Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Chương 206: Cycle 43 (13)

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Dear Diary,

Last night I was too excited about the potion thing, and there were too many Players around, so I should write it now. A group of Players, the ones we stole the key from way back when, recognized us as Players. Which I felt was super, super bad. I still don’t know how to feel about it. 

But then they asked if I wanted to join their party. 

Ox figured out that if we always got here first, we must be kinda OP. Which is true. I don’t know if they asked anyone else, but I don’t think I could. 

I mean, we’re the catgirls. We’re a team. I was mad at Aya for not staying with us, so how could I do the same thing and go with another group? It wouldn’t feel right. 

But maybe it could be educational? Maybe learning about how real Players think would be good. And this group is usually one of the first ten to show up, so obviously they know what they’re doing. 

I know the Admin doesn’t want us to think like Players, but if we knew how they thought, maybe it could come in handy?

I’d still feel bad about it. I don’t think I could join them next cycle, regardless, just because I’m too excited about the potion thing. But cycle after next maybe? If they haven’t changed their minds. And if no one else wants to go. 

I don’t know. 

Aaaanyways, I went up to the walkway thing today to check if the treasure chest we left up there still had leaves in it. It didn’t. So I think next cycle in my free time as we come down I’ll collect leaves and draw on them. A treasure chest should have something in it. Even if it is something totally worthless. 

It’s weird, but the walkway seems higher than it used to be. I haven’t gone up there in a while, but I’m pretty sure we didn’t put in that many stairs. I’ll have to ask Kimi or Mika about it, since they both know the exact height of it. Y would have it written down, but he didn’t make marble race tracks with those numbers in mind, so he wouldn’t know off the top of his head. 

Oh, this cycle, Mika won the marbl-




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Avi knocked on the door to Nikki’s room. “Nikki?”

There was a thump, two footsteps, and the door was wrenched open. Nikki beamed. 

Avi looked down. “Hey, I, sorry I’ve kinda not-“

“Apology accepted,” she said, giving him a quick hug. “Are we friends again?”

“Yeah,” Avi said, tensing slightly at the touch. “Erm.”

She waited, 100% of her focus on his face. 

“I…” Avi dared look into her bright eyes, and forgot how to breathe. He panicked, taking a step back, forgetting stairs

He yelped, flailing as he lost balance. Nikki grabbed his shirt and hauled him up just in the nick of time, stumbling back through the open door. Avi’s hands landed on her shoulders. He looked at his left hand, because looking anywhere else might be a hazard to his health. 

She giggled. Her fist, still clutching his shirt, rested on his chest. “Are you ok? You’re acting really weird.”

Eighty-seven replies and explanations ran through Avi’s mind before he gave up and just kissed her.


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