Reincarnated with the author

Chapter 58: CH 58

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The remaining fights were entertaining, to say the least. Azure, who nearly killed Luke won his fight pretty easily with simply swordsmanship. The member of the Sanguine Family, Lazarus Sanguine defeated his enemy with a barrage of kicks without even using his blood magic that was given to them by their patriarch.

At the end of the day, all of the chairs have been filled. There was barely anyone that would pose trouble for Lawrence as he is confident in his skills. The announcer walked up to the stage as he bade farewell to the spectators and hoped for their safe travels while making sure to return tomorrow for another day full of exciting matches.

One by one, the participants are escorted outside of the coliseum until the only one left is the VIPs discussing who they will pick. The elf representative has taken a liking to Lawrence, for his age to be able to use gravity spells is extremely rare even for elves. Additionally, they have the zenith’s library where the majority of spell books in the five continents are stored. This means that if Lawrence went there, he would be able to obtain gravity spells that can never be found on this continent. As for his crimes such as stealing in the auction house of the Swordwin Empire and in the black syndicate. The elf representative merely didn’t care. They aren’t afraid of the Swordwin Empire. Though for now, she will still have to report this to the elf empress to reach a conclusion on whether to choose him or not.

As for the dwarf representative, there wasn’t anyone that piqued his interest. He was merely there for the promise of adamantium and a peak-level combustion rune. Dwarves don’t use mana or spells. They only strictly use aura for strengthening their body and use runes to carve metals and ores into machinery that can destroy anything they want. They mainly used some type of power armor during combat that is powered with runes and aura. No one dared conquer their lands since turrets and bombs will kill any who dares enter their land. They even have an airship mounted with guns and turrets capable of tearing castles like paper.

Meanwhile, the beastkin representative will pick the beastman if he shows great talent but since he hasn’t shown anything yet. The representative will have to decide once he finally fights someone.

While the king merely was bored out of his mind and if it wasn’t for his daughter’s insistence, he would’ve been in his office working. Now, he will have to work longer to catch up on the work he left in the castle.

Meanwhile, the third prince of the Swordwin. The war zealot has a deep smile on his face. It seems that Cain has talent rivaling him at the same age. If it was possible, he would’ve recruited him to join his private army but he was only a guest of honor. If it wasn’t for the council’s decision, he would have more time to train. Still, it was interesting to see a wanted man hiding his identity and fighting for a chance to get a prize given by the Swordwin empire. He will just have to make sure that Lawrence will not reach the top 10.

“It seems that everyone has some participants in their mind. Would it be possible to share it with us so we can avoid a major discord when we discuss who we will choose” the representative of the abbot of righteous proposed the idea to everyone.

The abbot of righteous is a faction that believes that we all must rely on our body to enforce the righteous. They usually hunt the cult until they go extinct and they punish nobles who use their influence and riches to hurt the common people. Everywhere they go, they are celebrated by the masses for destroying evil with their fist. Though this resulted in them having a sour relationship with most of the noble families. They accept everyone as long as they follow and abide by the 10 codes of the righteous. If any code were ignored or broken, they will receive punishment according to the severity.

This is the faction to choose if someone wants to grow stronger while following their principles. When being taught and guided by the abbot, they will give everyone a copy of their fist art and body arts that they used with no information barred. With schools of the abbot everywhere, the faction will never run out of strong fighters and this is why they can go on their righteous rampage against evil with no one stopping them. A few representatives looked around before nodding. Though hesitation is clear on their faces. The abbot representative can only sigh.

“It seems that no one wants to start. We are currently thinking of taking James Meyers. He might have lost but his speed is quite astonishing if he abandons his reliance on a weapon. I believe that he will grow stronger under my tutelage. Additionally, he’s a commoner yet was able to reach here. It just shows how talented he is” the representative of the abbot of righteous said to everyone. It was an interesting pick nonetheless but there are definitely more talented participants.

The elf representative raised her hands to get their attention before smiling “We will pick Evan Everlock” This peaked the attention of the king and the crowned princess for different reasons.

“You do know that he is under investigation right? I have gathered information that he might be Lawrence VonAenir, the one who stole something in the auction and we are planning on locking him up once the evidence has been properly collected” the war zealot smirked before throwing a glance at Duke Leonard who appeared to be unbothered about the situation.

“I believe that isn’t my problem. Despite that, you still allowed him to join the tournament, and he is shown to be quite a talented mage with gravity affinity. He will be a great help in the future if he masters the control over gravity and only the elves can help him.” the elf argued as the war zealot went silent. He knows it isn’t his fault as the council’s dogs failed twice to kill Lawrence and when he was assigned by this. It was too late. He can only shrug and sat back down. The elf smiled beautifully before nodding to herself.

“Is there anyone who wants Evan or Lawrence? Doesn’t matter, I’m willing to kidnap him if he refuses.” the elf smiled despite what she just said. In everyone’s mind, though what she said was true, the human continent doesn’t have any gravity spells so his talent will be wasted here. Besides, he’s human so he will surely help in the future if humanity is ever at the stake of destruction.

The beastkin representative snorted with his bulging arms crossed “You know who I picked right?” he said arrogantly as no one cared about the beastman anyway.

“It seems to be hasteful if we picked just from a single fight. I will be waiting once the ranking match has concluded. For now, I will be waiting” the representative of the magician’s guild spoke up as a few representatives nodded. It felt like it was too early when most of the fighters barely used every skill they have. As for the elf representative, she’s quite confident in her pick.

The next day, the coliseum remained full to the brim with spectators. Even the representatives were still in their respective seats except for the king. The participants are escorted back to their seats as everyone sat silently. Those who are in the wooden chairs looked miserable in comparison to the gold chairs but they can only grit their teeth. Meanwhile, those who are seated in the steel chairs despite winning can’t believe that they aren’t treated the same.

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Before the participants enter the arena, they are separated into rooms where they can rest and relax for the day. Since they can’t leave in fear that they might be targeted outside the confines of the coliseum and also to avoid tampering or for other people giving an item to grow stronger or switching artifacts. It happened before when a famous participant was abducted by the cult during his stay in an inn. While tampering is commonplace before this rule was accepted. This resulted in winners mostly coming from wealthy and influential families.

The people who are in the golden chairs have their own room, it’s a bright and luxurious room with a soft and king-sized bed with a large space all on their own. They were also given a bell that would call the butler and maids and bring whatever they want. They are living like nobility with delicious food prepared by chefs and ingredients that are rare. Lawrence stayed inside his room where he decided to simply eat whatever he craves since he can’t train.

While the people who are in the steel chairs have rooms that they have to share with another person. They also have decent meals and there is a lot of space in their room though it looked barren compared to the golden rooms. It was hostile and uncomfortable knowing that a fellow enemy is sleeping just across the room but nonetheless, no one was stupid enough to break into a fight.

Lastly, the people who are in the wooden chairs have it the worse. They have to share a compact small room with five people while sleeping in bunk beds. The food was healthy but not appetizing. The room has some cracks and paint that has dried, it was clear that it wasn’t maintained for a long time. It was also extremely hot, which bothered them and created a hostile atmosphere. A few fights started but it was immediately stopped once they were warned that fighting inside the resting rooms will result in disqualification. Irritation and anger are clear on their expression, well except for Luke who remained smiling and unbothered by the looks he received.

The reason why every participant is separated and treated unfairly is that it would push the participants to fight desperately in hopes of getting treated better. For those who are on the weaker side of the participants, if they saw the difference between them and the top spots. They would find that it’s useless if they fought back for a prize that they will never get. If they are treated unfairly, they will rise up and desperately try and win fights so they can get an upgraded room or be treated better than their competitors.

As the announcer walks onto the stage with a big smile, he grabbed the item that enhances his voice before shouting into it “Thank you for gathering today on the second day of the ranking match! We will be having a spin in this tournament, those in the wooden chairs are given a chance to pick their enemies for their match. Those chosen will have to fight the match or it will result in a loss. Just raised your hands if you have someone you want to fight. Additionally, if those participants sitting in the golden chair lost. Their position will be switched for a day! So better fight to the best of your abilities!”

The spectators cheered because of the announcement while those who are the VIPs are merely looking down, interested in what might happen next. Suddenly, someone raised their hand up as the announcer looked his way. It was Zeke, the son of a sword saint and the one who lost to Cain. The third prince smiled deepen as Zeke pointed at Lawrence who was confused about why he was chosen.

“I challenge Evan Everlock.” Zeke said with arrogance as if the beating he received wasn’t enough. Lawrence noticed that Zeke seems to be overly confident but he guessed it might have something to do with him pushing his enemy from the stage unlike those sitting in the golden chairs who won with enemies surrendering after a minute of the one-sided battle.

Lawrence simply walked into the stage before looking down at Zeke with a cold expression.

“Come” Lawrence replied coldly. Zeke gritted his teeth before jumping from his chair and landing on the stage before cracking his knuckles and neck.

“You’re awfully arrogant for someone so weak. Don’t worry, I won’t push you off the stage” Zeke snickered but Lawrence didn’t even react. Zeke unsheathed his sword before posturing and was ready to strike. Lawrence simply stands there, unbothered by his words.

“It seems that both fighters have some trash talk in them. This is quite an exciting match don’t you think so? Now, both fighters…..Fight!!”

Zeke didn’t hesitate and charged forward at a speed faster than before. Lawrence noticed his ring shining suspiciously as he was sure that it wasn’t there when he fought Cain. When Zeke was about to reach Lawrence, he suddenly multiplied into five clones with their swords barring toward Lawrence. Their weapon has a certain element to it yet Lawrence can’t think what it is. Lawrence used repulse to push back the clones only to find that they barely moved an inch as their swords were inches from hitting his skin. If it got closer, he would be saved but he would also lose. That was unacceptable as Lawrence activated his invisibility necklace and vanished from everyone’s sight. Even the VIPs can’t see where he went. The clones vanished once they didn’t hit the target and it left Zeke utterly confused at what just happened.

When suddenly, Zeke turned around and parried a strike from somewhere as Lawrence slowly manifested behind him with a dagger. Zeke looked shocked and surprised as Lawrence used this to use his gravity control to push Zeke off the stage as he flew a couple of meters before striking the sword to the floor.

Lawrence realized what element it was, it was the space element that is the only element capable of ignoring gravity-based spells. That’s why Lawrence felt danger against the sword despite such attacks normally being blocked by his gravity barrier. It seems that Zeke was given something that nulls his spells. He doesn’t want to reveal Gungnir right now as he decided that it was better to use his clone. He stretched his arms to the side as a clone similar to his face appeared with a black spear in his hand. The clone has a cold expression as he was instructed that he should never reveal that he has consciousness. Lawrence gripped his dagger and enhanced both of them with the spell lighten.

Zeke stands up as he glared at Lawrence with hatred in his expression. He summoned a different kind of sword as it has a yellow blade and runic patterns. Suddenly, it started cracking as a bolt of lightning appeared to be surrounding the sword. Both of them stared at each with Lawrence staring at him coldly and uncaring and Zeke gritting his teeth in anger and disbelief. The fight is simply about to start.

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