Reincarnated with the author

Chapter 15: CH 15

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Running through the masked individuals, he can feel the mask slowly clamping to his face. If he doesn’t take it off, it will attach to his skin and it will be impossible to remove without cutting his face off. Taking it off while he is invisible is the best solution for now as weapons made of steel started crashing towards him with no mercy. Many masked individuals are confused as they wielded their weapons thinking that something is happening. Taking this opportunity, he dashes forward as spears made of spiritual beings are getting closer and closer. If it will hit him, it will knock his soul out of his body, allowing the black market to imprison his soul for their soul-seeking buyers that use the dreaded soul magic. This happened in the novel and Lawrence certainly doesn’t want his soul to be sacrificed to an evil god.

“Glory to the Moon Goddess!” he shouted to confuse everyone that the silver moon cult is attacking as everyone’s aura raised to new heights. Scared of being attacked first, some masked individuals started attacking other people.

Clicking his tongue, he decided to use the moonlight beam to let it reflect around the room to create the illusion of the silver moon is really attacking the black market as there might be some people that have doubts. Mayhem ensued as a dragon made of fire can be seen flying the air, breathing flames below. Weapons have been wielded and crossed and magic is being thrown all over the place as destruction reined. A loud boom echoed as a large man jumped in the air before slamming the large hammer to the ground, creating a shockwave that knocked anyone near him. Despite being far from the large man, Lawrence can feel his ribs shaking just from the shockwave

“I WILL KILL EVERY SCUM MOON BELIEVER IN THIS ROOM! DIE!” he shouted as he winds up his hammer before smashing into a nearby masked individual. Another loud explosion happened just beside Lawrence as the force of the impact pushed him before smashing into the wall. After standing up, he gazed at the room to see it as if a war is currently happening, different colors of the elements are just smashing and destroying everything. Blood is slowly getting spilled as screams in pain echo in the room as Lawrence once again dashes to where the portal is.

Seeing the violet portal, Lawrence runs towards it but is stopped by a blade crashing towards his face aiming to split his face into two. With a quick crouch, he dodges it before jumping to the portal. The spear of the spiritual being stabs his leg but he was already outside of the portal and back to the dark alley as he felt his soul tremble. Luckily, it doesn’t damage his physical body as he decided to run away as fast as he can before entering the nearby inn.

He was invisible the whole time inside the black market. That is why he was able to run away as the silver weapons and spears of spiritual beings are having a hard time locking his position added by the chaos and carnage that made it possible to escape after stealing the potion. He was lucky enough that the potion isn’t as far as he thought.

Walking inside the inn, he was greeted by a middle-aged lady sitting behind a wooden desk.

“Good Morning good sir, are you here for a room?” the lady asked with a polite smile as he nodded while putting both of his hands in his back as he started shaking the space ring as a couple of coppers and silver falls to his other hand. Space items like the space ring and space bag are a luxury that even nobles can’t buy easily. There’s a high chance that he will be robbed or attacked if he is seen carrying a space ring. Although it only looks like a normal piece of a golden ring when seen by normal people.

“One night with a full meal is two silver, just one night is one silver and 30 coppers” she informed as Lawrence handed her a silver coin and 30 coppers. He doesn’t want to try the food of normal people as it is quite bland and he can’t trust an establishment like this for his meals. Besides, he’s not lacking in money. After getting the key for his room, he headed to the second floor and opened his room. It was clean, to say the least. It’s a normal room made of wood with a closet, a bed, a table, and a chair. It doesn’t smell and it’s enough for Lawrence. Opening his suit, he saw that the silver tattoo on his chest grew larger than before. Symbolizing that the control the moon goddess can assert is stronger than before.

‘Oh well, it’s a risk i’m willing to take’ he sighed before laying on the bed. Him shouting that glory to the moon goddess is something he shouted on spot to confuse the masked individuals to think that the silver moon is attacking but he didn’t expect it to hasten the control of the goddess over him. Everything was all according to the plan but it was still a close call. His plan only revolves around his invisibility and to hopefully confuse everyone that the silver moon is attacking. It was a risk since he didn’t know if the silver moon cult attacked the black market before and if there is even a single one that’s gonna know who the hell the silver moon is. Luckily, there seem to be individuals with a personal vendetta against the cult. Especially that man with a hammer.

‘I can’t continue using this appearance. I might have been invisible but they have other ways of knowing what my face looks. The auction starts tomorrow night so i have this afternoon to go looking for any artifacts in the novel. Hmm…let’s see what the artifacts that Cain was able to find in the capital…’ Lawrence went downstairs before seeing a cloaked woman hiding her face. Her figure is definitely that of a woman but Lawrence can’t see her face since she’s hiding it with the hood while gazing at the stairs. Quite weird but Lawrence didn’t care about the woman as he proceeded to walk away.

If he has seen her face he would’ve known who she was but it was a shame as the woman removes her hood to reveal a face akin to a goddess of beauty. Her long blonde hair flows that looks like sparkling gold, her red lips can stimulate any male, and her pensive eyes can pull anyone to listen to her woes. The personification of beauty itself. One of the villains in the novel, the poisonous angel Vania but for now, she is just a simple woman with no control over her own life as she escaped from the noble that wanted her to be his slave for specific purposes. Her body is covered with lashes and bruised as she entered her room before breaking into tears. Hoping for a day for her revenge.

While all of this is happening. Lawrence is walking around the capital looking for Catalinna. The artifact that he wanted is in the sewer with a lot of monsters below. He can’t fight right now and it would be helpful on his auction stealing. In the auction, he also plans on grabbing a cursed artifact that would serve as his weapon and companion.

‘The ring of the soiled one and the tablet of the wanderer of the shadow. The ring of the soiled one can allow me to shoot a ball of fog on a certain area that can temporarily impair the senses of everyone below the fifth star. I can only use it once every three days but it’s enough to create chaos while I steal the phoenix feather and the tablet. Am I getting greedy? Hmm…oh well. Stealing is great. I don’t have to pay and I can get a lot of items. I hope I can awaken a shadow affinity so I can steal easier’ he chuckled as he walked around to find Catalinna walking towards him with a nonchalant smile.

“Did you get it?”

“Yes” he simply replied

“Here. This should help you on your next ‘job’.” she winked before giving Lawrence a steel ring. He gazed at for quite some time but he’s still confused. It still looks like a normal ring with no magical capabilities. He heard a sigh as Catalinna went closer.

“It will allow you to teleport” she whispered

“How do i know if you aren’t lying to me. One small mistake and i’m dead”

“Hmph! Why are you so suspicious of me? Aren’t i a trustworthy ally”

“You’re not”

“Then don’t use it! Geez, here i am helping you but you wouldn’t even appreciate it. Never mind, just return it to me” she was about to grab the ring from Lawrence’s palm but he suddenly closed his palm.

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“How can i activate this?” he asked

“And now you’re willing to listen to me? Anyways, just say teleport and think of where you want to go. Of course, it can only go up to a kilometer but you can use it three times”

“Use it first” Lawrence throws the ring back as she grumbled before muttering teleport. Suddenly she vanished before Lawrence can feel someone poking his back. Turning around he found Catalinna poking Lawrence’s back with her finger with a cheeky smile.

“Neat right?”

“It will indeed be useful. Thank you. Now, what do you want in exchange?”

“What do you mean~ I’m just helping a fellow friend do his mission. There’s nothing wrong with that” Catalinna smiled awkwardly as Lawrence stared at her with clear suspicion in his eyes.

“Not here, let’s go somewhere private” she whispered as Lawrence nodded as both of them went to a nearby dark alley with no one in sight. After checking that no one is nearby or no one can listen to them. She inched closer to Lawrence as he gazed at her suspiciously.

“Get me the flaming gauntlet of the dwarf king. Please, i need some additional firepower since i’m planning to hunt the fire wyvern in the dungeon below the capital.”

“One of the failed series of the dwarf king…i guess you can awaken it by killing a fire attribute and a dragon attribute monster. The fire wyvern is perfect for that. Still, isn’t the wyvern a 4-star monster?”

“The one below is starved so it’s basically a 3-star monster. I just need to strengthen my mana heart to reach 3-star but to be safe. I would like you to help me”

“Sure but this isn’t enough if you want me to join you on killing the wyvern”

“I know, i know. You’re too much of a greedy asshole to even do anything for free. "

“I can do some things for free. Just not for you” he chuckled before leaving as Catalinna glared at him before shaking her head. She knew he was teasing her as she believes that Lawrence will die if he did anything for free in his entire life.

With this ring, he won’t need the ring of the soiled one but since they will be hunting the fire wyvern that is imprisoned below the capital for a sacrifice. He can probably grab it after killing the king rat. He has a lot of free time but most artifacts that Cain was able to find in the capital are in the palace of the empire itself. No matter what plans he can make, he can’t steal anything inside the palace. The faking of the silver moon cult attacking won’t work since the palace is littered with sigils and runes that detect anything that enters the palace. Despite the necklace having what is called true invisibility, it would still be impossible as he can’t run away in just 30 seconds unlike in the black market as the palace is humongous.

True invisibility is the peak of hiding abilities as it literally erases the presence of the user to the outside world. It cannot be detected by any means from heat-seeking, by smell, magical sense, soul sense, and temporal sense. It can only be countered by true sight and god sight that can see all. Both of which are extremely rare and usually, people with this sight either die before becoming stronger or lose their sight completely from overusing their eyesight.

After eating in a nearby restaurant, the moon has already risen as he might have eaten too much as he can barely even move from stuffing himself with food because for an entire week, he ate nothing but sandwiches with different meats and vegetables while munching on crackers from the rations he found in the space ring.

Walking through the market to look around. The lamps powered by mana crystal provided light to the sellers and to the customers buying some cheap snacks and food. He checked any shop that sells an antique for a chance to find a hidden artifact just laying around but still no luck. After an hour of checking every antique store in the capital, he decided to head back to the inn. It was oddly quiet as he walked alone in the road. The chilling air gently blows in his skin as he shuddered. He looked downward to find a dagger sticking out of his chest as blood slowly falls from his lips.

“Quiet stupid of you to steal something from the black market. I don’t know if you’re brave or just plain reckless” a man’s voice echoed behind him as he turns around to find a black-haired young man with his eyes shut with a grin attached to his face.

“Stupid huh…” Lawrence muttered before pushing the dagger back as it flies backward towards the young man who flawlessly dodged it with minimal movement before slashing Lawrence across his back. Activating his invisibility necklace, he started running away desperately as blood is covering his suit. The young man chuckled before opening his eyes to reveal a red diamond pattern in his eyes. Realizing that the assassin has true sight, Lawrence activated the teleportation ring as he vanishes before the assassin can go for the kill.

“Awww…i thought it was his only trump card.” the young man sounded disappointed before getting swallowed by the darkness.

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