Reincarnated into an H world

Chapter 11: Chapter 9

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Kinomi pressed herself against me and gave a little moan, one of her hands found my cock and caressed it, tracing her fingers down my shaft until she grabbed the base and started playing with it.

I kissed her mouth again and felt her large nipples becoming even harder against my chest, my hands traced the side of her body until they found a confortable rest against her wide hips.

Twisting around I pulled her completely under the giant shower and pressed her back against the wall, startled she gave a little scream that morphed into a gasp as I caressed her pussy with a finger playing around with her folds and teasing her clit with my palm.

Kinomi started pumping my shaft slowly with one hand while her other hand caressed my face, she bit down on my lower lip and pulled, her face looking incredibly satisfied and eager.

Feeling how eager she was I pushed a finger inside her core and she shivered, her muscles contracting around my finger for a few moments 

"Hmmm… yes, like that"she said, then her back arched against the wall as I pushed a second digit inside her "Fuck yes"

I took a second to watch the warm water running down her body then I kissed her neck and started finger fucking her feeling her pussy juice flowing on my hand.

She was so exited she was soon panting against the wall as I traced little kisses down her skin until I found one of her large breasts and started sucking on it tracing my tongue around her nipple and teasing it from time to time.

Unable to help herself Kinomi released my cock and warped her arms around my head and pressing it hard against her chest, she was panting and moaning under my caresses and barely able to think.

"Ha. Ha. Yes, harder Saionji-sama!"

Obliging the girl I put my palm over her clit and pressed hard while increasing the speed of my fingers going as fast as I could, with my other hand I grabbed at her free breast and squeezed at the same time as I finally bit down on her nipple.

Kinomi screamed, her entire body convulsing under my power and her legs loosing strength until only my hands and the hold she had on my neck kept her from falling to the floor.

Releasing her breasts I helped keep her up and kissed her mouth once again seeing the silly smile she had on her face.

"Is this enough for you?" I teased and took my hand away from her pussy

"haaaa… hmm… Not even close Saionji" she sighed and finally managed to stand by herself, pressing her hands against her hair she let the water run over her as she recovered her breath.

I lifted an eyebrow at her and took a few more steps away grabbing for a towel to start drying myself causing her eyes to narrow in anger despite her orgasm

"Don't you dare leave me like this again!" she growled at me, angrily grabbing my hard cock and squeezing "I refuse to leave this bathroom a virgin!"

I laughed, damn she was cute when she was horny.

Finally noticing my teasing Kinomi pulled me by the cock until I was back under the shower and kiss me, angrily biting down on my lip and almost drawing blood.

"Just fuck me already!"

Well, since she asked so nicely.

Grabbing her waist again I kissed her mouth before she could say anything else and pushed my leg between her tights, forcing her legs apart I caressed her right tight before gently lifting it up and opening her core.

Kinomi groaned and warped her arms around my neck as I guided the head of my dick to her folds and slowly pushed inside her, her breath hitched as I entered her for the first time, piercing her core with a trust and finally taking her virginity after so long.

I held my place for a few moments as her body adjusted to having me inside, eventually she relaxed against me and opened her eyes again to look at my face.

"I'm gonna move now" I warned her and she gave a little nod her face completely red as she bit down on her lips and squeezed me.

I finally started making love to her, exploring her channel with slow gentle trusts until she could take my entire shaft, we continued to trade kisses as I started to increase my speed until I was driving my cock deep inside her with every one of her short breaths.

Eventually she started moving herself, her body flexing in time with me as she rode the waves of pleasure I was driving into her, her single leg barely able to keep her standing.

Taking my hand off her arm I lifted her second leg and she immediately wrapped them over my waist her ankles crossing at my back as I held her in the air and started bouncing her body on my cock faster and faster.

Her body locked up again, her pussy gripping my shaft like a vice as a second orgasm hit her hard making her toes curl in pleasure, I gave her a single second of rest before really starting to pound into her slamming my cock to the hilt inside her.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Haaaa! So good! I can't take it anymore" Kinomi was finally unable to stop herself from shouting as her entire body bounced in the air and she held on to me, her hands grabbing at my hair.

With one last trust I exploded inside her pressing her body against the wall and causing her to scream out in yet a third climax as my seed filled her so much it started leaking around my cock.

Resting my head against the wall over Kinomi's shoulder I held my place for a minute as we started to recover, grabbing my face with both hands she gave me an incredibly satisfied smile and kissed me.

"I love you Saionji"

"I love you too" I answered without thinking and realized that, in a way, I did come to love her after having her by my side for so long.

Finally recovered I slowly lowered her legs once after the other until she could stand back on her feet making my flaccid member slid out of her folds and releasing a flood of cum over her legs.

We eventually managed to wash each other's body and leave the bathroom, Kinomi was about to put her maid outfit back on when I caught sight of her bent over and thought better of it.

Grabbing her from behind I lifted her up in a princess carry causing her to release a little shout of surprise, I then laid her on top of my bed and bent over her with a wide smile "What, did you think I'd let you leave after only one time?" 

It was only when the sun was almost about to rise and she could barely move that I released her, exhausted but extremely satisfied Kinomi was barely able to take a quick shower before collapsing in my bed and falling sleep.




Only two hours later I woke up feeling great, Kinomi's naked body laid on top of me, her head over my arm and her long legs between my own.

Even now I could see she was exhausted, with my power an hour or two of rest was all I needed but Kinomi was a normal human.

Unable to make a clear getaway I kissed her forehead and tried to gently roll her away from me, i was almost free when she grumbled and grabbed my body tightly pressing her face against my chest.

"Saionji-sama it's almost time to…" Kanako froze at the door, a slight blush on her face as she stared at my bed.

My cock was still under the blanked and bellow Kinomi's tights but the new maid could see almost everything else.

"Help" I mouthed in exasperation, I had many partners before but I hadn't really spent the night with any of them before.

I didn't want to wake her up.

With a flushed face Kanako found Kinomi's missing pillow and helped me as I gently put it between our bodies.

Kinomi's limbs snapped around the pillow like a bear trap finally allowing me to escape as she grumbled and got into a more comfortable position.

About to thank my new maid I caught her staring at my hard member in silence, a look of fear on her face so I hurried made it go soft and put on some pants.

"Ehem, thanks Kanako-san what were you saying?"

"Ah, yes… it's almost time for your daily run Saionji-sama" the mature woman took a moment to regain her breath and said.

"Right, we were… awake, long into the night so try to let Kinomi rest some more will you" I said as I finished putting on my clothes "I'll be going directly to school again so there's no need to wait"

Putting on some headphones I started hearing the reports from some of my subordinates as I worked out, turns out there had been a full on demon attack in the city's edge.

One of the defeated Demon queen's minions had wondered a little too close to the city and started hunting humans, it was apparently some kind of black ball of flesh and muscles filled with tentacles and a human sized maw of teeth, it had killed five people and capturer two woman for breeding before it was taken down by Mrs Bullet who was in the city.

My informants warned me that, with the heroic disappearances and this new attack Grander herself was considering coming to the city.

In a way I was excited to have a true A class super on the city and, in the other, such powerhouse would probably solve the disappearances before I could get my hands on the culprit… prison was too kind a fate for such people.

The good news was that I actually managed to get a hit on one of the guys I had been investigating, I had always felt that Sasaki Norio was somehow familiar but I couldn't remember from where.

After putting one of my operatives to watch him the kid had got into contact with some shady organization and gotten access to a kind of drug he was planning to use on his own mother and teacher.

"Fuck I remember it now" I whispered as I looked at his photo on my phone, I remember him from a hentai I read before my rebirth.

The creepy guy had made a deal with some kind of shady organization to get a sex drug and, in exchange he'd impregnate them and sell the kids as slaves or something.

Well, well, well, it seems I had the chance to kill someone even worse than Obata, better yet I had even managed to get to him before anything bad had gone wrong.

Damn I had been feeling down even since I found out Hayato had escaped my hands by getting killed and this was just perfect.

Far too eager to have some fun I cut my run short and called Ha-Jin for a ride to the little fucker's house.

Norio was actually a student in the same school but, now that he had the drug, I didn't want to risk him skipping school to make use of the thing, from what I remember his teacher had been a bitch but the other girls didn't deserve their fates.

Fuck, even the teacher hadn't been bad enough to deserve her fate.

40 minutes later Ha-Jin parked in front of the house and we stayed inside watching the house, I increased my senses until I could hear what was going on inside and the boy was laughing to himself as he prepared to use the drug on his own mother.

I felt a little sorry for the woman, I doubt she didn't love her son no matter how much of a fucked up person he turned out to be, at least it seems I got here soon enough, it would hurt to lose her son but at least she wouldn't get raped in the same day.

For fuck's sake he really deserved what's coming for him… I wonder what kind of punishment I'd give the guy, I already did a blood eagle so should I try impalement? And where could I get a pear of anguish?

"Ha-Jin, can you try to get the woman away from the house for an hour or two? Keep her busy talking or even ask her on a date I don't care"

"I don't think she'd survive very long if I tried to seduce her young master" I lifted an eyebrow at him "My wife is… somewhat jealous"

Well then… good to know, at least he's aware he married a yandere.

"You know what, forget it, just knock her out and keep her that way for a few hours" I ordered as I got out of the car and started walking towards the house "Also, don't hurt her"

"As you wish"

Getting to the door I waited a few seconds to make sure nobody was watching us and rang the bell, not even a minute latter an older woman opened the door. Norio's mother may have been a beauty once but she was a little out of shape now and her her age showed in her wrinkles.

"Can I help you?" The woman asked, she looked tired from overwork and a little bit angry.

"Ah, I'm from Norio's school, I live close by so his teacher asked me to hand him some papers"

She looked me and Ha-Jin over but didn't see anything suspicious.

"Alright you can come in" She keep her door open and we both entered the house keeping smiles on our faces, once the door was closed she turned her back to us and started walking "Odd, it's usually our neighbor who brings in those kinds of things, do you want some…"

She started to say but Ha-Jin put her in an arm hold and choked her until she fell unconscious, gently laying her body down he picked up some kind of pill from inside his pocket and made her swallow it.

"She shouldn't wake up in less than 3 hours now young master" he patted himself down and looked at me "Do you want help with the kid?"

"No, go make her comfortable or something, I'm already here to kill her son no need to leave her with a cramp too"

Waving him away I walked inside the house while releasing the hold I kept on my body and reverting to my true appearance, I bet the guy would shit himself when he saw me.

I was still debating how to kill the little bastard when he walked out of his room and froze at the sight of me, almost 2 meters of monster with dark eyes and claws the size of small daggers.

I gave him a smile, showing the two rows of needle like fangs covering my too wide mouth.

I'll give the little bastard this he didn't shit himself, releasing a girlish scream he turned around and tried to run away.

With four steps I closed the distance between us before pouncing on the guy digging my claws into his shoulder and driving him to the ground with half my weight on top of him, I heard one of his arms break in the fall but made sure he wouldn't hit his head.

He wasn't getting out of it this easy.

Pulling an arm back I ran my claw over his back ripping his shirt apart and tearing a strip of flesh from his back, he screamed far too loudly for my liking so I turned him around and kept his mouth shut.

I wonder if I could skin him completely without killing?

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Grabbing his other arm I made sure they were symmetrical by breaking its bones in the exact same place.

"Oh Noriko, you really shouldn't have bought those drugs but" I said as I lifted him by the hand I had over his mouth and smiled widely "To tell you the truth I'm really glad you did, I may not have recognized you if you didn't"

Letting my claws dig into his face I dragged him into his room and looked around, seeing the drugs and Norio's preparation to make them into an incense I kicked everything over.

When the fire started to spread I used the boy's body to smother the flames by hitting them with his back and breaking quite a few of his ribs, I finally released him and grabbed a chair sitting down.

Hurt and still trying to recover the air of his lungs the boy was desperately gasping for air for a few seconds before his eyes got wide and he had the presence of mind to try and claw away from me.

Grabbing him by the leg I dragged him back and stepped on his back before looking down, I was really enjoying this.

For a moment I thought I saw something shimmer bellow his skin but dismissed it as a trick of my imagination as I kicked him in the balls and watched him curl up in a fetal position.

"You know, I'm still not certain how I'm gonna kill you Norio, do you have a preference? Keep in mind that neither fast nor painless are options"

I waited for a few seconds and the guy actually seems to have an answer so I flipped him over and bent down closer to hear it better, he just gurgled, a foul black liquid flowing from his mouth.

My eyes flew wide as I saw this, using my full speed for the first time since I got here I jumped out of the chair and made towards Ha-Jin even as Norio's body seemed to bulge with tumors and he started throwing up.

Fuck I didn't know what the hell was that but I was quite certain I didn't want to find out, I didn't even take the doors and just burst right though the dry walls in a straight line, then Norio's body exploded and I was sent flying as the house itself seemed to disintegrate around me.

I still managed to curl up and protect my core with arms and legs as some kind of dark energy hit me throwing me around and eating through my flesh in less than a second.

My body finally hit the street and rolled around a few times before finally stopping, despite all my defenses whatever energy had filled Norio had been so painful it was still messing with me and I had to take a few seconds to fully kill my pain sense allowing me to thing straight again.

I took stock of my situation, I had lost both legs at above the knee and one of my arms was completely corroded by the black energy which was quickly eating it to the bone like acid but I still had one mostly okay hand.

The energy was still attacking my body but my own power was already fighting it, I wasn't able to fully overcome the effect but my body was gathering the infected areas close to the skin and just discarding it before it could spread, even my damaged arm just rotted off above the infected area and fell off.

When it was finally done I only had a single arm and had lost even more mass making me unable to keep the increased density of my muscles.

"Well fuck me, this thing's still alive" said a voice from above me and I turned around.

There were four capes approaching me, every one of them wore some kind of Japanese clothes and mask, two of them held large guns and a third even had an entire belt of grenades strung around his chest.

I tried to increase my strength and crawl away but a copy of cape with the grenades was suddenly standing beside me and piercing my neck with a sword, with wide eyes I watched his original body crumble into dust.

I clawed at his feet but his body also crumbled to dust and he was left standing away from me, before I could react again a second cape stomped into my chest pinning me into the ground and laying a futuristic gun against my head.

"The boss wasn't sure you'd go after the kid but we're glad you made it so easy for us" said the man with an amused voice.

"Fucking kill him off already" shouted the only female cape causing the man on top of me to tsk.

"Fine, I'm doing it, let me have some fun woman!" pressing the gun against my head he bent down and asked "Did you really think nobody would react when you killed that Fat pig Obata? There's a reason vigilantes don't last long you idiot and it's because we don't have to hold back against them"

I tried to move again as my power desperately tried to come up with a solution but, without enough biomass there was very little I could do to overcome his superstrength.

"You see, villains don't really go after heroes, we fight them and even kill them when we have the chance but hunting them down is an easy way to get a visit from Dark Slug but vigilantes? The big guys don't care about murderous vigilantes" pressing his super gun against my head he started crushing my skull against the pavement "Misogi sents his regards"

Then he pulled the trigger and the super gun released a single slug exploding my head like a watermelon and piercing into the asphalt for hundreds of meters.

"Shit… what a mess!" shouted the girl as she tried to avoid the blood.


"Ugh, did you have to be so damn melodramatic?" said the last guy as he took a few steps back and wiped a piece of skull from his metallic armor.

"Yeah, for fuck's sake I was already going to torch his body you didn't even need to finish him off"

"Oh, so you wanted to burn him alive then, kinky" said the man as he lifted his giant gun and started cleaning the blood from the barrel, "and I'll let you know I'm dramatic to make up for Oni Lee's lack of personality"

Coming closer the woman stepped between the carnage and lifted her arms up summoning a blue ball of fire above her head preparing to fully incinerate whatever remained.











(A/N: Bet people would be really mad if I stopped the chapter here)

Without my head I finally stopped pretending to be scared and let my body relax, flopping down on the ground.

It had been two years since I last needed my head to fully function, sure my head still held the majority of my sensory receptors and could function independently but I had long since found a way to put most of my brain inside my chest and behind a strong armor of bone and metal.

Destroying so much of my biomass was a huge inconvenience but, after only a few seconds of panic, I remembered the teleporting device I still held inside my chest and relaxed.

Truth be told I doubt I'd die even before putting a piece of my brain safely inside my chest, the way my power worked to keep my body in peak shape even without my active control It'd probably rebuild my brain with only a few memories missing but I never tested it.

I considered just activating the device but… I didn't want to, I refused to let those assholes try to murder me and just escape with no consequences, plus I didn't know if Ha-Jin was still alive and I'd feel bad leaving him behind.

When I felt the flames get closer to my body I acted, left with only my chest and one hand I changed most of my body into a huge maw of teeth and jumped at her biting down on her body and crushing her entire chest leaving only her limps and head out of my maw.

The woman gave a little scream but I just grew spikes from inside my mouth and pierced her chest and neck before she could even lower the fireball further, growing a bone sword from my arm I slashed at the super who came to help her but he jumped away.

Regrowing my eyes and ears I hear the shouting from behind the woman and saw a second super getting shot in the neck as Ha-Jin started running towards us and discharging his handgun.

In a hurry I finished biting down on the woman's chest ripping her in half and using the biomass to regrow some of my body returning to a mostly human form.

The teleporting ninja jumped at my back and pierced me with his sword, I replied in kind growing spikes of bone from my spine and piercing his body, before he could burst into ashes several of the grenades into his chest exploded sending me flying and driving several shards of metal inside my body.

Adapting around the fragments I grew a pair of eyes and several tentacles at my back to make sure he couldn't ambush me again, I immediately had to lash one tentacle as he appeared behind me hitting him and cracking his mask while sending him sprawling to the floor.

The surviving super wore some kind of power armor and just ignored Ha-Jin's shots, lifting his giant gun he tried to shot me but I was no longer playing around and started avoiding his aim while dashing towards the fallen ninja and piercing him with my bone spike, he just burst into ashes once again.

"Now that's fucking annoying"

The one wearing power armor took the chance to shot at the approaching Ha-Jin causing the man to dive behind cover, three bullets hit him in the head but they were still blocked by his helmet glass.

The teleporting ninja started being more careful, he made sure to teleport right beyond my reach and let the ash clones he left behind attack me, rushing me with swords or throwing grenades.

Unable to fully server any of my limbs his swords weren't doing damage but the explosives were a problem, forcing me to rush his clones and try to kill them before they could explode.

While dealing with my enemy I saw the armored supper stop paying attention to me and turn towards Ha-Jin so I rushed him, my bone spike broke against his armor but I managed to lift him up and drive him into a car folding the metal around his body.

The Super had increased strength but I weaved my tentacles around his arms and started trying to use leverage to bend it, behind me I saw several grenades flying my way to I twisted him around and used his armor to block the blasts.

The armor survived with barely any damage and the super turned on some kind of jetpack lifting both of us up into the air as he tried to shake me off even as his arm started to give off sparks where I was forcing the mechanical joint.

Appearing all around me Oni Lee used his sword to strike at the tentacles I was using to hold on, the sword slashed all the way through and hit the armor with a shower of sparks.

From bellow, Ha-Jin shot several clones before they could strike but I was already losing my grip, creating another bone spike I made it as resistant as I could and shoved it deep into the jetpack causing it to give an explosion and lose power.

I fell off the super's body, my tentacles twisted at my back and unfolded into leathery wings, not enough for me to fly with my weight but slowing my fall until it barely affected me.

Goddamnit this fucker was so annoying!

All around me new clones were being created as the super tried to use numbers to overcome my healing, attacking my limbs two or three at a time to try and chop them off and deprive me of their biomass.

Alright, enough was enough. Taking the time to kill a few more clones I made some changes to my lungs and took a deep breath and released a cloud of toxic liquid that flowed around like gas quickly filling several meters around me.

It seems I got lucky and actually hit the fucker, the liquid wouldn't actually kill the little shit but it got into his face and eyes, my own version of pepper spray would probably cause permanent damage to his eyes.

The clones around me were left coughing and grunting before dissolving into ash, looking around I caught sight of his form teleporting away from me as fast as he could, the fucker seems to need line of sight to teleport because he had pulled off his mask and was desperately struggling to open his eyes every time he made a new clone.

Changing my arm I made a bone spear and threw it as hard as I could piercing right through his chest and pinning him to the ground, seeing as he didn't disappear I smiled, I finally got the fucker.

Looking around for the last enemy I heard shooting coming  from between some houses and ran as fast as I could, turning the corner I saw Ha-Jin waving under one of the cape's punches and stabbing at the gap between his helmet and chest armor.

A stream of blood flowed out from under the armor and the super stumbled away, his fingers released the giant gun and Ha-Jin quickly grabbed the thing, wiping it around and shooting at his head.

I heard a loud crack and his head bent at an odd angle with his helmet caved inn, his knees faltered and his body fell down, checking the gun Ha-Jin sighed.

"Amateur, all strength and no skill" dropping the gun Ha-Jin patted down his ruined clothes and cracked his neck once "You're shorter?"

"Lost too much mass" I said as I looked between the fallen super and ha-Jin as he wiped some blood from his mouth "you survived?"

"Jumped out of the window as soon as I heard you running in the house"

"Aren't you supposed to protect me? Run towards me to save my life or something?"

"I need to be alive to protect you" he told me and spit a glob of blood down on the floor "I don't think I should be running towards something you're fleeing from"

Well I couldn't deny that.

I turned my head back towards the street and started to hear the police make their way towards us, so I just checked to see if the guy was really dead, he was, and started to walk back to the car "Did his mother survive?"

"Yes, she broke a her legs when we jumped from the window but she's alive" Ha-Jin followed me while pulling a damaged phone from his pocket "gonna have to call your father to try and keep our involvement out of it"

Yeah, in hindsight I really shouldn't have come here wearing my true face.

The car was almost intact, only a few pieces of wood from the house had fallen on top of it and damaged the painting, we entered without saying a word.

"Where now young master, wants to check another one of your targets?"

"Sure why not, I'm already missing school anyway"

The police sirens were now close enough even his unenhanced ears could hear it so he started the car and drove away.


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