Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death

Chapter 252: CH 239

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Translator’s Note: Tokuun is the sound of your heart beat. The onomatopoeia for it in English would be Ba-dum

The boys went back to the beach while the girls were out enjoying spring. Sion crossed his arms as he looked at the broken shoreline.

“Well. What should we do next?”

“Good question.” Abel answered with a grimace. “Well, first of all, I don’t see any wreckage, so…”

When they looked through the trash along the coast, they didn’t find anything that looked like it came from the Emerald Star. They also didn’t find any bodies or hurt sailors.

“But we need to be sure. Whether or not that boat is still floating will determine what we do next. If it’s moored somewhere else on the island to get out of the storm, we can just wait until it comes back. Even if it has some damage, we can still send it back to Ganudos to ask for help as long as it can still sail. That being said…”

Keithwood picked up where Sion left off and said, “That storm was a doozy. Lady Esmeralda seemed pretty confident about how strong her yacht was, but…”

“I’m not sure how much we can trust what she says. I don’t mean to be rude, but when she talks, she sounds like every other noble bigwig. If someone believes in that way of thinking, their confidence isn’t very reassuring.”

Sion nodded to show that he agreed with what Abel said.

“Agreed. At the very least, we should be sceptical of what she says. For all our sakes.”

“We should probably move forward with the idea that the yacht sank.”

If the Emerald Star was still in one piece, the plan would be simple: they would just have to wait. They might have to stay alive for a few days, but help wouldn’t be far away. They could camp here without much trouble for about a week.

If the Emerald Star had gone down, things would look very different for them.

“It’s not likely that we’ll be able to get off this island on our own,” Sion said.

Abel grimaced again.

“Yes, we’d have to build a new boat, and I don’t think any of us are up for that… Who knows, though? Maybe Mia will think of something great, like she always does.”

It seemed like Mia’s shoulders were a magnet for other people’s hopes and expectations, even when she didn’t want them there.

“The most likely way for us to be saved is for one of Princess Mia’s servants or someone from the House of Greenmoon to notice that something is wrong and send out a search party. From what I’ve seen, that Ludwig guy in particular seems pretty smart.”

“If that’s the case, we’ll need a way to show them where this island is.”

“Maybe we should do something like send up smoke signals?”

Abel did what he always does and made a plan that was expected but still good.

“That seems good. Okay, let’s work on just two things for now. First, send up smoke signals to get help. Second, make sure we have enough food,” Sion said before pausing to laugh.

“When it comes to food, what Mia did back there really surprised me.”

Keithwood gave a serious nod to show that he agreed.

“Yes. Who would have thought that she would be so generous with her own food in this situation? And to us as well, the servants.”

“Given the policies she’s been putting into place in Tearmoon, it would be silly to think that she doesn’t know how important food supplies are. So it’s even more surprising that she was so willing to give up her own. I never had any doubts about her honesty, but still… She’s amazing.”

As Sion talked, he thought about himself.

We should choose a leader if we’re going to live on this island. I was deciding between myself, Mia, and Abel, but now that I’ve seen how hot the sun is, I don’t think I have the guts to put myself forward.

Mia and Anne were the first ones to meet up on the beach. The first person’s clothes were dry, but the second person’s were still a little damp.

“It’s okay,” Anne had said with a smile.

When Mia looked worried, she told her, “They’ll dry while I’m wearing them.”

But now, as the full heat of the sun beat down on them, she wondered if she’d made a mistake as she looked enviously at her maid’s cool, wet clothes.

“Ah, Mia, you’re ba— Hm? Where’s Lady Esmeralda?”

“She said she would wait until Nina did her laundry.”

Sion and the other boys all looked at her like they didn’t understand. They didn’t understand why Esmeralda was so insistent on dividing up the work until Anne gave them a more detailed explanation. To which upon hearing, they rolled their eyes.

“Well, I guess it makes sense…” Sion sighed.

“We need to talk about some important things, so let’s wait for her to get here.”

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After about an hour, Esmeralda and Nina finally showed up with Nina in tow. During that time, they had finished making plans for a signal fire on the beach.

Before he spoke, Sion looked at each of them in turn to make sure the whole team was there.

“I think we should choose a leader for the group until we figure out how to get off this deserted island.”

“Well, I guess you’re right. Well, they do say that too many captains make a ship sail for the moon,” Mia agreed, then put her finger to her chin to think.

Well, if we need a leader, I think I should be it.

She thought she was a good fit for the job. It seemed likely that she was the person in their group who knew the most about how to stay alive. She knew what plants could be eaten and how to catch fish.

Well, at least river fish. She was not a novice.

With everything she’d learned, she felt sure that she could even tell the difference between poisonous and edible mushrooms, which was said to be hard. Which was true, as long as we were talking about her confidence.

She was ready to volunteer for the job, which was a big change from how lazy she usually was. It was important for her own safety. There was no room for being lazy about it.

But if I put myself forward, things might get messy, she thought as she stole a look at Esmeralda. Since she was the trip’s host, it did make sense for her to take charge.

How strange. But for some reason, if Esmeralda becomes leader, I can’t help but think that none of us will get out of this alive.

Her “danger alert” went off when she thought about it.

It seemed to be begging, “Not Esmeralda!” Pick someone else for leader! Anyone else! Hopefully it’s not her!

Mia decided to do what it begged her to do.

“Being in charge isn’t always easy, so I think one of these fine gentlemen would be the best choice. Don’t you agree, Esmeralda?”

She said it with a fake lack of interest, choosing her words carefully to avoid sounding like she was nominating herself. By doing this, she also subtly changed Esmeralda’s mind about wanting to take on the role herself.

“Yes, I guess I would like a gentleman to be in charge in this situation. I think you’re right, Miss Mia,” Esmeralda said, and this seemed to convince her.

Mia’s plan to trick people worked. She was smart to take advantage of the fact that Esmeralda usually thought in a conservative way about things like that.

“I guess that’s true,” said Sion, who had figured out Mia’s plan.

He studied Esmeralda briefly before nodding.

“Of course, yes. Then, either Abel or I will lead.”

“Uh, I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’ll let you do that,” Abel said.

“Why is that? You know there’s no need to be humble right now, right?”

Abel turned his head down to hide his grimace. Then he gave a head shake.

“No, that’s not it. I’m just trying to make things better. I mean, I’ve already been in charge of an army before. I thought you should be in charge here so you could gain some experience. The same rules for everyone, you know?”

He said it with a friendly smirk.

“As for me, I think this time I’ll just try to keep Mia safe.”

Abel’s smirk hid the fact that he had mixed feelings.

He really, really wanted to be in charge.

Sion knew that being in charge here was a matter of pride. So, he had set it up as a discussion and asked Abel for his thoughts.

I can try to be the hero, and I know I want to, but if my ego ends up putting Mia in danger, I’ll never forgive myself.

He knew who he was. Too well, perhaps. Discipline and hard work were things he was good at. He wouldn’t stop working or give up.

But excellence? Brilliance?

He could never have them because they were Sion’s. He finally stepped back and asked Sion to take charge. The best way to keep Mia safe was to do that.

He was aware of this. It was the best decision. And yet…Being right…doesn’t make it any easier to swallow.

So, he smirked. He was embarrassed, but he was able to hide it with a casual smile.

“As for me, I think this time I’ll just try to keep Mia safe.”

Mia didn’t pick up on the hint of pain in his words.

“Oh my, Abel…”


Mia’s heart made a sound that was almost audible to anybody near her. All she heard, bless her heart, was that she’d have a lot of time alone with Abel.

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