Reincarnated with the author

Chapter 43: CH 43

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With the sunlight entering his room, Lawrence arises from his bed as he looked through the large window where he can see the market below with a few citizens walking around and some shopkeepers opening their shops. It was a quiet morning than he thought. Looking at his suit, it finally returned back to normal after getting ripped by Keiren. Luckily, the artifact suit can fix itself or he would have wasted his money.

Walking downstairs, he saw Keiren sitting on the sofa with a fatigued expression. He looked like a dying man with his eyes fixed on the floor like a soulless husk. Lawrence walked towards him as Keiren looked up as their gazes connected.

“Can they be trusted?” Keiren’s eyes, which is filled with pain and sorrow landed on Lawrence who sat beside him.

“Yes…Though their monarch is a traitor of mankind, he is someone who has saved countless orphans and provided them with homes while giving them the power only a few can get. He simply abhorred the concept of praying and revering the gods who in turn don’t care about the life or death of their believers.” Lawrence replied with a cold expression.

“It seems that you’re painting him in a good light. I have never heard of a traitor of mankind who isn’t outright evil.”

“Of course not, he kills anyone who has faith in god and he’s a ruthless man who uses the greed of others to fuel his influence and wealth.” Lawrence noticed that Keiren’s fists trembled. Still, he stayed beside him. Lawrence believes that his choice is the right one and he is willing to accept the consequences of that choice.

“Thank you…”

“Huh?” Lawrence blurted out incredulously as he looked at Keiren with widened eyes.

“I know it’s my fault…Thank you for stopping me since I might do something I would regret again. I know it wasn’t an easy choice but since you believe that my daughter would live, why would i, her father. Give up? I will also believe that she will live and return to a normal young girl with a future” Keiren smiled before leaving with his back facing Lawrence. When he was about to open the door, he stopped in his tracks before looking back “You can get the information about the first prince later at night” after that, he left the mansion to return to the slum where his pub resides.

Now that it’s partially solved, the only thing Lawrence can do is train for the upcoming tournament. Heading back to the basement, he went straight to the training room where he found the clone training meticulously with determination in his eyes.

In front of the gate, a group of people wearing peculiar clothes appeared with a black-haired young man in front. On his back is a large slim black sword that looked like an enlarged katana. A pink-haired lady is beside him wielding a metal large staff and a blue-haired man is wearing a cloak with his eyes bandaged with a white cloth. Two long swords are fixed on his belt. Another green-haired girl is wearing a church garb with a string of beads firmly stuck between her palms clasped together in a praying gesture. The last one is a small figure wearing a cloak that hides its appearance.

“Cain, this better be not a waste of time” the blue-haired man warned as Cain turned his head with a sly smile.

“Of course not. Though you don’t have the right to whine, you lost to me remember?” Cain smirked as the man clicked his tongue and crossed his arms. The guard stopped them in front of the gate but the green-haired lady walked in front of the guards who immediately recognizes her. All of them hurriedly dropped to their knees with their head facing the ground. A few citizens wondered what was happening but upon seeing the girl, they know why.

“You don’t have to worry. I’m the second princess, MatsuoSekai. These people saved me from the hands of the bloodthirsty monsters on my way back to the capital” Matsuo smiled radiantly as if a bright halo appeared behind her.

“Of course your highness.” the captain knight bowed on one knee before standing up with a smile on his face. The guards immediately went to the sides to avoid blocking the way as the group easily entered the kingdom while being escorted by the captain knight. Cain looked around but he didn’t find anyone relatively similar to Lawrence as he simply shrugged it off. Still, an excited expression emerged on his face before returning to his carefree smile.

Arriving at the palace, they were stopped again by a man wearing a simple kimono with a naginata, a long bladed pole in his hands. The man is what can be called a samurai, a warrior who guards the palace that is recruited from the different nobilities in the Sekai kingdom. They are mostly composed of nobles who didn’t become the head of the family yet were talented enough in the way of weapons. Everything from their clothes, weapons, and accessories is artifacts created by a talented blacksmith and they are revered by the knights and guards for their immense strength and wealth. They rarely participate in wars but they are still a competent combatant on the battlefield.

“Only the one with royal blood can enter the palace” the man said sternly

“But” the princess rebutted but the man hurriedly replied.

“Forgive me your highness but rules are needed to be followed. As for your guest, I have arranged a proper place for them to live. Just follow the captain knight as he will bring you to the establishment”

The princess gritted her teeth as she noticed a few times before how her sister can bring anyone into the palace but she can only swallow this discrimination. She looked back at Cain who looked at her with a carefree smile.

“Thank you for your help warriors. Don’t worry, a proper remuneration will arrive. For now, goodbye” she waved them goodbye as Cain also waved his hands while Katarina sighed. The second princess entered the gate while being escorted by the man in the kimono as the group followed the captain knight to the luxurious mansion where they would stay.

Once the night hits, Keiren returned to the mansion as the gate swung open. In front of the mansion, he saw Lawrence sitting on the chair while sipping tea calmly. His appearance was that of Evan Everlock to avoid suspicion since the wall is simply made of black steel bars and is opened for outsiders to peer in the yard. Keiren grabbed the closest chair before sitting and sliding a small book towards Lawrence who in turn grabbed it with haste. He reads it for a while before nodding.

“A talentless fool who doesn’t do anything but waste time on the red district. Seems familiar, anyway. Thank you for the information and take this as my payment” Lawrence manifested a pouch full of gold coins on the table containing a total of 50 gold coins. He didn’t see it as a waste as even in the information, the first prince isn’t described as a fool. He knows that he will never become the king so he decided to act like a fool who plays with women and drinks alcohol all night. Though he’s powerless, it seems that he was able to get the support of some old noble families who believe that the ruler must be a man. Seeing that Lawrence is satisfied with the information given, Keiren decided that it’s a waste to not receive some extra money.

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“Oh..I’ll take it then” Keiren grabbed the pouch before inserting it in his pocket as it vanish into it.

“Just go to the pub if you need my services” Keiren added before leaving as Lawrence went inside the mansion. There are three places where the first prince can be found. In heaven’s bliss, a luxurious brothel where only the rich can go. The other place called the hero’s delight is the tavern where the rarest wines and drinks can be found. Lastly is in the house of the Kinsei family, the noble family famous for having the bloodline of elves and their talent for magic. His fiance is the second daughter of that family. Interestingly enough, there is some information written that the house is where the slaves are being sold but the information appeared to be vague at best. Slaves are banned in public but almost all of the kingdoms still do slavery for a number of reasons. Lawrence needs to investigate it as the dukedom of the Kinsei Family has a place named Kondor.

Though using the carriage to reach there would take 4 days and he can’t risk missing the tournament. Still, he decided that it would be best to head to the brothel tomorrow evening to see if the prince is there. For now, it’s best to stay at the mansion since Vania is about to break through to become a 2-star mage. He needs to be alert in case Vania loses control, a lot of people might become charmed since they are in the middle of the residential area of the kingdom.

Meanwhile, Luke is walking through what can be considered the red light district as the sickening smell of sweet perfume lingered in the air. The bright lights littered the place as beautiful ladies come and go with men locked in their arms. He is currently using the disguise given to him by Keiren as he just wants to explore the place and hopefully find something interesting. Men drooling with a perverted smile while eying the beauties is common as he didn’t even look at them. Some ladies tried pulling him into the brothel but he simply refused with a sly smile.

“Hmmm…it seems boring here. Should I head back?” Luke said to himself before someone bumped into him. He looked at the man who bumped him as the man looked back at him.

“Oh? Sorry, sir. Though you better take off that cloth on your eyes or you might bump into others” Luke pointed out as the man simply stared at him or at least looked in his direction. Luke doesn’t know what’s the deal with this man with a cloth covering his eyes.

“I guess you’re mute too. Oh well, i guess I’ll be going back” Luke shrugged only for the man to pull the sword out before aiming it at Luke. Everyone near the both of them walked away as they don’t want to pulled into the fight.

“You know. It’s not polite to aim such a sharp weapon on someone” Luke smiled

“Your them” the blue-haired man spoke out as Luke tilted his head.

“It’s open though..I’m just squinting” Luke sneered before walking away but the blue-haired man pulled the cloth off from his eyes as the both of them vanished. The people hoping to see something exciting shakes their heads disappointingly while others didn’t care what happened as they proceeded with their business.

Both of them appeared in the forest and Luke immediately turned around with both of his daggers unsheathed. The blue-haired man wrapped the cloth back on his eyes as Luke inspected the surroundings and the strength of his enemy. The blue-haired man is a mid-stage 3-star warrior with the ability to teleport. Luckily, the forest is full of shadowed areas meaning Luke can move effectively in case he needs to retreat or attack.

“What do you want?” Luke asked, trying to find out the man’s purpose in bringing him here.

“Your eyes, what kind is that?” the man asked with a cautious tone.

“My eyes? A normal one, what do you mean?” Luke replied with a shrug. There’s no way he’s stupid enough to reveal his eyes unless it’s needed.

“Answer properly.” the blue-haired man unsheathed one of the swords while holding it in front of him. Oddly enough, on the blade of the sword. A few droplets of water slide from the blade before hitting on the ground.

“You know what, I’m tired of this” Luke charged as the man stayed on the spot before swinging his blade. Creating a line of sharp aura that barreled towards Luke. Out of nowhere, a dagger penetrated the man’s chest as another Luke appeared behind the man. Who smirked at the man.

Luke used his qi called mirage to create an illusion who charged in front and at the same time, he used the first movement of the dagger art given to him by the old man named teleporting strike to appear behind the man. In a turn of surprising events, the man literally dissolved into a puddle before spikes made of pressurized water spouted from the puddle, slamming towards Luke’s body. Luke immediately used shadow jump on a nearby shadow just under the tree. Luke was surprised for a moment before his cold demeanor returned.

The puddle returns to the shape of the man who looked at the real Luke warily. Luke opened his eyes as the man immediately dashes away into the dark forest before vanishing but Luke didn’t follow the man, he doesn’t want to battle that man or thing.

“What did I see? No…what was that. All of his body is made with water yet there exists a meridian fused with the water. Is he the fabled elemental? Then he should use mana instead of aura” Luke remained flabbergasted by what he saw. In the end, he decided that it would be best to ask Lawrence about it. Only to look around and find out that he’s outside the capital of the kingdom. A sigh escaped from his mouth as he decided to pick a random direction hoping to find a road leading back to the capital.

Unknown to Luke, the water flowing on the nearby bark of the tree seemingly moved unnaturally before moving away in a burst of speed. A few meters away, a blue-haired man emerged just crouching on the branches of a large tree. A hint of killing intent leaked from the man before muttering

“No one must know and those who know die by my hands”

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