Reincarnated with the author

Chapter 27: CH 27

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“I assume it’s for you and your friends behind you” the man responded before putting the bar glass on the wooden counter as Lawrence nodded and started walking towards the man as the others followed silently.

“Coins or information?” the man bluntly asked

“Information” Lawrence replied

“I see, let me hear it” the man crossed his muscular arms, seemingly waiting for Lawrence to respond.

“What if the information i gave isn’t enough, what would you give us instead?”

“Depends, from currency or artifacts. " the man shrugged. If Lawrence didn’t know this man, he would’ve left immediately. There is no way he will give any type of information in such shaky conditions and with only verbal confirmation for compensation. Seeing the aura around this man, Lawrence can sense that he is at least a mid-stage 4-star warrior. A proper 4-star individual, unlike the combat slave they killed. This man is Keiren, an information broker and an identity forger famed for his vast amount of information and having a large bounty on his head. In the novel, he is a trustworthy ally of Cain that gave Cain information in exchange for money. The greedy yet honorable man with a sad backstory.

“I can give you the location of the nearest bloodstone” Lawrence replied as the man glared. Lawrence can see Keiren tightly gripping his fist under the counter but he knows that Keiren wouldn’t do anything. Since a father will always try to find a way to cure their sick child no matter the consequences. A parent’s love if Lawrence would describe it.

“How…sure are you in your information” Keiren stared at Lawrence as he can see a glimmer of hope in Keiren’s eyes. A smile appeared on his face.

“A hundred percent”

“Hmm..i can create the four of you a new identity as long as i confirm this information of yours. How about it?” Keiren appeared to be acting rather calm despite a torrent in his heart. Of course, Lawrence knew this and would take advantage of it.

“That’s quite difficult. Bloodstone barely appears anywhere. Not to mention that I have to climb mountains upon mountains just to look for it. I came here hoping for more but i guess there’s always someone who doesn’t value this information” Lawrence sighed before started walking away but a suffocating aura started emanating around the bar. Keiren nearly smashes the wooden counter in anger but he was able to get his composure back as the aura vanished.

“Sir, I can also recommend you to someone I know who’s talented at changing someone’s appearance” Keiren smiled cordially. It’s as if his burst of anger was merely an illusion.

“If you can give me about 100 gold coins then I’ll think about it” Lawrence waved his hands as he continued walking away. A loud bang resounded as Keiren breathes roughly with his face contorted with great anger as the wooden counter caved in after slamming his arms.

“FINE! but if this information isn’t reliable…you’ll never see the light again, besides the best I can do is 50 gold.” Keiren gritted his teeth while threatening Lawrence. Who turned around with a wide conniving smile.

“Of course, i’m a reliable person. I hope this is the start of our long cooperation” Lawrence smiled as Keiren snorted.

“Just tell me where it is, I’ll give you the fifty gold coins, a recommendation to a witch that can change your appearance, and four new identities” Keiran sighed

“It’s just in the north of this kingdom. There is a mountain range that protects the kingdom from outside forces right?” Lawrence explained while Keiran nodded, insinuating him to continue. There is a hint of hope appears on the man’s face as Lawrence’s smile deepened.

“In the second tallest mountain, there is a large cave on the side of the peak leading deeper into the center of the mountain. It’s quite deep but there should be a monster defending the bloodstone. That’s it” Lawrence added with a shrug as Keiran seems to be staring deep into his soul. It’s quite a chilling feeling but Lawrence didn’t even flinch or react. To be a successful and infamous information broker, Keiran has the ability to see if someone is lying or not. It was his unique body arts that allows him to reach a heightened sense whenever he wants. He can detect someone’s heartbeat, blood pressure, and respiration. He is technically a walking polygraph. Not only can he know if someone lies, but he can also learn if someone is panicking or distracted. Which allows him to be a nightmare to fight with added to his terrifying size and intimidating physique.

“It seems you aren’t lying. Here’s the gold ” Keiren chucks the pouch full of gold to Lawrence who grabbed it with a smile, he didn’t even count it. Meanwhile. Deep inside, Keiren is honestly surprised by how Lawrence, a low-stage 3-star was able to shrug his soul gaze. No one was able to take it as calmly as he.

“Just return here tomorrow and I’ll be done with your new identities. Also, you should visit that witch after getting a new identity to change how you look. She’s quite pricey but she likes anything that is potion-related items. Also, a reminder that you should never talk about her appearance.” Keiren warned as Lawrence nodded before leaving together with the group as they silently followed him. Noticing that they are gone, he breathes a sigh of relief. He takes a picture out of his pocket to see a blonde girl with a bright smile.

“Nicole…don’t worry. Papa will heal your illness” he smiled gently

Outside the bar, Lawrence pocketed the gold coins as Catalinna raised her eyebrow. She blocked his way as he sighed. He can see there were no signs of greed in her expression but she still looked at him indignantly.

“What is it?”

“Don’t tell me you’re just gonna keep the coin all for yourself?”

“Of course, is there a problem? I worked to get this after all”

“Worked? More like scammed….don’t you feel bad for that guy” Catalinna massaged her temple as she look at Lawrence who stared at her as if he didn’t do anything at all.

“You know how much someone can sell a bloodstone. No one will use it to save someone with basically an anemia. This illness only targets someone who isn’t a cultivator of aura or mana”

Bloodstone is a rock that absorbed sanguine blood. Blood that was spilled during the primordial era where the progenitors of origin died under the hands of the creator for disregarding the mystical principles. According to the records during that era, this world was created using the corpse of the progenitor of origin. It was briefly mentioned in the novel but Lawrence learned about this rock from one of the traitors of mankind that still lives. The patriarch of the sanguine family. A mysterious family that didn’t do anything except grab every bloodstone they can get their hands on. They only appear in the novel whenever a bloodstone was unearthed. They would first try to buy it and if it fails then they’ll steal it. No one knows what’s its use except for supplying a near-infinite amount of blood but the sanguine family will still buy it at a high price.

“Still, that family would probably stop Keiren from getting his hands on that bloodstone” Catalinna muttered

“Probably, besides. It’s only a temporary solution” Lawrence replied as they finally reach the end of the slum before entering the district where the citizens lived. The street was quiet as the moon shone its light on the surroundings. The cold wind passes through them as Vania can’t help but shiver.

“I’ll be going to the Notmus graveyard, the rest of you can return to the inn” Lawrence responded as the silence was broken followed by him opening the pouch full of gold before giving 20 coins to Catalinna who looked at him with a surprised expression.

“Is it alright if I follow you, boss?” Luke smiled with his fox-like eyes. A mischievous expression appeared on his face. Lawrence gazed at him before nodding.

“Well, be careful boss and Luke” Vania’s tone is concerned as Lawrence smiled at her while Luke didn’t even look at her. A slight blush appeared on his face.

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“Don’t worry about them. They can handle it” Catalinna shrugged before clasping Vania’s wrist as they head to the nearby inn to rent a room to stay for the night. She looked at Lawrence’s back before looking forward. Worry flashed in her ruby-like eyes before shaking her head. She knew what he is gonna do but it was none of her business. Instead of wasting her time worrying, she has to start getting the requirements for the passive she wants to acquire. With the ring of berserk, she only needs to find the body art named the calming physique and mind, and the fist art named flame asura’s manifestation. By then, if she sacrifices her lifespan. She can probably kill Worax. Her eyes burned with determination as she swears to herself that she’ll save her mother and everyone.

After a silent walk to the largest cemetery of the Sekai Kingdom, they arrived at the black gate with no one guarding it. The heavy pressure from the amount of death energy emanating from the cemetery is enough to deter any grave robbers. A chilling wind slams at their body but both of them didn’t react. Pushing the heavy gate, an ear curdling and harsh sound of metal dragging across the stone is heard as Lawrence can’t help but grit his teeth. After opening one of the metal gates, they slowly entered the graveyard.

Thousands of gravestones littered the place as a gray fog descended. Chilly air surrounded the place. Lawrence calmly looked around before walking forward as Luke hurriedly followed.

“This is quite scary boss” Luke nervously chuckled as Lawrence nodded

“You can leave if you want”

“You can’t say that boss. I’m fearless you know”

“If you say so” Lawrence stopped in his tracks as slow footsteps resounded before they saw a skeleton walking around with a scythe resting on its back. Its black cloak hides its red glowing eyes as it stared at both of them. It opens its mouth as a black smoke leaves from its bony jaws.

“What is your business here?” a rough and low-pitched voice escaped from the skeleton’s jaws.

“I want to receive the Spear of the Damned” Lawrence simply replied with a stone-cold expression. A weird-sounding chuckle escaped from the skeleton.

“You seem to have been chosen by a god. If you’re willing to forsake that connection to wield to spear. It’s up to you” the skeleton replied

“I’m willing” Suddenly, another sound of footsteps resounded behind them as the both of them turned around. They saw a man with red hair and blue eyes wielding a jagged spear. A confident smirk appeared on his face as a silver circle appeared behind him. The man looked like an older version of Lawrence as Luke grew more and more confused.

“Tsktsk, I didn’t think you are that stupid.” the man said while shaking his head. A wicked smile appeared on his face as he stared at Luke.

“Don’t you dare” Lawrence warned

“Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Lawrence, the champion of the moon goddess” he snickered while ignoring Lawrence.

“I’ll kill your friend here if you don’t give up that spear” he pointed at Luke who immediately saw himself chained on the ground with silver-like chains coming from the ground. He tried removing it but it merely absorbed his strength.

“Don’t bother. It would absorb every inch of your power if you try moving” the champion advised as Lawrence gritted his teeth. He thought it would only be a silver moon cultist but he didn’t expect that it would be the champion.

“You have the gall to come hear. Do you have no fear?” the skeleton glared at the champion who in turn shrugged.

“Now what is your decision?” the champion looked at Lawrence. Completely ignoring the fuming skeleton.

“You win, fine. I’ll forget about this” Lawrence can only sigh as the champion nodded

“Wise decision. Working for the goddess isn’t that bad. Trust me” he smiled but his body was split into two as Lawrence widened his eyes. The champion Lawrence looked shocked before glaring at the skeleton wielding the scythe. Before he can talk, his manifestation vanished into a cloud of white smoke.

“I’m getting too old for this” the skeleton responded as Luke shattered the chains holding his arms. Lawrence can only give a wry smile, what old? you’re already a skeleton, but obviously. Lawrence only shuts his mouth.

“Thank you for your help. As you can see, I’m being forced to become a chosen figure of a god. I can do anything as long as I can remove my connection with that goddess” Lawrence bowed before staring at the skeleton who seems to be pondering.

“Hmm…if that spear gets a new owner. Then it’s for the better. If you get chosen by the spear that is. Just continue walking forward, you can find it” the skeleton responded before walking away with the scythe slumped back on its shoulder.

As they start walking north, deeper and deeper to the graveyard. The lingering presence of death is getting heavier and heavier. Lawrence squinted his eyes as he saw a large tombstone reaching 5 meters in height with a black spear punctured in the ground with white bandages covering its shaft. Walking forward, he found himself standing face to face with the spear with Luke just behind him.

“Um boss, are you sure it’s safe?”

“Safe? We nearly died and you’re only asking now?” Lawrence can’t help but chuckle

“I mean, that dude that looks like you is terrifying but there wasn’t any sense of dread and despair. It was only a manifestation but this….it’s like a demon is sealed inside it” Luke commented. His voice continued traces of curiosity and intrigue.

“Don’t open your eyes to investigate. You might blind yourself.”

“Of course not boss, why would I~” Luke chided

“But what do we do next boss?” Luke added

“I touch it and hopefully won’t die in the process” Lawrence smiled before grabbing the shaft. An explosion of dread and death slams his body as he can’t believe what he saw.

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