Reincarnated with the author

Chapter 37: CH 37

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“How would this work?” Duke Leonard asked with interest

“We would allow anyone 17 to 25 years old to enter the tournament. Anyone can enter but only the top 10 would be given prices the courtesy of my kingdom. I have talked with the Master of treasury and the Master of Defense to create a bidding system. If this is successful, we can earn a lot of money. That’s beside the point. We can choose any sword warriors that reached the top 25 to be the candidate and the rest will be given a chance to enter an order of spears or order of axe” the crown princess replied.

The Master of treasury is someone who is tasked with handling the money of the kingdom and its financial advisor during campaigns or investments. While the Master of Defense is someone who handles the safety of the kingdom and its citizen. Usually, only someone with high cultivation can hold the position, typically the second strongest person in the kingdom just below the king.

“Is the Empire gonna help with this tournament?” the burly sword saint asked

“Yes, they will be providing the prices of the top 5. Although they only wanted to show their superiority, it’s still a big help in attracting those who are truly talented.” the crown princess replied with a helpless smile as the burly man grumbled.

“Hmm, when will the tournament start?” the robed man asked while glancing at his son.

“A week from now. This should be enough time to gather every talented warrior on this continent. We will start advertising the tournament tomorrow. Also, the prices will be announced tomorrow” the crowned princess responded.

“Are there any other concerns about the tournament?” the crowned princess looked around the table.

“It doesn’t matter what cultivation as long as the participant is younger than 25. Right?” the robed man asked once again. In response, the crown princess nodded.

“Are there any restrictions on artifacts?” the lanky man asked

“Yes, every participant is only allowed three artifacts and one relic.”

“How about potions? Are they allowed?” the lanky man asked once again.

“No, it’s a tournament on skill and not on wealth” the crowned princess replied passive-aggressively as the lanky man sneered.

“So, are there any concerns?”

“None, I trust your decision and insight, crown princess” The duke smiled upon seeing that the other sword saints don’t have anything to say.

“Now that’s out of the way, there are some concerning details about the central continent. An undead giant has been revived by someone and is wreaking havoc. Resulting in some products rising in price” The crown princess said as the room immediately went silent. A giant, one of the races that have been wiped out from the face of the planet with each one of them having godly strength and endurance. The news caught the sword saints off-guard.

“Did you know who did it?” the burly man asked with a serious expression.

“We don’t. Though there are traces of demon activity near the site where the giant was reborn as an undead”

“Is there any demon activity in the north?” the princess added as everyone glanced at Duke Leonard.

“There has been an increase of monster activity as in the north. Also, there is a piece of information that the demon generals will attack the northern wall next year. Before any of you ask where I got this information, this can be trusted but I don’t know who gave us this information. " the Duke declared as everyone eyed him suspiciously before swallowing their doubts in their heart. It was pretty far-fetched information but it isn’t impossible. If the duke trusted the information who is known for being too meticulous and careful to be tricked, his words carry some influence. Meanwhile, Lawrence can’t believe what he heard. It meant that their conversation in the bedroom was heard despite making sure that no one can hear them talking.

It was impossible to be heard by his father despite being a six-star warrior as the house was covered with sound tampering magic. As it’s a standard in noble houses since any warriors can perceive sound through the walls. Making sure that no one can gather information in the Duke’s mansion, it was enchanted with sound tampering magic and anti-mana sense magic. There should be no sound that would leave or enter the room, it simply meant that someone deactivated the magic specifically in his room. Lawrence doesn’t know who did it and why but he has to find some kind of tampering artifacts to make sure his conversation doesn’t get leaked.

Each sword saint absorbed the information differently. The robed sword saint simply nodded with a calm expression, the burly sword saint widened his eyes, the lanky sword saint stared at the duke for a while before pondering and the old sword saint who has white hair and beard looked excited.

“We should report it to the empire! I will head there once the candidate has been chosen! You can trust me in that” the burly man replied with determination and a boastful smile.

“We shouldn’t, what if the information is false?” the lanky man replied with a shrug

“Are you insinuating that the Duke is lying?” the burly man glared

“Calm down everyone, we should hear out the duke. This is quite a hard information to swallow” the robed man sighed.

“I know. If you don’t believe my words. Fine but if it truly happens. I hope that you can provide support since if the northern wall falls, millions will die and the demon army will have an easier time entering the continent. I trust in your decision-making and wise minds” The duke replied before laying his back in the chair while sipping wine. He discreetly gazed at everyone, upon making sure who will truly help him. He already decided to cut his alliance and connection with some of them. Those who will not care or those who are cowards are not needed in his eyes.

“We will make sure that we will support the Rebia Kingdom. You can trust us on that” the crowned princess declared but the Duke can already see it in her eyes. She has no plans of helping him as he smiled before nodding.

“I would appreciate it.” he replied with a cordial smile. Besides, he isn’t expecting anything from the Sekai Kingdom. They have to travel all the way to the north to even help them, no sane king would do that.

“If that’s all. I will take my leave” the robed man responded as the Duke nodded.

“Me too, I’m quite busy” the burly man added

One by one, each sword saint with their heirs left the dining room followed by the crowned princess. Leaving the Duke and his wife in the dining room alone, as he pondered on the lukewarm reactions he received. Out of the 4 sword saints he invited, only two are willing to help. Andrei Petrov the vagrant sword saint and Idris the immortal sword saint. Both of which that doesn’t have any correlation to kingdoms or Empire. They can be considered mercenaries who would fight whoever they want for any reason. Either for money or for self-interest. Though Andrei can be bought over to his side using luxurious food and alcohol while Idris for the promise of exciting battle and glorious death. He would have to talk to them later in a private meeting but for now, his son is more important. He senses a mana signature just below that correlates to the mana his son has. He wanted to immediately head down but the fact that his son is a wanted criminal and the lanky sword saint is a dog of the empire, he has to calm himself down. Or else, meeting his son would be harder.

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“Well, I guess I was able to trick you father” A calm voice resounded in the room as he looked up to find a brown-haired man smiling at the both of them. As his hair is changing to fiery red and his blue eyes returned. Leonard can’t help but be moved by his emotions as he wanted to cry to find his baby son safe but he gathered his composure with an awkward cough.

“I guess so” Leonard replied calmly as his wife immediately cried and hugged Lawrence. Lawrence can only scratch his cheek with an awkward smile. He didn’t push his mother away as he knows how worried she was. He wrapped around his arms to reciprocate her hug, tears flowed from her eyes as it hits his shoulder. Guilt panged his heart. Seeing his mother cry in relief was an eye-opener, that his life isn’t his own. His family is still there waiting for his return.

“My son!! I was so worried! Are you alright? Did you eat properly? See Leonard! My son isn’t eating properly, he’s like a skeleton! Did they hurt you? Don’t worry, your mom will try to find a way to remove your sentence” her mother bawled while looking at his son to make sure that he was fine.

“I’m fine mom, they didn’t hurt me. I was successful in escaping and I’m eating fine. Don’t worry. " Lawrence smiled as her mother looked at him once again.

“Also, you don’t have to do anything. I can handle myself” he added with a confident smirk. If it can remove some worry in his mother’s heart, it doesn’t matter if he lied.

“Still! You don’t have to push yourself too hard. You can always head back home and live your life secretly. We would be much happier if you do that.” she replied with her face full of worry. Lawrence thought about this before but he doesn’t want to be weak anymore.

“Yes, son. Though you can’t be my heir, i will always take care of you” Leonard replied

“I have goals I want to achieve and my acquaintances are waiting for me. I can’t abandon them” Lawrence retorted with a soft smile. Not minding the fact that he will never be an heir. It doesn’t matter to him anyway.

“I’m proud of you but you have to remember that your mother and I will be devastated if something happens to you” Leonard said in response. Lawrence felt something in his heart upon hearing the word proud. Anger, disbelief, and happiness. Why did those words anger him? He doesn’t know. He can only nod with a smile.

“Father, I’m just here to tell you and mother that I’m safe. Also, I will be staying here for a while before returning to the north. My new identity is Evan Everlock so you can always look for me if you need something.”

“So you won’t return back home?” his mother asked.

“Not yet, not until I’m strong enough”

“Seeing that you will be staying here. Me and your father will stay here” his mother responded with a gentle smile as Leonard nodded. Lawrence can’t help but felt warm in his heart as he smiled genuinely.

“I would like that. Since I need father for my plan” Lawrence gazed at his father who looked at him with a hint of worry in his eyes but nonetheless a stone cold expression. As Lawrence explained his plan to them in full detail as he possibly can. Leonard can’t help but be amazed by his son’s ingenuity and thinking. The cure for red rot and maleosis hasn’t been discovered and the demand for it is significantly higher in this kingdom. If this succeeds, his son can amass a large amount of wealth all on his own. The only problem is the kingdom which will try to monopolize the medicine for themselves.

“Also, there’s information that the crowned princess has red rot.” Lawrence added

“I see…if this is true. We can gain her support since my influence here isn’t as strong. We can bait her with the cure. Smart thinking son, it’s just a shame that….never mind.” Leonard sighed

“It’s fine even if I don’t become an heir of the family. As long as Loid governs the dukedom properly, I wouldn’t have any problem with him being the head of Aenir Family” Lawrence replied

“Is that true? You don’t want to become the head of the Aenir Family?” Sharina asked his son. It was something that he insisted on before and his main motivation for training before that fated duel and the mocking he received.

“Yes mom, I have no plans on doing any of that. I want to live freely. I hope you can accept my decision”

“It’s fine, son. I was also like you before but back to business. I can arrange a meeting with you and the crown princess if you like”

“That would be for the best. Also, I…I need my allowance” Lawrence slyly smiled as Leonard laughed while Sharina wiped her tears and smiled.

“Is 1000 gold coins enough for your allowance?” Leonard smirked as Lawrence immediately nodded. Leonard removed something from the ring in his pocket as a large chest full of gold coins appeared on the table. Shining its golden delight to anyone who sees it.

“Thank you father!” he replied upon seeing the chest. He was about to grab it only to find that it wouldn’t budge. As if something is pulling it away from him.

“Now now, this amount of money is large so I want you to know that if you spend this on nonsensical items, I would treat this as your debt that you have to repay” Leonard warned

“Don’t worry father. I will use the money properly” Lawrence promised. Promised that he would hide this from that woman’s hands.

“It’s good that you understand” Leonard said as Lawrence absorbed the chest into his space ring as he immediately felt elated and joyful. Money can indeed change people.

“Father, did you perhaps bring the body art that I requested?” Lawrence asked, hoping for his father to have it.

“Oh, of course. I was confused why you didn’t use it yet. So I just carried it. Here” Leonard denoted before a book appeared on the table. With no hesitation, he immediately grabbed the book. He can finally start training once he returns to Samantha’s mansion.

“So tell me son, are you planning on joining the tournament?”

“Of course!” He smiled brightly, excited at the prospect of seeing warriors fight each other and fighting them himself.

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