Reincarnated Magus

Chapter 19: Chapter 18: Invite to room

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The situation for Klaus was very bad. He had made Madi very angry by saying that. Due to his bad luck, Madi heard that.

The person who was laughing was only Eren, even though inside. He was surprised at Madi's behavior. He didn't expect her to react this much.


"Ahhhh! It hurts! Ahhh"

"Stop….Please...I won't say…..Ahhhh"

"I beg you Ahhhhhh!"

The cries of Klaus echoed.

Madi was continuously beating him everywhere.

First, a punch in the face.

Then, a kick in the stomach.

Then, punch to the chest.

Lastly, an ass beating.

Yeah! Her favorite spot is beating.

This cycle continued for fifteen minutes. Whenever Klaus got unconscious, Madi beat him hard and made him conscious.

The state of Klaus after the 'massage' of Madison….

Klaus was looking very tired. His face had black marks due to punches. Even then, his condition at the face was better than in other places.

His shirt had been stripped due to beating. He was standing bare-chested. His chest was red too.

His stomach was aching and colored red. There was blood in his mouth which he spat every few minutes. Blood was present due to internal injuries.

His legs were also fractured.


And his ass?!

His ass was swollen red. If the previous size was of a circle of diameter of 5cm, now it's about 10cm in diameter. It was a scene worth watching.

This was the condition of Klaus. But what about Rey?

His condition was also worse but still better than Klaus's. Why?

It was because Rey was not a loose-tongue like Klaus. So, Madi liked him a bit. He got better treatment that is his ass was not beaten.

Klaus then went to Rey and said to him. "I am jealous of you! Why the hell did I get such a beating but you only got some? It's not right! We want RIGHT TO EQUALITY!!!"

Rey didn't respond. He just stood there motionless.

On Eren's side, Madi came to him.

"Don't you think they are fools? Who the hell talks about the 'right to equality in beating? They are pretty unnatural." Madi said to Eren.

"Don't you know, they talk and think weird things. They are like psychos and act like them. But, they are very kind at heart". Eren said while slightly smiling.

Madi also nodded at his remark.

Now, Rey and Klaus came to Eren and demanded him in a domineering voice.

"Attie, I command you to beat Madison black and blue to take revenge for us!".

"Oh! Why do I have to do that?". Eren asked curiously.

"It's because we are boys and boys should help each other in revenge too". They said uniformly.

"But it's against our friendship!". Said Eren.

"All is fair in revenge and war," Klaus responded.

"Oh! I thought the saying was All is fair in love and war!". Madi added curiously.

Klaus didn't reply and waited for Eren's reply. He was praying for his acceptance.

"Very well…."

Hearing this Klaus and Rey thought their pleading was agreed by him. But the next part shattered all their hope.

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"I think you didn't get a proper 'massage' from Madi. I will give you one." Their face of them changed.

Eren then went near them and smiled. To them, it was looking like a devil's smile.

Then the cycle of beating started. But, it was by Eren this time.

Inside the consciousness of Eren, Attie was watching all these curiously and laughing his ass off.

(AN: Yo! Here Eren means the person who is in control of the body(reincarnated one) and Attie means the owner of the body)

The beating lasted only five minutes as Eren decided to go easy on them.

Klaus and Rey were exhausted. They both ran to their rooms to not get any further beating.

Seeing this both Madi and Eren laughed and went to their respective rooms.


Somewhere in the academy...

An old man was watching all this. He saw the match of Madi and the 'massage' by her and also Eren.

He was inwardly surprised by the strength of Eren. He thought that Eren might be hiding something.

He called for his assistant and asked him to collect all the information about Eren.

The assistant vanished and came back in one minute. He then handed over his report to the Old man. The old man was surprised reading Eren's report. He didn't expect a Greylash family child to be here.

The old man then went to his resting place.


Of course! All these were known by Eren but he didn't mind.

Who could hide from the eyes of a God?

Eren then continued to increase his affinity to elements and comprehend new ones.

He tried for many hours and at last tired went to sleep. It was about evening when he woke up.

He then decided to chat with Attie. So, he dived into his soul realm.

Eren: Yo! How do you do? Did you enjoy the show? Hehe.

Attie: Yeah it's fine. It's pretty boring here doing nothing. But, the show was good. Watching Madi beating Klaus and Rey was very entertaining.

Eren: Madi is very cruel, you know. She just beats them violently. Her ass is beating is the worst part of it. Even I wouldn't want to fight her. Even though, I could beat her now. If in any way a day comes where I can't resist her beating, it would be the end of me. It's pretty shaking to my mind.

Attie: Hah! Who says Madi is violent? The person is saying that he is the most peaceful one in the universe. Your beating is crueler than Madi's. Hehe.

Eren: ...….

This way they continued to talk about random things and after some time Eren came back to reality.

He then went outside. There he saw his friends sitting near each other and laughing. Even though they got a beating, they didn't look like one. There were only minor marks on it.

(AN: Magicians have high recovery ability and speed. So, Klaus and Rey recovered within hours and were very healthy.)

Eren also joined in their conversation.

After talking for a long time, they were going to their rooms but Madi said to everyone.

"Hey, all! Come to my room tomorrow morning."

They all were surprised. Madi didn't normally invite others to her room. But they didn't question it and agreed.

Eren then entered his room and slept…


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