Reincarnated Vampire Princess and Former Hero, Trample Over Mankind

Chapter 24: CH 23

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Vampire Princess and Magic (Part 2): The Seriousness of the Forest General

Translated by AmaLynne

「《Ice Lance》.」


「《Light Saber》.」


「《Darkness Cannon》.」


How long has it been?

I’ve been dodging magic for ages now!

「Hey, Tiana-san! How much longer do I have to run!」

「You have 24 minutes. Now, do your best to escape~♪《Aerial Blade》!」


Scary! I’m scared!

…No, I’m scared of magic, but I’m more scared of Tiana-san!

Because she’s been smiling since just now!

She smiles with such a pure smile that I can tell she is truly enjoying herself, and then she fires off a series of frighteningly powerful magic.

「Fufufufufufu… Ah, this kind of tag game is fun after all. I don’t know what it is, but something is thrilling about it. Is this what you call a thrill?」

No, I’m sure it’s not.

You’re just having fun bullying me, aren’t you?

What’s with her, she has a beautiful face like a saint, but her true nature is a natural hidden S!

She’s an elf, a queen, a big-breasted woman, and a dominatrix…that’s a lot of attributes to pack into one person!

Hey, do queens and S are the same things? But Tiana-san is a real queen… wait, that’s not important right now!

「Now, let’s go next, shall we?《Thunder Cannon》!」

「Now it’s lightniiiiing!?」

No, calm down, calm down, me.

First, let’s analyze Tiana-san’s information.

First, the type of magic she has used. Fire, Wind, Water, Rock, Explosion, Gravity, Ice, Light, Darkness, and Lightning. Almost every attribute imaginable.

And since she can use《Teleportation》, she can also use spatial magic.

I am sure she also has detection magic, since she has been able to accurately determine my location, even though I am supposed to be hiding in the forest.

And this forest. Various plants are in full bloom. To the point of being unnatural.

In other words, this forest was probably created by Tiana-san. In other words, she can use the type of magic that manipulates nature.

And even though she has shown us a wide variety of powerful magic up to this point, there’s no sign of her magical power running out.

General comment. Magic cheat.

Well, it seems that the conclusion remains the same whether we stay calm or not.

Magic is shot. Do your best to avoid it. That’s all.

Other countermeasures? Maybe try to beat Tiana-san?

The High Elves, who are like walking fortresses, who respond to any attack with magic of all attributes within the range of what a magician can handle, who twist even space, and who can detect our every move? You must be joking.

So, the only thing I can do is anticipate the movement of magic with the vampire’s superior five senses and avoid it anyway.

「Now, let’s move it up another gear, shall we?《Fire Lance》.」

Just as I thought that, a frightening number of fire spears were created around Tiana-san.

Phalanx… Was this an ancient battle strategy where heavily armed infantrymen crowded together and thrust their spears all at once?

So, Tiana-san did it by herself with magic. Well, I don’t think I can avoid this at all.

Imagine the moment when nearly 50 fire spears come raining down on a girl whose location is known.

…How about that, does that tease you so much that it brings tears to your eyes?

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Tiana-san, who never lost her smiling face as I tried to escape from reality, shot out numerous fire spears―――-


「…Hm~mm, unexpected. I thought it was the end now… I didn’t think you could avoid it all.」

Well, as it turned out, I dodged a rain of fire spears.

Not unscathed, of course. It pierced my arm, snagged my shoulder, and burned my hair a bit.

…I was in a lot of pain and it was hot, but I don’t have a single scar on my body now. Maybe this is the effect of the technique Tiana-san was talking about.

「No matter how little guidance I have given it, you endure it… It’s more than I expected. Lean-sama. I honestly admire you.」

「I’m glad to hear that, but you just casually mentioned that you can add guidance to that hellish attack!」

「More to the point, I can use super compatible magic that explodes the moment it hits the target.」

Eii, you monster!

…No, it’s because she’s so good at this that she’s ranked third in the Demon Army’s top brass ranking.

「Well, it seems that I have underestimated Lean-sama… From here on out, I’m going to be『serious』about this.」



「I am sorry to be so presumptuous, but let me show you something. Please see the reason why I am called『Forest General』.」

With that, Tiana-san raised her hands above her head.

Immediately after… The『Forest』moved.

「Wai, what…!?」

「As you may have already noticed, this forest is a place created by my magic and controlled by me. Therefore, I can move this forest like a limb.」


「It is a very useful magic, though, to make this forest appear as a battlefield, turning it into a lost forest, trapping humans inside, smashing them with trees, and scattering poisonous spores.」

What a beautiful face and what you do with it! As expected, S.

But it’s a nice touch.

「So, the whole forest is against you now. Come on, Lean-sama. I beg your pardon, but… I will crush you with all my might♡.」

「Um-oh! Haven’t you changed the point!」

It seems that my plea did not reach Tiana-san.

Immediately afterward, the branch I was standing on shook with all its might and flicked me off like a slingshot.


「My my, what a lovely scream♪」

I was blown away like a ball, and finally stopped when my body was wrapped around a vine that was hanging from the tree.

「Gee!!! …Hah…hah…Sa, saved…」

「Not saved you know?. Fufufufufu…」


I was relieved, but then I was wrapped up in vines and… Well, I mean, I was tied up, and then Tiana-san transferred.

「Fufufu, now you can’t escape… Now, what do you want me to do…?」


「No help is coming you know~? I’m the only one who knows where this forest is… Fufufu, well, I guess it’s time to…」

「…That’s enough of that, Tiana.」


In desperate need of help, 5 years old and in mortal danger… I was even in a chastity crisis when I heard the words, I was saved by the words of a third party that suddenly echoed through the room.

The voice was―――

「D-Demon King-sama!?」

「Demon King-samaaaaaaaaaaaa! WAAAAAAAA!!」

Yes, it was my King, the Demon King.

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