Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Chương 222: Cycle 44 (5)

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Dear Diary,

Players got here this afternoon at like five. A group of four guys who dress as vikings for some reason. 

Not real vikings, movie vikings. With like blue paint on their faces and horned helmets and stuff. 

Anyways, one of them kiiiiinda recognized me? But he didn’t say anything, so it’s cool.

They’re at the inn right now, meaning they’ll have breakfast here. Hopefully by then the guy will have convinced himself that a Player working at a diner is silly, and won’t think he recognized me. 

Although I’m still not sure why it’d be so bad if they did recognize us. Other than just a feeling deep in my bones that it’d be wrong. I think the Admin has pretty much given up on keeping Players and NPCs separate, though. Or at least stopped trying to convince Players that non-players aren’t people. 

Oh, Lewis asked Kimi for a couple dozen of the temp race-changing potions. I don’t know if they’ll stay in his inventory after the cycle resets, but it would be cool if they did. He deserves a couple days of being a person instead of a giant dragon. Would be a good vacation, I think. Or at least a change of pace. Everyone needs a change of pace once in a while. 

I don’t know if anyone else asked for spare potions. Some people really like being kobolds, and some people hate it. Y hated it. Not strongly, but enough that he said he isn’t going to become one when we get to that point in our “try every race” thing. 

Oh, we decided (when he brought that up) that we’d give the option that cycle of being either a kobold or a piscine. The super ugly Lovcraftian fish monster race. Lily aaaaaabsolutely refuses to be something that ugly, which I can’t blame her for. I don’t really want to be one of those things either, so I’ll go with kobold that cycle. 

Well, it’ll be Cycle 52, maybe I’ll have changed my mind by then. Or maybe we’ll have decided no one wants to be a fish monster, and will swap that out for… what’s the alligator race called? Pretty sure it’s sobek. Or maybe we’ll mix kobold in with goblin, since they’re both small races. And honestly the alligator race has cool stats that would be fun to try. Not that I need a 20% boost to magic, and a fast swimming speed, but it sounds fun. 

Next cycle we’re going to be dwarves. I’m not sure how I’ll feel about having a beard, especially if it becomes a green beard. I might have to go back to a normal hair color for that cycle. Like brown. I don’t even think dark, forest green would look good. Or at least, it might be too weird for me to handle. It’ll pain my soul to have brown hair again, but sometimes sacrifices must be made in the name of experimentation. 

Or something. 

More Players just got here, I have to go cook!

Goodnight, Dungeon!


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