Reincarnated with the author

Chapter 39: CH 39

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Lawrence immediately stabbed forward with Gungnir as the clone tried his best to hit the Gungnir away with his spear as it was coated in the gray aura. Still, the spear moved like it was alive and the clone missed, resulting in him getting punctured in the stomach.

A grim expression appeared on both of their faces as the clone jumped backward before small moonlight orbs manifested in front of him. An array of moonlight beams crashed toward Lawrence who waved his hands forward as the moonlight beams bend and hit the walls as if it was reflected away by something. Lawrence clearly used the spell reflect to return the beams back to the clone but it wasn’t strong enough.

What followed are small explosions as the room trembled and gray smoke covered the room. Lawrence waved his Gungnir to the side to clear the smoke only to feel a slight burning pain on his back. Turning around, he saw the clone behind him as ten moonlight beams smashed towards Lawrence’s back. In the split second, he was able to put a gravity barrier all over his body but it was too sudden and unexpected that some of the beams punctured the barrier before hitting Lawrence. Blood splattered all over the floor as Lawrence saw the clone immediately running away before smashing the window with the spear. The clone was about to get away with the use of the window but Lawrence chucks the Gungnir towards the clone.

A whoosh and a bang followed as the clone is struck by the Gungnir right on his shoulder as the spear itself penetrated the clone’s shoulder before smashing and getting stuck to the wall. Both of them stared at each other angrily as the door smashed open before Catalinna saw two Lawrence injured with blood pooling all over their bodies. The one has wounds all over his body while the other one has a spear stabbed to his shoulder.

“Wha? What the hell happened?!” Catalina blurted out, she didn’t know if she was still dreaming or not but the smell of blood awaken her from her sleepy stupor.

“Eh? Two bosses?” Vania peeked inside the room. While Luke silently entered the room before opening his eyes to see if it was an illusion but he didn’t see anything peculiar between the two of them. Both of them have emotions and they don’t have an unsettling aura unlike what he saw in Lawrence’s arms and its tablet. Both of them have the same aura but their mana has a different element in them. One has the moon element while the other one has the gravity element. Also, both of them have the same cultivation level.

“You, the Lawrence in the ground. Why do you have a moon element?” Luke asked. He remembered that Lawrence has the moon element before switching it into a gravity element. In addition to future sight, he can also learn about other people’s elements in the mana. He doesn’t know how Ozial improved his true sight but he didn’t think much of it.

“I’m not Lawrence, I’m a clone of Lawrence. Also for your question, I don’t know” the clone replied.

“Your quite the honest type eh~ " Luke glanced at the clone before looking at Lawrence who is still bleeding all over his body while standing like a statue. “What happened here boss?”

“I also have no clue…the clone immediately gains sentience…”Lawrence replied under bated breath as he sat down on the bed while breathing heavily. Blood was soaked into the bed sheet but Lawrence didn’t care. The clone also looked around and he indeed know who these people are.

“Shouldn’t we be healing them?” Samantha asked with a bag full of healing potions tucked into her arms.

“Wait Samantha, we need to make sure that the clone won’t attack us. Don’t worry, I’ll kill it” Geiryst also entered the room while baring the door to stop Samantha from entering. The clone simply looked up at Geiryst before wielding the black spear. It glowed a gray color as Geiryst simply thought that it was an effect from the spear.

“Don’t attack the clone, if it hits your beam it will be reflected back to you” Lawrence warned Geiryst who was able to stop himself from shooting the clone in the head.

“So what do we do with this clone?” Geiryst asked but no one replied. The clone also stayed silent as if it doesn’t have anything to do with him. Out of nowhere, the clone removed the Gungnir stuck on his shoulder as everyone took their guard up.

“So you’re connected to me. If I don’t supply you with aura, you would be nothing but a pool of flesh on the ground.” Lawrence said as the clone gritted his teeth before nodding.

“So answer me, what do you remember. You better answer honestly or you will never see the light of day” Lawrence threatened as the clone trembled sightly. It was weird for them to see Lawrence talking to another version of himself but Lawrence seems to doesn’t care.

“I-i don’t remember anything. I was given all of your memories but that’s all. I was able to learn the Celestial Domination spear art and use it properly. I also reach the adept level in moonlight beams and light weapon spell. I indeed made a mistake…Forgive me for my sudden attack. I was still confused about what I should do so I thought that I must kill you so I can replace the original.” The clone replied while sighing. The clone was extremely honest which makes it easier for Lawrence to talk to it. Both Luke and Vania notice anxiety and fear in the clone’s heart despite its deadpan expression. Emotions that they never saw in Lawrence’s heart.

“Let me read the double body art first. Maybe there was a mistake in my interpretation” Lawrence said while opening the book. On the last page, there’s a muddled page with the words ‘There’s a chance that the clone will gain sentience and if this happens. Never let any angel’s adjudicator discover the clone. As it will clash with their belief in the laws of creation. That only the Creator can create and only the Destroyer can destroy.

A heavy sigh escaped from Lawrence’s mouth as he can’t believe that he created another enemy. At this point, once the three powers descend this plane just like Catalinna described. He’d be their target. Also, it didn’t explain why the clone gained sentience. He can already feel the headache coming.

“I only have some restrictions for you. Never show yourself to others and if needed act as if you are simply a clone. Don’t talk and don’t do anything peculiar. If needed to fight, fight normally and don’t react to taunts, jeers, anything. ” Lawrence said with a serious expression as the clone nodded. Everyone in the room took a last look at both Lawrences talking to each other while ignoring them. The clone vanished into a wist of smoke as Lawrence lifted the Gungnir in the air before flying towards his space ring together with the black spear.

“Are all of you just gonna stare at me?” Lawrence quipped with a weak smile while blood is slowly dripping from his mouth. As Samantha immediately grabbed the potions and opened them as quickly as she can. The liquid floated towards Lawrence’s mouth as he is using his gravity to control it.

“W-what happen to the other boss?” Vania asked, still confused about what happened.

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“I return him to my body. He might be sentient but he’s still my aura. Well…Technically” Lawrence replied after wiping his mouth.

“I guess everything is fine. Well, I’ll be returning to my room” Catalinna replied while yawning as she left the room. Also, Vania looked at Lawrence worriedly before bidding him goodnight and leaving the room. Samantha also left the room in a hurry upon realizing that the cure she is creating might explode. Geiryst was about to follow her only to be blocked by Luke.

“Can I take a bit of your time?” Luke smiled

“No, as you can see I’m a bit busy” Geiryst replied before running towards Samantha. Leaving only Luke and Lawrence in the room.

“Well, I gotta go boss. I have some business with Geiryst” Luke said to Lawrence before closing the door. After all that, Lawrence simply changed his clothing before heading back to the bed. All of the blood scattered on the floor mysteriously vanished as Lawrence didn’t think too much about it. It must have something to do with Samantha as he lay on his bed before falling asleep.

In the hallway, Luke once again stopped Geiryst who glared at him. A carefree smile remained on Luke’s face as Geiryst wanted to punch his face. Irritated, a small portal appeared below his feet before falling into it only to be grabbed by Luke before throwing him away from the portal.

“Wanna die you piece of shit?” Geiryst cursed with anger and irritation in his tone. Two white pistols manifested in his hands as he aimed them at Luke.

“Last warning. I might lose to Lawrence but I’m confident enough to blow your head off” he warned

“Oh~ what a terrible man.” Luke smirked before opening his mouth “May the goddess of light die under my sole and be consumed by- a fast bullet smashed towards Luke who was able to dodge it easily with the use of his eyes before shifting his weight to the left as a bullet barely missed his back.

“Oh? Why are you so angry? Don’t tell me you’re a templar? Oh no- he was interrupted again as a hundred blue portals surrounded Luke before bullets rained on him. Coming from different directions. A small blue cross mark appeared on Luke’s chest as all of the bullets appeared to be moving into that location but it didn’t reach him as he was already outside of the rain of bullets coming from the portal. He activated shadow jump before the portal appeared since he already saw the future of him getting trapped in the hail of bullets that targeted him. His sight was blurry for a second before it returned to normal as he saw the floor covered with smoking holes.

“You seemed to have missed. A shame really. I guess I have no choice but to tell Samantha. You see…I can’t lie to such a sweet and gentle woman” Luke smirked as Geiryst gritted his teeth.

“What do you want?” Geiryst asked despite his misgivings over this man. He will do anything to hide the fact that he’s a templar to Samantha. The reason he became a templar was that he was chosen by the goddess of light to be her candidate to become a successor like Lawrence.

He was given the cube of metallic creation, a relic that allows him to recreate five items whatever it is. He can create an infinite amount of them if he had the mana and he has the space element that allows him to learn the spells to create a portal and he was able to reach the master level of it. Allowing him to use it with a minimal amount of mana and instantly cast it. Unlike Lawrence who abhorred the idea of being controlled by a goddess. Geiryst accepted it, he needed the power to protect himself and Samantha despite how many lives he has to take or what atrocities he has to do under the name of a so-called goddess.

“It’s simple really. You templars have access to information on different continents, right? Report to me about every wolfkin’s clan activity. What they are doing, what they did, and what they will do. I want to know every piece of information on them. Other than that, just don’t hurt Vania and we’ll be alright” Luke deeply smiled.

Before Luke can walk away, he turned around with a small smile on his face

“I appreciate your dedication to keeping your secret. I wonder how you got it.” Luke added while glancing around him before vanishing into the darkness

A grim expression appeared on Geiryst’s face as he slams his fist continuously into the nearby wall until blood splattered all over it. A savage expression appeared on his face as a glowing white mark covered half of his face.

A woman’s soothing voice flowed into his ears “As I said before. Remove that woman from your life. She’s nothing but a roadblock in your path. You will find someone better”

“SHUT UP! Fuck!” Geiryst shouted with deep anger in his voice as a barely audible gasp followed before a soft chuckle entered his ears.

“Oh, mortals….I really can’t believe I was one of you” the goddess added before the glowing mark slowly vanished from Geiryst’s face. The invisible barrier covering where Luke and Geiryst fought broke into a thousand pieces as the room returned to normal as if nothing happen. A small ring on his finger cracked and falls to the ground before exploding into tiny pieces. With a sigh, he returned to the basement to help Samantha on making the cure.

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