Reincarnated with the author

Chapter 55: CH 55

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Lawrence finds himself chained to the ground. The ground itself has a rotten smell and a violet hue to it. It stretched as far as his eye can see while the sky was covered with a black silhouette of something enormous enough to swallow everything. Its black tendrils punctured the white clouds while enormous tentacles raged below, creating countless lines of destruction in its path.

The silhouette slowly revealed itself as a black goo with thousands of tendrils puncturing the sky and slowly bringing it down. It shouldn’t be possible yet the sky cracks with every tug of its tendrils. Out of the blue, the monstrosity in the sky seems to perceive Lawrence as it slowly opened eye per eye with red iris until it has fully covered with nothing but eyes.

The being said something but Lawrence can’t understand it. It creates a guttural and unexplainable sound yet it continued for an uncountable time. Lawrence felt that he has been stuck there listening for years yet isn’t clear. Still, he knows that the being can distort time itself as what appears to be a second took him a year to listen fully. His hair has reached to his back and his face looked worn and fatigued. He has a long beard that reaches his chest while he seemingly grows a few centimeters taller.

After speaking, the being simply ripped Lawrence to shreds with the amount of pressure released. The bones cracked in a second and his flesh was flattened by the next. Lawrence woke up in a cold sweat as he calmly breathes a sigh of relief. It seems that Catalinna has carried him back to his room.

He is confident that what he saw in his dreams is the manifestation of despair. The unkillable monster that destroyed the sky and covered the entirety of the 5 continents in darkness for a century. It didn’t do anything except manifest in the central continent and started destroying the physical manifestation of the sky which is the only barrier of mortals against the angels. A million warriors and mages tried stopping it but they only delayed its purpose. To plunge everything into despair. Almost half of the 7-star warriors and mages died just to stop the being yet it was inevitable. After it destroyed the sky, it immediately vanished into thin air. Never to be seen again

That century was aptly named the century of darkness. The sun vanished which resulted in the ocean slowly freezing. The crops died in under a year and the food supply dwindled. Most animals raised for consumption were slaughtered for fear of losing food. The temperature dropped to the point that if someone is breathing, they can see it in the air. Wars raged everywhere with killings and stealing a normal part of life if someone wants to survive. Eternal darkness was what was left after the primal sin of despair finished its mission.

Still, despite those times. Angels, bringing food and water would appear from the broken barrier which is the sky. Angels were treated like a god and worshiped like one. They abused their power to do whatever they wanted. The mortal plane became their plaything. Letting people do sickening things for a small morsel of food. Rage wars against their fellow angels for the fun of it. Still, once the barrier healed itself, the angels were forced to return and the sky formed once again. For the shameful history of being under the palm of angels, most written books and scriptures about them were destroyed and burned.

Out of all the primal sins, despair is easily the deadliest and worst one in the history of the 5 continents. Though, the same as the primal sin of weakness. It didn’t appear in the novel and was simply written on a tablet that was found by Cain in the ruins of a destroyed kingdom.

Lawrence was about to stand up only to find himself unable to even lift himself. He looked down to find his legs shaking and shuddering. What he saw affected him more than he thought. He didn’t feel fear or despair yet his body reacted to it instinctively.

Lawrence used his gravity control to slide the curtains away from the window as the sunlight entered his room. A sigh escaped from his mouth as he hoped that his ranking match didn’t start yet.

Each rank match will happen on a single large stage with spectators watching from the seats while being protected by the magical barrier created by mages. For the simple fact that no one would watch the fights if spectators would die from a missed skill and spell by the competitors

The largest difference between the preliminary matches and the ranking match is that killing is banned. There would be people of higher ranking looking for talented warriors, mages, and paragons that don’t have the support of someone and aren’t in a certain faction. Commoners are usually a commodity since they are naive and gullible regarding money and contracts. Someone can easily promise them riches so they can get their loyalty.

Of course, Lawrence isn’t interested in a faction, clan, or a kingdom’s army to join. He merely wanted to create an elite organization in hopes to help Cain in protecting the entirety of the mortal plane or kill him if he ever went to the other side or become someone that is a monster. Still, he realized that he would require money and people that would gather him powerful artifacts, potions, scrolls, and books that are described in the novel.

He went downstairs to find almost everyone standing around or having a conversation. Now that he thought about it, the first prince hasn’t contacted him. There might be a chance that the first prince is waiting after the tournament is finished before he can share it with his father. A needless and stupid decision since he could’ve saved the lives of those suffering but he might have had a reason.

“Oh, look who I found again, deathly pale with almost all of his blood out of his system for some reason. Wanna explain why?” Catalinna grumpily asked

“When is the ranking match?” Lawrence ignored her and asked Luke who was sitting in the couch eating silently near the staircase.

“It was delayed for tomorrow. A certain prince of the empire is visiting the kingdom for some reason. Probably has something to do with the council.” Luke shrugged while chewing

“Hey! Don’t ignore me” Catalinna crossed her arms while glaring at Luke and Lawrence. Luke sheepishly smiled while Lawrence stared at her.

“Probably because two dogs of council assassinated me.” Lawrence calmly replied as confusion and disbelief covered everyone’s faces.

“Boss? What the hell are you saying?” Luke blurted

“What I mean is, they succeeded. They were able to kill me-

“But you’re alive? Are you a ghost?” Samantha asked innocently.

“No, let’s see if this arm will do it again” Lawrence summoned his Gungnir before slashing his right arm which is covered with a black material. Vania winced and Catalinna widened her eyes. Before anyone can say what he is doing, the arm simply opened its bloodshot eyes before glaring at Lawrence.

“Ahf’ ymg’ ah ah, orr’enah?” a gruff voice escaped from his right arm as even Lawrence was confused. As if the arm can hear his thoughts, the gruff voice chuckled like an echo in a deep cave.

“Ot course, Y’ would ngahorai” the gruff voice continued its mumbling that no one can understand. Lawrence looked at Catalinna but he only got a shrug. Upon seeing the confused and horrified expression, the arm’s bloodshot eyes closed and flies back to Lawrence’s shoulder. Melting into it and healing the wound. Silence followed as no one can explain what happened. Even the author, Catalinna has no idea what it said or its goals.

“So, it has finally awakened? Catalinna asked

“Yes..I was revived by the primal sin yet I don’t know what the consequences are. I can’t understand what it said or what it will do from now on.” Lawrence admitted. He might have opened the pandora’s box for all he knows. This might affect the world in ways he can’t predict.

Everyone stayed silent to think of a way how to solve this unknowable problem yet no one can give a hint of a useful idea. Samantha suggested that she takes a small sample of the primal sin yet when they tried attacking the black material, it was practically indestructible. The only way it can be removed is if they sliced Lawrence’s shoulder since it isn’t covered by the primal sin. Still, they didn’t try it because there might be dire consequences if they anger the primal sin.

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Geiryst was the first one to lose interest as there is still a lot of training he has to do. Without the goddess of light’s blessing, the only thing he has going for him is his spatial awareness and space magic specialized in teleportation and portals. He decided to train himself with a bow since it’s the closest thing he can get from a gun. Though, a dwarf can create magic-infused guns. It’s a banned item outside their kingdom.

“I’ll be heading to the woods. Don’t look for me Samantha okay?” Geiryst said to Samantha who looked at him worriedly.

“Okay” she nodded as Geiryst smiled with a bow in his hand before leaving the mansion. Luke in the meantime is sitting lazily on the couch while snacking on a few slices of an apple.

“Boss, what abilities does your right arm have?” Luke wondered. Other than wrapping Lawrence in armor and awakening his sadistic nature, it would be useful in situations where Lawrence might lose control over himself. Just like what happened during Geiryst’s assassination attempt on him. As a former assassin and trained by the black syndicate, according to the doctrine. Trust no one except your instinct since it would never betray you.

“Other than creating armor and changing to any shape I wanted. Nothing else.” Lawrence honestly replied. If it wasn’t indestructible, it wouldn’t appear as impressive. Luke nodded before glancing at Catalinna who was eerily quiet.

“Miss Catalinna, do you have any advice for boss?”

“I don’t have anything to say. It’s your boss, who decided to steal the tablet and use it for some reason despite how unstable and unpredictable a primal sin is. ” Catalinna argued as Luke can only smile awkwardly before glancing at Lawrence.

“It’s called the wanderer of shadow or the primal sin: despair. The reason I wanted it is simple. It’s the strongest primal sin. It can never be broken or destroyed.” Lawrence replied

“It isn’t the strongest. Yes, it’s indestructible but isn’t every primal sin unkillable? Anyway, it isn’t important. What’s important is what you will do with that item. You should know that’s an evil entity stuck in your right arm with strength beyond our comprehension. What if it possesses you or outright destroys your soul.” Catalinna argued with a glare focused on Lawrence. What she said is entirely true but without the primal sin, Lawrence would’ve died twice. Relying on it would not be a wise decision but what decision can he make? A sigh escaped from his lips as he decided to finally sit down on a nearby chair.

“It seems that you don’t have an answer eh? What happened to never relying on powers that cannot be controlled?” Catalinna smugly commented only to immediately feel bad upon seeing Lawrence’s frustration and anger from her remark yet he stayed silent.

“Maybe I’m a hypocrite. I don’t know, once again. I am left with no choice….if ever get possessed. I trust that all of you will stop me” Lawrence replied as everyone can see his determination. Samantha nodded while Vania clearly hesitated.

“Of course, boss. Though I won’t do a great job” Luke smirks meanwhile Catalinna sighs

“Isn’t it obvious?” she retorted with a snort.

“After this tournament. I want all of us to split up into two groups. With Catalinna’s knowledge, she can help us locate every powerful artifact, scroll, spell book, and art book for all of us to use” Lawrence proposed the idea.

“But boss, isn’t it dangerous? Except for Samantha who is a non-combatant. There only leaves all four of us. We have a lot of enemies and the council seems to know who you are.” Luke worriedly asked

“So your answer to our weakness is to become more reckless. You nearly died twice.” Catalinna argued as she cannot believe what she heard.

“Twice? I know that isn’t accurate. Remember our time in your mother’s palace?” Lawrence asked

“I thought you said that we would forget about the past since we are allies?” Catalinna scoffed

“Forgive me..” Lawrence admitted before continuing “It’s the only way we can get stronger. This isn’t some kind of fantasy game where our enemy would give us weak goons to fight where we can level up to grow stronger. If moving a 5-star or 6-star to kill us isn’t a waste of time and money. The empire wouldn’t hesitate to eliminate every single one of us from the face of this continent”

“Huh? Game?Fantasy? What’s that boss?”

“Ignore him.” Catalinna told Luke who nodded before scrutinizing Lawrence with a glare “You realize that we are weak right? I hate to say this but we need to work together if we want to survive” Catalinna tried convincing Lawrence that splitting up is a stupid idea yet by the looks of it. Lawrence is extremely stubborn with this idea.

“Then the rest of you can go look for artifacts that you need. Since I have this thing’s help, even if I die. I would still be revived. Also, Luke needs to look for his necessary skills so once he breaks through, he would grow stronger.” Lawrence retorted calmly and coldly. As if what he’s saying is logical.

Catalinna gritted her teeth before slamming the wall beside her as large cracks appeared and the mansion shook slightly. Flames flickered everywhere as she glared intensely at Lawrence who stared at her coldly.

“Fine, do what you fucking want. IF you want to be a lone wolf then you’re free to do so” Catalinna angrily left the mansion before slamming the door. Vania looked at Lawrence hesitatingly before following Catalinna since she might do something harmful. Samantha merely looked at everyone before deciding to head downstairs to work on her research.

Luke’s mischievous demeanor vanished and was replaced with an uncaring look on his face. He gazed at Lawrence who sitting beside him.

“Are really that weak?” Luke asked with a serious tone to which Lawrence replied with a simple nod. A sigh escaped from Luke’s mouth before continuing “Well, I hope your plan works or else. I’ll be forced to cry at your funeral.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure that i won’t fail.” Lawrence answered with determination. What he doesn’t know is that this choice of his would result in him losing his humanity and everything he stands for. As the primal sin in his arms can be heard laughing maniacally inside its dimension.

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