Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 215: 67 - The Platinum-haired Girl

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Zoemi hurried to the dormitory building where Ehmi told him that she and Burushi would be waiting for him, of course, he expected that it wouldn't mean outside, but still, he felt worried when he didn't see either of them once he left the Academy building.

Still, he was also glad that neither of them thought about checking up whether he was coming or not because the third and second-year students were nearby, practicing before the mandatory duels in two days.


Zoemi clicked his tongue the moment he spotted the brown-haired Xeonith defeating his sparing partner – a light magician male student – with ease, by closing the distance instantly thanks to the speed gained from his strength-augmenting enhancements and handling the other boy like a defenseless child in close combat.

|He isn't bad, but it is clear that he relies more on his strength in order to overpower his opponent rather than technique, so much wasteful movement and openings. Burushi must have hidden away so he wouldn't spot her, damn brute.|

The black-haired boy thought to himself, glaring at the brown-haired capture target from afar before shaking his head to get rid of the angry thoguhts and entering the dormitory building.


...and finding no one waiting for him in the empty entrance hall...

|Alright... they probably went to either Burushi's or Ehmi's room... Or maybe mine...?|

Zoemi furrowed his brows looking between the two paths he could take.

In the end, he walked towards the female section and started walking down the hallway.

Ehmi's room was farther away, so he decided to check the heroine's one first.

But then, as he walked past one branching path...



He heard an urgent whisper that made him turn right away as he activated his shadow enchantment, expecting to see one of the Ghosts of Bellcephora that Aspaekony was constantly warning him about.

"Zoemi, come here – we have a little problem..."

As it turned out, he overreacted a little bit – the person calling turned out to be the bold-haired heroine – she was sticking her head from around the corner and beckoned the black-haired attendant to approach her.

"Miss Burushi, why are you here...?"

Zoemi furrowed his brows looking at the hallway from which the girl came out.

It was the one with the bath...

Since Aspakeony Academy was a school for nobles, each room came with a separate bathroom and toilet included, but there still was a large bath on both the male and female part of the dormitory.

"Come, she won't even react to me..."

Burushi only shook her head, signaling that there was no use asking questions, and grabbed Zoemi's hand and started leading him into the bath.

"...miss Burushi..."

"Listen, I don't lead you here for something indecent, alright?! Lady Ehmi hid in here and doesn't want to leave!"

The black-haired boy spoke up in a hesitant voice, looing around with suspicion which caused the blond girl to blush heavily and declare in a sulking voice.

"Why would I think that you wanted to do something indecent...? In the first place, you were still afraid of me less than an hour ago. I wanted to ask you did something happen to Ehmi."

Zoemi furrowed his brows and scoffed, making the girl flinch and blush even more – this time from shame over the embarrassment.

"I... I see... Sorry."

She apologized before stopping in front of the changing room.

"It's lady Ehmi. She isn't hurt or anything."

Burushi cleared out her throat to break the awkward silence and put her hand on the door.

"We were waiting for you at the entrance and talking. She told me that he wields the time attribute and that something reversed time the other day – also, she has the perfect view on the fountain in the courtyard so she seen you both times, and she confirmed your version unintentionally, even before I brought any of that up... I'm sorry for doubting you."

The blond girl explained and bowed her head to the black-haired boy.

"No need to apologize, it was frustrating to be doubted, but you were literally killed – I can understand that much."

Zoemi smiled and waved his hand dismissively, but then he motioned at the door with his ching and his expression turned serious.

"Then why Ehmi ended up here – honestly, I was expecting that you will be the one hiding instead."

He said in a concerned voice.

"Ah. You saw the transcended asshole flexing on the others too, huh?"

The blond girl scoffed and shook her head.

"It's so infuriating to think that I got so scared that I went to him for help."

Burushi scoffed and shuddered...


...and furrowed her brows in confusion...

"What is going on...?"

Zoemi raised his brow curious about her sudden change.

"...nothing... I just suddenly got the really odd feeling that I forgot about something very important... but since I actually forgot, then it shouldn't matter, right...?"

Burushi furrowed her brows and massaged her temple with a mixed expression.

"Anyway, we were talking, and suddenly lady Ehmi turned pale like a ghost and started running away in a panic without any reason - as far as I could tell – she ended up locking herself in there, and I think she's crying – I definitely heard sobbing. She also isn't reacting to my calls at all."


She changed the subject and patted the door to the changing room, making Zoemi furrow his brows in concern.

"Let me try it."

He said and took a step towards the door.

*knock* *knock*

"Ehmi...? Are you in there?"

He gently knocked and called out in a calming voice.




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The black-haired boy had his enchantments still active and ended up catching on to the muffled crying that the short girl must have tried to block after listening in to what Burushi reported to Zoemi.


Zoemi nodded and leaned down, looking through the keyhole.

"She left the key stuck in. What do you want to do, break the door or use a spell to get inside?"

The blond heroine asked him.

"Spell, but using shadow walk to enter the changing room would be really bad."

Zoemi shrugged his shoulders and put his hand to the door.

Then he focused and used the slightly altered earth spell to manipulate the metal key and twisted his hand, making the key follow his movement and...



The door unlocked, leaving the heroine wide-eyed.

"If you think that this method was less creepy then I have bad news for you."

Burushi declared rubbing her arms nervously, but the black-haired boy ignored her and entered the room.


Zoemi found the platinum-haired girl very easily – she was huddled up in the corner behind the door and was sobbing so hard that her entire body was shaking, making the boy feel as if someone had punched him in the stomach.

A wave of fear mixed with anger drowned his brain and the black-haired boy activated the shadow armor without any danger in sight.

It also wasn't the basic demonic-looking one, but the beastly version – with the only difference being that the helmet wasn't opening into a maw, so it was slightly less threatening to look at.


..or not, as was proven by Burushitto flinching and backing off from the changing room the second after she entered it after Zoemi, leaving the attendant and the platinum-haired girl alone.

"My lady, it's okay – I am here, please, don't cry."

Zoemi spoke and approached the girl, without considering what he looks like.


The platinum-haired girl twitched and slowly raised her head – her platinum eyes were swollen from crying – but shockingly the moment she saw the menacing murky black beastly figure right in front of her, she...


She cried out the boy's name and pitifully reached out her arms like a young child wanting to be picked up by their parent.


The black-haired boy didn't need her to say another word, he leaned down and picked her up in his arms.

"...Zoemi... I was so scared...! "

The platinum-haired girl clung to him like a baby koala and burrowed her face at the base of his neck while sobbing.

"Now, now... my lady... I won't let anyone harm you."

Zoemi said as if it was the most normal thing t say – as if that was the only reasonable thing to say.

He hugged the petite girl and started patting her head until she stopped sobbing and calmed down.

" lady...?"

After hearing nothing except her steady breath, Zoemi asked glancing over the short girl in his arms.

Her platinum hair now had a pink glow to it, and the girl appeared to be sleeping peacefully – that sight alone made the anger and fear subside in the boy's heart and he himself calmed down enough to realize that having the shadow armor activate wasn't the smartest choice in his position...

So he released the spell and exited the changing room holding the sleeping Ehmi in his arms.


Burushi gasped seeing them like that and blinked repeatably in confusion.

"Well... I think that whatever she wanted to tell us about can wait – besides, I wanted her to help me convince you that I am innocent, and she has already done that."

Zoemi spoke up motioning at the sleeping girl.

"Then... what do you want to do now...?"

The blond heroine asked, tilting her head.

"Well – first of all, I will carry her back to her room and I hope that you will help me with that – then... well.. we can just go back to our lectures, I guess."

Zoemi said, shrugging his shoulders dismissively.

The two of them did exactly that, actually.

Zoemi never before was inside Ehmi's room, but it honestly wasn't very different than any other room in the dormitory – even his own.

The biggest difference was a really big stuffed bear sitting on the bed right beside the pillow.

At first, event when Zoemi put Ehmi onto the mattress, she didn't want to let go of him even in her sleep, but thankfully Burushi came up with the idea and put the plush toy against the girl's face – making her switch to hugging it instead.

"I'm counting on you, little brother."

Zoemi smirked and poked the stuffed bear with his index finger before he left the room together with the blond-haired heroine.

"Aww, you don't look like the type who likes plushies, that was pretty sweet of you."

Burushi smiled and nudged the black-haired boy in the side.


|...why did I talk to the toy...?|

...which made Zoemi realize his subconscious action...

"Alright – I will attend the rest of today's lectures, but only if you will sneak me by Xoenith, alright?"

Burushi didn't notice Zomei's internal confusion and declared with a smile, patting the boy's shoulder.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sure."

Zoemi shook his head and responded with a smile, pushing the odd feeling aside.

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