Reincarnated with the author

Chapter 49: CH 49

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With Luke and Lawrence riding in a carriage to the dukedom of the Kinsei Family. They arrived at the place at midnight with their bodies tired from sitting almost four hours in the carriage. The walls of the Kinsei Dukedom are quite small compared to the walls of the capital of the Sekai Kingdom but a large number of magical enchantments and runes are scattered in every part of it. The mana condensed in the area is stronger than everywhere they have been before that if Luke opens his eyes, there would be a light fog covering the entirety of the dukedom. Each of the 8 influential families controls a vast land for them to use and rule over however they like as long as they pay the taxes to the king and do not commit unspeakable acts.

The Kinsei Family controls the rocky mountainside of the Sekai Kingdom with a line of mountains protecting the north from bandits and monsters. Though the Kinsei Family is famous for their talented mages, their main source of income is artifacts, jewelry, and armors they created with the use of ores and minerals they find when digging the mountains.

Both Luke and Lawrence passed through the large gates with mages protecting the wall and patrolling unlike in the Sekai Kingdom. They were granted an easy pass since they were invited by the first prince. Passing through the normal street, they entered the area where the wealthy and those that have the blood of the Kinsei reside. With their mansions, completely enchanted with protection magic with little floating orbs littered all over the place providing light. There were also some armored spirits patrolling the marble roads as Luke can’t help but be amazed to find out that the armored ‘people’ was actually controlled by mana. Ahead, there were even floating mansions flying with runes attached to make them float in the air. Lawrence noticed Luke’s amazement as even to him, it looked like a magical place full of wonders.

“Please close your mouth. They might think you’re an ignorant buffoon” Lawrence commented as Luke chuckled before shrugging.

“Just can’t help myself. This is place is simply magical. I hope others can see this.”

“Magical is one way to put it”

The place where they had to go cannot be more obvious as it’s the biggest mansion with the most amount of runes and magical gems attached to it. It’s floating higher than other mansions and it’s located in the northernmost part of the dukedom. It’s more of a palace than a mansion with four towers on each corner having a large blue crystal floating on top of it.

It’s a mana crystal that supports the mana being used in the dukedom from the near transparent barrier to the small floating orbs giving light. Lawrence is sure that it’s not the largest they have but he doesn’t know where it’s located. There is a luxurious carriage situated on the ground with golden stairs heading to the top and into the gate of the palace as two stone statues with glowing eyes are seemingly guarding the stairs. Each depicts a dragon, that reaches almost 10 meters in length.

Out of nowhere, a hooded figure materialized with a wooden staff in his hands.

“Welcome to my humble abode. Guest of the First Prince. Please follow me. Also, I recommend that you wear a mask” a husky voice escaped from the mouth of the hooded figure. By the looks of his crooked back and slow movement, the man in front of them appears to be an old man. Lawrence grabbed two of the mask from the space ring and handed one to Luke who accepted it and wore it over his face.

Lawrence and Luke followed the old man up the stairs when eerily enough. They found themselves standing in a large hall with other guests wearing different kinds of masks. It looked like a banquet is happening as a large array of foods can be seen on the tables while a few masked musicians can be seen in the corner filling the room with soothing music.

With no idea where to go, they waited and didn’t move away from where they were teleported as a masked man walked toward them while waving his hand. Upon closer inspection, it was the first prince with a woman behind him wearing a large gown and wearing a simple black mask.

“You’ve come. We’ll discuss the matter later since there’s an auction happening” The first prince whispered to the both of them.

“Oh? I have never heard of an auction in the Kinsei Family.” Luke replied with interest as the first prince chuckled

“It’s usually only for those invited by the family itself or honor guests bringing in someone. I decided to bring the both of you in here since I figured that our alchemist, Evan would find something he likes”

“I appreciate the gesture, first prince” Lawrence replied

“I would appreciate it more if the cure works but let’s talk about that later. The auction is about to start” The first prince gestured at the podium as they looked at it.

An old man wearing a black suit walked to the podium as the noisy chatters stopped while the musician rested. The old man coughed before opening a letter.

“The 40th auction has started. Let us thank the first prince of the Sekai Kingdom for attending this momentous occasion.” the old man glanced at the first prince who nodded.

The old man gestured to the side as a woman wearing skimpy clothes brought a cracked red crystal that is encased in a box of glass. It occasionally shoots out small red flashes of lightning around the glass box, shocking the crowd as the old man appeared to be proud.

“This item right here is the called the dragon’s lightning gem. It’s a mana crystal bathed in the blood of a dragon for a decade. This item can give a lightning affinity mage or paragon the powerful dragon lightning.” the old man informed everyone with a large smile as murmurs surrounded the hall. Even Luke is amazed by the gem but Lawrence isn’t interested in the item itself. Although what the old man said is true, the chances to get the dragon’s lightning are minuscule without a dragon heart to contain it. It’s the same as wasting money in a lottery hoping to win. The bid started at 500 cold coins but it skyrocketed to 2100 gold coins as no one wanted to bid anymore. A masked man wearing a mage robe won the bid as the old man clapped his hands and gestured for another item.

A few items went and gone with gold coins flowing from everybody’s pockets. Lawrence’s measly 500 gold coins are nothing compared to how much other people spent on the auction itself. There are items he wanted but he can’t afford them as he can only sigh.

“We will be bringing 5 mysterious items that we were able to dig from the hidden lair we found on the central continent. Please bring them here” the old man gestured as a few men brought five boxes before opening them on the podium.

“Please be reminded that these items cannot be identified by our appraiser so there might be side effects in the items. Please bid cautiously and please handle each item carefully.” the old man smiled before glancing at the box and nodding at the few men who lifted the top of the boxes and revealed the items.

There are two black crystals emitting a white glow, a normal stick, a broken handle of a sword, and a scale of some animal. The old man smiled awkwardly while the crowd murmured and whispered.

“I’ll take the stick and the handle of the sword for 50 gold coins” Lawrence shouted as the crowd looked his way. The old man also looked at him suspiciously.

“Can I ask why you wanted them?” The old man asked

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“There from the central continent right? I’m a collector of anything related to the central continent. It doesn’t matter if it’s trash” Lawrence shrugged as the old man pondered for a while before nodding.

“Fine, 50 gold coins for that gentlemen. How about the crystals? Any takers?” the old man said as almost half of the people raised their arms. Even Lawrence doesn’t know what those crystals are for. Each crystal was sold at 500 gold coins leaving the scale in the box with everyone wondering which creature it was taken from.

“This scale changes color by what fire it was being burned. If it’s a normal fire, it doesn’t change but when being burned by fire from a spell, it glows weakly. We checked its conductivity with mana but it’s just the same as normal steel.” the old man explained

“If no one’s buying that scale. I’ll buy that for 50 gold coins” Lawrence raised his arms as the old man nodded.

“Of course, with that. The auction is finished. For those who won a bid, please wait for your item” the old man smiled as the majority of the guest started leaving while those who bought something went to the podium as Lawrence followed them. Leaving Luke and the first prince who was confused about why he bought such items that can be considered useless.

In the back of the podium, there is a secret passage as every single buyer went through a seemingly normal wall only to find out that it’s made of illusionary runes attached to the side. Lawrence was gestured by a woman to come near her as he walked towards her and he saw her carrying a black suitcase.

“Mr?” the woman asked

“Just call me Odin.” Lawrence replied. Although this woman probably knows his identity to be the Alchemist brought by the First Prince. He might as well use another name to avoid getting overheard by those bidders who have no idea about his second identity. The reason he named himself Odin is from the simple fact that the weapon he uses is tied with Odin’s myth in the norse mythology.

The woman lifted the suitcase to reveal the stick, the broken handle, and the scale as Lawrence made sure what he sensed was right. After confirming, he nodded before handing the woman a pouch full of gold coins containing 150 gold coins. It hurt his heart but if his senses and gut feeling is right, he and others might grow stronger.

The woman closed the suitcase before handing it to Lawrence with a smile. As Lawrence accepted it with a nod.

“Please return to the grand hall since the First Prince is waiting for you”

Lawrence didn’t linger any longer and went back to the grand hall only to find a few guests and the first prince with his bodyguard and Luke. After approaching the three of them, Lawrence inserted the suitcase into his space ring before anyone can ask why he bought those items.

“I believe that we have more important matters to do. Where do you propose we test the cure?” Lawrence immediately cut off in any way for the First Prince to ask about why he bought those items as the first prince can only chuckle.

“Follow me. It’s inside this palace the Kinsei family built.” the first prince smiled. The first prince lead them to the stairs going down as they went to the corner of the palace. They went inside one of the four towers as there are stairs leading to the top while a metal grate on the floor. The first prince knocked on it a couple of times, creating a ringing sound that echoed in the basement. The metal grate slowly opened as the first prince gestured for them to come in. The woman that has been following the first prince went in first before being followed by the prince itself as both Lawrence and Luke have no idea what would happen next. With a sigh, Luke went and Lawrence followed.

When they opened their eyes, a white room surrounded them with metal beds everywhere. In each bed, there lay a group of men and women wheezing with their veins bulging and their eyes fixed on the white ceiling. They looked like a husk of people, as the audible sound of desperate breathing is echoed all around the white room.

“This is the critical stage of the illness. They become nothing like they used to. They’re basically a husk, simply breathing until they die.” The first prince informed with a grave tone in his voice.

“I really hope that your cure works” The first prince muttered earnestly.

“Then hope for the best” Lawrence replied before getting a small vial of the cure from his pocket and a needle. Luke can’t help but be nervous since no one has ever tried putting a cure straight to a heart. Especially to a mana heart.

Lawrence walked to the nearest person laying on the bed. The woman is in her early twenties but the illness has taken a toll on her. Her skin has latched on to her bones with her facial expressions sunken in. There are no signs of muscle or fat that can be found on her body as Lawrence immediately doused the needle with the cure. With a swift motion, he pierced the heart easily since even the ribs has been brittle and her body offered no protection. Hurriedly, he poured the remaining cure into the small wound. Blood trickled from the heart but Lawrence wasn’t that concerned about it.

After that, he steps back and watches as the woman goes into a violent seizure. The first prince was about to rush toward the woman only to be stopped by Lawrence with a golden spear on the prince’s face.

“Be patient” Lawrence commented as the first prince didn’t back down and looked at the woman with concern and curiosity. Luke nearly broke into a sweat as he was sure that the woman that has been following the prince who is wearing a mask is actually the chivalry knight. Luckily the chivalry knight didn’t answer back with an attack.

The woman continued going into a seizure for a minute as blood splattered everywhere before returning back to normal. The first prince wondered what happened as Lawrence gladly informed him.

“Her mana heart has been fixed. Also, her blood has returned to normal. If she eat normally and gathered enough mana, she would be able to become a mage.”

“Is that true?” The first prince glanced at the woman beside him who nodded awkwardly like she cannot believe it.

“It really did?! It worked! Finally!” The first prince was extremely elated as he looked at Lawrence in a brand new light. Lawrence is indeed a genius alchemist and an important member of society and his road to becoming the king if he can ally with him. His eyes are filled with greed and gratefulness, staring at the calm man in front of him.

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