Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck

Chapter 12: CHAPTER 10 – 2 years (Part 2)

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“Okay, brat. Listen here.” Pakura said as she sat over trunk stump. We were currently in a clear inside one of the forests at the eastern brothers of the Land of Wind. “We’re done with all the theory stuff. Who would know that you were capable of learning all that stuff in mere months, but well, that will make things easier for us.”

“Why? Are we proceeding with learning some ninjutsu?” Daisuke asked as he leaned on a tree while sitting on the ground. ‘Can’t exactly tell her that most of the stuff she tried to teach me I’ve already learned from my time in my old world.’ He thought for a moment. It’s been three months since they departed from Sunagakure, and apart from normal physical training and some taijutsu, Pakura has mostly focused on teaching Daisuke all the theory stuff that would be normally taught on the academy.

“Ninjutsu? No, not yet.” Pakura said with a snort. “We’ll increase your taijutsu training, while also keep focusing on your physical training.” She said. ‘Though, I must admit, this brat surely has an adaptable body. It just keeps getting stronger no matter how tough the training gets… The resting time is almost non-existent too. If we focus for a little bit on his taijutsu, he might improve a lot.’ She also thought for a moment.

“Huh? But don’t we do that every day? Every morning we start with training, and follow up with taijutsu, shouldn’t we start with ninjutsu now that the theory is out of the way?” Daisuke asked with a frown.

“Not for now.” Pakura sighed and shook her head. “Brat, your body is pretty adaptable, so we need to make use of this and increase your proficiency in taijutsu and also increase your physical prowess.”

“Well, whatever, you’re the sensei here.” He shrugged.

“That’s the spirit!” Pakura shouted before throwing some weights at him. “Now put these on!”

“Training weights?” Daisuke tilted his head as he looked at a set of four weights that could be weared.

“Yes, genius, now put them on. We’ll start with some warm ups, and then we’ll start sparring.” Pakura said as she urged him, at which he put the weights on both legs and arms. “Let’s not waste time, and start with some squats, then we’ll move to other exercises for legs, and slowly move upward to your upper body.”

“Huh? Am I supposed to do this daily?” Daisuke asked as he got into the initial position for squats. “Wouldn’t it affect my body to force it daily like that?”

“Not really.” Pakura shook her head. “I already told you, your body adapts pretty well, you don’t need that much of resting time for your muscles, which allows us to make this type of full-body training on a daily basis, you should be thankful with how lucky you are, brat.” She snorted, while hiding her thoughts. ‘It’s just one surprise after another. I’m more convinced than ever, I don’t know what the Mizukage was thinking, but this kid is a complete lose for Kirigakure… who knows how many talented shinobi were hunted down because of the order of the Mizukage.’

The following days were full of physical training, and just as Pakura suspected, the resting time was so low, that it was possible for Daisuke to stress his body completely on a daily basis without suffering consecuences. This also made him improve a lot on his taijutsu, which Pakura made sure to train during those moments when he was completely exhausted.

“Oooraaaa! Brat!” Pakura shouted as she kicked him, sending him flying towards a tree.

“GAH!” Daisuke spew saliva from the impact, before falling on his knees.

“Stand up! Come on!” Pakura said with a stern face.

“Grr…” Almost growling like a beast, Daisuke stood up with clenched teeth, as he rushed towards Pakura with all the strength he could muster on his exhausted legs. Without enough energy inside to even shout at her, he simply shot forward in silence.

“He.” She snorted as she stopped his fist with her palm. “Too weak! And what happened to your voice? Are you mute!?” She kept stopping his punches with her palms, stepping back on every hit to disperse the force behind it. ‘Damn kid has a lot of strenght for someone so young.’ She clicked her tongue inwardly.

“...” Glaring at her, Daisuke decided not to answer her provocations and instead focus on his punches. He would try to use his legs, but his damn sensei made sure to exhaust his legs to the point that even walking was a hard task for him right now.

“Do you only have your hands, brat!?” She shouted at him as she parried his last punch have him a palm hit on his forehead, before kneeing his stomach, making him raise from the ground, only to follow up with a full kick to the face.

“ARGH!” Daisuke screamed in pain as he flew towards another tree.

“That’s how you connect your hits!” Pakura shouted at him with a mocking grin.

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“Guh…!” Trying to rise up, Daisuke ended up falling back on his knees and hands again, the pain and exhaustion making it hard for him to continue.

“Is that it? Are you done? Such a weakling.” Pakura snorted.

“You damn bitch!” Out of spite, Daisuke rose on his feet and rushed towards her once again.

“So predictable, you’ve been doing the same attacks again and again, you brat.” She received his fist with her palm, parrying it. Just as she thought he would do the same attack again, Daisuke used the force of Pakura’s parry to slightly turn, make a short jump, and shoot his knees to her kidney. ‘Ho… Look at the littel bastard.’ she smirked as she rose her own knee to intercept his.

At the same time, Daisuke took the chance when her knee stopped him, to shoot his fist forward using the inertia resulting on his stopped movement. But sadly for him, Pakura was faster than him, so his fist could only pass by the side of her tilted head, and just as he tried to grab the back of her head, she answered back with a punch to the pit of his stomach, making him lose focus and spit saliva while his eyes shook slightly.

“Good try, but not enough!” With a shout Pakura grabbed him from the hair and followed up with a couple of fists to the face before throwing him once again to a tree.

“Argh…” Daisuke moaned in pain as he lay on the floor, completely wasted and without any more strength to keep standing up.

“Whew, we’re done.” Pakura said as she cleaned the non-existent sweat on her forehead. “I must admit that your last try was quite good, but we still need to work more on your speed.” She said with a smirk as the unmoving Daisuke glared at her. “Oww~ don’t look at me like that, you hurt your sensei’s feelings.” She said in a mocking tone.

“Tch. This is more torture than training!” Gritting his teeth to tolerate the pain, Daisuke growled at her.

“Oh come, kid. That was simple training, you will be thankful with your beautiful sensei for being able to tolerate pain when you’re in combat later.”

Daisuke just snorted at her, without enough strength to even retort back at her. And as much as he would like to find fault with her, he knew that he has been increasing his pain tolerance with these training, after all, now he was at least able to keep fighting after being plummeted by her fists.

‘Just you wait… Once I’m strong enough, I’ll repay this to you with interests!’ He thought to himself while grinding his teeth in anger and pain.

For the following months, this became his usual training session. With full-body exercises until exhaustion in the morning, immediately followed up by taijutsu training and sparring sessions with Pakura, until it was time to move to the next spot of their journey.

During their travel, they sometimes found some bandits that were either formed during the third war, or were runaway ninjas. Oddly enough, they also found some Kirigakura runaway ninjas this far away, which confused Pakura, who was later reminded of the situation in Kiri, which had a lot of deserters during and after the third war, more so than any other village, probably more than all of them together.

Daisuke's days were filled with training, fighting, and traveling. Making him seriously consider changing his name to Uzumaki Naruto, and calling Pakura Jiraiya instead of sensei. Alas, it was just a passing thought. More so after he heard Pakura spit curses on Jiraiya’s books when he glanced at it on a bookstore. ‘Later’ he thought while longingly looking at the book he was so curious about.

“Tch. Those that buy that disgusting book always end up single! Why do you want to buy it so much!? You’re not even of age yet, you damn precocious kid!” Was what Pakura shouted at him when he tried to buy the book. But how could she know that one of the biggest mysteries for all Naruto fans was the Icha-Icha books!? So instead of explaining, he did the next logical thing.

“Damn you Bakura! You’re single too! It’s not the book fault!” He shouted at her.

“YOU DAMN BRAT!” Which of course didn’t end up doing him any good, and for the next hour he had to resist Pakura’s rage and fists onslaught, and her tantrum about how all men were worthless and didn’t know how to understand a beautiful and strong kunoichi. Daisuke, of course, decided to shut up and not add more fire to her rage, after all, his survival would depend on his silence, something he learnt quite well at that moment.

With such shenanigans happening between training and traveling, the time for Daisuke moved faster than he thought, and soon, he was close to become 10.

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