Reincarnated into two bodies

Chapter 16: Chapter 15 : The command

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A few days had passed. My daily routine in this house is to wake up, eat, train, sleep. There's free time after training and before sleep, but I don't know what to do most of the time so I just either practice techniques i learned that day, or rest in my rooms.

Both of my bodies learned a lot of techniques since that day, but for some reason, I feel like most of them can be improved a bit... It's weird, back when only Carine watched father demonstrate the techniques, I always thought it was already perfect...

The techniques we learned are actually pretty easy... The explanation is easy to understand and the demonstration of the technique is also easy to understand. I think father and mother did that to make sure we're not overwhelmed. But the other students seems to have a hard time, even though for most of them, this is not their first time practicing the techniques. Are they slacking off or something? That's a noble kid for you...

"Carine, be careful with the soup, it's hot"

"Okay father"

The training is paused so we can have lunch right now, the other students are also having lunch in the training hall. Feyt too, but for some reason, Feyt's lunch is more luxurious than the others... It makes me feel superior yes... But they're all glaring at me...

"Grrrgh... That kid!!"

"He's just a commoner, why is he that good?!"

"Ghh~ He stole Carine away from me~~"

I can hear their whispers, they're angry with me for some reason, must be about the lunch... But what's that about stealing Carine away from him?



Dear Fayn,

Your son is doing well in his first week. He has learned some of our advanced techniques even. Both Carine and Feyt are close too, they usually sit near each other during practice. As for our promise that day, I have checked Feyt's Talents. He has [Enhanced Hearing] as well as one other Talent. I'm sorry but I couldn't tell you about the Talent in question, but I assure you it is nothing bad. I am hiding this for his sake and I hope that you understand.

Hope you and your family are doing well,
Kyrat Sareid.

Dad's is reading aloud the letter we just received.

"Looks like Feyt is doing well out there"

"But what about his Talents? I'm worried"

Yeah, the way that Sareid guy is hiding it is a bit suspicious... Does Feyt have a strong Talent like mine? Maybe [High Sword Mastery] or something?

"He said he's keeping it a secret for his sake... Maybe we should keep it a secret that he has another talent?"

"I'm just glad that my dear Feyt is doing well there"

"Yeah, no doubt he's growing some muscles"

Hmm, i doubt they'll let Feyt grow muscles too much... If your muscles are too big, your flexibility will worsen. Thus building up physique is good, but too much is not advised when you're using a sword. Dad doesn't know that of course... Maybe I'll keep it a secret.

"Oh yeah Fait, you're going on another errand right?"

"Yep, I'll be leaving this evening"

"So soon?"

"Yeah, I have to finish early if I want to come home early"

"Well, alright, we'll be waiting for you"

"Okay mom! I'll go prepare my gear in my room for a bit"

"Sure dear"

I went into my room.

I make sure my diamond spear is safe in my waist bag, extra money in my pocket, clothes to disguise myself in my bag, a mask that can let me see wider angles, etc. Most of these are gears for adventuring, and most of these are artifacts I found while adventuring. I keep them all in the bag so it doesn't look suspicious.

I opened a region map and lay it on my table.

"Now which is the shortest route to the north~"

I want to investigate the rumor about that floating island to the north, also to finish a few errands along the way.


I'll be passing through the capital city on the way it seems... Maybe I'll visit Feyt there~

I wonder if he's given the necklace to that girl already? Nah, he's too shy~ Maybe I'll tease him about it~



"Peyna here, I've been observing Feyt as well as my daughter Carine. And it has been confirmed that Feyt has a Unique Talent"

I'm receiving the report from Peyna, Carine's mother, using the communication parchment.

"Great! Can you tell me both of their Unique Talents now?"

"...Sorry, I can't do that, they might get hunted down if I did"

Gh! My chest hurts!

Ah~ Another nose bleed...

I wiped it off.

"I-I see, continue observing them..."


"B-by the way Peyna"

"Yes, what is it Sato?"

"Don't use my name like that! But anyways, is anyone suspicious of you?"

"No, at least not that I knew of"

"Hmm, we should frame someone just in case... Any good candidates?"

"There is Leila, Carine's personal maid"

"Good good! Plant evidences of her being a spy for me in her room or somewhere"


"Remember, this is for the sake of your family"


The report ended.

"Sato? Why the nose bleed?"

"It's... a penalty..."

"A penalty? For what?"

"Whenever someone in my control refuses my order, I will receive a penalty based on how much they refused it"

"This is the first time I see that..."

"Yeah, she is the first one to do this to me... But don't worry, my control over her is growing. I asked her for Carine's Unique Talents last time and I got a bigger nose bleed"

"So, now that it's a smaller nose bleed, that means her refusal towards you is lowering?"

"Yes, we just need to wait a few days for complete control..."

"Good, then we will carry out my plan..."



I'm hiding behind the walls right now...

What was mother doing? Who was she talking to? Who's Sato? Why did she bring up Leila?

When I was resting in my room as Feyt, I heard mother's voice outside. It sounded suspicious so I followed, and it led to this...

"Hah... When is this going to end?"

Mother left the hall, storing a piece of paper in her dress.

That paper... It's the same one that salesman/butler used...

Should I... tell father about this?

What if it's just a business conversation? I might get think of suspicious if I bring it up if that's the case...

But that paper is super suspicious! I don't remember anyone ever using that like a phone besides that salesman/butler guy and mother...

Ugh~ I don't know what to do...



Two days had passed.

A meeting was held inside the Sareid house at noon.

Attending the meeting was Kyrat, Peyna, the head maid and the guard from the last meeting.

Leila is nowhere to be found...

"Everyone... I believe that there's still a spy in this house..." Kyrat said that intimidatingly.

"But we weeded them out didn't we?" Peyna responded

"No, the spy was in our last meeting"

"What? Can you explain my lord?" The head maid said.

"When I interviewed one of the spies, they said something along the lines of 'They warned us about the checks, but we still get caught'"

"...And the only way to be warned about the background checks is to attend our last meeting..." The guard ponders.

"Correct, and I believe I've found the spy..."

"Who is it dear?"

"The one not in this room..."

"...Leila..." Peyna said that worryingly.

"M-My Lord! There's no way it's Leila! I'm the head maid and I've been keeping up with the actions with all the maids and butlers in this house. And I don't see her informing the mysterious group in anyway!"

"Who's to say that the spies can't communicate using magic?"


The head maid was silenced.

"It makes sense too... She was the closest to Carine, their target, of course they controlled her..."

Peyna seems to agree with Kyrat.

You are reading story Reincarnated into two bodies at

"But My Lord! Are there any evidence of Leila being the spy?!"

"I've found these in her room"

Kyrat laid down several notes of what the spies should do in the house.

The guard read through it.

"...It's... True... She really is a spy for them..."

"I've told a few guards to capture her and chain her up in the basement cell. We shouldn't need to worry about her for now..."

"...I'm sorry My Lord... This is just too much for me... I can't believe it's Leila..."

The head maid holds her head with stress.

"Dear... I want to rest... I can't handle thinking about this... To think it's Leila..."

"Sure Peyna, but before you go, I want to address something with everyone here"

All eyes on the room locked on Kyrat.

"I gather you all here because you're the only ones I can trust... Protect Carine and Feyt, do not let them get captured no matter what!"

"Understood My Lord!"

The head maid and guard bowed towards Kyrat.

"I'll be resting in my room then dear"

"Rest well Peyna..."

She left the room, Kyrat and the others looked at her as she left.



"Peyna here, the evidence I planted worked, Leila is being held in the basement cell right now, I am trusted by them."

"Good good~ By the way..."


"Can you tell me about Carine and Feyt's Unique Talents"




"Nice! The control has grown! Go on! Tell me!"

"Carine has... !!"

Leila appeared in front of Peyna.

"Leila!! How are you here?!"

Peyna quickly hides the communication parchment behind her back.

"Forgive me My Lady... It's for your own sake..."

Leila pulled out a dagger and rushed towards Peyna. She managed to get behind Peyna in a blink of an eye. She immediately restrained both of her arms and aimed her dagger at Peyna's neck.

"Gh~ Let me go!"

Peyna struggled to break free, but Leila's grip was too strong. She knew that escaping Leila would be hard, she was the one who assigned her to be Carine's personal maid after all.

Kyrat appeared from the hallway, he was followed by a guy wearing googles and a few armed guards.

"So... They really did control you..."

Kyrat is looking at Peyna furiously. He went and grabbed the parchment from Peyna's hands who is still restrained by Leila and gave it to the man with googles.

"So? You've seen this kind of tool before?"

The man pulled out a magnifying glass and looked at the parchment.

"No, this parchment is definitely made out of Alchemy, but I believe we haven't reached this kind of advancement yet..."

"Then... That group has better Alchemy than ours..."

"Kyrat dear! What's the meaning of this?"

Kyrat glares at Peyna.

"What this means, Peyna... Is that we're going to war... Give me that parchment"

The man with googles gave the parchment to Kyrat. He placed it on his ear.

"Hey! Why are you quiet all of a sudden? Tell me about their Unique Talents already!"

"Sato, I presume?"

"!! Who are you?!"

"I am the husband of your "Spy". I have a lot of questions for you right now..."

One of the guards arrived with a sprint.

"Lord Kyrat! We have confirmed the location of that blonde haired man! He's in an abandoned building inside the forest south of the city!"

"Good... Lock Peyna up with the strongest chains and handcuffs possible and lock her in the basement cell!"


Two guards took Peyna away with Leila still restraining her.

"Dear~ Listen to me! I'm only doing this for the family!!"

Peyna screamed as she is dragged away by Leila and the two guards.

They controlled her with that lie huh... It's making me sick...

"Sato, we have located your location, give us a warm welcome okay?"


Kyrat gave the parchment back to the man with googles.

"I can research this all I want yes?"

"Yeah, do whatever you want"

The man leaves the mansion laughing along as he holds the parchment.

"Guards! Follow me! We are heading to the forest!"


"...Thank the gods that Carine and Feyt warned me... If not, I would've captured Leila instead..."

Kyrat and his guards left the mansions with weapons in tow.



Two days ago...

"Father, may we speak with you?"

Both Carine and Feyt were meeting up with Kyrat in his office.

Oh, are they going to reveal their relationship to me?! Young love sure is quick!

"Sure~ Come in!"

Kyrat's face is that of anticipation.



Kyrat's face is grave.

"So you're telling me... That your mother..."

"Yes Father..."

Both Carine and Feyt gave Kyrat their testimonies.

Carine told Kyrat about how her mother is sometimes mother, but sometimes not. She even asked Carine to enjoy her life in luxury, something her mother would never do.

Feyt told about the conversation he just heard, about how she's talking to someone using the same parchment that mysterious blonde man used and the name "Sato" was also mentioned by her.


Kyrat didn't want to believe it, but it sadly makes sense in his head...

He thinks back on how weird Peyna was acting these past few weeks, and she seems less "Peyna" as time went on. No longer does he see Peyna jokingly punch at him whenever he makes bad jokes, no longer does she pout every time he told her about Carine's young love and no longer does his wife tell him a bad joke before going to sleep... It's almost like she's being controlled by someone else...

"...Carine, Feyt. Thank you for sharing this information. For now, stick with your normal routines. Make sure to not tell anyone about this..."

"Understood father!"

"Understood Sir Sareid!"

She noticed her mother was acting suspicious... And the first person she talked about that to was Feyt... She trusts him even more than me or Leila huh?

Carine and Feyt left the room to go to sleep. Kyrat stayed up to formulate a plan to handle Peyna and the mysterious group.



"Dammit! Right as we're about to get the information!!"

The communication parchment was taken away. I can give commands to her with only my mind, but she cannot contact me with her mind, thus the need of the communication parchment.

"Calm down Sato, did you at least lead Kyrat and his guards to the forest?"

"...Yes, I've been walking in and out of there to bait the guards and I believe they're heading there right now"

"Good, how's your control over Peyna?"

"It's complete..."

"Good, give the command and head to the forest..."


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