

" No way..."

But then she stopped looking at their faces and checked what they were glaring at.

And she frowned.

"Sifra, I thought I was clear that you are suspended. Get out of the classr.oom."

Rokiana's voice was as cold as ice.


Sifra trembled but didn't move.

"S-sir Zoemi, please..."

She begged to look up pleadingly at the black-haired boy.


Teacher Perserios glanced at Zoemi and then she rolled her eyes.

"No. No! You can't be serious...! Everyone, did - by any chance - that girl came here to ask student Zoemi to talk to me on her behalf...? That's not the reason she is here, is it?"

The blue-haired teacher shook her head in disbelief, looking at the other students surrounding the girl.

"Teacher, she did! She admitted that she slandered him and tried to get him expelled, and still asked him to help her!"

One of the female students exclaimed furiously - and she was one of the first ones to talk ask Sifra if she was okay when the blue-haired girl first came to class.

"Sifra, I already notified my father, your parents, and the headmaster about the situation. It's useless to try doing something now."

"N-no...! Noooooo...!"

Just as Rokiana finished talking, Sifra slumped on the floor and became a sobbing mess curled up in a fetal position.

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