Reincarnated with the author

Chapter 24: CH 24

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“Now, what gifts would you like?” the old man asked with a gentle smile.

“Can you remove the mark of the moon goddess?” Lawrence asked since he didn’t know if the dragon can remove it or not. Still, he wanted to take the chances. The old man stared silently at Lawrence, seeming to ponder before ultimately shaking his head.

“Forgive me but it’s ultimately impossible for me. Only a god can remove the influence of another god. You should ask the king of the dragons but I doubt you would meet him.”

“The king of dragons?” Lawrence asked. He has never heard of the king of dragons in the novel. Whether he died before the convergence or a new character, Lawrence didn’t know. “He meant the first dragon in existence. His name is Hadeon the Destruction but currently, he’s imprisoned in the sun god’s thousand golden spear prison for killing seven gods.” Catalinna replied as the old man raised his eyebrows before nodding pensively.

“She’s right, since then. We dragons has lose divinity and started falling from the realm of gods to this plane.” the old man replied with no anger in his voice but sorrow.

“Still, it isn’t impossible. I advise you to destroy multiple churches of the goddess of light and the sun god and he will reward you.”

“Really?” Catalinna asked with suspicion as the old man nodded. “I’m not lying young lady. I am merely guiding lost adventurers to their goals. I have no desire for destruction nor revenge.”

“Fine, I’ll believe you for now.” Catalinna walked away as the old man chuckled.

“What a hard-headed lady, so boy. What gift do you want?” the old man asked again.

“I am severely lacking in mana since i convert it to qi to even fight properly”

“I see…your affinity is ill suited in this continent. There’s almost no gravity based spell books here but in the land of the elves. You would find what you would need but I doubt you will cross the ocean. Take this,” the old man grabbed a blue cube out of nowhere before handing it to Lawrence who gazed at it. Wondering what it does.

“It can absorb mana from its surrounding to fuel your own and you can charge it with your own mana to have an extra storage when you need to fight. " The old man explained as Lawrence can see it glowing while absorbing mana the old man exerts by simply standing there.

“Just smear your blood in the cube to bound it to yourself.” Without hesitating, Lawrence grabbed the broken shards from the ground before slashing his palm as blood dripped on the cube. It absorbed the blood before a red insignia of chains appeared on the cube. He can estimate the mana in the cube currently has. Once it’s full, it has the same amount of mana that he has in his mana heart. Meaning if he converts all of his mana including the mana in the cube, he can fight for 20 minutes straight while using every gravity based spells he has. From repulsion, attract, lighten, and manipulation of weapons nonstop. The only thing missing is a spear and he can be a deadly foe to fight against. He glanced at Luke to find the old man handing him a book with its cover weathered and ripped. Meanwhile, Catalinna received a ring but he can’t recognize what it is. A huge smile appeared on her face before heading deeper in the forest. He also saw Vania holding a red whip as both of the girls talked and laughed as Vania followed Catalinna.

Vania is already holding her signature weapon in the novel, a whip that can turn anything hit with it in a crazed frenzy and absolute obsession over her. Although it wouldn’t affect the Cain, since that man had no emotions to start with. It also wouldn’t affect anyone with a higher star than the user.

“I would’ve had thought that you would leave once you have received my gifts” the old man appeared beside Lawrence.

“We don’t have anywhere to go. We’re planning on heading back in the north next year to defend the walls from the demon king’s general but we are being hunted by the Swordwin Empire.”

“I see, you can always stay here but just remember that i wouldn’t provide any protection”

“I know” Lawrence simply replied. A dragon might provide gifts and boons but a dragon will not fight unprovoked. One thing about dragons is that they despise trickery and deception. They can detect lies and destroy any illusion cast upon them. If Lawrence attempted to lure the knights towards the old man or the house. The old man will despise him and the knights, killing everyone in the vicinity and moving once more.

“Do you know who Ozial is?” Lawrence asked out of nowhere as unparalleled anger bursts out from the old man as Lawrence’s body hurts just from the immense killing intent. Realizing what the old man did, he removed the killing intent immediately upon noticing that Lawrence is having a hard time breathing.

“Forgive me, it’s just a long time since i heard his name. I advise you to stay away from him. He is nothing but an abomination that brings despair and death” the old man suddenly vanishes as Lawrence wondered what happened between them.

In a following week, Catalinna focused most of her time guiding Vania on reaching two star mage while Luke continued to practice the new dagger art he received from the old man. It has only three techniques that he already know but every time he reaches the next stage. He found his body moving faster and nimbler than before. His dagger strikes occasionally vanishes, appearing to have teleported together with his arm to deal a critical strike in the weakness of monsters he hunted. He has reached intermediate stage in a week, allowing him to strike enemies in vital parts without relying on stealth. Combined with his qi, he can take out a man while hitting every vital spot with ease. The three technique is teleporting strike, fan of knives, and heart shot. Luke glanced to find where Lawrence is since he want to spar with someone. He can’t spar with Catalinna since either she blows him up or he strikes her. Besides, once Catalinna covers herself with that weird white fire, Luke can’t approach her.

Finding Lawrence, Luke immediately runs up to him. “Boss, wanna spar? I gained a few techniques i like to try”

“Sure, i just finish creating a new spell. This would be beneficial for me” Standing just far enough from each other. Luke readied himself as he immediately vanished and appeared beside Lawrence with his dagger moving towards Lawrence’s face. Lawrence was able to dodge but the dagger grazed him as a wound appeared on his cheek, Luke relentlessly used the second technique which created five knives before sending them towards Lawrence. With a simple gesture, both the knives and Luke were pushed back a few meters as he felt like he was punched in the gut but his flexibility helped stick his landing. A single dagger is circling around Lawrence as he cast lighten on himself and the dagger. In a quick burst of speed, he appeared behind Luke with his fist bubbling with qi. It grew heavier the closer it was to Luke. Feeling the danger from the fist aiming at his back, he tried to dodge but he felt an immense weight bearing on his body the closer the fist to him.

He is getting locked in place from the sheer gravity of Lawrence’s fist. Activating the first technique, he teleported behind Lawrence before jumping back. The fist slams in the air as he felt his body getting sucked towards the fist but its pull is weaker than before. With a loud boom, the ground shook violently before he found himself floating as if there isn’t any gravity. Only to find Lawrence’s fist barreling towards him once again. He knew that if he gets hit with that, his body would explode in a thousand bits from the sheer heaviness and gravity coming from it that contorts the area around the fist. Like a black hole contorting the space. He opened his eyes to dodge it but he can’t move since he was stuck in the air floating. He can use the third technique but it might kill Lawrence.

Luckily, the immense gravity and weight of Lawrence’s fist are gone and a soft thump followed as Lawrence hits Luke with a soft punch.

“Impressive, if you intended to take my life, i would receive a heavy injury before getting punctured by the knives.”

“I guess so boss, what was with those punches. I thought you would kill me”

“It’s the new spells I created. Whirl and removal”

“Whirl and removal?”

“I want to keep my spells in one word, beside the names isn’t important. The first one which is whirl creates a whirling gravity around my fist and the closer it is to the target, the heavier it becomes and the stronger the pull. While the second one, removal. It removes the gravity in a certain radius and absorbs it towards my fist. Allowing my enemies to float before slamming them with my fist.”

“That’s insanely strong” Luke commented

“Though it drains my mana, I can use it every minute with the use of the mana cube.” “Wanna fight me next?” Catalinna asked with a friendly smile as Luke shakes his head. The only way to fight against Catalinna is by using the advantage of range but even that becomes useless once she started throwing fireballs. Although she’s slower than Lawrence using quicken, her fire can spread in large areas that dodging her attack would be difficult. “I just fought” Lawrence simply replied

“If you’re chickening out, it’s fine. No need for excuses” she smirks

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“You shouldn’t say that to boss,” Vania said shyly as Catalinna chuckled

“Come on, i’m the strongest in this group. You can also call me boss from now on” she boasted

“Why would i call my friend, a boss?” she tilted her head as Catalinna chuckled

“I guess it’s better to be friends” she shrugged with a smile

“All of us besides Vania are low three-star right?”

“Yes, boss” Vania replied

“What is your plan during the attack on the northern wall?” Lawrence asked Catalinna whose smile vanish.

“I want us to kill the sixth-star demon general. Worax the destroyer” She quietly said as Luke’s closed eyes opened briefly in surprise while Lawrence sighed. Vania remained confused.

“It’s impossible” Lawrence replied as Catalinna bit her lips. She knew that but she also knew that Worax was the one who killed her mother. That general is a frost troll infused with the blood of giants. It’s immune to ice and capable of feats of strength no one has seen before. In the novel, after killing the fire demon general, she was ambushed by Worax. Where she died and her head was put on Worax’s shoulder as a sign of force and pride.

“Not only does that giant use ice magic, but he will also be revived three times and each revival strengthens him. He also has tough skin and muscles stronger than steel. I doubt we would be able to wound him. Your fire might work but a single punch from that giant would crush your body.”

“So what do you propose huh?! I can’t leave my mother to die!?”

“We need a plan. We need a poison that can eat through metal and steel. The Basilisk’s Poison. It’s what we need to weaken Worax. Still with that, a single strike from that demon, and we’re dead.”

“We can use the curse of wither to sap away Worax’s stamina and strength” Catalinna replied as Lawrence nodded.

“Indeed..but a flower that produces that curse only exists in the central continent. Also, the basilisk poison is something no auction would sell since it’s one of the ingredients for the elixir.”

“Dammit! What are we supposed to do then?!”

“We have to head to the kingdom port of this continent” Lawrence smiled

“Huh? Why boss?”

“Since the influence of the black syndicate is weak there, we can create an organization that will do the dirty deed” Lawrence smiled

“D-dirty deed?” Vania blushed

“He means assassinating, stealing, and extortion,” Luke explained

“Except for Luke, all of us have no experience in assassinating” Catalinna pointed out as Lawrence nodded “I know but did you forget how i stole two treasures from the auction and in the black market. Besides, i’m planning on creating medicine for the red rot and maleosis.”

“I’m pretty sure that there isn’t any medicine for those sicknesses, boss”

“I’ve read some scrolls regarding those two sicknesses. There are such valuable scrolls laying around our family library. The dragon also imparted some of his knowledge in alchemy and brewing” He said both half-truths since there are indeed writings and research in the library but it lacks the information regarding the cure while a dragon did give his knowledge about alchemy but not to Lawrence but to Cale.

In the novel, while healing the injured Cale. The dragon used herbs and healing plants to hasten the recovery. The dragon explained each plant and poison he used to heal Cale. With this knowledge and the talented green sage, the cure was created. Giving a massive wealth to the main character. Catalinna stared at him but she didn’t say anything. Vania didn’t seem to spot anything as she already lowered her guard around them with no hint of suspicion on her heart. Luke shrugged.

“Still, that kingdom is in the south while we are in the central part of the continent, boss”

“Besides, how are we even gonna reach there. By the time we returned, the northern wall is already destroyed” Catalinna angrily voiced out

“Calm down, i managed to convince the dragon. He will teleport us to the outskirts of the kingdom. Besides, here is the mask that we will be using to hide our faces.” Lawrence started handing white masks with different insignia and markings. For Luke, half of the mask is black while for Catalinna, a flame red insignia runs through one side of the mask. Vania has a pink rose etched on the side of the mask while Lawrence’s mask is colored gray with a white spinning circle on the top. All of them looked at Lawrence confused about how he got this mask. Once Luke put it on, it stuck on his face before vanishing as if Luke didn’t even put anything on his face. He tapped his face a few times to feel that there is indeed a mask on his face. It wasn’t hard to see and isn’t uncomfortable like the one he used before. “How did you get this boss?” he asked

“It’s my parting gift to all of you. I hope this would help in your future travel” the old man appeared beside him as Luke’s mood worsened. A quiet clicking of his tongue emerged but the old man chuckled

“Young man, it’s my advice to forgive and forget sometimes. The only one getting affected by your anger is yourself” Luke didn’t respond but the old man didn’t continue. Lawrence took notice of this but it didn’t show on his face

‘Luke…prodigal son…wolf king…revenge…trained in the black syndicate ever since he was a There seems to be a story here that Luke doesn’t want to divulge.’

“There seems to be a couple of enemies surrounding us” the old man revealed the assassins hiding in the bushes and trees as a low growl can be heard.

“Great Mage, we are not here to offend you. Our business is with these people. We are seeking revenge” the assassin in the front said, his killing intent rising in the sky. Eyes burning with rage.

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