Reincarnated in Naruto as a Chimera?

Chapter 3: An Unknown World, An Unknown Body

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As her vision and other senses slowly returned once more she began to eye her surrounds, she was always a calm and freespirted type of person who in the past lived for others instead of himself or in this case herself. Naturally after some time to analyze the situation she came to one conclusion.


'N-no way did i get isekai'd? I didn't get hit by truck-kun? Or maybe i did i don't remember? Is it one of those normal deaths? Did i die in my sleep? W-whats happening here? where am i? Did i reincarnate into an anime world or a completely different one?'


As all these thoughts entered his mind he or she looked behind herself to the incubator she was in when she first woke up.


'Why was my new body in that incubator?'


[I can answer that question for you, if you wish]


A cold and indifferent voiced called out. Completely taught off guard she instinctualy twist her body in an odd angle in a swiping motion at what ever was behind her, as her eyes looked around wearly she didn't see anyone or anything so she took a gamble.


'Who are you? And where are you?'


[Altho i can answer those questions i would prefer one at a time]


'Ok then lets start with the first one where are you?'


[Answer: You are me and i am you]


'What do you mean by that?'


[Mmmm in simple terms you are in my body]


'Ooh? How does that work? Whatever getting sidetracked. Second question or third i guess what are we?'


[Answer: We are Human Buuji Manifestation 046]


'Buuji? Like the tailed beast?'


[Correct, we were created from chakra of the 9 tails, the 1 tail, 6 tails and the 3 tails. While our physical body is similar to a summon creature]


'Summon? Like giant toads and gaint snakes?'




'What is there ninjas and stuff in this world?'




'Whats this worlds energy called'


[Charka didn't i say that when you asked about what were we?]


In that moment realization hit and a grin appears on her face. Confused the voice asks in a now interested tone what do you find so amusing?


'First off i want to ask something'




'Can you check my memories?'


[. . .]


After a few minutes of silence, she was about to call out to the voice.


[Yes i can. I took liberty to check a few many the ones that had to do with your Knowledge of this world. You have a 3rd person perspective and seeing as how you know this world i can say you don't belong in this world you are a anomaly]


'Guess thats true for both of us huh'


[. . .]


You are reading story Reincarnated in Naruto as a Chimera? at

'Ooh come on don't be like that i don't think a artificial buuji has room to talk about being an anomaly'


[. . .]


'Ok lets drop it at that do you have a name?'


[Human Buuji Manifestation 046]


'Ok first of all thats not a name and secondly you aren't a thing so you need a real name'


[Alright asign one to me]


'Ok let me think you are essentially a extention of myself you are cold minded and analytical but not completely emotionless. What has attributes like that? The only thing i can think about is something from halo. Hhhhmmm what about cortana?'


[Cortana. . . let me analyse your memerories of the name first]


'Ok suit yourself'


A few mineutes of waiting passes by and the voice is yet to respond.


'She is talking a while isn't she? Oh well she probably processing the memerories i have of the game. While she process that i guess i need a new name don't i? Wait what even was my old name? I-i can't remember.'


As she started getting depressed about her loss of her name the voice returns to break him out of his thoughts.


[Cortana. . . ok the name is adequate]


'So does that mean you like it?'


[The way you remember her describes me so its passable]


'Ok I'm taking that as a you like it and a thank you'


[I don't do those]


'Sure you don't, guess i have to think of a name for myself don't i'


As soon as she thought this however she could her a sound of something being dropped. She turned to look at the source of the sound and infront of the exist as a girl around 5 feet tall in light gray atire and the object she dropped was a clipboard with some papers on it on the front page was a word writen in red (failure). As the girl took a step back i took a step forward.


'Cortana what are the chances something bad will happen if she gets away?'


[Cortana: do you even need to ask?]


'Yea yea now that it came out of my mouth i feel rather stupid'


'But hey cortana is it possible that my body has some special properties to assist me in combat? Because i haven't tested any jutsu's i know to see if they work and i don't have a weapon i don't even know if my target knows any or if they are a civilian'


[You can extend you nails and turn them into claws and reinforce your mucles and organs but only one at a time]


'Ok would it be possible for you to help me extend them?'




In that very moment her nails extented to form claws with each of them being 4 inches long and sharp enough to tare though trees like paper.


[With your current reserves you can only maintain this for 5 minutes. Altho this doesn't use your charka it will make you experience the same exhaustion as your charka reverses reaching 5%]


'5 minutes ok'


At that moment the girl started running and so she chased after her and she chased her for around a minute she began to close the distance however that was when the girl made a fatal mistake she turned her head to see if she was still being chased only to get pinned down. Thr girl watched in horror as the claws of the thing that pinned her down cut into the floof like it was paper.  She watched in horror as its claws began to retract and it muscles begin to expand it then put a hand on her throat. As her eyes began to get filled with tears the creatures stared at her with cold calculated eyes she began to feel her life slip away and her vision began to blur.


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