Reincarnated with the author

Chapter 65: Ch 65

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The spell whirl created a small tornado around the Gungnir as the trolls and the abomination dogs and snakes are slowly getting sucked into it. Without the presence of gravity because of the spell removal, the creatures below started floating toward the Gungnir. It resulted in the Gungnir stabbing the nearest abomination troll before blowing its chest out of its body from the absorbed gravity by the spell removal. Flesh and blood rained at the creatures behind it as the demon marks wriggled around the troll who was hit by the Gungnir. As if it wasn’t enough, moonlight beams penetrated the troll all around its body. Because of the demon marks, the regeneration of the abomination troll stopped.

It seemed that the abomination troll aren’t created by someone but was controlled instead as Lawrence could clearly see its pulsing organs and blood splattered all over the other abomination trolls beside it. With the use of his right arm, Lawrence returned the gravity to normal as he simply falls to the ground together with the clone. Since he wasn’t planning on landing on the remaining abomination trolls and the other abomination creatures.

Lawrence looked at the clone who looked at him blankly, Lawrence sighed before pointing at the Gungnir stuck in the troll’s carcass. The clone widened his eyes before scratching his head and gazing ahead where the Gungnir is thoroughly attached to the carcass and into the ground. Beside the Gungnir is the abomination trolls who are charging forward together with the abomination creatures.

The clone stabbed the black spear to the ground before stretching both of his palms. He closed his eyes before a gray light started converging in front of his palms. Lawrence knows what the clone is gonna do so despite having almost 40% mana in the mana cube. He used the spell removal once again to remove the gravity below the feet of the abomination creatures. The creatures started floating once again but one of the abomination trolls was smarter than expected as green vines bursts from the ground before wrapping around its body until the abomination troll can put its feet on the ground. It roared before a large number of green vines bursts forward like a slithering whip as the air around the vines crackled under the monstrous force. The vines pulled back before whipping forward, creating a loud crack before lashing forward towards the clone and Lawrence.

Lawrence stepped forward before using the spell repulse. The vines were successfully pushed back but it took a hit in Lawrence’s mana reserves. His mana cube has only 5% mana left which isn’t great.

Lawrence’s qi has been hard at work converting his mana into qi so he can use his spells. Since it would only work if he used qi. Still, the troll didn’t give up as the vines lashed again with more incredible speed than before. Lawrence used the gravity aura as he absorbed a large mass of stones from the ground to create a stone shield in front of him. The vines whipped the stone shield as some pieces of the shield started cracking and breaking already. He continuously absorbed the nearby stones using his gravity aura while the vines continued whipping and lashing at the stone shield. Every time it destroyed the stone shield, Lawrence would just create a new one from the broken stones. However, his mana is slowly getting drained by this.

“Get out!” the clone shouted as Lawrence immediately gets out of the way. In the clone’s palms is a bright gray ball that is full of concentrated moonlight. There is a trace of glow coming from the hole in the ceiling like the mana came from the moon as the clone pushed it forward. Creating a largely concentrated moonlight beam as it crashed toward the abominations of trolls and its nearby creatures. It shines brightly as a large explosion is followed by a tremor in the cave. Almost fully wiping out the first abomination troll into dust before taking a large chunk from the body of the other abomination troll. The explosion also killed all of the abomination dogs and abomination snakes. Even though some survive, the resulting explosion from the death of abomination dogs and snakes killed from the initial moonlight beam caused the remaining creatures to turn into a series of explosions.

All that was left was the abomination troll who survived but almost half of its body was destroyed and turned into dust. Lawrence glanced at the clone to find it passed out cold on the ground. He was about to unsummoned it only to find out that almost all of his aura reserves were used. If he unsummoned it, he might not be able to summon the clone again. With a sigh, he slowly walked towards the surviving troll before grabbing his Gungnir who appeared to be completely unscathed from the clone’s attack.

He used the demon mark spear art and the mark of healsteal before continually stabbing the abomination troll around its body. He only leaves small cuts and stabs as the abomination troll tried to heal its injuries. Since the abomination troll cannot move and cannot use its elemental ability since it prioritizes healing the injury. As long as Lawrence continually does this. He can regain most of his stamina since he never knows what might happen next. Although he isn’t injured, his mana reserves have only 50% while his aura reserves have only 20%. He thought that the clone wouldn’t consume his aura but it seems that he was wrong. Mulling over it now wouldn’t do anything since he is still unsure whether he’s safe or not.

He continued stabbing the abomination troll until it can’t regenerate anymore. It laid there dead, flesh and blood pooled everywhere with Lawrence’s clothes covered with blood. Still, Lawrence was able to regain most of his stamina and some of his aura, though it was only 30% at best. With a sigh, he grabbed the clone’s clothes before dragging him inside the tent where he lays unconscious on the bed mattress.

Lawrence sat by the fire that was surprisingly still alive as he decided to bring out a pot with some vegetables and meats to cook. After cooking a rather sumptuous meal, with his stomach full, he decided to sit down and try to gather some mana.

He closed his eyes and started to gather around the nearby mana. The mana isn’t as condensed as the one in the lake but it was better than when he tried gathering mana in the training room. What he didn’t see or notice is that his qi immediately turned purple with random spots of blue and red spiraling around the qi. It enlarged as it started to grow into tendrils as it spreads in the air. Greedily sucking through any mana it comes into contact with. Lawrence felt a surge of mana entering his mana heart. Filling his mana reserves quickly that he estimated.

An hour later, he sighed and opened his eyes. In just an hour, he was able to absorb almost every mana nearby and filled his mana reserves. Before it took him three hours to fill his mana reserves but it only took an hour, the improvement was quite a surprise. Still, he didn’t understand what caused it. After fighting a myriad of monsters in the forest, when he tried absorbing mana, it still took him two and a half hours since the condensation of mana is thick in this dimension than in the Sekai Kingdom. So it isn’t caused by the training his master does.

Suddenly, he heard a rustling behind him as he turned around to find that the clone was awakened.

“What happened? Did you kill the trolls?” the clone asked and in response, Lawrence nodded. The clone grabbed a nearby flat stone and puts it near the campfire to sit.

“When did you learn that concentrated moonlight beam?” Lawrence asked

“When you didn’t summon me for a week, I was awakened at that time. I don’t know what caused it but I was in a white room when suddenly everything went dimmed as a moon suddenly appeared. If I looked up, the only thing I can see is the moon-the clone was about to continue his story only to be interrupted by Lawrence

“Did you see a red-haired man?” Lawrence asked as the clone looked at him confusedly

“No…though I did see some strands of long red hair on the white floor. There are also some spots of blood but other than that. There was no one there.”

Lawrence can’t help but worry about this new information. He thought that the white room was a dimension but not a dimension inside his body. He doesn’t know what the champion of the silver moon cult will do next but it was clear that they are planning something. He might wake up in the white room only to be confronted by the previous Lawrence just like the last time.

“He is a large problem but didn’t the mark already vanish?” the clone asked as Lawrence nodded

“So I think it isn’t controlled by the moon goddess or I think she doesn’t have control over it for now” the clone continued as Lawrence already thought about this.

“We can’t take any chances. I won’t unsummoned you again and in the chance that you died, I will immediately summon you. Other than that largely concentrated moonlight beam, what else did you do?” Lawrence asked

“It seems that my talent is the same as yours so I didn’t improve in any spells or in both of my movement arts.” the clone sighed

“That’s good enough” Lawrence replied

“Your talent or my improvement?”

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“Both” Lawrence replied as the clone sighed.

“Anyway, I took the time inside that dimension to practice. Since there’s an ever-present moon, my moonlight beam was empowered and doubled. I used this opportunity to try and create a large moonlight beam that I can blast against our enemies.” the clone explained

“I assume it isn’t possible to do it during the daytime?”

“Yes…” the clone replied

“Last question. Before, no matter how much moonlight beam you cast. It doesn’t cost me anything so why do the… let us call it moonlight wave for now. Why does moonlight wave cost me almost the majority of my aura when you cast it?”

“Uh, no idea. Maybe because it’s a new spell or something? I briefly manipulated the magic nodes of the moonlight beam to make it stronger at the cost of being able to only use it at nighttime and cannot be cast simultaneously. Other than that, I have no clue” the clone honestly responded to the question. Lawrence pondered over the fact that the clone could finally use a spell that would cost Lawrence a large chunk of his aura reserves. It seems that his clone being able to use any spell anytime carelessly is impossible anymore.

“Still, it is a really helpful spell in case we lack long-range attacks or we need to wipe out a large number of enemies. " Lawrence replied

Suddenly, a familiar mana surfaced at the top before Lawrence immediately looked up to find Arryn floating near the hole in the cave. A large smile can be seen on her face as her excited stare was focused on the clone who immediately stood up stiff like a mannequin.

“Interesting! What an interesting find” Arryn chuckled before suddenly appearing beside the both of them.

“No wonder Lawrence didn’t summon the clone with a different affinity.” Arryn smiled before gazing at Lawrence who stayed silent “Did you think that I wouldn’t notice? But this…this revelation is so much more interesting” Arryn intently gazed at the clone who was still stiff like a mannequin with a deadpan expression.

“This is against the code of magic and the code of creation. The both of you would be immediately sealed in the central continent” Arryn looked at the both of them with a smirk.

Code of magic is something that was created by the god of magic to let the mortals who worshiped him know what can and cannot be done by magic. Black magic and necromancy are examples of the magic that cannot be done by any mortal unless they want to face his wrath or more accurately, the wrath of his believers.

Meanwhile, the code of creation is a simple law that was written by the angels. It’s that mortals cannot create life through artificial means. A true, free will, and breathing being. This doesn’t include golems since they don’t have free will and are only controlled by their creator, this is the same as skeletons created through necromancy. Breaking this code is more dangerous than the code of magic for the simple fact that angels will descend with their spiritual bodies and possess a vessel to hunt anyone who breaks this code.

“Anyway, if you explain to me how you did this. I will not tell it to anyone” Arryn said with a threatening undertone

“It’s through double body art.” Lawrence answered immediately in which Arryn looked at him confusedly.

“Hmm..that shouldn’t be possible. Though it seems that you’re telling the truth, I feel like you’re still hiding something” Arryn inspected the clone closely before gazing at Lawrence and releasing a heavy sigh.

“That’s not what I was expecting. It was such a very boring answer for something like this. So this only happened because of coincidences? ” Arryn sighed once more.


“Damn, fine. I’ll hide this secret…for now. Continue your training. I have some work to do” she quickly vanished as the clone and Lawrence looked at each other. Not knowing what to do. Arryn is likely to hide the secret but Lawrence knows that she will tell it to her sister eventually. Maybe not now but someday.

“We fucked up” the clone collapses on the ground with a sigh as Lawrence stayed silent.

“What should we do?” the clone asked

“Nothing…we can only hope that she will keep our secret.” Lawrence answered with a grim tone

“You know what? We should explore this cave. We can’t keep hiding here. We need to grow strong immediately” the clone stood up with burning motivation. He summoned the black spear as it was gripped tightly. Lawrence can only sigh and nod. If he relies on the primal sin, he can stay alive no matter what happens. So he grabbed a nearby cloth and a stick, wrapped the cloth around the stick, and tighten it to create a makeshift torch. He doused it with chemicals that is flammable before lighting it with fire.

Using his right arm, he controlled the torch to float a couple of inches forward as both of them headed deeper into the cave. Looking for monsters to fight and to explore the mysterious cave as there might be artifacts worth looking at. As reckless as it sounds, Lawrence believed that what happens next would either make them stronger or waste use of time.

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