Reincarnated with the author

Chapter 52: CH 52

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A week has passed with nothing interesting that happened. Lawrence continued training in the new spear art that he has never used before. Its aptly named the demon marking spear art. It’s a dangerous spear art not only to the enemy but to himself. It has five spear techniques that focus on marking the enemy with different debuffs or ailments. The mark of healsteal, the mark of weakness, the mark of bleed, the mark of blindness, and lastly reckless.

The mark of healsteal is simply every time Lawrence hits the enemy two times. He will steal a small portion of the enemy’s stamina, vitality, and resistance. The mark of weakness allows Lawrence to weaken the enemy’s strength and spell power every time he hits the enemy two times. The mark of bleed is every time Lawrence hits the enemy two times, they will gain a wound that cannot be healed no matter what they do. Meanwhile, the mark of blindness allows Lawrence to temporarily blind the enemy every time he hits them two times.

The first four spear techniques show how the majority of how demons fight. Weakening their enemies with a barrage of negative ailments before going in for the kill. The demons used this strategy since they greatly outnumber both the gods and the angels while being weaker individually.

According to Catalinna, the angels would burn the demons by the millions but it was nothing to the massive amount of weaker demons waiting for them, the deeper they went. The angels and the gods see the demons as a pest that needs to be clean so they worked together in the second eternal war in hopes to remove their existence. Still, they didn’t reach the deepest part of the hell despite their best efforts. Their godly and holy bodies weren’t enough to handle the destructive curses and ailments thrown at them by the legions of hell. The second eternal war finished when both the gods and angels realized that it was simply a waste of effort and almost a fourth of them were killed. The demons lost the majority of their legions but not a single noble demon died nor did the 7 manifestations of deadly sin.

Catalinna also gave everyone a harrowing detail and important information about the three forces that are above humans. The gods are mortal beings that reach godhood through cultivation and treasures while angels simply manifested from the leftover powers of the creator before their departure. Meanwhile, the demons manifested from the excess amount of hostility and destruction created by the fight between the creator and progenitor of origin.

There have been four eternal wars, the first one was between the demons and angels. Both of them raged wars that nearly killed every single being in the mortal plane only for heroes to emerge from the chaos. Heroes and warriors sacrificed themselves to protect what’s left of their race. It was the darkest time in the mortal plane where mortals lived. An incredible moment happened when a group of heroes killed a noble demon. They realized they can get the power wielded by them once killed. It was the divinity and with it. They achieve what’s called zenith or the highest point that allowed them to fight angels and noble demons by themselves.

They called themselves gods. From a simple human to a dragon, they can finally fight back against the conquerors. This slowly signaled the end of the first eternal war. In the hindsight, no one won the first eternal war. Both the demons and angels weren’t able to secure a single continent while the majority of the mortals were killed. The second eternal war resulted in the creation of the Patheon. A third firmament where only the mortals who gained divinity and zenith can go and protect the mortal plane while sitting on their high throne and looking from below. Catalinna only gave the basic gist of information on the first two eternal wars before she felt like if she continued, something dangerous will happen. Everyone agreed and they didn’t talk about it ever again.

Lawrence continued swinging the Gungnir as the clone named Jack is taking a break in the corner. They spent most of the week in the training room, sparring and learning fighting styles. The clone has improved significantly as he was not getting manhandled by Lawrence anymore. He can accurately perceive if Lawrence is gonna attack and he can move his body in a way to receive the less amount of damage possible. He can also break Lawrence’s gravity barrier consistently and incorporate it during their spar.

“That last attack you did. What was that?” The clone asked as Lawrence glanced at him before continuing on swinging the spear.

“Your spear stabs were too fast for me to even react. When do I get a cheat ability like that?” the clone wondered as, in the last attack, Lawrence activated reckless which made his spear stabs three times faster. Drilling holes into the clone in a matter of seconds.

“My new spear art. Besides, it’s not a cheat ability. If I miss, I will instead receive the damage and the mark that was activated at that time”

“But didn’t you tell me that Gungnir guarantees a hit no matter what?”

“Exactly” Lawrence smiles as the clone clicked his tongue.

“Can I get a new movement art? I felt restricted with the current one.” the clone asked which surprised Lawrence since the light sky step movement art was perfect for the moonlight beam. Also, it allows mobility in the air which most warriors can’t do. Giving the clone advantage over warriors and with his spear art, mages don’t pose a big of a problem if he can reflect and absorb the spells thrown at them.


“You have the spell lighten which makes you faster. Also, when we spar. I can’t fight against you in close combat. You know why”

“Fine. i’ll try to look for one. As thanks for saving me” Lawrence said which made the clone smile. There was clear excitement in the clone’s eye as Lawrence sighed.

“The fastest one or something that makes dodging easier. Preferably the storm wind movement art.” the clone suggested.

“I’ll try to look for one. Anyway, just train for now. I’ll put my name in the arena for the coming tournament.” Lawrence went outside the training room leaving the clone who started training after a short break.

The tournament will start 2 days from now. He knows that both Luke and Catalinna will enter it in hopes of reaching the top 10. Of course, Catalinna can’t use her soul fire since a few higher-ups will question her identity while Luke can’t use beast transformation. But they seemed to be confident. Catalinna is a mid-stage 3-star paragon while Luke is a high-stage 3-star warrior. Lawrence is also a mid-stage 3-star paragon and he is hoping to gather some internal aura from the tournament. Since internal aura can be obtained through fighting and killing.

Lawrence used his Evan Everlock identity to go to the coliseum as a line of warriors and mages can be seen from the walls of the coliseum. There are knights and samurai patrolling and maintaining order as some sword saints can be seen looking below on top of the walls of the coliseum. There were some fights that happened but it was easily solved upon a sword saint went near them as a terrifying pressure is casually getting exuded from them.

Upon reaching the front where the participants put their names to join the tournament. A familiar face greeted him, who was working and labeling the names of the participants. It was the violet-haired lady who asked Lawrence what the tablet they stole. The woman looked at him before giving cold smile. Lawrence didn’t react and simply nodded.

“Please put your name on this list. Oh, and your cultivation. We don’t want you to get paired against 4-stars.” the woman smiled deviously. Lawrence wrote the name Evan Everlock before writing his cultivation. After that, the woman immediately snatched the paper with a sly smile.

“I hope you made it past the second round. Good luck~” the woman waved as Lawrence simply turned around and left. Noticing that Lawrence was gone, a man walked towards where she was sitting and asked.

“What are you planning? You do know that we are acting for the empire right? Anything we do will be compromised and judged by the council”

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“Come on. Don’t worry. That man will die once he reaches the third round. His enemy that we employed will know full well of his abilities. Besides, his enemy is a four-star assassin.” the woman whispered to the man who gazed at her with disbelief.

“Did the council allowed you to do that?” the man whispered back

“Of course. No matter how small or worthless the thing they stole. They still stole something from the empire and you know the council doesn’t like that”

“They’re getting too petty with this. Did they know that the first prince is meeting up with him?”

“Yes, but they didn’t care. If it wasn’t for the tension between the three kingdom alliance and the empire. They would’ve gone here and massacred that man. Anyway, it’s our job to do their dirty work” the woman shrugged before shooing the man.

“This better not mess up. I want my retirement sooner not later.” the man argued as the violet-haired woman gave him a smirk before entertaining the next participant who will join the tournament.

Meanwhile, Lawrence went straight to the martial library as he went to the counter to find the elf sleeping again. There are a lot more people here than normal but as usual, no one went to the basement where illegal and dangerous arts are displayed.

“Basement?” the elf murmured with his eyes closed. Lawrence nodded as the elf opened his one eye with a disgruntled expression.

“Yes or no? I might be an elf but I can’t see if someone is nodding or not when my EYES ARE CLOSED! Besides, you don’t seem to be poor or desperate so why do you go to the basement?” the elf wondered, Lawrence went silent as the elf was getting anticipated to get his answer.

“Yes” Lawrence nodded as the elf gnashed his teeth and grabbed a total of 5 silvers directly from Lawrence’s pocket as it disappeared and appeared on the table. A wave of the elf’s hand was all it took for Lawrence to appear in the basement once more.

Lawrence explored the basement where the movement arts are labeled as he wanted a movement art that prioritized speed over anything. Since the clone can die and be revived as long as Lawrence has an aura, he can pick the riskiest movement art.

He looked briefly before finding the deathly rush movement art. According to what information he obtained from reading it, it basically speeds up someone to the maximum their body can handle. Their muscles will bleed and torn if used too much but the speed it can give can reach five times than normal. Obviously, Lawrence won’t use this but for the clone who he can revive.

After tucking it into his space ring, he heads upstairs to find the elf glaring at him as he simply bowed before leaving. Arriving at the mansion, he went straight to the basement where the training room is. Once inside, he only saw fire engulfing everything as Catalinna charged forward with her palm facing forward as a pure white fire exploded towards Luke and the clone who desperately blocked it. Fenrir’s back paw manifested in front of Luke while the clone used Absorb as he swings the spear sideways to create a fan-like movement that absorbed the majority of the incoming fire.

“LET’S GO! Come on! Don’t be scared!” Catalinna shouted with a savage grin on her face.

“Hey, Mr clone. We might lose this one if we don’t do something” Luke commented upon seeing that Catalinna is currently covered with a white fire that incinerates anything that comes near it. Making her near invisible from attacks.

“I can’t do anything. My moonlight beam disintegrates immediately. Other than my spear art, I don’t have anything.” the clone replied while Catalinna patiently waits for their next move. Usually, what she’s doing is extremely dangerous as it’s the same as burning herself from how high the temperature of the white fire can exude. Luckily, she was gifted by Ozial the fire immunity which allows her to do this maneuver. Though, it needs a large amount of mana to maintain.

“Just run around until Catalinna exhausted herself. She can’t keep up the mana usage of the white flame” Lawrence suggested across the room as Luke and the clone nodded while Catalinna clicked her tongue.

The white flame vanished but a gauntlet manifested on her right arm. She punched forward creating a fireball that crashed in between Luke and the clone. Followed by a large explosion while smoke covered the room. Catalinna twisted the red ring on her finger as her eyes gives a red glow. She immediately vanished and comes face to face with the clone. She pointed her palm towards the clone in point blank range but the clone reflected the incoming white fire blast but it did nothing to hinder Catalinna’s barrage of fireballs and fire palms. The clone tried jumping away before light weapons and moonlight beams rained towards Catalinna but she briefly used the white fire to destroy everything he throws at her before charging once again. Luke tried helping the clone but a white firewall stopped him from helping as he can only stand and wait.

After a minute of continuous fire explosions and beams. Catalinna stepped outside the firewall with minimal damage. Meanwhile, the clone is sitting on the floor and holding his arms up in submission. Luke can only raise his arms upon seeing Catalinna.

“I still can’t do anything against you, Miss Catalinna” Luke smiled weakly at Catalinna’s smirk. Catalinna pointed at his neck to find a small violet fire attached to it. As Luke immediately puts it out.

“Did ya like that Lawrence? Come on! Let’s fight! I mean spar.” Catalinna suggested with a smirk. Lawrence only sighed.

“You’ll only lose.” Lawrence replied curtly with a smile

“You must be confident. Then why not try fighting? Don’t be scared now” Catalinna tried teasing him to at least get a reaction but Lawrence only smiled before shrugging and walking towards the clone who is busy panting and recovering. Lawrence simply throws a book in front of the clone who looked at Lawrence confusedly.

“You have two days to reach the adept level. Good luck” Lawrence patted the clone’s back before leaving the training room.

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