Reincarnated Vampire Princess and Former Hero, Trample Over Mankind

Chapter 44: CH 43

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Former Hero and Decision

Translated by AmaLynne

……It’s kind of like floating.

And yet, it’s so warm and comfortable.

It’s almost as if I’m sleeping on a cloud.

……Above the clouds?

I wonder if I’m dead.

I wonder if I was finally killed so badly in that hell that I can’t be revived, and where I am now in heaven.

There was no blue sky, not even an angel, just a ceiling when I opened my eyes.

But it wasn’t heaven, but it wasn’t in that prison either.

「……here, where…?」

I got up anyway and looked around and saw that the place was full of life, where I could tell that the owner of this room was living a reasonably good life.

There was no one around, no sign of anyone coming.

Why was I sleeping in a strange place, in a stranger’s room?

Recalling my hazy memories, I searched my head.

As I recall, I was lying in the woods before I knew it, with a vampire girl and someone else, and I was transferred to…Demon King was there and……Demon King told me that I was free now…

「…Ah, I remember now.」

In other words, my current situation is that I am a prisoner of the Demon King’s army.

People want my power, so they will try to get it back at all costs. They can demand almost anything.

……Well, I’m not going to follow them when they come back.

I will become stronger and kill them.

I’m going to make full use of this talent I’ve been cursed with for that.

……But first, I have a question.

How did the Demon King Army take me out?

When I woke up, I was in a beautiful forest. I mean, did they take me out while I was sleeping? From the Holy Land? …Impossible, I was always surrounded by the second and third in the order of the Twelve Holy Apostles, Helena of『Treasure Eyes』and Gale of『Heaven’s Will』, who was always watching me.

How on earth did they do it? For what purpose…

「Phew…mm, oh? You’re awake?」


I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn’t notice the presence.

The door was opened by a vampire girl who was looking down at me in the woods.

「You’ve been in bed for a whole day, you know. It’s nighttime now… I mean, are you okay? Are you awake?」

「…Uhh, ah, yes. I’m fine.」

「I see. Well, I’m glad to hear that. My name is Lean. Lean Bloodroad. As you can see, I’m a vampire. Oh, this is my room. Well, in this case, I’ve been promoted to quasi-executive, so I’ll be out of here soon.」

「……this, case……?」

Such a little… I was surprised to hear that a girl about my age had become a quasi-executive of the Demon King Army, but I was more interested in the『case』at hand. I’m sure this is a story that involves me in some way.

「Right, this case. I defeated you. I had never been on a battlefield, so I heard some people asking if it was okay to be an upper-rank soldier. But since I stopped you, the hero, those voices faded away, and I became a quasi-executive.」

「Defeated me? You?」



「…Ah―, let’s see. Perhaps. You don’t remember? About yesterday?」

「That, um…I’m sorry.」

「No, you don’t have to apologize… Well, that’s right, your mind has been broken for a long time… Then, what’s the most recent memory you have of yesterday?」

「…Umm, being in the woods, with you looking down on me.」

「And before that?」

「…I’ve just finished a day’s training, and I’m in jail.」

「…Okay, got it. Now, before I take you to see Demon King-sama, I’ll give you a brief explanation. What happened to you and so on.」


「I’m sorry, can you repeat that?」

「Well, that what happens.」

……My heart was broken? For three years?

And during that time, was I even sent to war?

So, right here in front of me… She called herself Lean, and she beat me and stopped me?

「If you don’t believe me, why don’t you take a look at the status? It should have gone up a lot.」

At those words, I hurriedly opened status.


Name unknown, Human Lv86

Occupation: None

Condition: Fatigued (Weak)

Strength: 14,280

Defense: 13,950

You are reading story Reincarnated Vampire Princess and Former Hero, Trample Over Mankind at

Magic Power: 12,460

Magic Defense:13,520

Speed: 14,190

Magic: None



Level 86? it should have been 1 before.

And the number is almost 100 times higher than before.

「L-Lean-san. This is…」

「……Lower than expected? Isuzu-sama said the average is about 20,000… Is it because of no occupation? Also, the name is unknown…」


「Ah, I’m sorry. Well, now you know you’ve been wandering around like a dream walker for a while.」

「Y-Yes. Frankly, it’s hard to accept, but I understand.」

「First of all, you need to change those tattered clothes and stuff…hmm?」

Lean-san, who stopped talking, stared at nothing for a while, and then shushed,

「Okay, change of plans. I got a call from the Demon King-sama. She wants me to bring you right now.」


I wondered how to get there, but when I opened the door of the room, it led to a place like yesterday’s throne room.

It seems that spatial magic connected the door of the room to the place where the Demon King is.

「Well, here you are, Lean. And the former hero too.」

「Yes, Demon King-sama. Lean Bloodroad, I have come to see you.」

「Alas, no need to be so formal. There are only three of us here today.」

「…Three? Where are the executives? I don’t see Vinel-san here either.」

「Yes. I called the young girl there, who is a former hero, to confirm her will once again.」


「Uhh, my will?」

「Yes. You said this yesterday, right?『I will take revenge on the humans. I want to lay waste on the family, country, and everything between』.」


That’s right. I―――

「I will never forgive them. Just the thought of being born in the same species as them makes me want to vomit. I have to make them suffer what I have suffered. They tried to kill all the demons. So they should at least be prepared for me to kill them all.」

《Certain conditions have been met. The special occupational class『Avenger』has been unlocked.》

「『Only those who are prepared to be shot are allowed to shoot』…huh.」

「What’s that word, Lean? That’s cool… Hmmm, I see. I’m not going to stop you now that you’ve started it. But what are you going to do alone? You are indeed strong. Although she has been weakened by the loss of her『Hero』occupation, you still a strong one… At this point, there are probably no more than 20 people in the Demon King Army who can properly fight against you. But there is only so much one person can do.」


「So here’s my proposal. You, join the Demon King Army.」

「…………eh? Me, Demon King Army?」

「That’s right. Be a member of the Demon King Army. We will destroy the human race and build a world of peace among those who are called demons. To do this, we need your exceptional talent.」


「That talent that you once cursed, hated and thought unnecessary. From now on, you can use it for yourself… And you not the only one who holds a grudge against mankind. Lean there is just like you.」


「……The village where I lived. It was wiped out by humans. We were just living in peace. My dad, mom, and close friends were all killed. I was the only one who survived… I will never forgive humans. I have to find every last one of them and eradicate them. That’s why I joined the Demon King Army, seeking the power to do so.」

……Such thing.

I had thought that humans might be doing something wrong.

But…How can you destroy an innocent race of people just because they are demons?

「Ah, don’t worry. You are an exception. I’m feeling a kind of sympathy for you because you feel the same way and resent humans.」

「Thank goodness you are a smart girl, Lean… Now, what’s your reply?」

…Honestly, I’m not sure.

I might get other people involved in my revenge.

Thinking of that, I couldn’t make up my mind.

「…Listen to me. Revenge, by its very nature, is an act of self-indulgence that produces nothing. But despite this, both I and Lean are bent on revenge. Why? …Because even if we know it, we cannot forgive. I am determined to exterminate the human race by any means necessary, no matter how outrageous. The same is true for Lean. Revenge is something you do for yourself… You have sealed yourself up enough and acted for others. Then don’t you think it’s okay to inconvenience others for your own sake a little?」


…These words entered my mind strangely and easily.

And it was the trigger for my decision.

「…Let’s hear your answer.」


「I accept your offer. My talent and life, which were once said to belong to mankind and were treated unfairly. I offer all of them to the Demon King Army of my own will this time. In return, please accept my selfishness. I want to destroy the human race. I can’t forgive them for making me suffer and still living in peace. I want to see them scraping their heads on the ground and begging for their lives… Please help me get my revenge. If you do that, I’ll be happy to do whatever atrocious things you want me to do.」

「Very well. In the name of Phyllis Darklord, I will allow you to join the Demon King Army and be selfish. Rampage to your heart’s content. Rampage as much as you like. I will approve everything.」

…Thus, I, a former hero, who was born with a rare talent and had the greatest potential of all time, whose life was ruined by human beings.

This time, I have turned to the side of those who have ruined people’s lives.

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