Reincarnated Magus

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: The surprise

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The time flowed quickly and it was the day for Eren's retest.

He alone went to the test. Even when his mom asked if she want to come, he didn't allow her.

The news of a person taking a retest spread. It also reached the person who had entered the lunar academy. It was none other than Derek who had a violet-grade affinity in the Darkness element.

He too came with the representative of the lunar academy. Since he was a violet-grade magician all the elders in his academy treated him with care and he was also the disciple of the leader of the Lunar academy.

The test began, All waited for today's attraction that is Atesh(Eren) to come. Even the representatives and the test conductor were waiting for him so that they could start the test.

The time arrived.

Eren walked into the test center. There was not a little bit of fear in his eyes.

All the representatives as well as people who arrived here to test and to watch the result of Eren's were in a dilemma. They thought he might never come.

Eren then sat on a chair and waited for his turn. His face was calm like the situation was fully under his control.

The conductor woke up from his stupor and started the test. All waited for the first name to be called and it was…

"Atesh, come to the stage for the test"

Eren, hearing this went to the stage with a calm yet curious face.

'hehe. I wonder how will everyone react when they see that I have two affinities. Even though I have three, I will only show two. It's pretty easy to fool that orb. ' he thought and went to keep his hand on the orb.

The orb lit up for a second then the conductor went to look at the result.

He was dumbstruck.

"Th-this ….. how is it possible?" Conductor murmured. But it was heard by all the representatives. They were very curious about the result.

"Tell me the result, old man. I don't have time to wait" Lyrica said acting like she wasn't even concerned about it.

"The result... ha…..Atesh, Affinity to Lightning and fire….. Grade Violet both…." He said while holding his breath because of the shock that Eren had given him.

"Wh-what????" All the people including the representatives asked in shock.

Seeing their reaction, he smirked.

His smirk was seen by Derek. He was furious. One day he was the main character in the test till now. But this loser had taken away his place.

All looked at Eren in disbelief. Seeing his calm face they thought that he might have already awakened his element even before his first test but the orb wasn't able to sense it. But they quickly threw away it. The orb can never go wrong they thought.

"...." There was pin-drop silence. But this was broken by the laughter of the representative of the Royal academy.

"I knew you would be great when I first saw you. I even told others that you would win all the spotlight if you took the test after one year." He said in proud.

All the representatives spat out the food they are after hearing this.

What was shamelessness? This was it.

They were astounded by his shamelessness.

But when they looked at Eren there was no emotion in his eyes. He slowly said "I won't join the Royal Academy or any other. I have already taken my decision. Don't try to butter up me"

Hearing this the eyes of the representative of the Royal academy turned bloodshot. He has never had such humiliation. He wanted to kill Eren but he didn't.

"So, which academy are you joining?" Lyrica asked. She was praying that he got enrolled in her academy. This will give her a promotion.

All waited patiently for his answer. But the representative of the Royal Academy was in anger.

The conductor announced " Today's test is canceled. Please go home and come back tomorrow."

All the people were in an uproar. But they couldn't refuse the announcement of the conductor. So, they went home.

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Now again all their eyes were on Eren. Seeing this Eren smiled and said…

"I will join...….." he stopped.

Seeing that he didn't continue, all were about to kill him because their heart was beating so much that they might break out.

"I will join Mana academy…." He said with a smile while looking at Lyrica.

Hearing this Lyrica was happy but all the others were in shock.

Why mana academy? They thought.

But Alice made all of their thoughts go away and asked " Why did you join Mana Academy?"

To this Eren said

"It's just because I owe her a favor. When I fell unconscious, no one of you looked at me but she tried to find what was wrong with me and made my mom's worry go away. "

Hearing this all of them felt regret. They uniformly thought 'What fool am I? Why didn't I try to go near him at that time?'

Lyrica then went to Eren and hugged him. They were of the same height.

Eren also wanted to hug her but refrained from it. She was beautiful.

Eren thought ' I will make her mine. Just for me when I stay there for a few weeks and become strong as you, I will make you mine

After the hug, Lyrica turned around. Her cheeks were red from embarrassment. This was the first hug she gave to a boy.

She then said " Pack your bags and be ready. I will come in a week to take you to the academy" She then ran away from there.

Soon, all the other representatives left with regret in their eyes. Now only he and the conductor was left.

The conductor came near him and said "You made a terrible mistake by humiliating the representative of the Royal academy. Be safe" He also went to his room.

Now Eren laughed in his mind and was on the way home.

'Oh! You are such a show-maker. I heard that you want to make miss Lyrica yours. Can you do it?' Attie asked.

'heh! No one can escape from me. Even goddesses have been mine' Eren said in pride.

'Hmm. So I wish you the best of luck. And when you make her yours, make me mine also. I also want to have a girlfriend.' Attie said.

'Sure. What is mine is yours and yours is mine' Eren said.

(AN: When I use Attie and Eren in conversation simultaneously, it means they are having a conversation in the soul realm.)

He then pulled his consciousness out of his soul realm and continued to walk back home.

He walked for fifteen minutes and saw his home. He was walking towards it but suddenly an attack came. It was from one of his neighbors who had laughed at him when they found out he had no affinity.

Eren just threw a fireball at him. They weren't able to escape from it and got burned. He then ran away to his home in pain.

Eren reached his home and opened the door

"Mom, I am back" He announced his arrival.


Updated Notes.

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