Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 173: 51 - The Not So Angry Headmaster... (part 2)

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|Of course, it's not a coincidence, this world is similar to a game and there is MAGIC it's only natural that there is a way to stay young forever, and OBVIOUSLY someone like that would be the headmaster of the Academy... Well... at least she looks older than me...|

The black-haired boy shook his head before turning his head to look at Aspakeony's face.

"Oh? What is it, pretty boy, you want a kiss?"


The gray-haired girl noticed his gaze and winked at him confidently, causing Zoemi to flinch and look away in embarrassment.

"Alright – we have that out of the way, now, you must promise me that you will tell me if the Ghosts will contact you – just in case, alright?"

Aspakeony furrowed her brows, making a serious expression, and looked the black-haired boy in the eyes.

"Yeah, sure, why not."

Zoemi was in a kind of awkward position to refuse but at the same time, he didn't really have a reason to refuse the gray-haired necromancer's request.

"Good, then I don't have to go against my wishes and kill a student of mine – I'm glad~"

"Oh gosh, thanks!"

Aspakeony breathed out in relief and smiled but Zoemi just rolled his eyes and shook his head in disbelief...

|This definititely wasn't mentioned in the game... huh...? HUH?! Oh crap - I have to get her off of me...!|

The black-haired attendant sighed internally – before realizing something rather embarrassing was happening and started panicking...

"Alright - is there anything you want to ask me?"

Aspakeony tilted her head and asked in a friendly manner ignoring the boy's troubled face.

"Yeah! Can I leave now?"

Zoemi hurriedly nodded and asked, doing his best to appear calm.

"Hey! You can't even imagine how much of an honor it is to have a talk with me! Normally only the kings know about my existence!"


The dark-skinned necromancer declared, puffing out her chest with pride – causing Zoemi to blush and hurriedly face the other way.

"Yeah, - that may be the case, but not for me. Can I leave now?"

"Hey, if you will be so mean then even your pretty face will not get you any girls, you know?"

The girl on Zoemi's lap got grumpy, she adjusted her position a bit and glared at him.

"That is of no concern to you!"

The black-haired boy scoffed and turn back towards the necromancer just so he could glare at her.

"Ask me a question!"


Aspakeony demanded and started jumping on Zoemi's lap.

"Fine! Jeez! Just stop moving!"

The black-haired boy gritted his teeth and reached out to grab Aspakeony's shoulders in an attempt of stopping her before it was too late...

"Good. Let's hear it."

And thankfully complying with her wishes did the trick as the ashen-haired girl calmed down and nodded her head benevolently.

"...whew... well, then, what happened to Marigotiee Kingdom?"

Zoemi breathed out to calm himself and asked a question about something that was supposed to involve his master and which Aspakeony mentioned earlier.

"It got destroyed."


An immediate and obvious answer made him frown.

"Yes, you said it already using your flesh-puppet, but how did it got destroyed?"

He really tried to stay calm.

"By magic."

But that damn girl was infuriating!

"Oh, thank you for the enlightenment, you're a true prodigy, and here I thought that somebody just farted on it too hard!"

The black-haired boy couldn't help himself from retorting.

"Hey! That's really all we know! I had fifty puppets in that country, every single one of them was strong, and they all got wiped out in an instant! When I send others to check it out there was no trace of a kingdom at all, everything was leveled to the ground! That's why I thought it had to do with the Ghosts, they pulled something like that two hundred years ago!"

Aspakeony frowned and adjusted her position once more.

"Oh, I see..."

|Yeah... she did mention that she already had an army before the Ghosts were even born... she looks so cute for her age though...!|

"Can you at least tell me why are you constantly fidgeting?"

Zoemi was careful not to let his inner thoughts slip and asked in a calm manner trying to change the subject...

"Well, there's this big hard part that I can't really get around, so..."

"Alright, that does it!"

The black-haired boy couldn't handle anymore - he didn't care if the girl will fall over or whether she will end up attacking him with her corpse puppet, he just grabbed the chocolate-skinned necromancer and removed her from his lap, putting her on the top of the desk...

"Kyaah~! Hey, there – aren't you too forward~?"

...but that only made Aspakeony giggle and call him out teasingly – and to make it worse when he looked at her from that position...

|...I immediately regret my decision...!|

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Zoemi closed his eyes and hurriedly stood up from the armchair, grabbing the girl in a princess-carry, and walked over to the large closet.

"Oh? What are you...?"


Aspakeony blinked a few times confused, but Zoemi didn't answer that and just opened the cushioned drawer from where Aspakeony popped up at the start and put the girl back inside of it, tucking her in cozily together will all the cute fluffy cushions and plushies already in there as the intrigued necromancer let him do all that – but then...



Zoemi closed the drawer with a kick, startling the gray-haired girl.

"Hey! What do you think that you're do...!?"

"That's what you get for the blatant sexual harassment to one of your students!"

Aspakeony tried to open the drawer again but Zoemi was blocking it with his foot.

His face was burning red from embarrassment about his own body reaction – pointed out by the headmaster.

"Hey! How am I responsible for that? You popped a bo..."

"LA LA LA LA! I can't hear you!"

Zoemi covered his ears with his hands and started speaking loudly to block the rest of Apakeony's words, but...

"...NER all on your own!"

...the girl still finished the sentence although her voice was muffled because, well, she was in the closed cushioned drawer.


Zoemi stopped the charade and looked around, he spotted a small stool that must have been a footrest and used it to actually block the drawer from the outside...

"I'm leaving!"

He declared and walked towards the door.

"No, you're not!"

Aspakeony denied him the right to do that, sounding very confident.

"Oh, yes, I am!"

The black-haired boy shrugged his shoulders and announced.

"Ha! Feel free to try!"

Aspakeony was the Aspakeony – an ancient necromancer whom the kings and queens of the Bellcephora kingdom begged for advice since its creation - she never expected someone to actually walk away from the chance to have a conversation with her - so she dared Zoemi completely confident that he will not leave her like that.

But he did.

He just opened the door and walked out.

Just in case anyone is wondering how he dealt with the sealing spell, well, he didn't have to.

As someone who was ready to run at any time, Aspakeony wanted the spell to block the entrance to anyone that she didn't recognize but at the same time to not prevent anyone from leaving just in case she had to evacuate immediately.

So Zoemi really just walked out on Aspakeony like it was nothing.

"Hey! Why did you stop talking?"

Aspakeony wasn't aware of that - she still couldn't open her drawer so she thought that Zoemi must have been still there.

"Let me go or I'll get angry...!"

She called but there was no reaction, well, the room was empty after all.

"I'm serious! No matter how cute you are, you can't be so mean to a girl! Teasing is fine but you have to know where's the limit!"

She called out angrily but once more, there was no response.

"Hey! Are you even there...?"

Aspakeony finally realized that something was wrong.

She reactivated the control spell and the body of Burdoff Mekhior Vereq and made it raised from the floor and she gained a clear view of the empty office and her drawer blocked with a chair thanks to the corpse puppet's eyes...

"Wha...?! That cheeky brat!"

Aspakeony blushed and clenched her fists.

"He ignored me!? Me!?"


Meanwhile, Zoemi was walking through the empty hallways returning to his room.

His expression was rather... Embarrassed...

"It's a natural reaction, she was just rubbing against me so I reacted, nothing more to it!"

He said to himself trying to calm down.

"It's not that I like her or anything!"

It sounded suspiciously like he was trying to convince himself.

"She is super pretty but that doesn't..."

"L-lord Xeonith, why did you...?"

"For you, it's master Xeonith."


Zoemi was walking past the half-open door to one of the classrooms when he heard familiar voices, and he froze in place.

Without a doubt, it was the heroine and... Xeonith....?

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